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How to choose wristwatches

How to choose wristwatches
How to choose your wrist watch: Rules, Tips

Today it is difficult to imagine a stylish business person without wristwatches on your hands. After all, they not only allow you to find out the exact time, but also emphasize the individual taste of the owner. And in order for the watch to serve you for many years and at the same time they did not stop decorating the wrist, you need to properly approach their selection. For this, there are some subtleties about which we will talk today and talk. What is wrist watch, and what to choose from them, let's tell further.

How to choose wristwatches: product style


Before you choose a clock, you should wonder what you will wear them and on what occasion. Choosing a watch, think about that it is not only a means of determining the time, but also an accessory that allows you to tell a lot about your character, habits, taste, style and a manner dress.

Today there is a huge number of diverse models, each of which is distinguished by the shape and color. When choosing a style of the product, and it does not matter whether this is men or women's watches, first of all, you should navigate the clothes that you wear.

The most optimal option will be found a universal model of the product, which will be well combined with both casual clothes and your official things. True, if you know exactly for what purposes you need a watch, and with what clothes you will wear them, you can choose the product for it.

How to choose Casual watches


Sasual assumes convenience, comfort and at the same time practicality. When choosing wristwatches in this style, first of all, it is worth thinking about whether these models are suitable for you and your rhythm of life. For example, in the colors of the product should be shades that are in clothing from your everyday wardrobe.

Then it is worth paying attention to other elements. For example, it should be a convenient and well-readed dial. If this is a mechanical clock, then give preference to models with a clear and noticeable second arrow or dates window.

The accessory should sit on his hand well. Therefore, it is important that the bracelet is convenient. The easiest material for this is the skin, but she has one significant drawback - it does not tolerate moisture effect. Metal bracelets are much more resistant to moisture, but they are heavy. True, not all metal bracelets have a lot of weight. So, products from titanium are considered fairly light. Rubber and rubber has the highest degree of protection against moisture. They will suit those who are engaged in sports.

It should be borne in mind that such accessories are usually worn almost every day. Therefore, it is recommended to take hours that do not cause inconvenience. In particular, it is better not to acquire models equipped with sharp angles, massive and protruding buttons or dial, which is difficult to read.

How to choose a clock in a classic style


Under the costume, as a rule, put the clock of a strict classic style. Their distinctive features:

  1. Simplicity.
  2. Slagor and laconic forms.
  3. Elegance.
  4. Lack of massive and bright details.

How to choose watches for men. Models "For suit" are usually equipped with a thin dial. It has a round, barrel-shaped or rectangular shape. Accessory should not interfere with shirt sleeves cuff. Therefore, the thickness of the case of such hours is minimal. As for the price of the product, it is believed that it should be no less than the cost of the costume. Therefore, for such a case it is better to choose the Swiss watch.

How to choose Wristwatches for women. When choosing "under the dress" models, first of all, you need to solve whether this accessory needs to be either better to hide under clothing. So, femininity and grace will emphasize small hours. And products with a more massive case will allow a woman to seem even more fragile.

How to choose a sports style watch

Watches for sports are additionally equipped with a timer, stopwatch and alarm clock. Therefore, they are usually more massive. If necessary, you can choose a clock with moisture protection. As a material of the strap, it is recommended to choose what will enjoy more, but the most suitable is the tires, rubber and plastic.

How to choose Fashion - watch


These models are designed to reflect your individuality. These are fashionable and bright accessories without complex mechanisms. They can have both miniature and massive housing. Fashion - Watches - a suitable option for people who are not solved to wear bright colors in clothes. In short, this is the choice of those who like to experiment.

How to choose luxury - watch


Thanks to the good material and quality of execution, these expensive hours can become a family relic for many generations. The most popular of them are the Swiss watches. Only when choosing it is worth considering that the assembly country of the product usually reflects the label on which SWISS Made or Swiss Movement can be written.

How to choose aviation clock models

Aviation ("Pilot") clocks have the following distinctive features:

  1. Massive and well-readable dial.
  2. Large control button.
  3. Large crowning head.

How to choose wristwatches: parts of the product

Before choosing a wristwatch, you should familiarize yourself with the internal components of the product.


We choose the watch case

This is a metal clock shell that protects the main mechanism from damage. Its reliability and strength directly affect the operating time of the accessory. As materials for the case used:

  1. Stainless steel.
  2. Titanium.
  3. High-quality silver.
  4. Gold.
  5. Platinum.
  6. Flexible brass.
  7. Copper
  8. Gold or silver spraying.

Choose the arrows of the watch

These are indicators indicating time indicators (hours, minutes and seconds). The following types of arrows distinguish:

  1. Alpha.
  2. Baton.
  3. Dauphine.
  4. Luminous.
  5. Skeleton.

Internal elements of watch


  1. Mechanism. From its assembly quality, the accuracy of the work hours depends. These elements can be mechanical or quartz (work at the expense of the battery). There are clocks with auto plating.
  2. Balance. Element, ordering hours. Its design has pendulums and a spring.
  3. Wheel system. It is a series of small elements that, with the help of jolts, lead in motion the main hour mechanism. The system transmits the energy to the regulator by reading the time with the help of pulses.
  4. Trigger. It is an element that is evenly controlled by pulses coming from the wheel system. At the same time, it measures and divides the countdown time to equal parts.
  5. Engine. This device that evenly distributes and generates the energy obtained from the trigger element. Thanks to him, the clock arrows rotate.
  6. Clockwork spring. It is the source of energy of mechanical models. The spring is activated using the head manually or by means of an auto plant when the wrist is moving. Energy is released during its smooth spinning. The spring moves the drum, it starts the engine and regulator of the clock.

What to choose hours


It is necessary to approach the choice of wristwatches. To begin with, decide on some parameters and one of them is the type of product. Today, there are mechanical and quartz watches on the market. If not to go into technical details, their main differences is the combination of "price-quality". In this case, quartz models are usually inferior to mechanical in the parameters of external attractiveness. However, according to accuracy, they are the best. Today there are even hybrid options. One of them are autocportal models. In addition, there is an electronic clock. Now about everything else.

Wrist mechanical hours

Picture: Wristwatches Mechanical


Before choosing a wristwatch, get acquainted with the features of mechanical models. In such products, the power source is the spring element. When it starts and spinning, it leads to a movement a special pendulum, which is in contact with the wheeled device at uniform time intervals. This, in turn, leads the arrows of the dial in motion. Moreover, in such hours, time is shown only with the help of watch arrows.

The main disadvantage of the mechanical type of product is that the speed of the plant's spring mechanism is non-etinak. Because of this, the necessary accuracy of the pendulum oscillation is knocked. For this reason, the clock is capable of late or vice versa to rush.

In general, such an error exists in all mechanical products and is officially from +35 to -20 seconds per day. To reduce it, an additional device is used, called automatic seabe. Such products received the name "Watches with an auto-cutting" or otherwise "automatic".

Due to this mechanism there is an additional twisting spring. True, it is necessary to take into account several nuances. The fact is that even in such models and the spring mechanism for a long time, but not without the interference of the watch owner. Also, the item that provides the auto-shock increases, increases the weight of the clock, weights them, and this is unacceptable for products intended for women. In addition, the repair of such models, due to the presence of the auto-dressing, it becomes somewhat more complicated, which affects its cost. In addition, when breakdown, you can offer simply remove this item from the clock. Then they will become conventional mechanical, which require systematic frequent manual factory.

It is worth saying that the mechanical watch to this day is in great demand, even though they are not the most accurate, require a daily factory and their functionality depends on weather conditions. This is not surprising. After all, with proper operation and periodic implementation of preventive measures, mechanical products will work regularly several decades. It can be said that this is inexpensive wristwatches, but very durable.

Quartz watches


Before choosing a quartz watch, you should learn a little about their device. The source of food such products is usually a simple battery, less often solar. At the same time, in these hours, instead of the pendulum is a quartz crystalline, which, in fact, is the main element of the electron generator. It submits uniform and constant impulses to a step-by-step electric motor, which, in turn, has an impact on the wheelchair. As a result, arrows are moving on a clock clock.

Unlike mechanical accessories, quartz is equipped with not only the dial with arrows, but also a digital display. Such products are usually sufficiently reliable and have high accuracy. At the same time, they have a small error of the stroke, which is officially 20-22 seconds a month or 1 minute per year. Quartz watches do not need to constantly start. At the same time, they will not returden if, of course, the battery will not sit down. However, a quartz crystalline eventually agrees that often leads to a hurry of hours. Although, theoretically quartz models according to the durability parameter should not be powered by mechanical. In fact, it is the mechanical products longer than all. Another plus of quartz watches is that their functionality does not depend on weather conditions.

Electronic watches


Choosing a wrist watch, be sure to check out the electronic models. They have no shooter, and only the display is displayed on which the numbers are displayed. Pulses emitted by the electric generator are converted into signals. We see them on the display in the form of usual seconds and minutes on the dial.

Today, hybrid models also exist, in which the time on the dial is visible and on the display, and using the arrows. If necessary, the number on the display can be changed, and the arrows to sum up, but the oscillation of the generator will never change. Although, there are products in which when fixing the time value, the oscillation frequency of the generator changes.

How to choose the clock watches by parameters

Bracelet, watch strap


For a start, it is still worth buying a clock that are fixed on the hand of the bracelet, and the strap can be bought later. After all, they are less wear-resistant.

The bracelet is usually manufactured from:

  • of stainless steel,
  • light titanium that does not cause an allergic reaction
  • precious metal.

Due to the fact that the bracelet has removable links, it is easy to customize under the size of the hand. It is durable, while looking quite attractive.

Some people bracelet seems uncomfortable, heavy or cold. Then they choose a clock with a strap. Today you can choose products of any color. It is usually manufactured from:

  • fabrics
  • soft calf leather
  • rubber
  • plastic
  • skin some exotic animals.

True, with intensive wear, he loses its qualities in a year.

Dial, Clock Glass


The dial can be bolded to call the clock. It can be both with ordinary arrows and the display or with the other (combined options).

The dial in addition to everything else performs aesthetic function. For example, it can have a pretty bright color and a bizarre form, the numbers can be figured in order to facilitate their reading.

As for the glass, it can be made of:

  • flexible plastic
  • high-quality crystal
  • artificial sapphire,
  • mineral component.

Artificial sapphire is considered the highest quality, reliable and wear-resistant. Such glass is almost impossible to scratch and smash very problematic. The second strength is the mineral coating. The most short-lived option is glass of plastic.

How to choose wristwatches: product functionality

Before buying a wrist watch, it is important to choose their functionality. So, for someone, very accurate time indicators are needed, and only an alarm clock is needed to someone from the clock. In addition, some may be interested in such characteristics of the product as waterproof and impact resistance. How to choose men's watches and female wrist models for these parameters, let's tell later.


This is a clock capable of accumulating the energy of the Sun, thanks to which the mechanism can work without a battery.

Atomic hours

These products with a radio signal are checked with the reference clock, in which it is measured by oscillation of high-precision atoms. These models are considered the most reliable and accurate.

Shockproof Watch Models

The mechanical shockproof hours provides for the protection of individual nodes, due to which the product continues to work after falling from a height of about one meter. For example, such protection can be at the balance axis. Some quartz models can withstand a drop from a height of 10 meters.

Waterproof watch


Usually, these are models in which all compounds are protected by special seals that do not give to penetrate moisture inside. It is only worth knowing that the pressure indicated on the lid or the dial is a static indicator. When the hands move in water, the pressure significantly exceeds this value.

How to choose Wristwatches: Product Shape

The form differences the products:

  1. Round.
  2. Rectangular.
  3. Square.
  4. Bochemy.

Round products are considered the most demanded today. The classic form is considered rectangular. Bochemy watches can be made in a unique and elegant retro style.

Several clock seals


  1. Purchase only those models of the clock that you can afford.
  2. You always need to buy only for yourself, and not to produce any impression on someone. Listen to your preferences and wishes.
  3. It is not necessary to choose a clock whose style you don't care only because they have an excellent mechanism. It is important to consider all the parameters at the same time.
  4. When choosing a clock, you should pay attention to their size. So, very large models on a small wrist will look "Rough" and ridiculous.
  5. The color of the clock is important. Thus, products made of white gold and platinum are suitable almost to everything.

How to choose Wristwatches: Video


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