
How to cook home cake with lingonberry. Recipes of delicious cake with lingonberry step by step with photos. How to bake sandy, puff, yeast cake with lingonberry

How to cook home cake with lingonberry. Recipes of delicious cake with lingonberry step by step with photos. How to bake sandy, puff, yeast cake with lingonberry
In this article we suggest considering interesting and delicious cake recipes with a lingonberry. How to cook yeast, sand, simple, open cake with lingonberry at home.

Pies - this word for many of us is associated with childhood. Sweet or meat filling, from sandy, puff or yeast dough - today you can find the recipe of this delicacy for every taste. However, now we suggest you to replenish your culinary book with delicious cake recipes.

Simple cake with lingonberry: step-by-step recipe

It is impossible to tell the recipes of bruscane pies without mentioning the benefits of this berry, so in a literally a few words we devote the properties of lingonberries.

  • These small red berries are incredibly useful for our body, as they contain a huge number of useful substances. For example, a lingonberry is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus.
  • Also plants are also organic acids and tanning substances.
  • Many in the lineberry and vitamins - A, E.

Now that you understand how useful a lingonberry is, you can start cooking from it. And the first recipe that we will consider will be the recipe for the simplest lifting cake that even a beginner hostess can prepare.

Prepare the following products:

  • Creamy oil - 220 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar Sand - 220 g
  • Flour - 300 g
  • Berries Barberry - 350 g.
  • Cinnamon, turmeric.

By the way, the dough for such pies can do the most different, for example, a sandy, yeast or use puff. We will definitely consider the recipes of such cakes a little later, and now we will proceed to cooking a dough for a delicacy on this recipe:

  • The oil must be predetermined from the refrigerator so that it becomes moderately soft. If there is no time, but there is a microwave, then it is possible to use it. To do this, place the oil in the device and soften to the desired state.
  • Next, we laid the oil into the deep container and add eggs to it. Mix and overgrow the contents of the plate.
  • Now we beat the mixture with the help of a mixer and during this process gradually add sugar sand into the mixture.
  • Flour before using, you need to sift, in order to remove all unnecessary lumps.
  • We mix all the ingredients, including turmeric and cinnamon.
  • Mix the mixture of ingredients and get the dough.
  • The baking sheet is definitely lubricated with oil, and then put our dough on it, pre-leaving a couple of spoons for crumbs.
  • Now we will deal with berries. If you use a frozen berry, then defrost it in any convenient way, then rinse and leave for a while so that all the water glass is from it. If you use fresh berries, just rinse it, remove all unnecessary twigs, sticks and give water drain.
  • Gently lay out the lingonberry on the dough, try to distribute the berry as evenly just possible throughout the pie. At the request, the berry can be sprinkled with sugar sand or powder a bit or powder, however, to those who love the area, it is better to refrain from this procedure.
  • The dough, which we postponed for crumb, you need to finish a little. We add some flour to him and smear it into the crumb.
  • The resulting crumbs fall asleep the pie.
  • We send a baking sheet in the oven and wait for about an hour.
  • We recommend constantly checking the sweetness in order not to miss the moment of readiness.
  • Already ready to slightly cooled delicacy apply to the table. Optionally, you can decorate the cake with fresh mint leaves.

Cake with lingonberry and sour cream

Sour cream perfectly combined with almost any berries. We all know well how tasty it turns the whipped sour cream with strawberries, strawberries and raspberries. So, the lingonberry is not exceptions.

To enjoy this dessert, prepare the following ingredients in advance:

  • Butter cream - 130 g
  • Sugar sand - 120 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Flour - 330
  • Basin - 8 g.
  • Berries Lamberry - 270 g
  • Cinnamon, turmeric, Vanillin.
  • Sour cream - 300 g
  • Sugar sand - 170 g.

When we are prepared all products, you can proceed to the direct cooking of the cake:

  • Sofilant oil we combine with sugar sand and ingredients ingredients.
  • Now in the resulting mixture we drive the eggs and mix the contents of the container.
  • Flour sifting, mix with a baking powder, spices.
  • We connect the egg mixture with flour and knead the dough. The dough must be moderately steep, otherwise it will be impossible to work with it.
  • Now we take the container in which we will bake the cake and lubricate it with oil. For this cake, you will need a form with sideboards, since we will fill in the sour cream mixture.
  • So, lay the dough into the container, forming flights.
  • Weigh the berry as needed or simply rinse and we give water.
  • Pour berries on the dough, evenly distribute.
  • We send our cake to the oven and expect about 40 minutes.
  • At this time, we will deal with the fill. Pre-cooled sour cream whipped with sugar sand. You can make it a wedge or mixer. Also, do not forget that it is better to take my homework sour cream, since the store may not be hit.
  • Give baked delicacy and fill with a sour cream mixture.
  • Now we wait until the cake is cooled and send it to a cold place for at least a couple of hours. So that it is soaked.
  • Optionally, you can decorate the cake by almond flakes or grated chocolate.

Cake with a lingonberry of yeast dough

According to this recipe, this delicacy we will prepare from a duzhnaya yeast dough and fresh lingers. Such a cake can serve as an excellent dessert for home tea drinking or a gift when hiking.

So, we need to prepare such products:


  • Flour - 4.5 glasses.
  • Milk - 220 ml.
  • Yeast in the granules dry - 2, 5 h. L.
  • Butter cream - 120 g
  • Sugar sand - 120 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Spices.


  • Berries Lamberry - 270 g
  • Sugar Sand - 150 g
  • Starch - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 2.5 tbsp. l.

Now that all ingredients are prepared, start doing our pie:

  • Of course, the first thing we will deal with the test. For this, milk must be heated to a temperature of about 35 ° C. In deep containers, mix milk and yeast and leave a mixture at least 10 minutes., If the time allows, then we expect 15 min.
  • Oil must be softened and melt in any convenient way.
  • In a separate plate mix eggs and sugar sand.
  • Now in milk with yeast, add eggs with sugar sand and oil, mix ingredients. If you decide to add some more spices, then you need to do it in the same stage.
  • I sift the flour, and gradually adding it to all other ingredients, knead the dough.
  • The dough must be moderately soft, however, it should not stick to the hands.
  • Now we leave the dough at least 1 hour so that it rises.
  • The finished dough is divided into 2 parts: 1 part should be significantly more - it will be for the base of the cake, and the second part that is smaller, will be used to decorate the delicacy.

When the dough is ready, proceed to cooking the filling:

  • For this recipe for the filling, we also use starch. We need it in order for a lingonberry, giving juice, not much flowed and did not spoil the pie.
  • So, the lingonberry is pre-mine, we give water drain. Frozen defrost. We lay out into the container that can be put on gas, add sugar sand to berries and wait until the lingonberry boils.
  • At this time we drag the starch with the specified amount of water.
  • In the already boiling lingonberry pour starch. We do it gradually. Mix the berry. Landberry leave for a while, cooling, it will thicken.
  • The container in which we will bake the cake, lubricate the oil. We lay out most of the test in the container, forming flights.
  • Put the dough stuffing.
  • From a smaller part of the dough cut strips. The length of the strip should be such that it is enough from the side to the side. The number of strips can make its discretion.
  • Now we make a grid on the parity with stripes. Strips we combine with sides, in order to hide the place of the junction. Optionally, a flower or leaflet can be made from the dough and also use them to decorate the dessert.
  • Decorated delicacy bake in the oven about half an hour.
  • Serve cake can be hot or cooled.

Pie with apples and lingonberries

Pie with apples and lingonberries always turns out unusually tasty. Apples add more sweet taste to a good, because the lingonberry makes the cake more tart and even bitter.

We will need such ingredients:

  • Yeast puff pastry - 700 g
  • Berries Barberry - 320
  • Apples Sweet - 2 pcs.
  • Butter cream - 15 g.
  • Sugar Sand - 180
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Smetana - 4.5 tbsp.

We begin to prepare delicacy:

  • Since at home to make puff pastry is not so simple and quickly, we will use the purchased finished test.
  • So, the dough must be divided into 2 parts: one more - for the base, the second is smaller, in order to cover the base with the filling.
  • The dough, which we took for the base, roll off. It is necessary to roll the dough in such a form that is suitable for the container in which we will bake the cake.
  • Lubricate the oil container and lay out the rolled dough layer.
  • Now we will do fruit and berries. My apples, clean and remove the "insides". Grind fruits with cubes or rub on a large grater.
  • Landberry my and give water to drain.
  • We take 1 egg and mix it with sour cream. Slightly beat the mixture.
  • Now apples, lingonberries and sour cream mix in a separate container. Stuffing is ready.
  • On the dough layer lay out the entire filling, evenly distributing it. The second rolled piece of the dough is covering the filling and tightly cover the edges of the cake, so that the filling did not flow.
  • The second egg is whipped and lubricate the resulting dough.
  • Leave a delicacy at least half an hour.
  • After the specified time, we put the oven.
  • After about 40 minutes. Pie will be ready.

Bay cake with lingonberry

For this recipe we will use fresh lingonberries and cream. The combination of such ingredients will give us a gentle pie, which will probably enjoy all the sweet tooths.

To prepare a dessert, take the following products:

For dough:

  • Flour - 220 g
  • Creamy butter - 170 g
  • Powdered sugar - 120 g
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • Salt.

For filling:

  • Berries Barberry - 400 g.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar Sand - 220 g
  • Fat cream - 60 g.
  • Cinnamon, turmeric.

The cooking process of the cake consists of such steps:

  • We begin, perhaps, with the preparation of the test. The dough on the recipe we have a sandy. For its preparation in a deep plate lay out sifted flour.
  • The oil should be frozen, but not soft. Add creamy oil to flour and, mixing ingredients, get a crumb.
  • Now to the crumb lays out powder, yolk and salt. We wash the dough and leave it at least 1.5 hours in the refrigerator or another cold place.
  • While the dough is cooled, we will deal with berries. We rinse the lingberry, clean the garbage from the twigs and other garbage and give water drain. Berries are a little kneading for a fork.
  • Eggs whipped with sugar sand, spices.
  • Cream whipped in a separate container.
  • We connect the egg and the creamy mixture.
  • We take the dough and lay it out in a blurred form for baking. We form flights.
  • We spread the lingonberry on the dough and pour it into our egg-creamy mixture.
  • Pie ship in the oven and expect about 1 hour. You may need a little more or less time to prepare, because it depends on the oven and temperature at which you will bake sweetness.
  • Ready pie can be sprinkled with chopped nuts, coconut or almond chips.

Cake with lingonberry in a slow cooker

Multivarka in the kitchen no longer surprised anyone. This wonderful kitchen assistant copes perfectly with various tasks and baking pirogs is not exceptions. That is why you bring to your attention the recipe for a delicious cake for a slow cooker.

So, we will need such products:

  • Berries Lamberry - 270 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Flour - 300 g
  • Sugar Sand - 220 g
  • Butter cream - 15 g.
  • Salt is a pinch.
  • Fresh mint leaves, sugar powder - for decoration.

As you can see, the ingredients are minimum, and efforts for cooking exactly the same:

  • In deep containers, beat eggs using a mixer. At the same time, add a pinch of salt into eggs. You need to beat not to thick foam, but until the egg mixture becomes white.
  • Now in the egg mixture, we add sugar sand and beat slightly too.
  • Sift flour by removing unnecessary lumps. Gradually, we introduce the flour to the rest of the ingredients, mix everything and wash the dough.
  • Now we will deal with berries. We will use a fresh lingonberry, however, you can take a brushing jam, jam or frozen berries. So, we rinse and clean the lingonberry from unnecessary garbage and give water to stroke with berries.
  • The tank of the device is lubricated with butter. If suddenly the oil was not at hand, replace it with margarine.
  • In the bowl, we shift the dough and evenly distribute it.
  • Now we ship on the berry dough.
  • The device includes in "Bake" mode and expect about 1 hour.
  • When the cake is ready, let him cool in a slow cooker.
  • Let's get a delicacy and decorate fresh mint and powder.

Cake with lingonberry and cottage cheese

Pies with cottage cheese are always very satisfying and gentle. Lingonberry is perfectly combined with a dairy product. Such a cake can be eaten as an afternoon room or as a dessert after the main feast.

So, we take the ingredients:

  • Flour - 2.5 glasses.
  • Sugar Sand - 220 g
  • Homemade cottage cheese - 220 g
  • Lamberry - 220 g
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Creamy butter - 230 g
  • Sour cream - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • Bustyer - 10 g.

Now we begin to prepare a treat:

  • We take 4 eggs and divide them into proteins and yolks. In a separate container, we spread yolks and sugar sand 100 g, ingredients ingredients.
  • Add soft oil, sour cream and spices to taste, mix the contents of the plate.
  • Flour sifted and connect with a baking pot. Gradually, supay the dry mixture to the other ingredients. Mix the dough. Do not be afraid, the dough prescription is pretty sticky - this is normal.
  • Now we will deal with cottage cheese. Cottage cheese with 1 egg and 100 g of sugar. Now we beat the whole mixture with the help of the blender.
  • All the proteins that we separated are whipped with a mixer or a whisk, we add sugar in them - 20 g.
  • Put the dough and put in the container that smeared in advance with oil. From the test, be sure to form sides.
  • My berries and give water drain.
  • On the dough put the curd mass, and then the lingonberry and pour it all with the proteins.
  • We put the cake in the oven.
  • In 35-45 min. Our goody will be ready.

Lots of live cake variations. You can prepare open pies and closed, that is, with filling up and stuffing under the dough layer. You can make a pie with dairy fill or use only berries. Also different can and dough for a delicacy, someone prefers a sandy, someone puff, and someone yeast. In any case, the cake with the lingonberry will be very tasty and nutritious, so do not doubt that you need to try to cook it.

Video: Lingre cake - tender pleasure taste


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