
How to find copies to Aliexpress. Brands on Aliexpress

How to find copies to Aliexpress. Brands on Aliexpress
The article describes how to find copies of brands and the brands themselves for Aliexpress.

Aliexpress - Multimillion platform, on which it would seem, you can find everything that only your soul. But as soon as it comes to finding brands and their copies, many have problems. Praft policy Aliexpress It prohibits sellers to post copies of brands, but some sellers bypass this prohibition by the party. And it is not surprising, the prices for original products are excavated, and not everyone can afford them. But at the same time they are ready to pay money for a good copy of products.

How to search for copies of brands on Aliexpress

Due to the prohibition of posting copies of brands on Aliexpress Sellers resort to various tricks and tricks, but mostly they use two methods:

  • In the photos using a graphic editor, all logos and branded lettering are closed.
  • In the names and descriptions of the goods reduce the original names in a special way.

If the seller uses only the first masking method, it is not possible to find it through the search site, only if you scrolling dozens, or even hundreds of pages from the category we need.

But if the seller thought of placing reductions in the title or description, then we can try to find its goods. Employees Aliexpress There are no stupid people, and have long been recruited about this method by ordering the rules, which is why periodically they block such goods, and sellers change abbreviations. Below will be the most popular abbreviated names.

pyva. ukpcuk. uU uckpcu.

If you are looking for something defined, then be sure to reduce the desired category in English, for example, if you are looking for a copy of dsquared jeans, then enter "DSQ Jeans".

If the abbreviation is outdated, and it is not located on it, then try to reduce the desired firm yourself, removing according to one letter or replacing them, for example, "adidas" - "addas", "abidas", "adias" and so on.

How to find copies of brands on Aliexpress We figured out, and now we will understand how to find the most popular copies that people most often try to find on the site.

Brands on Aliexpress. Copy iPhone on Aliexpress

IPhone is the most popular brand of phones in the world. Each second person wants to have a new iPhone model, but the prices of them are "biting", and the best way out is to buy copies.

If you enter the "iPhone" search bar and select the category "Mobile Phones", we will see that the search provides us with only the original phones, the prices of which are satisfied with high (although much cheaper than in regular stores).

Search for copies of iPhone 3 and 4 makes no sense, as the original phones on Aliexpress Pretty cheap, most often use in demand copies of iPhone 6. Most sellers use the "I6" and "I6 Plus" reduction. Below will be provided with copies of the iPhone brand on AliexpressFor which you can find the model you need:


Features of copies iPhone on Aliexpress

  • Note that absolutely all copies of iPhones on the Android operating system, and can not be different. Even if someone assures you that I saw a copy of the iPhone on iOS, it was the same android, just stylized under iOS, and the functions of the iPhone there are no and can not be.
  • Iphone copy may be completely different, it all depends on the quality and price. Some may be compared with the original, but the price of such models rather big, and some are quite cheap, but the performance of their minimum, the camera fuzzy, and everything else is not the best quality.
  • Choose one that suits your needs the parameters, and be sure to read customer reviews.


Brands on Aliekspress. Replica watches on Aliekspress

As with all other categories to post copies of branded watches on Aliekspreswith smoking, but bans for sellers is not always important.

The easiest way to find copies of branded watches on AliexpressJust browsing the page with the models. Since 50% of the submitted hours Ali - a copy of it at the first page, you can see a copy of a brand.

But if you look up a specific company, then use the abbreviations shown below:


Brands on Aliekspress. Copies of the bags on Aliekspress

Many of the girls after they see new models of brand handbags light up the desire to get them, but the price of a few hundred or even thousands of dollars scares. Aliexpress famous for its extensive selection of copies of the bags, the cost of which pleases. To find them is not as difficult as, for example, copies of the phone. It should be entered in the search for «brand bags» and you will see dozens of fakes.

If you need a specific brand bag, then again enter the cut. List of abbreviations is presented in the article just above.


Brands on Aliekspress. Copies of Nike on Aliekspress

Nike has recently won the trust and love of young people through the issuance of many interesting and stylish models of sneakers, but the prices are not available to ordinary people. A wear fashionable shoes you want. Then we seek them on Aliexpress.

The easiest way to find the shoes of Nike on, typing in the search box the word «Airmax», but in this case will show 2-3 model line is presented Nike Airmax. If you want to find the other models, enter in the search for the reduction:

  • NK brand;
  • NKE;
  • NK shoes;
  • NK.


Brands on Aliekspress. A copy of the Samsung Galaxy s7 on Aliekspress

Recently, mobile phone model Samsung Galaxy S7 has become incredibly popular because of its excellent performance and stylish design, but as with all new models, the price of Galaxy S7 is very high. But you can try to find a copy on Aliexpress.

Of course, if you type the original name in the search, then the result will not be happy - site will return only accessories, but do not copy. But if you search the word GT S7, Elephone S7, SERVO S7 or just S7, the search can be successful. Do not be put off by the fact that the first page is not what you need. Among all nonsense, sooner or later you will find a copy of the Samsung Galaxy S7.


Brands on Aliekspress. Copies of Zara on Aliekspress

Zara - a very popular clothing brand, which is different style, low price and originality. Not everyone has the opportunity to buy original ZARA things, and then comes to the rescue Aliexpress. We enter in the search for a reduction «Zar» and choose what you like. Thus, you can find copies of clothes and jewelry company Zara.


How to choose a good copy brands Aliekspress

When choosing copies need to pay attention to several important factors. First of all, see the seller rating. If he has no orders and reviews, then it is better to refrain from ordering than you will save yourself from fraud.

Secondly look at the reviews of previous customers. Of course, if most of them have written about the poor quality, there is no cost to order this product.

And the third indicator of quality, but not always true, is the description. There are specified parameters, the material from which made goods, and many other things that interested buyer.


How to search for brands in the Aliekspress

Earlier Aliexpress permit the stationing on their website brands, but for now the rules have changed, and you can find almost any brand easily. For example, if you want brand name shoes from of Nike, then type in the search word «Nike» and look for the desired category.

When choosing guided in the same way as when selecting the copy on Seller Ratings on reviews and description.

At the moment, Aliexpress there are so many branded children's, women's and men's clothing and men's and women's footwear brand.

Aliexpress always pays attention to the needs of its clients, and produces the desired pages. In recent months, the page with the brands were created:


Mall on Aliexpress

Not so long ago Aliexpress there was a special section called "The Mall", which presents the Russian brands, ranging from apparel and hardware to food for the animals.

All goods are delivered in Russia within five days, which is an undoubted plus, and during the week the goods can be returned if the quality does not suit you.


Aliexpress It is able to satisfy the requests of any buyer, regardless of whether it needs a branded product or copy. It is difficult to find a copy, but you can use the tricks given in this article. Enjoy the shopping!


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