
What are chinos pants and what they look like. What to wear pants chinos men and women, photo

What are chinos pants and what they look like. What to wear pants chinos men and women, photo
Trousers Chinos - a spectacular alternative to both male and female jeans. Find out what elements of the wardrobe and shoes can combine similar pants

Modern fashion is so fast, to keep track of all the latest trends is very difficult. One of the most popular elements of clothing are trousers chinos, which made serious competition jeans. Trousers Chinosa fell in love with many fashionists and fashionists with their versatility. With their help, it is equally spectacular to create both a careless and bold image and an elegant style. These trousers give the discharge of movements, which is very important for dynamic young people. In this article we will talk about what wearing trousers are chinosis, there are men's trousers.

Interesting facts about trousers chinoshs

  1. Trousers Chinosa received their name in honor of the fabric from which they were originally manufactured. The first chinos sewn from Chinese dense cotton, which was stained in different shades.
  2. Chinosa is one of the many models of female or male trousers. They can have different types of sewing, decor.
  3. Chinosa can be converted, and can be worn and just like that. The classic chain of chinoshs should be 5 cm above the ankle. This feature of the trouser allows them to modify them for people with different types of physique.
  4. Chinoshs are universal trousers that can be combined with both sports, casual shoes and with high-heeled shoes.
  5. Trousers are successfully combined with belts of different colors.
  6. Classic Chinosov colors: beige, olive, khaki.
  7. Chinosens may have protection or folds in the hood area and belt.
  8. Chinosa can be both strongly narrowed in the ankle area and more free.
  9. Trousers Chinosa came to the women's wardrobe made of men. For the first time, the trousers began to wear the American military during the battles with Spain for power over the Philippines. The military form was sewn from dense cotton. Over time, "chinoshs" began to be called not only the material, but also the pants themselves. A little later, fashion for such pants moved to Europe, where they also immediately became an element of a male wardrobe. Currently, trousers chinos are equally successfully exist both in the men's and in the women's wardrobe.
  10. "Chinos" translated from Spanish means "Chinese".

Types of chinosov

Modern pants chinosa can be seen in various interpretations and styles. Someone prefers more free models, and someone more fitted. Trousers chinos can vary in color:

  • olive, khaki colors, beige pants chinos - all classic color options for these trousers;
  • trousers chinos black;
  • blue chinos pants;
  • white chinos pants;
  • salad, green chinos trousers;
  • pants chinos of red shades and others.

Chinos trousers may differ in Crow, length, planting height:

  • trousers chinos narrowed;
  • free chinos pants;
  • pants chinos with high fit;
  • low landing trousers;
  • pants chinos Long slightly above the ankle;
  • trousers chinos to ankle long.

As you can see, the variety of models of Trouser Chinos will allow you to choose exactly what suits you. If you never wore trousers like a cut, then definitely include several different models to see the difference and choose the option optimal for your figure.

Pants trousers female. What it is

What wear trousers chinos female

Women's trousers chinos are a little more stringent option compared to jeans, but not too official. The free silhouette of such trousers gives the way negligence, ease. Chiosa is a predominantly summer clothing option. With what things and accessories can you combine women's trousers chinos? Perhaps you will be helped by the following tips:

  • trousers Chinos are worth combining with clothing from the same natural fabric, from which these pants are sewn. Especially practical will be such an ensemble in the hot season;
  • trousers Chinos looks spectacularly with a simple shirt. You can even choose a male shirt and you will look feminine, freeing her in pants;
  • if you want to create a more official image, then combine pants chinos with a fitted jacket. The blazer color must be harmonized with the color of the trousers to create a single image;
  • in the cool time you can add trousers with an elongated jacket made of fine tissue;
  • trousers, chinosa look beautifully and with a short monophonic sweater;
  • if you are in doubt what outerwear to wear with trousers with chinos, then give preference to shortened models of jackets. It is such models that will not hide the beauty and features of the cut of these trendy trousers. Stylish image can be created by adding chinoshes with a short leather jacket, fashion vest;
  • trousers Chinosa give the way negligence and freedom of style. To "complicate" a little appearance, add accessories in the form of volumetric bracelets, clocks with a large dial, long earrings;

  • trousers chinos are often combined with a belt. To emphasize femininity will help the flush handkerchief instead of a belt or a chain belt;
  • considering the casual appearance of chinosov, you can combine them with a leather backpack, a cross-bodie bag, an elegant clutch on a chain, etc.

How to choose pants chinosa women

If you have never worn trousers, you should not make the first purchase without fitting. The fitting is required to understand what kind of style, the length is suitable for your type of figure. Trousers Chinos Women can be used in almost every store of women's clothing.

  1. Quality trousers chinos should be made of natural fabric. Depending on the pore of the year, it can be both more dense and less dense.
  2. Be sure to buy trousers chinosa in size. Many girls are counting on the fact that they will soon lose weight by buying a smaller thing. In such trousers you will look ridiculous, attracting even more attention to your extension kilograms. If the trousers suggest a free position on the body, then they should be in such a position on your body.
  3. Chinosham's trousers should look close to girls who are not too slim legs. Free Cut will help hide all the flaws.
  4. Low growth girls are recommended to wear bosses for a full length, and high and slim young lady can be converted to the trousers on the length that is convenient for them.
  5. Girls who want to hide the complete hide, should be careful with low fit chinosles and with an abundance of folds in the hips. Such models will visually expand the hips even more. Prefer the most direct trousers with a minimum volume at the top.
  6. Trousers Chinos for women perfectly help hide too narrow hidden.

Pants chinos female. Photo

Trousers chinos men. What it is

Trousers chinos are men. Peculiarities

Men's chinos trousers also have free and slightly negligent appearance. Initially, pants were made from a 100% natural tissue. Now you can meet the model with the addition of synthetics, which makes them more elastic. If a man is used to wearing exclusively jeans, then chinos trousers can become a wonderful alternative. They are more easy and air, it is convenient to keep their hands in your pockets, they are not so hot in them, they have a richer color palette. Men's pants chinos can have different landings. You can find models as strongly narrowed in the ankle area and more straight. Chinosens can have the usual zipper or buttons.

Men who prefer classic model of trousers for daily socks, choose not too narrowed chinos. They are as much as possible on business pants in their own way, they do not look as officially.

Men's trousers chinos are necessarily comfortable pockets on the sides. Pockets from behind can be imitational. Among the undoubted advantages of men's chinos can be allocated:

  • budget value. As a rule, chinosists are cheaper than good jeans or business trousers;
  • color manifold. Trousers Chinos for men are just that element of the wardrobe, which is able to make bright paints into it. Summer pants Chinosa can be both classic hacks, beige, olive colors, so and white, gray, blue, salad, red, etc.;

  • convenience. Trousers Chinosa can adequately compete with jeans for degree convenience. In summer sultry weather, they are simply indispensable;
  • versatility. Trousers chinos are amazing that they can be absolutely relevant in various situations. Combining them with Kedami, you will get a youth and casual image. And combining pants chinos with a jacket, shirt and appropriate shoes, you can get a completely "working" appearance.

What to wear trousers chinos men's

Men's trousers chinos are remarkably combined with completely different elements of clothing and accessories:

  • speeciously look at men's chinosis of different colors with a conventional white T-shirt, polo t-shirt;
  • to create a more business appearance, combine binxes with a fitted jacket. If the situation requires to be in a more formal form, o select rich blue chinos. The jacket should be monophonic, in brighter shades of blue or blue. A bright accent in such an image can be a handkerchief in the chest pocket of the jacket of contrasting color;
  • recently, in fashion shows, chinosists are increasingly flashed in combination with bosy legs;
  • a spectacular addition to male chinosams can be a strap of contrasting color. For business images, choose classic black and brown;
  • men's pants chinosa can be combined with both monophonic T-shirts and checkered shirts;
  • men's trousers in cool weather can be combined with knitted pullers, long sleeves;
  • trousers Chinos and Simple Croes Shirt are a spectacular summer clothing set;
  • to create a fashionable image, you can experiment with a monochrome blazer or a male cardigan;
  • if you want to give an image of elegance and unusualness, then try combining bureaucas with fur without wool. Under the skin, you can wear a monophonic shirt;

  • when choosing the outerwear for wearing with chinos, your freedom of choice is not limited. You can choose a stylish trenchkot, bold cute or bomber, coat or semi-coath.

As you understand, chinosists can become a universal base element of the male wardrobe. They will be able to dilute already faded daily images with jeans or become a spectacular emphasis in official appearance.

How to choose pants chinos men

When choosing pants chinos men should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • do not buy chinos without trying even if you are sure of the size. If you buy pants for the first time such a cut, the fitting will help to choose "your" model chinos;
  • do not buy chinos that too much adhesive qualities hips. This model of trousers is not intended to "close" the wearing;
  • consider color chinos. Too bright patterns will not be appropriate in a formal setting. If you plan to walk in these pants to work, select restrained and dark shades. Chinos for work must also be of a more dense fabric with a certain percentage of synthetics. These chinos would be better to keep the shape during the day;

  • in the preparation of the image with trousers chinos think over whether you will fill the shirt, t-shirt inside or not. It all depends on your preferences and your situation. In a business setting, preferably fill the shirt into pants, and wear in a relaxed atmosphere as you like;
  • when buying pants chinos special attention to their length. As you know, you can tuck chinos. Such way of wearing can afford young and rather slender man. Otherwise, chinos can add extra kilos. Ideal chinos length - the length to the level of the shoe or pair of shoes centimeters above;
  • whether it is necessary to give preference to models too tapered chinos? It all depends on your preferences and the type of figure. If you feel discomfort in your chinos too narrow, then choose a free model.

Men's trousers chinos. Photo

Chinos pants and shoes. selection rule

From what to wear trousers chinos, you already know. What should we be guided in the selection of shoes, if you are wearing pants chinos? Of course, you need to take into account the time of year and the entire image as a whole. If you prefer to wear chinos trousers to create a business-like manner, and then the shoes should be appropriate. These pants are easily combined with the following types of shoes:

  • pants and chinos Lofer. Such shoes can be selected for both men and women who prefer a comfortable and casual;

  • pants and chinos topsaydery. This type of shoes worn on bare feet. Topsaydery should be chosen in one color trousers to create a whole image;

  • trousers Chinos and sneakers. This popular view of everyday shoes looks quite effectively with trousers chinos. Kedas have long ceased to be shoes exclusively for sports. Modern sneakers are presented in different colors, which allows them to select them to color summer chinos;

  • pants chinos and ballet shoes. Women often combine bosses with this kind of shoes. Ballet can be made of different materials: skin, textiles, suede. Focus on the unity of the color and texture of materials when creating an image;

  • pants chinos and moccasins. This type of shoe is firmly and for a long time entered both men's and female wardrobes. Soft and very comfortable moccasins add even greater ease of image with trousers;

  • pants chinos and sandals. In particularly hot summer weather, you can stop your choice on light and open sandals, which emphasize the alarm of the ankle and add femininity to the image;

  • pants chinos and shoes on a heel. Fashionable cotton pants can be effectively combined with shoes on a heel. Girls with magnificent forms, this will give harmony and additional growth, and thinners will become even more air and trendy;

  • pants chinos and deserts. Deserts are in male and female performance. This perfect shoes that will help the Chinosham look more officially and strictly. Men often choose deserts with suede riding and contrasting sole. Brown deserts in combination with blue trousers chinoshs - this is a real classic that can often be found on the pages of fashion magazines;

  • trousers chinos and snickers. This type of shoe will become an excellent choice for a cooler weather. Snebers are not inferior in their convenience sneakers, help create a relaxed and sports image in the style of Casual.

Trousers chinos for full. How to choose

Many mistakenly believe that trousers are not suitable for girls with rounded shapes. This is an absolute myth. "Pyshki" should choose model of trousers without an excessive volume in the hips. The ideal option will also be a combination of trendy trousers with high-heeled shoes. Choosing such an image, girls with magnificent forms can be confident that everything is "superfluous" hidden, and the advantages are only underlined.

Trousers chinos for thin. How to choose

Quite often, girls complain not only on the completeness, but also on an excessive hoodoo. Trousers Chinos will help hide excessively narrow hips and help add feminine rounding to the buttocks. Taki girls may not be afraid of volume in the field of hips and numerous folds on trousers. Sound girls can wear chinoshs both fade and full length. Hinders are absolutely not limited in choosing shoes to trousers Chinosham.

If you do not imagine the best casual clothes than jeans, then you will definitely look at the trousers chinosham. This fashion view of the clothing will dilute your wardrobe and will help in creating an incredibly huge number of stylish images. Chinosa are easy to care, they are relatively budget and have a large color variety. Watch yourself and be fashionable!


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