
Graduation Dresses 2016

Graduation Dresses 2016
Graduation Dress 2016: Fashion trends and colors, design and styles, recommendations for the selection and accessories.

Each girl comes a period of mature. And when she becomes a girl, it begins to actively be interested in make-up, hairstyle and beautiful clothes. In high school classes, many of them are increasingly wondering about the outfit for the graduation ball, with their girlfriends look after images, visit shops and browse fashionable clothing magazines. And this year is no exception. For a successful image, first of all it is necessary to choose a dress as the basis of the appearance, and then you already choose shoes, makeup, hairstyle and accessories. After all, the totality of all components will be a unique, harmonious image, which will then be pleasantly viewed in the photos.

Trends of evening dresses for graduation 2016


Browsing the photo of graduation dresses 2016 on the Internet, you can choose a large number of people liked. But here it is necessary to understand that they are intended for different types of figures and the color scheme plays a not the last role. Below will try to tell what to choose a fashion dress on the graduation ball in 2016, how to choose accessories, how to combine shoes with an outfit and how to organize the process of fees so that it causes you only a good mood. And also let's talk about children's graduation dresses in 2016.

Long Dresses: Features and Sticks


  1. Long dresses in the field on graduation in 2016, perhaps, the option that is suitable for all types of shapes. Designers of this season, as in the past year, prefer precisely such design thematic outfit.
  2. It is better to choose a style of light, flowing fabrics, which will make an image elegant, sophisticated and elegant. This outfit adds the solemnity of the event, because so I want to feel the queen on such a day.
  3. For girls with a lush figure, it is better to choose a dress with cape or sleeves in three quarters to hide the flaws of the shape. And also not to take a dress that is very damaging the waist, it should lie perfectly in the figure.
  4. With a deep cut, be careful not to look vulgar.
  5. If you choose a monochrome dress, without any readiness in the form of sequins or a large number of rhizes, then you should choose bright accessories, for example, long beautiful earrings, an interesting pendant on a thin chain or an elegant bracelet.
  6. Choosing a dress with a loop, do not forget that it should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable, because it will still have to dance. Think over this original detail of the wardrobe during the evening somehow attached, for example, on a hook on a ledge of a skirt or a thread dressed up on hand.
  7. The model of dresses in the form of a mermaid is very popular, it is suitable for both graduation and a wedding case. Girls with a slender figure such an outfit will give a special charm and femininity. It is interesting for the design of models with embroidery on the corset or with a small, non-licensed amount of rhinestones.
  8. Select the outfit on the graduation is better than bright shades. This will add tenderness and romanticity to the young image.
  9. Asymmetric long designer solutions look interesting. The dress on one shoulder can benefitly emphasize the lines and profitable proportions of the shape. Such outfits are perfectly suitable surround bracelets. Asymmetric dresses also fit a short length. For bold girls, this is an excellent option, for example, to withstand the image of the rock star.
  10. Greek dresses this year also did not come out of fashion. Elegant outfit in a complex with romantic hairstyle - slightly swept-up hair back, shoes on heels, clutch and thematic decorations, help create a romantic and tender image of a Greek goddess.
  11. If you choose a bright color dress, then you should not pick up the accessories to him in the tone, it is better to stay on the jewelry of pastel tones, since your outfit focus will focus on the outfit.
  12. Many world designers in 2016 in one voice called the fashionable evening graduation model from lace fabric. The specificity of the material gives special tenderness, trepacy and elegance of the image. Lace can also be used as a stripe on the dress, and as the trim of the corset dresses. However, it is especially beautiful that it is completely from openwork fabric. It is elegant and luxuriously describes the design of a precious translucent azhura. You can purchase fabric from both monophonic and bright material.

Short Dresses: Design and Trends


  1. Short dresses for graduation 2016 are more suitable for miniature girls. After all, I want to show all the advantages of the shape in such an evening, and beautiful long legs perform a distinctive effect.
  2. It looks very elegantly a train for a dress, which should not be invented where to go in dance, but it looks like this approach is very gentle and unusual.
  3. The V-shaped cut out beautifully emphasizes a decent chest, just need to be controlled so that the image does not look vulgar.
  4. The mini-dress may prefer bright and bold girls, and cocktails and straight - more restrained.
  5. It is interesting to look short lush skirts in evening dresses, in 2016 such an outfit will serve as a real decoration for any girl. If this monophonic dress can be made one bright focus in the image, for example, put on bright shoes, a large bracelet or long earrings. Remember that in this case it is better not to overdo it, so something one will be enough.
  6. An interesting option for the graduation ball will be a transformer dress. Some girls cannot pick up the length of the outfit that they like them more. This problem can be solved with such an unusual dress. After all, you want to look perfect and at the same time attend the ball with comfort to be comfortable. A distinctive feature serves as a skirt that turns into a cute short cocktail dress and an improvised loop that can turn into an evening toilet with a completely different, but no less attractive design. And another weighty advantage of such an outfit is that you can appear at all in different ways in one holiday evening without the special cost of the wardrobe. The first is a romantic, elegant, with a long loop or skirt, and the second - with the unfounded bottom, there may be a muster and seductive. In this case, choose accessories to be suitable for both images. Shoes will harmonize the neutral color, and the clutch of the corresponding color gamut for a combination with shoes. Makeup to apply better closer to the tone of the skin, so that it looks natural and beautiful, ideally will highlight eyelashes and lips with bright lipstick.
  7. Beautiful and elegantly looking at dresses with a deep neckline on the skirt. When you stand this cutout is not visible, but it's easy to step and looks out of the leg, which is especially attracting a look, and forms the image of mysteriousness and sex. This image is suitable for sophisticated girls with high growth, the neckline is better not to highlight, ideal will be a cutout with a boat with sweened, short sleeves.

How to choose a graduation dress 2016: Recommendations


  1. If you want to approach the selection of the evening graduation dress 2016 with practicality, so that it does not dust in the closet, and at least several times it could be put on it, for example, for a wedding to a friend or a date with a young man. In this case, it is better to choose a classic option with pastel colors, which are always relevant.
  2. Long outfits with a loop or magnificent skirt in this case are not very suitable, it is better to choose a short cocktail dress, which is known to be present in the wardrobe from each girl. However, the "short" in no case means that the skirt must barely cover your rounded shapes. A classic length is a heap a little above the knee. It will come to such a dress high, even slightly negligent hairstyles. In the image you can focus on shoes and lips, casting them as bright as possible.
  3. The lack of complexes and self-confidence is, of course, excellent qualities for girls with magnificent forms, but to put off their extra kilograms will not add attractiveness to you. Choose a dress with such a figure will not be any difficulty, but it is necessary to think. Short, tight dress - this is definitely not your option. But the maximum length is when the hem is slightly lower than the knee or at its level, it will be possible by the way for such a complex.
  4. The color is better to choose monophonic with a small pattern, because bright with a large ornament visually add extra kilograms. Dark colors visually reduce the volume and thin the image.
  5. A dress with an asymmetric fastener on the sides distracts attention and visually hides the shortcomings.
  6. Long two-layer outfits with a fairly deep neckline look great, then the attention of others concentrates on it. The lower layer must be more solid out of dense tissue, and up - from light flowing matter, for example, silk or chiffon. They will help hide disadvantages.
  7. For girls with large thighs, it is suitable and - a shaped dress and a trapezoidal with a belly under the breasts, covered with stones or lace. With the choice of decorations in this case, you should not overdo it. Long beads in one - two threads with a small diameter of stones will be enough.

Baby Dresses for Graduation 2016


  1. Little asterisks are already looking at adults at such an early age and also want to look great on their solemn mini-balas in kindergartens, farewell to the letter and school discos.
  2. On the graduation already in the older group, every girl wants to look like a princess, but, because by the age of age, they have a taste very quickly, these roles are taken by moms of children.
  3. Already at 7 years of age, children are formed a certain taste and idea of \u200b\u200bstyle. Therefore, you need to choose an outfit with a child, take into account his opinion about the beans and color, otherwise you risk upset your baby, and it does not want to put on your chosen dress.
  4. Already that year is a popular model is a classic dress style. The lush skirt and the corset will not leave your child indifferent. It is better that the skirt was a multi-layer of lightweight fabric, and the corset was to do with the decorations.
  5. Also, it is also elegant simply monotonous dresses with a minimum amount of decor.
  6. It looks very gently and does not cook the dress with a-silhouette, it gives ease of image. Preferably choose colors calm, pastel. So young asterisks are usually to the face of white, pink and gentle blue colors. Great combined with a beautiful flower in her hair and boutonniere on hand.
  7. Elegantly looks at dresses resembling a ballerina. Irrepressive girls in cream and white tones with bright accents in the form of a belt, embroidered with an embroidery skirt book or lace.
  8. Tiaras look very cute in hair with a small, chosen by a handbag. Shoes must also look after a tone to the dress on a small height.
  9. Let your little princess feel irresistible in such a significant day. And it will be the most beautiful on the holiday.

Graduation dress in 2016: where to buy


  1. This year the Internet is shot by various pictures of graduation dresses. It remains to choose only the style and you can go shopping.
  2. Another purchase option may have an online store, but here you need to be careful, because the dimensional grid varies significantly. Fortunately, in modern times, e-commerce provides the departure service to the house. You simply choose the number of outfits that you like, order them on the site, the courier arrives at you and you are already in a relaxed atmosphere, at home, you can try everything and choose the most desirable, which is undoubtedly suitable for you.
  3. When buying a dress, I want not only to look great, but also to buy a cheap graduation outfit. Here to the aid will come, so to say the "Dedovsky method", which has not lost popularity and in our time is to sew a dress from a specialized seammy. Then you will surely confident that your outfit will be the only and fear of come in the same dresses you will not have.
  4. The selection of the image is better to start a month before the alleged event, and even for 2 to organize the process of fees well. After all, choosing dresses, you may want to sew an exclusive model, and it takes time.

So you have decided on the style of dress, and have even purchased or ordered on individual tailoring. Then you need to choose a hairstyle and makeup. Better Homes to try a few examples and discuss with the hairdresser all possible options. Heeled shoes will be a win-win option, should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable, as have the whole evening to dance and did not really want to sit in a chair because of fatigue in the legs. Once you have bought the appropriate shoes, better at home like in them for several days. Well, at the end of purchase accessories - handbag and jewelry. And be sure that a well-organized collection to the final ball will bring you a good mood and excitement.

By the choice of dress should be approached with special attention. After the prom every girl wants to hear about your image only positive feedback. We wish you a pleasant shopping experience and positive emotions!


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