
First order for Aliexpress. How to place an order for Aliexpress - Step-by-step instructions

First order for Aliexpress. How to place an order for Aliexpress - Step-by-step instructions
When you first get acquainted with the site Aliexpress it is useful to know some nuances.

Aliexpress - Online store in which you can find almost everything in the world. Mobile phones, flower pots, stylish clothes, juicers or furniture fittings - all this is presented on the site in the relevant categories. If you have already found what you were looking for, our article will help weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet shopping and successfully place the first order for Aliexpres, using step-by-step instructions. You will learn how sign up to AliexpressHow to choose a product, fill up the address / personal data, make payment and what to do if the quality of the goods received is not satisfied.


Pros and cons of order to Aliexpress

Online shopping is now becoming popular than ever. A third of all mail is shipping from online stores. However, sometimes it makes sense to go stroll through the shopping center. And sometimes Internet shopping will serve to save forces and means.


  • Wide range: you will find such a variety of goods that no shopping center will be able to provide. World brands and products from Russia are conveniently distributed by categories on the left.
  • All necessary - in one place. You can order clothes for adults and children, accessories, equipment, household appliances, garden products, cosmetics, jewelry or equipment for outdoor activities.
  • Saving time - you just go to the site, use a convenient search by category and choose a suitable product.
  • Saving money - due to a large turnover and use of the Internet platform, Aliexpress It has the ability to offer goods at wholesale prices.
  • In the online stores you take exactly what you need. And you do not take anything superfluous. Marketers exists the term "spontaneous purchase effect" when a person, having come to the store, takes a very beautiful and absolutely unnecessary thing, and runs with her at the box office. Due to the need to deliver Internet shopping, it does not allow you to get the desired purchase right now, and you take a more weighted solution.
  • mobile version Aliexpress Provides the same opportunities as the PC version. You can choose the purchase between the case, while in transport or in the gym.


  • It is impossible to estimate all the quality of the goods from the monitor. Despite the fact that the online store provides several photos from different angles and a detailed description of the entire product, sometimes it is important to touch or sniff what you are buying.
  • Delivery from different parts of the world threatens additional expenses for shipping and waiting time up to a month (it depends on what and from where you order).

What should be ordered to Aliexpress?


  • Things that do not require fittings. Thanks to the photo and description on the site, you can easily evaluate the quality of bags and accessories, texture of bed linen or the dimensions of the flower pot. However, buying pants, jackets, shoes or underwear, you risk take an inappropriate thing. The dimensional row cannot provide all the subtleties of how the thing will sit on your shape.
  • However, if in the mall you have selected a suitable dress or jacket, do not hurry to buy it - remember the size and find this product on Aliexpress. It is possible that ordering it on the Internet will be much cheaper.
  • It is worth taking things that do not need it right now, because delivery can take a lot of time.

First order for Aliexpress - Tips for use

  • The Aliexpress website in Russian does not always correctly displays the names of the goods. If you are fluent in English, we definitely recommend using the English version of the site. The problem is that Aliexpress uses an automatic translation from English to all other languages \u200b\u200b- and sometimes it can be automatically translated from Chinese into English. In addition, in pursuit of new buyers, the sellers often enter the name and description of their goods are unnecessary keywords so that the goods respond to the maximum number of search queries. In the original language you will have more chances to figure out that you actually buy.
  • If you buy for the first time, chose a few things and doubt the manufacturers, we recommend, if possible, make several orders from different stores, and not to buy everything in one. So you minimize risks, if suddenly one of the sellers will be unfair.
  • Examine the rubric warehouses in Russia (Aliexpress Mall). This is a meeting of stores - registered legal entities with original goods. The order to Aliexpress Mall gives additional guarantees of quality and much faster delivery, because the warehouses are located on the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, buying through Aliexpress Mall, you will get the opportunity to return the goods within 7 days without explanation of the reasons (in the "Cause" field indicate the "return warranty").


First order for Aliexpress - Registration on the site

Registration will require you to further shop. In addition, the account creation will give you a number of advantages when using the site and choosing a product. You can subscribe to the newsletter of updates in the category of goods you are interested in, you can save your favorite things in the "My Desires" folder or make planned purchases in the "Basket". Creating an account will not take much time. Button registration Always in the upper right corner. You will need to enter the name, email address and password. Now you have a profile for Aliexpress.

ATTENTION: It is important that the name, surname and postal address are real. It will be required to you for further shopping. Also note that Russian Post requires the instructions of the recipient's patrimony. Aliexpress, designed not only to Russia, does not oblige the patronymic of registration, but this will help to avoid unnecessary problems and issues later when making a purchase.


Note Delivery Addresses for Aliexpress

If you are planning to often enjoy the service Aliexpress, It is necessary immediately after registration to specify the address to which you will deliver the goods. You can only specify up to five addresses to which the parcels will be sent. They need to be entered into the specified fields. In case the address is changing, exactly the same option will be with the direct placement of the order. Much will depend on how much you will fill in the address. Aliexpress asks customers to fill in the address by the letters of the Latin alphabet, because most of the goods are coming from abroad. Example of transliteration: ul. Builders - UL. Stroiteley.

The advantages of shopping with registration for Aliexpress

  • By creating an account, you get the opportunity directly to correspond with the seller. You can find out the details you are interested in if the description on the site was not enough detailed. Also in some cases, you can ask for discounts / gifts or individual order - taking into account your wishes in design or by your individual standards.
  • A registered account allows you to accumulate a rating. It rises with each new purchase on the seit, if you do not make cancellation or return orders. The higher your rating, the more favorable offers you will receive from sellers on Aliexpress.
  • Account makes it possible to participate in the Promotion Program Aliexpress.

First order for Aliexpress - how to easily and quickly find the goods you need

On Aliexpress There are several search systems that will help you navigate in a wide variety.

  • The easiest way is to enter keywords in the search field, located at the top of the screen. If you have already used the site earlier, you will also be offered your recent requests and the most popular options that meet your keywords. This search method is suitable if you know exactly what you want, and are looking for a specific name.


  • If you are not fully determined with the choice, you can scroll through the catalog of a wide group of goods. This will suit the search by category located on the left vertically. Click on the heading "Beauty and Health", and you will be offered a variety of leather care products, hair, nails, as well as a large selection of decorative cosmetics. Similarly, you can search for products for children, jewelry, clothing and accessories. Each rubric is conveniently divided into subcategories to systematize and speed up your search. On the right you can also find popular queries and best-selling brands.

in 1

  • Try using filters. With them you can select products for the price, country of departure, find things with free shipping and discounts. You can also see new products or goods in the proposed ranking drawn up on the basis of customer feedback. Come in the headings "Sale" and "Best Choice" - there is often you can find the right item at an optimal price.


  • Opening the page of the right product and having studied the description, you can choose the color, size and necessary number of things. Depending on the selected characteristics, the site system will calculate for you an approximate time of sending and the cost of goods taking into account the shipment. You can put the selected products in the "basket" or buy immediately.


  • Pay attention to the trademark rating and reviews. Aliexpress - Marketplace for more than 200 thousand sellers around the world. Despite the fact that the site provides uniform service standards and support services, it is a particular seller that will be responsible for sending your purchase.

How to order a few products to Aliexpress

The site provides the ability to add an unlimited amount of goods to the basket and make several orders at the same time. Your orders from different sellers will be shown on the site separately, the shipment will also be carried out from each specific seller, i.e. how many orders you have done, so many boxes will need to be taken. This is due to the fact that Aliexpress It is only an intermediary between you and the seller and does not participate in the shipment of goods. However, the site provides the ability to pay all orders at a time - your money goes to service. Aliexpress And they will be stored there before you confirm the receipt of the goods.

First order for aliexpress - what are you going to buy

Some things are beneficial to buy on the Internet, and in some purchases there may be pitfalls that you did not guessed. In this section, we consider the main sections with the goods Aliexpress And find out which nuances should be considered when buying.

Computer equipment, mobile phones, routers, household appliances on AlExpress


  • Software problems often get up to users who bought equipment abroad. The interface of the oven in Chinese or the absence of the Russian alphabet in the smartphone keyboard is the problems that you, with an unsuccessful coating of circumstances, will have to be solved on your own. Specify it in advance from the seller.
  • The absence of instructions in Russian is another problem with which you may encounter. However, in Russia, the instructions are rarely read, and, in the extreme case, the answer to any question can be found through the search engines on the Internet.
  • The first thing you need to do when receiving an order is to make sure that the technique works. Large online stores do not always check every product in detail. In addition, during transportation there may be breakdowns, not noticeable externally.

Chandeliers, lamps, dishes on Aliexpress

  • Glass / Porcelain / Crystal and other products that are easy to fight, with a high probability can give a crack when shipping. Especially when the goods go from abroad and there is no post office. Just in case, ask the seller to additionally pack such a product.

Clothes and shoes on Aliexpress


  • Pay close attention to dimensions. Dimensions of trousers, for example, or sizes of linen may not coincide in different countries. However, the translation table is often given in the description of the goods.
  • Even if you are sure that it is properly determined, this does not give warranty that the thing will feel good. After all, when choosing a Blouse S or M, it is impossible to take into account all the nuances - the backrest length, breast size and cut on the shoulder line. With shoes, the situation is also not easy, because comfort is important in every little thing.
  • To solve the problem should be addressed to the seller for the additional characteristics of the goods. Ideally - take those things that you have already measured in ordinary shopping centers, but which are more expensive there. If you found on Aliexpress Something that was not met in stores, try to take the things of the same brand or the same cut - it will partly help to predict how much the goods are suitable for you.
  • Do not chase at the lowest prices on the site. Often it may be poor-quality goods with uneven seams, smelling impregnation from moth. Here it is worth paying attention to the supplier and reviews. However, a more reliable option will be the choice of the average price category.
  • Buying expensive things pay attention to standing there icon Aliexpressguaranteeing the original product. Otherwise, you can send a fake on quite legal grounds.
  • Feel free to ask the seller about the product. Including useful will ask what year the product was released. Even in ordinary boutiques, they are sometimes trying to sell things five years ago at the price of a new collection - and sometimes they even the old price tags are brought to cross. Internet space gives an even greater field of such deception, as you can not see the label.
  • For the same reason, it is worthwhile to be interested in fabric. In the title of the sweater can be written "Natural Wool", but wool there will be only 20%. Theoretically, all honestly. But not to stay disappointed, it is better to clarify this moment.

Home Decor Items, Avtotovari, Tools for Aliexpress

  • It is worth paying attention to the dimensions of the goods. Russian Post does not accept the parcels of non-standard sizes or requires a greater extra charge for them. For advice, you can contact the seller again: if it trades large-sized products, he must know all the nuances.

Clock and jewelry for Aliexpress

  • Beware of fakes. Be especially careful to the description of the goods and reviews, go to the official website of the brand and find out if they work to Aliexpress. Carefully look at the seller, the time of his work on the site and its rating.

Cosmetics and leather care products / nails / hair on Aliexpress

  • Ask the seller the shelf life of the desired product. If there are several months left before the expiration of the shelf life, it is worth taking or refusing the goods, or try to get an additional discount.
  • Choose only those trading stamps with which you are familiar to avoid buying a low-quality product.

First order for Aliexpress - how to choose a seller


By itself Aliexpress Not selling. This is a marketer, that is, an online site for sale for private and legal entities. There are our goods from sellers of different countries and different industries.

What to pay attention to

  • Positive feedback is one of the most important criteria, because they are left to the same buyers as you. However, on Aliexpress, almost all stores prevail high rating: 4 or 5. Pay particular attention to negative reviews, see what customers are complaining about. If possible, do not buy anything in stores without feedback - it is always a big risk.
  • Uniform shopping and a wide range. It always indicates the severity and long work of the store. However, there are subtleties here. It is worth alert, if cheap plastic watches are adjacent to expensive status items - you may be issued for a counterfeit for the original. Also mark if the store's assortment is too different and is not associated with the common topics. For example, if you see children's toys, underwear and computers in one place, it is possible that the seller sells the remains or is a dealer from other, larger networks. In turn, if the range is too monotonous - for example, you see a hundred models of hangers for clothes - this is another reason to look carefully. There is a risk that it is just a handicraft production of low quality.
  • Work time on the site. The longer the store exists, the better, because it gives guarantees of reliability: a store that works more than one year, protects his reputation.

Dialogue with the seller for Aliexpress

Each seller has contacts on the site, and you can write a personal message to him. Ask questions regarding the characteristics of the product, the presence of the desired things in the desired configuration or the timing of the shipment costs before placing the order. Also before placing the order, it is often possible to bargain with the seller. For this, the goods must already lie in the basket, but not yet paid. Bargaining is especially appropriate if the seller did not have the product of the color / with those characteristics you requested, but you agree to buy something existing for a lower price. Then the seller either offer you a discount in messages, or just reduce the price for you.

If you buy a few things, you can see if the seller has discounted coupons. They are usually posted in the catalog or in the basket. Most likely, the seller will suggest a small interest discount when ordering from a certain amount.

In the dialogue with a new seller, never agree to pay through Paypal or direct transfer of money to the bank card / seller's account. Often this testifies to fraud and the seller will simply disappear, and without sending you the goods. Transaction through Aliexpress gives certain guarantees that you either get the goods or your money back. With sellers with whom you have a long time, your payment is directly directly - perhaps the seller can even make you a discount, because he does not have to deduct the percentage from the sale on the site. However, such transactions to Aliexpress Relationships will not have, and you make them at your own risk.

The role of the site AlExpress when ordering

Aliexpress Performing a mediator: tracks your transaction and stores your money until you receive a satisfactory product item.

  • When you received the goods and remained satisfied with them, do not forget to note on the site that the goods are received, and leave a review. It will be important both for future buyers and for the seller. If you do not do this, the seller will be listed only after the expiration of the buyer's protection.
  • If you remain unhappy with the quality of the goods or the order came in an incomplete configuration, Aliexpress will help you make a refund.

Step-by-step instructions for buying on Aliexpress - first order

So you have decided on your choice. Then you can click "buy now" on the product page or if you take several different items, you will need to go to the basket and choose the "Order Designer" button there.


  • After placing the order, it is not necessary to pay it immediately. You can postpone payment. It can be useful to wait for the seller's response if you doubt that the product is in the right amount and configuration. The page will be the seller's contacts, you can talk with it. Or just once again think about the purchase and make other orders.
  • Go to the payment page will be the next step. It is not worth worrying for the safety of data - Aliexpress For many years, it works on the online sales market and provides guarantees of reliability and confidentiality of data.
  • On the payment page you can choose any method of payment convenient for you. You can use the Visa, Maestro or MasterCard bank card or the Yandexpendoney electronic wallet, Qiwi Wallet, Alipay, Webmoney and others.


  • The most convenient way to pay is a bank card. It is extremely desirable that the card is registered with you. This will help to avoid unnecessary questions about the incompatibility of the names of the payer and the recipient. In addition, if the goods turn out to be improper quality and you want to make a refund, the name difference can become a serious obstacle.
  • The payment will be accepted within 24 hours, but usually it happens in the first half hour. Be careful - before payment, check that the mail you specified is relevant - your receipt will come to this email address.
  • Although Aliexpress Not engaged in sales and is only an intermediary, for your convenience you have the opportunity to pay products from different sellers with one transaction.

What you should pay attention to the first order to Aliekspress

Often the goods have additional characteristics. On the product page, they are presented as options to choose from. This may be the color, style, size, and other details. For example, if you buy a mug, it can be presented in several colors and in the order form you will be offered for selection. Do not forget to choose the desired option. Otherwise, the seller will send you the goods on your own - often it may not coincide with the picture on the website, or with your expectations, because the seller would be beneficial to give the least popular model. If you see that the product is presented in different colors / styles, but the form to choose is not provided, please indicate your preference in the comments to the order. You need to write in English.

The choice of mode of delivery order Aliekspress

Aliexpress offers several options for the delivery service. The most popular and cheap of them is the mail. Sometimes postal departments are offered even for free, while the courier services will require an average of two to four thousand rubles.


Important moments:

  • Shipping by China's mail can take from 15 to 50 days.
  • Shipping EMS will take 10-20 days.
  • Approximate terms of express delivery - 7 days.
  • Typically sellers send the goods within 2-4 days from the date of receipt of the payment of the order.
  • Go to the "My Orders" section and click "View Data" to track the movement of your order.

Customs duties when ordering with Aliexpress

  • If you plan to make a lot of shopping through Aliexpress, It is worth keeping customs duties. Without paying the duty to the territory of the Russian Federation, it is possible to import goods every month that do not exceed 1000 euros and weighing no more than 31 kg. Upon exceeding the valid standard, 30% of the order amount will be charged.
  • In order for you to pay for duties, some sellers rate the parcel in one dollar or send it as a gift. However, in this case, you are not insured against loss or damage to the parcel in the mail. In addition, mail workers have the right to reveal the goods and evaluate it on their own.

Cancellation of the order for Aliexpress

  • The seller sends an order for one to two days. During this time you can, if necessary, cancel your order and return the money.
  • To cancel the order you need to go to the order page and click the "Cancel" button. Please note that the seller will have to confirm the cancellation, and only after that Aliexpress will return funds to your bank card / electronic wallet.

Obtaining an aliexpress order

It will not be superfluous to remove the opening of the parcel with the commodity in a photo or video - this will help you to open a dispute and return if the goods turn out to be defective.

Participation of Aliexpress Support Services in order return

Aliexpress Provides a buyer's protection program that provides you with support from the time of order before receiving the goods. However, Aliexpress does not allow returning the goods without explaining the reasons. To make a refund, the goods should either not comply with the description, or to be a fake instead of the original, or come later than the deadlines.

  • To make a complaint and make a refund, contact your seller.
  • If you fail to solve the problem, you can attract support Aliexpress: To do this, you will need to go to the "My Orders" section and click "Open Spore" opposite the order you want to return.
  • Please note that the buyer's protection time varies depending on what seller you appeal. Usually these dates do not exceed 120 days.


Support service work on Aliexpress

  • Before receiving the product, your money is stored on. They will be transferred to the seller only after your confirmation of the receipt of the goods of good quality, or after the expiration of the consumer protection.
  • Follow the consumer protection timer on the page of your order.
  • When receiving the parcel thoroughly inspect your purchases, make sure that the goods came good quality, without cosmetic defects, and your order in full configuration.


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