
How to become more confident in yourself

How to become more confident in yourself
About how to be better and more confident to look at the future

What a beautiful word "confidence", how much it carries in itself. Proud posture, raised head, a clear look - whether this is a demonstration of confidence. Or demonstrative behavior is not all. Look around, look at other people where you see a manifestation of confidence. And who looks at you when you approach the mirror that you can say about this person. Today, there is so much information about confidence and how to become a confident person, in such quantities you can simply get lost. So let's try to figure out this scrupulous question.

How to become more confident in yourself: confidence and what it is eaten with

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To begin with, let's figure it out, “confidence” is a state of a person in which he does not doubt the truth of any fact. For example, everyone is sure that the Earth is round and rotates around the Sun. But “self -confidence” is already a personality property, when a person positively assesses his abilities and skills, and does not doubt the sufficiency of his own strengths to achieve their goals. Also, do not forget that “self -confidence” and “self -confidence” is far from the same. Self -confidence is a person’s unreasonable assumption that he does not have negative character traits, and there is no area in which he would be incompetent. Let us figure out in more detail what is confidence.

How to become more confident in yourself: components of confidence


Getting acquainted with a person, we read it in a few seconds and form our first impression, and after such a short time we conclude whether a person is confident or not. This consists of many factors: this is the appearance, and the look, and, of course, gestures. Therefore, in order to become confident, you should work well on yourself.

  1. Appearance. No wonder they say that they are greeted by clothing - this is your first weapon. Moreover, this is important not only for women, but also for men. In a gray robe and with a drooping look, it is difficult to stay in memory of the interlocutor for at least a couple of minutes. But, and do not experiment with all the colors of the rainbow at the same time. Your image should be well honed and harmonious, emphasize your figure and contribute to a graceful gait. The royal camp, a confidently raised head and a light gait, that’s really difficult to miss, even in the crowd. Do not be afraid to be noticed, do not hesitate to make an impression, love yourself.
  2. Sight. First, stop looking through people, look into their eyes. Do not be afraid, they do not bit you for this. The eyes on the floor during conversation are characteristic of insecure people, so look at the person you talk to. Melt the ice in your eyes, give a smile to this world and very soon you will note that you are smiling in response. Be open and ready for compliments. Do not doubt their sincerity and do not suspect anything of people.
  3. Gesticulation. Do not forget that your gesticulation can tell a lot about you. Closed poses, for example, crossed legs or hands very much give out a person who closes and is fenced off from the world. Confident people show their openness to the world through open palms. Thus, they demonstrate that they have nothing to hide. Avoid imposing gestures: too slow, throwing your foot on your foot demonstrating the sole of the shoes to your interlocutor, widely placed legs or arms resting on the sides - this is a demonstration of their superiority. Get rid of empty gestures, they create pile in communication. Do not use too sharp gestures, they greatly distract the attention of the interlocutor. Each gesture of a self -confident person demonstrates this confidence, it is accurate and used to strengthen what has been said and not how else.
  4. Speech. It is important not only what you say, but no less important how you do it. Pay close attention to your voice: intonation, volume, timbre. This is a very powerful weapon and they need to be able to use in any situation. Quiet, monotonous speech is unlikely to interest anyone. But too loud, the intonation passing into the squeal also does not contribute much to harmonious communication. Therefore, try to adhere to several simple rules: if you communicate one on one - go to the wave of the interlocutor, the same volume and rhythm will allow you to make contact faster; If you communicate in the company, speak with such a volume to you, if necessary, have heard all the interlocutors. Do not forget to highlight the key points of your speech, a monotonous story, at least not interesting to listen.
  5. Knowledge. Most people can confidently say that they can read, but only a few will say what they know and understand the laws of quantum physics. So, in order not to doubt yourself and not give a reason to others, self -development is very important. The more you know, the more confidence you.

The main causes of self -doubt


  1. Ignorance of oneself. Many people identify themselves with their work, money and many others, this allows them to feel self -confidence, they do not understand how much such confidence is illusory. Indeed, in case of collapse, they lose everything and first of all themselves. In order not to fall into the abyss of uncertainty, one must clearly understand what you are, what are your abilities and what you are capable of.
  2. Lack of meaning of life. The obstacles are not so terrible when you know exactly what you are striving for. Uncertainty in the future is not only doubts about the events of tomorrow, this is, first of all, not knowledge of the result you want to achieve. The lack of motivation and desire to do something is one of the enemies of self-confidence. Set specific goals and do not forget to prescribe a step -by -step plan for their implementation, then confidence will be your companion in this path.
  3. Ignorance of their values. The internal conflict of values, the lack of a placement of priorities, all this leads to an imbalance, and therefore to self -doubt. A clear decomposition of everything on the shelves will help to avoid unfinished things and conflict of interests with oneself. And this is an important step towards self -confidence.
  4. Upbringing. Everything that happens in our life, the consequences of our past. So, many parents cultivate in children self -doubt, punishing with phrases: you will not succeed; If you do not do it, I will not love you; You are the worst of all. This kind of uncertainty is quite difficult, but it is still possible to eradicate, and it will be best that the positively tuned environment will help in this that believes in your forces.

How to become more confident in yourself: psychologists' advice


  1. Do what you are afraid of. Many things cannot be done the first time when the child learns to walk, he inevitably falls, but this does not stop him. Do not be afraid of mistakes, they teach us how to do it right. Each successful step inspires you with self -confidence and expands your capabilities.
  2. Do not compare yourself with others. The only person with whom you can compare yourself is you in the past. Everyone has their own success, and reading glossy magazines about a beautiful life can be brought to depression. Focus only on your successes, this will help to become more confident in your abilities.
  3. Do not be afraid of criticism. Do not perceive criticism as a stone in your garden, look at it from the other side. Throw away emotions and think that in the words of your interlocutor it is true. Get out of this benefit and work on errors.
  4. Praise yourself. Each of your action, which led to success should not be without attention. Do not beg for compliments, praise yourself. And with every praise your self -confidence will grow.
  5. Know your strengths. Even a little failure can make your hands give up, do not let her. Sloping and falling on a slippery road, you do not remain there to lie there until the end of your days. So with failures in life, after each fall there must be a take -off. When the desire to go to your goal disappears, remember how much you have already managed to achieve, and think about how many more successes are waiting for you ahead. Then your confidence will certainly return to you again.
  6. Listen to other people. Do not close in yourself and focus on the scroll of possible failures in the head. Take a look at the people around you, listen to what they are talking about, this will allow you to be distracted from internal fears and draw inspiration to realize your own ideas and goals.
  7. Be friendly. Smile at this world and people around you, be interested in them, help and encourage them. The more people they sympathize with you, the easier it is to maintain self -confidence.
  8. Do not overestimate the role of appearance. In the interlocutors, not only a beautiful picture is important, but also its fullness. Train your mind and develop charisma, and do not forget about charm - this is what contributes to the desire of people to communicate with you.
  9. Do not wait, act. Doubts and fears can pursue all their lives, they should not be predetermining the factors of your behavior. Only overcoming your doubts and fears can you become more confident in yourself.

  How to become a self -confident woman. Video



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