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Golden mustache - the beneficial properties of the plant. From what the golden mustache helps, use. Golden mustache in folk medicine, treatment at home. Tincture on a gold must: instructions for use, indications, contraindications

Golden mustache - the beneficial properties of the plant. From what the golden mustache helps, use. Golden mustache in folk medicine, treatment at home. Tincture on a gold must: instructions for use, indications, contraindications
The plant of the golden mustache is useful and therapeutic properties., Indications, contraindications. The use of a gold mustache at home. Treatment with a gold mustache in folk medicine. How to cook and take a golden mustache.

In folk medicine, tinctures and ointments are very popular, in which a golden mustache plant is present. We can say that it is unique, because it will help to cure stomach diseases, help with allergic reactions, cleanse the body and alleviate the condition with burns, cuts and wounds on the body.

Many people who have discovered the unique properties of this plant often call it home ginseng, because the flower can be grown at home in a pot when there is no way to plant a golden mustache on the site.

Description of the Golden Culing Plant

The botanical name is “fragrant callis”, a plant from Mexico. Back in 1890, the flower was brought to the country by scientists A. Krasnov. But at first the plant was used only for decorative purposes, and at the end of the 19th century its healing properties were opened. Since then, the plant has become very popular, in almost every courtyard or house on the windowsill one could see callsia.

Due to the features of the structure of the plant’s trunk and thin antennae departing from it, in the common people they began to call Callisia a golden mustache.

If you grow a plant at home in a pot, its height will reach only 1 m, in natural conditions it grows to 2 meters. The stem is straight, long, the leaves are large, quite wide, remotely resembling corn leaves.

The shoots of the plant are located horizontally, the height begins from the lower part of the stem. The mustache is long and “look” down, at the end of each Usik there are small outlets - these are young shoots of new leaves. On shoots or antennae, joints or nodules are formed, just on them it is possible to determine the degree of maturity of the plant and its healing properties.

The leaves of the plant can be either light and more intense coloring, it all depends on illumination. The length of the leaves is about 20 cm, the width of each leaf within 4 cm. The leaves are very large and fleshy. If you look at them in good light, you can see the yellow strips inside. By the way, due to the similarity of leaves with corn, this plant has another folk name “corn”.

During flowering, the plant has a pleasant aroma. The flowers are small, white, there are pale pink flowers. By the way, the plant blooms very rarely if it is properly care for. There is such a sign among the people: if the flower has bloomed, there is a positive energy in this house.

Golden mustache, photo

Golden mustache: therapeutic properties

The golden mustache plant is considered almost a panacea from many diseases: osteochondrosis, diseases of the stomach, cysts, skin diseases, heartburn, hypertension, etc. The extract of the flower in cosmetology is actively used to prepare tonic and anti -aging skin care products.

In folk medicine, it is believed that this plant will save from a hundred ailments.

The healing properties of the plant or what can be cured:

  • digestive diseases. The flower will help relieve pain in gastritis and pancreatitis, as well as alleviate the patient's condition with hemorrhoids;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • colds: tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, cough;
  • diseases of the spine and joints;
  • a flower will help with an integrated approach in the treatment of endocrine diseases;
  • arrhythmia, angina pectoris. The unique properties of the flower will normalize blood pressure, cure varicose veins and atherosclerosis;
  • the tincture on the gold must be used for the external treatment of wounds, ulcers, burns, fistulas, insect bites, erosion.

In addition, the flower cleanses the body well of toxins and toxins, strengthen immunity. It is useful to take tincture during seasonal diseases and with vitamin deficiency. The medicine will help to cheer up, get rid of neurosis and depression.

What are the contraindications of the use of a golden mustache

Golden mustache is a potent medicinal plant, so it is necessary to accurately observe the dosage and not increase the amount of the drug in order to recover faster.

It is forbidden to take any form of the drug based on this plant:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • chronic kidney diseases;
  • with prostate adenoma.

The corn is a toxic plant, so it is necessary to take the drug with particular caution to people who suffer from bronchial asthma and allergies.

In the first days of treatment, it is advisable to reduce the prescribed dosage of the drug by 30% and monitor the reaction of the body. If everything is in order, smoothly increase the dosage. If there is an allergic reaction, you need to refuse the drug.

Incorrect treatment with a gold mustache, when the dosage of the drug is not observed with internal use, this can lead to severe damage to the vocal ligaments.

Golden Council: benefits

The beneficial properties of the Golden mustache are due to its rich composition.

The leaves contain many valuables:

  • vitamin C, which helps to establish the work of the whole organism as a whole, strengthen immunity;
  • flavonids and campfires - substances contribute to the strengthening of blood vessels, relieve the inflammatory process in the body, help the speedy healing of wounds, get rid of edema, establish the work of the genitourinary system;
  • b vitamins replenish the reserves of vitamins in the body;
  • phytosterols - contribute to the speedy recovery in the treatment of female diseases and even oncology;
  • trace elements - contribute to the strengthening of the whole organism as a whole;
  • biologically active substances - strengthen immunity, contribute to the speedy recovery;
  • nicotinic acid - helps to improve blood circulation.

Attention! In case of allergies to one of the above components, it is prohibited to use any form of the drug with a flower content.

The use of a golden mustache

The use of the plant, according to the rules, will help to quickly overcome the ailment.

What you need to know:

  1. Leaves for the preparation of the medicine need to be collected only from an adult plant, at least 3 months old. They must be ripened.
  2. Growing rules: the plant needs a lot of light, but so that the leaves are not for a long time under the sun.
  3. Watering is also important: as necessary, but without drying the soil, since the plant will not grab moisture and it can drop the leaves.
  4. As soon as new small leaves appear on the antennae, the plant has matured. Leaves are taken for the preparation of the medicine.
  5. A panel with new leaves, which is formed on each antennae, must be separated to put in another pot. The remaining mustache is used as intended.
  6. In a ripened plant, the color of the mustache is dark purple, like the lower part of the barrel.
  7. Valuable substances are accumulated to the maximum in the plant in November.

Golden mustache in folk medicine is used internally to treat diseases of the stomach, liver, strengthen immunity and external to the treatment of skin diseases. It is believed that thanks to the unique properties of the plant, fibroma, leukemia and cancer can be cured. In addition, strengthen immunity, get rid of nervous and colds.

Golden mustache at home

Tincture is very popular in folk medicine. You can buy a golden mustache in a pharmacy. If desired, the medicine is not difficult to do yourself.

Description of the preparation of the medicine:

  • take a large sheet 20 cm long;
  • put it in a pan;
  • pour a liter of just boiled water;
  • the container must be wrapped with a blanket, leave for a day;
  • readiness of tincture: liquid changes color, becomes a dark purple hue.

This is one of the simplest water -based recipes. Take a medicine for the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines and cleansing the liver on a tablespoon 1-2 times a day for an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals.

How to cook golden mustache for alcohol:

  1. We take from 30 to 40 pcs. knots, chop.
  2. Take 1 liter of vodka - pour chopped raw materials.
  3. Insist in a glass jar in a dark place. Every day you need to shake a jar of contents.
  4. Insist minimally 10 days, maximum - 15.
  5. How to understand that tincture cooking for use: it will acquire a dark purple hue. Strain it through a gauze folded in several layers, pour it into a bottle.
  6. It is necessary to store the medicine in a cool place so that direct sunlight does not fall into the container.

How to take a golden mustache? It is necessary to take a golden mustache on vodka every day, according to the following rules:

  • pour half a glass of water;
  • count exactly 30 drops of tincture;
  • add to water, mix;
  • the reception scheme is as follows: drink the medicine twice a day within 10 days;
  • 10 days to take a break and then it is allowed to resume the intake of tincture of the golden mustache.

The use of tincture of a gold mustache according to another scheme: start with 10 drops, adding a drop by drop every day for 30 days, then reduce one drop per day to the original volume.

Such a diagram of taking the medicine is considered smooth and gentle. What does the golden mustache help in this case? You can cure atherosclerosis, take tincture according to the scheme in order to improve the condition with cardiovascular diseases, blood diseases, and to strengthen the body as a whole.

Reviews of people who used the golden mustache for treatment

Eugene: « Previously, it was not possible to grow flowers on the windowsill. I learned about this unique plant by chance. One process of a golden mustache also accidentally came to my house. He had long roots, I transplanted the plant into the pot.  She provided proper care, it turned out to be not difficult. The plant loves light, but it is impossible for the sun's rays to fall on the leaves, from this the healing properties are lost. I took the earth for seedlings so that without chemical fertilizers. I use a golden mustache as a wand-lifting, if you need to quickly get rid of rashes on the lips. As soon as it got colder, I suffer from herpes. I tried a lot of pharmacy funds, but did not help. This method helps me: I choose a sheet with a length of up to 10 cm, grind, get juice with pulp, mix liquid honey. I take 2 parts of juice and 1 part of honey. As soon as I feel itching, I put on the lips like a balm. In 1 day, everything goes away! And if it was too late and rashes appeared, it will take longer than the time for treatment».

Marina: « I bought a golden mustache in the market from my grandmother in a pot. She transplanted at home, grown on a light and warm windowsill. Everything is fine, but when the plant reached the age of approximately 3 months, in the morning I discovered that the leaves gnawed at the cat. I think that in this way a pet is getting rid of worms, because recently a cat has no vomiting and it has been feeling good. By the way, my cat first gnaws at the leaves of the plant in the morning and after time asks for food. I still use a flower to get rid of herpes on the lips».

Lydia: « Recently, at work it grabbed, it hurt a lot in the back under the spatula, I could not raise my hand and breathe in full chest. I went to the hospital, diagnosed with osteochondrosis, was prescribed massage, injections, rubbish. The treatment passed, but it did not help me. At work, the employee saw how I was trying to hold on and brought the finished tincture. Rubbed twice a day into painful places, soon the pain left. If I freezed, the pain was returning, then I made compresses at night. A colleague taught me the tincture: I need to take 12 joints and grind, 500 ml of vodka, insist for 10 days, then strain and use it as intended. If you need to take inside, then you need to start with 20-25 drops, but not more than a dessert spoon. Now I have this unique plant at home».

Recipes for preparing medicine based on a golden mustache

Consider the popular recipes for making medicines with a golden mustache:

  1. Preparation of infusion: Take the sheet of the golden mustache, cut 1/4 of the part, chop and pour boiling water (250 ml). Cover the container with a saucer, insist for 2 hours. Then the broth needs to be filtered and can be taken. Reception scheme: before eating 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. Duration - no more than 7 days. Every day you need to make a fresh broth. To achieve a certain goal (for example, treatment of insomnia, nervous disorders), golden mustache is brewed with hops or mint, as well as valerian. For the treatment of diabetes, stomach and intestines, a pure infusion of a medicinal plant is used. Such an infusion can also be used as lotions and washing the eyes to treat conjunctivitis, barley, glaucomas and myopia.
  2. How to make a decoction: Take 1 large sheet of plants, chop, pour cold water (1 l), put the container on the fire, after boiling you need to boil the decoction over low heat for 5 minutes. Then - leave the decoction for half an hour to insist, then cool, strain and store in a cool place. You need to take 1 tbsp. Before eating for half an hour. The duration of the reception is 7 days, then a break of 7 days and you can repeat the treatment again as necessary. Such a decoction must be used for diseases of the stomach and intestines, allergic manifestations, skin diseases and liver diseases.
  3. How to make juice: Cut the large fleshy leaves (it is undesirable to cut it for the future, since you can store cut leaves within a day). Leaves need to be chopped and squeezed. To use it within 24 hours, you need to mix juice with honey in equal proportions and warm it over very low heat for half an hour. It is possible to extend the shelf life of freshly squeezed juice: add alcohol. Proportions: take 2 parts of alcohol on 3 parts of juice. The shelf life increases to 10 days. Such a medicine is used only externally, and if you need to take the medicine inward, dilute the concentrated drug with boiled water at room temperature before use. 3 or 5 parts of water are taken per 1 part of the juice for alcohol. Scope: stomatitis, tonsillitis, external for healing wounds.
  4. Syrup preparation recipe: Take a large sheet 20 cm long, chop, pour 125 ml of water, put on the stove and bring to a boil. After boiling water, you need to reduce the fire and evaporate until 1 tablespoon of concentrated raw materials remain. You need to add the same amount of vodka and strain through gauze. Add the syrup to the resulting solution (prepare separately from 2 parts of sugar and 1 part of the water), mix. Put a container with the medicine on the stove, boil, cool. Syrup must be stored in a glass jar in a cool place. Shelf life is 3 weeks. Such syrup is used to treat colds, helps well in the treatment of coughing, like an expectorant drug.
  5. Balm cooking recipe: Take 60 ml of alcohol tincture of the plant, add 80 ml of linseed oil (can be sunflower), shake all the components well. You need to take balm as soon as they prepared. Scope: heart disease, blood vessels, stomach, diabetes, prostate adenoma.
  6. Make oil from stems and flower leaves, it is allowed to add finely chopped shoots. Squeeze the juice, and what remains, you need to lay out a thin layer on a flat surface to dry out. When the cake dries, it needs to be chopped and poured into a jar. It is necessary to pour vegetable oil (preferably olive) into it, close the lid and keep in a dark place for 20-22 days. After filtering, it is necessary to store the medicine in a place cool and protected from light. Proportions: take 30 g more for 20 g of dried raw material.
  7. Second way: The crushed mustache must be poured with oil (in equal proportions), pour into a baking sheet and at a temperature of +40 degrees, and simultaneously simultaneously 8 hours. What remains is to strain and add the same amount of sandalwood oil. The oil is used to get rid of headache, it must be rubbed into the temporal region several times a day.
  8. We make an ointment golden mustache. The ointment can be made on any fat basis, for example, use pork inner fat or children's cream. It is necessary to take 1 part of the freshly squeezed juice of the flower leaves, mix with 3 parts of the cream or fat, store in a cool place in a glass container with a twisting lid. This ointment is used to treat joints. Apply a golden mustache for the joints with a thin layer to sore spots, slightly rub.
  9. Oil emulsion recipe: You need to take a tincture of a golden mustache in an amount of 30 ml, add an unrefined sunflower oil 30 ml, shake, store in a dark cool place.

Golden mustache balm: Instructions

The Balm "Golden Clothes" has an antioxidant and anti -inflammatory effect, relieves swelling, restores the nutrition of tissues of the spine and joints. It is widely used for the treatment of osteochondrosis, arthritis and radiculitis.

Compound: The extract of the Golden mustache, the Sablenik, the helmet, St. John's wort, burdock, chaga, nine, red pepper, bee wax, juniper oil, water with silver ions, glycerin and other auxiliary substances.

How to apply: A little balm must be applied to a sore spot, rub with light massage movements, a sore spot to enhance the action of the balm can be wrapped in something warm. Use 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 2 to 6 weeks.

Contraindications: An allergic reaction, intolerance to one of the components that make up the balm.

Storage: The balm does not have to be kept in the refrigerator, store - at room temperature. The shelf life is 2 years.

Golden mustache tincture, video



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