
How to change your character

How to change your character
Is it possible to change the nature and which ways

Ideal personalities simply do not exist, which distinguishes all people from each other. With some features surrounding may be reconciled, but is it possible to change the character that delivers inconvenience and prevents communication?

Excessive closure and shine prevents new acquaintances and useful links, aggressiveness and insincerity repels people, and sensitivity and emotion is annoying. Amend the character follows greater confidence that will help negotiate with people, prove their point of view and even be able to refuse, causing respect for others. If some of your minuses poison the lives of loved ones, then it is worth thinking how to change your character.

The whole life and fate of any person and even people with the same opportunities can achieve absolutely opposite results depends on personal qualities. The ability to properly build relationships in society affects family life and career, and also directly affects the quality of life and the possibility of rapid response and adaptation to sudden changes. If the overall discontent with personal qualities increases, then the person feels peaceful disharmony, uncertainty, and sometimes bodily indispension.

The concept of character in psychology

In fact, it is essentially a set of constantly manifest psychological qualities of an individual personality, which allow it to determine its interaction with other people and the outside world, the workability, activity of life positions, attitude to the material and spiritual, as well as to itself. Such features denote a population of a person's lifestyle and represent it as a unique representative. According to general social psychology, it is possible to change its character at any age with a sufficient desire to change the lifestyle as a whole.

Before proceeding with fundamental identity changes, it is necessary to conduct self-analysis of actions that require adjustments. Change the character traits will also help relatives and close people who honestly indicate the shortcomings. All disadvantages and advantages are helpful to fix in a kind of list, which will help determine the temperament of a person.


Types of character

From the first birthday, the personal qualities of the child are formed only at 10% of genetic predisposition, the remaining 90% are determined by the influence of the education surrounding the conditions and health of family relations. To change the nature of the child is easier while the main "skeleton" is not yet formed, but congenital 10% temperament will be unchanged. Each such type of nervous system has its pronounced pluses and minuses that can be controlled, but not to change completely.


Energetic, bright and emotional personality with a sharply changing mood. If everything adds for a choler's positively, then it will be cheerful, responsive and wit. If something is wrong, then such people tend to express melancholy, sadness and irritation, they often begin to fuss unfortunately, to panic and show aggression.


Cheerful, balanced, easily switchable and open person. It would seem that the best features of the character are assembled in this temperament, since the Sanguins go through life in a positive configured rhythm, are not irritable and always open to new events and people. However, such a cheerful attitude is sometimes not appropriate and can be presented to others as too selfish.


Pensive, possibly closed, sensitive and easy-minded nature. Such people are usually creative by nature, as they are very worried about all emotional bursts, but do not show them like cholerics, but keep experiences in themselves. Outwardly completely calm and indifferent to the whole person, Melancholics often suffer from loneliness, as they do not like to share problems with others and engage in excessive self-analysis, which is often manifested in creativity (poetry, music, artistic abilities, etc.).

Phlegmatic person

Such people should always be methodical, calm, leisurely, perceptual, workable and emotionally balanced. In such personalities, an instantaneous response to unplanned events is often missing or dull, it is very difficult for them to switch attention from one job to another. Sometimes such slowness surrounding is perceived as a manifestation of laziness, since phlegptics do not show emotions and cannot take urgent solutions.

How to change the character of a person?

A wish

In order to drastically change something in yourself, it is necessary to achieve it to be diligently with the help of working on yourself. That is, if you want to change the nature of your boyfriend at your own desire, and at the same time he considers itself perfect, then do not expect a significant result. A person can help change, but initially he should want it himself and strive for improvements, as well as not give up and not be afraid of failures that everyone may be.

The study


If the goal "I want to change my character" is unshakable, then go to the stage of the study itself, the accumulation of the necessary knowledge and the right thoughts. After you rightly identified your type of temperament, you should begin to change with the analysis and observation of your behavioral features in a particular situation. Be sincere with yourself and fix all your shortcomings that you want and your loved ones, but remember that the lack of errors can only be in those who do nothing.

For more efficient self-analysis, connect to the process of your relatives who often observe you from the side. Ask for help in adjusting your character to indicate you on those features that are bothering them and possible flaws that are unnoticed by yourself. It will also be a useful constant reminder of those around the wrong behavior, which will allow you to carefully monitor emotions and better control them.


Whether it is possible to change the character of a person if there are not so many drawbacks, but complexes, because often increased impactivity, closure, alienation from society or aggression is due not so much the features of the nature of the personality, and its complexity and fears. It may also be external characteristics (for example, overweight or low growth) and psychological fears after disappointments of life experience. Such features should also be identified and fighting with them, increasing self-confidence and not focusing on problems in which you can find and positive parties.



After determining negative qualities, it is necessary to subjected to them adequate, sincere assessment and understand which of them you can and want to change, and with what you need to work for improving self-esteem. Is it possible to change your character without respecting yourself as a person? The answer is obvious that it implies a competent assessment and acceptance of its features that cannot be adjusted and work on such minuses that will really help change the lifestyle.


For efficient work on yourself, you must clearly define the goals that you want to achieve. Create yourself your ideal image that will come in all situations as it should and then equal to it. You can also analyze and change your character on the books of psychology directed for self-knowledge and improve personality, but it is worth remembering that absolutely perfect people do not exist and, therefore, you can take only what you are under power.

Do not imitate

It should be understood that even a person who managed to change his character is not a cumier for you, as it is impossible to be a copy of another person. Anyone even the most successful people can be doomed to failure or have their own minuses and, adjusting to someone else, you just spend your time and strength. It is necessary to achieve the best goals by working on yourself, but not just copying someone's behavior.


Favourite buisness

Do what you like is useful and interesting, this will allow you to get rid of irritability and change your lifestyle, which will significantly affect the character. Refuse unnecessary trifles and bad habits, make your life more useful, interesting and better, be hardworking and do everything from the soul, this will allow you to easily adjust the behavioral disadvantages. If the characters are harmful to the complexes that you can change, then do not postpone changes in life in a long box, and come across yourself today to achieve balance and moderation without extreme measures.


The character is manifested automatically in psychological reactions to stimuli, so try to control yourself and be leaving for useless energy costs, restrained or decisive depending on situations. For self-control, enieve records in your personal diary and analyze behavior and errors. Also correct day, sleep, healthy lifestyle and nutrition will help discipline ourselves and control emotions, and a positive approach will be rewarded with satisfaction from the achieved effect.



Self-development is a difficult stage of change in character, as many are scary to decide on changes or just laziness. However, it is impossible to change without effort to change for the better and not only want to want to do something to adjust the behavior. Take yourself and force it to work on flaws daily until the correct response reaches automatism.


If you set out the purpose of changing the traits of nature, then you should also take into account the presence of bad habits, unrestrained extremes and the wrong lifestyle. With these factors, it should also be struggling and eradicating them from their everyday life, as they directly affect the quality of life and health, which spoils. It is easier to control your life and fate if you discipline and behave correctly, struggling with laziness and adhering to moderation, and daily work on yourself at least a little to make it virtue with positive habits.



Support yourself and be sure that you will be able to conceive, be modest and fair to yourself in moderation. Analyze your successful deeds and treat calmly and tolerant to failures, do not despair because of the inevitable trifles and do not lose faith in yourself. To change the character, it will take time, so you are tolerant to the adjustment of deficiencies and continue working on yourself regularly.


Take care of self-sustainment and believe that everything is possible with the efforts of will and steady determination. Every day, repeat yourself with approving facilities, you can also write our goals and hang in a prominent place to constantly remember them and maintain confidence in difficult situations. Concentrate on your own purposes, visualize them and mentally constantly imagine, as you do in life situations correctly.



A new effective view for self-analysis today is also considered a video diary. For example, American Sean Carolle (a person who managed to change his character) rented himself to the DVR and after three months he had achieved a change in its hot spirits to restraint. The documentary "Human Mind" was removed based on the materials provided by television drivers from Sean archives.

Initially, this person was distinguished by increased emotionality, rage and not restrained by anger, and after the experiment, he became restrained and thoughtful, capable of preliminary analysis of the situation. The American analyzed his videos with his wife, who supported him and helped not forget to control. Three months later, this man changed his character and behavior to the level that he wanted to achieve.

Psychotherapist Pavel Frolov will help to answer the main questions for those who want to change and control the emotions:



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