
How to open a dispute to Aliexpress. When you need to open an argument on Aliexpress. How to exacerbate the dispute to aliexpress

How to open a dispute to Aliexpress. When you need to open an argument on Aliexpress. How to exacerbate the dispute to aliexpress
From this article you will learn how to open and win a dispute to Aliexpress. As well as find useful recommendations on the decision of the dispute for newcomers to Ali Spress.

Any purchase via the Internet carries a certain risk to the buyer. It is always necessary to understand: before receiving and unpacking the goods, the order is the "cat in the bag", and there is a potential likelihood that the buyer will remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the trade transaction. Making purchases on Aliexpressc, the buyer is insured against unscrupulous vendors to buyer protection system. Despite the fact that the prevailing number of buyers remains completely satisfied with its acquisition, there are exceptional situations. What then to do if you got a broken watch or an order got lost on the road? Let's figure out how to defend your rights to the dispute on Aliexpress.

What meansthe concept of " open the dispute on Aliexpress "?

If you opened the long-awaited package with Alicpress, and the thing is Velika or at all turned out to be defective, do not be upset. Of course, Chinese goods are not famous for special quality, but they must have an appropriate appearance and fulfill their target destiny. Aliexpress Trying to protect customers from dishonest implementers as much as possible. Therefore, in the event of an unsuccessful transaction, it provides partial or complete compensation. If you have fallen a deceived buyers, the first thing you should do is contact the administration and open the dispute (dispute) on Aliexpress.

The dispute is the procedure for consideration of reasonable buyer's claims to the quality of goods purchased on Aliexpress. This is a kind of consumer rights protection system developed by the trading platform. To protect the security Aliexpress Beginning a proceedings about dishonest sale, the consumer should open a dispute and clearly indicate and argue all of their discontent. Therefore, an open dispute to Aliexpress is the only tool to resolve controversial issues between the participants of the trade transaction.

Important! Under no circumstances, do not confirm the receipt of the goods before you personally do not check the parcel. Otherwise, you will lose technical support, and you will be denied the proceedings.


Where to get complete information to open a dispute to Aliexpress?

When you got the ordered lot and you are completely satisfied, the only thing you want to do is confirm receipt and add a good feedback. But how to act if the goods are not suitable? We must first find out how much time you have left to appeal the trade transaction. The protection time of the purchase is always limited and is about 1.5-2 months. But this time is fully enough to check the received goods and seek help if you are dissatisfied with the purchase. When the dispute time expires AliexpressBuying is considered complete and money is listed on the seller's account. Therefore, it is worthwhile to get the necessary information about the product and timer of time for the dispute and arrange a complaint. You can do it like this: "My Orders" - a window with an order you want to challenge - "View details". It will be indicated here how much you still have time to open a dispute.


Main causes of the dispute on Aliexpress

Open and win the dispute without significant reasons is impossible. Therefore, you need to set out your requirements in a special form in detail and it is desirable to attach photos to them with the proof of the goods inconsistencies. An application for activation of the dispute can be accepted in two cases: the order is not delivered or the lot does not comply with the technical description on the site. But how to win a dispute on Aliexpress. You just need to correctly indicate the reason for which the purchase does not fit, and attach evidence.

If the goods have not received the dispute opens for such reasons:

  1. The order did not come or is very delayed. If the time came out, and you did not deliver the order to contact the seller and find out the reason for such a delay. If the delivery of goods was detained for technical reasons, the Seller will offer to extend the buyer's protection for a while. If the seller does not in touch, you have fallen on an unfair person and did not send your item. In this case, you need to immediately open the dispute.
  2. The parcel was lost. If you find it discovered in the section about your order that it is delivered to or was lost, immediately open the dispute. If during the ordering process your address details are correct, then the responsibility for the technical overlay delivery is the seller and the carrier. Version of how to conduct the dispute to AliexpressIt will depend only on the reaction of the seller on your claim. But as a rule, the sellers immediately reimburse the material damage without the intervention of the administration site.

If the goods come, but does not suit you, you can open a dispute, citing such reasons:

  1. External signs of marriage. If the item is defective or is not in working condition, the seller is entitled to claim full compensation for the purchase.
  2. I did not come to the auction, which was specified in the order. For example, you ordered a bag for a laptop model, and you were sent to another. In this situation, the conscientious dealer will ask you to arrange a refund or provide partial compensation.
  3. Goods damaged during transportation. Fragile things, for example, a phone or a set of dishes can easily break with improper transportation. But for the opening of the dispute, photos are required when unpacking, where it is clearly seen that the goods are obtained in a damaged form.
  4. Clothing, shoes or other garder items do not comply with descriptions in a dimensional table. If you correctly removed my measurements and ordered exactly the size that came up on the table on the order page, boldly open the dispute. But if you just ordered "to the eye" and the size of you is small, administration Aliexpress will re-dispute the dispute.
  5. The goods differ in color, shape, composition, smell, configuration, etc.. Even another shade of jeans, the absence of headphones complete with a player or an unpleasant smell is challenged.
  6. You had to pay delivery, but the order was negotiated that it would be free. You are right to demand from the seller the compensation cost of delivery.
  7. The goods turned out to be fake. Search for original products on the site with Chinese copies is absolutely meaningless, but if the implementer indicated that it sells the original, but sending a copy, then for it will have to respond.
  8. The number of pieces does not correspond to reality or parcel is empty. For example, you paid three sets of bed linen, and two came. After opening the dispute you will be commemmed the value of the missing thing or will be sent to an additional order.

Advice! If the seller asks to close the dispute on AliexpressFirst, make sure that the cost of compensation is not changed, and then confirm the closure of the dispute. In some cases, sellers are deceiving inexperienced customers and in section with the amount of damage to the damage are prescribed "0" dollars.

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In which cases, the dispute on Aliexpress does not open

To the dispute be discovered, there must be certain reasons. But often buyers begin to panic and prematurely attack the administration of the trading platform with claims to the seller. To exclude false applications for challenging the purchase, there are a number of reasons for which the dispute does not open:

  1. Does not follow the movement of the parcel along the track number. This question must be solved with the help of personal correspondence with the seller. Perhaps the track number is incorrectly specified or has not yet managed to register in the system (it can take up to 15 days after shipment). And maybe the seller did not fully pay the parcel, and she did not cross the border of China or simply there are technical problems on the site tracking.
  2. You swore buy goodswho ordered. In the section disputes section, the cancellation cancellation is not accepted.
  3. Order made by mistake. The only thing you can offer you to discuss the procedure for returning the goods to the seller. But the shipment will be made at your expense, and the refund will take a lot of time.


For how much to open the dispute to Aliexpress

According to the new regulation of the buyer's rights to protect AliexpressYou can make a dispute only ten days after the appearance of the track number of your order. Previously, the limit of the invisibility of the seller was 6 days, but the site administration decided to protect sellers from impatient buyers. Also, the administration provided the opportunity to appeal the order for 15 days after closing the order, if the situation is quite weighty. Prior to this, open the dispute was possible only until the order is closed.

How long does the dispat on AlExpress

Decision of disputes by Aliexpress May last about two months. At first, for 15 days there is a correspondence between the parties of the trading transaction. The buyer may require full or partial compensation for the goods, depending on its claims. The seller, in turn, can fully satisfy the requirements of the opponent or refuse to return funds. In this case, the buyer can contact the store administration and exacerbate the dispute. Then a special department will be engaged in a controversial situation Aliexpress And it will take another 30-40 business days.

When it may be necessary to extend the dispute to Ali Spress

There are situations when you need to extend the dispute. For example, the buyer opened the dispute until the order is received due to its delay. The seller confirmed that the technical issues looked and the order was already on the road, so asks the buyer a little extend the dispute. It is beneficial for both sides, since the seller does not have to send money for the actually sent order, and the buyer will not need to send a product back or send money when it receives an order.

Extend the dispute can only buyer. You can make this modification of the dispute (you need to press the "Modifi" key). After that, the timer with the time of expiration of the dispute will automatically last.

Advice! If the timer shows that the protection time is on the outcome, and the goods are still not, use the additional function of extending the time by clicking the "Request Protection Deadline" button.


How to open an argument on AlExpress: Step-by-step instructions

To open a dispute, you will have to make such an action algorithm:

  • Enter your login to the site
  • Go to the section "My Aliexpress" - "Orders".
  • Open the order to challenge.
  • Click Open Spore.


  • You will open the window where you want to specify, the order is delivered or not. If the order is received, but does not match the specified description, click "Yes." But like on Aliexpresswith open a dispute, if the goods did not come? You need to choose the "Package did not come" and continue alternately fill the entire form that will change a little depending on your answers.
  • If you are opening a dispute about poor quality goods, you will be offered to fill out a form with possible problems. What to write in the dispute on Aliexpress Depends on the specific situation. For example, if you received pencils not in the quantity that is specified when placing an order, you write.
  • Next, you need to specify the sum of money you want to get back. There are two options: a full or partial refund.
  • Now you need to specify whether you want to return the goods to the seller or not.
  • After that, an empty form will open, in which it is necessary to clearly state your claims and requirements in English. In Russian, it does not make sense in Russian, no one will understand you in China. If you do not own a foreign language, you can use an online translator.


  • After that, the site administration will offer to add photos or video with evidence of poor-quality goods. This can be done by pressing the "Add Applications" and "Add Video" keys. By the way, the maximum file size with the image is 2 MB, and for the video - 500 MB, so you will not load a video directly to the site. For convenience, you can place videos on Yandex.Disk or other video hosting, for example, on MediaFire, and on Aliexpress Just specify a link to the video. If you do not know how to download the video to Aliexpress in the dispute, contact the site support service. After the files are fully downloaded, click "Send".


  • Now it remains to wait for the seller's answer. For 5 days, he is obliged to answer the dispute. If the answer does not follow, the dispute will close in your favor. When the seller gives a return comment, the window will open in which your requirements and evidence will be indicated on the left, and on the right of the seller's response and its evidence.


At this stage, you can stop the challenge procedure if you agree. If you do not know how to cancel the dispute on AliexpressJust press the "Stop Spore" key. In case of refusal of the seller, satisfy your requirements wait for the end of the seven-day period, and the dispute will go to the administration.

Advice! You can conduct correspondence with the seller through a special dialog box for seven days from the date of opening the dispute.


How to exacerbate spores Aliexpress: Step-by-step instructions

Not all sellers are welcome to meet displeased customers and peacefully satisfy their demands. If the seller presented the arguments rejected or put a compensation amount in the amount of "0" C.E., boldly go to the aggravation of the dispute and then all the details of the conflict will study the administration.

Previously, after the seller rejected the dispute, an additional key "Exceit Spore" appeared on the page with the order details. After her pressing, a notification appeared with the inscription "Spore is exacerbated and is under consideration." But now, often the question arises, why there is no button to "make a dispute on Aliexpress"? Since July 2016, the procedure for opening and conducting the dispute has a little simplified and the aggravation of the dispute occurs automatically if the parties will not agree within seven days. On average, you have to wait for a response within one month. Additionally, the site administration may require information about the order.

Againted spores on Aliexpress Considered solely by representatives of the administration of the trading platform. Neither the buyer nor the seller can participate in the dispute or influence the final decision. As a result, the seller has two options: or fulfill the requirements of the buyer or agree with the decision of the administration.

On a note! If the dispute won the buyer, he returned to the cash within 3-15 days to the account, from where the order was paid.


Is it possible to open the dispute to Aliexpress again?

There are situations where the buyer needs to re-open the dispute over the same order. For example, you paid an order, but it is delayed. You open the dispute and the seller reports that the parcel is on the approach, and you close the dispute. But then you get the ordered TV, and it is not working and re-open the dispute. It is quite real to do this, but only as part of the buyer's protection system. When the time came out the dispute will open it impossible. Get complete information about the management of the dispute and how to re-open the dispute on Aliexpress can here.

Aliexpress- One of the few commercial Internet resources that provide the buyer a complete guarantee of shopping. If you fell on a dishonest seller, boldly contact your help and your rights will be distinguished in the dispute on Aliexpress.


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