
Why the need for the body Vitamin B6 - indications, contraindications. Application of Vitamin B6 in capsules and tablets: manual. Review of Vitamins B6 - what better drugs? What foods contain Vitamin B6

Why the need for the body Vitamin B6 - indications, contraindications. Application of Vitamin B6 in capsules and tablets: manual. Review of Vitamins B6 - what better drugs? What foods contain Vitamin B6
Benefits of Vitamin B6 for the body, what it's for. The use of vitamin B6 for adults and children. Instructions for use of vitamin B6. What foods contain vitamin. Drugs with vitamin B6 - a review.

Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine has a paramid value for health. The human body is not able to hold it for a long time and even more so accumulate this water-soluble substance: the organic connection is rapidly removed from the urine and then. In order not to hurt, you need to ensure the regular entry of pyridoxine into the body. On the properties and features of the use of vitamin B6, you will learn in the article.

Vitamin B6 is not modified during heat treatment and under the influence of air, but it is subjected to damage to light. Most often this happens when the substance is dissolved in water or frozen (we are talking about food). Penetrated into the body tissue, pyridoxine is transformed into pyridoxal phosphate.

What is needed by the body Vitamin B6

Pyridoxine participates in the main processes of the human body's life:

  • adjusts the content of fats and cholesterol in the blood;
  • stimulates the production of biologically active components, through which the nerve fibers carry out impulses. In general, pyridoxin provides good health of the peripheral and central nervous system;
  • participates in the formation of red blood cells;
  • is one of the components that ensure the stability of the enzymatic system of the human body;
  • it is a natural diuretic when disorders of water balance;
  • participates in the development of hormones and modify various microelements;
  • provides the optimal level of sodium, magnesium, potassium and blood sugar;
  • normalizes the activities of adrenal glands and thyroid gland;
  • promotes healthy metabolism in brain cells, thereby ensuring high physical and mental activity;
  • keeps the acidity of gastric juice within the normal range;
  • ensures the removal of toxic substances from the body, if a person poisoned;
  • increases the synthesis of substances responsible for the energy and thirst for life;
  • responds to a certain extent for the synthesis of nucleic acids that control the age degradation of cells;
  • normalizes the number of such genital hormones as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone, as well as to some extent affects the level of adrenaline in stressful situations;
  • ensures uninterrupted work of the body's immune system, providing us with reliable protection against pathogenic viruses and bacteria;
  • stimulates the removal of the organism of the homocysteine \u200b\u200bsubstance - a dangerous "provocateur" of the development of heart attack and stroke;
  • reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, ischemia, as well as myocardial infarction (if there is no shortage of other vitamins of group B).

Vitamin B6 for the body: optimal indicators for children and adults

How much pyridoxine needed for good well-being, judges the age and state of the person. Permissible daily dosage for all different:

  • breasts are enough 0.5 mg pyridoxine per day;
  • the daily amount of vitamin B6 for older children is 1.5 mg;
  • the optimal dose of the useful substance for an adult organism is 1.8 mg per day;
  • in the future and nursing breasts, Mamam need to increase the daily amount of pyridoxine to 2.5 mg.

In the high dose of Vitamin B6 not only pregnant women need. Provide a regular arrival of 2.5 mg of pyridoxine into the body is necessary to the following categories of people:

  • the representatives of the weaker sex for 10 to 14 days before the start of critical days, when in their body the highest level of estrogen, on the production of which a lot of vitamin B6 is spent;
  • taking steroids;
  • women taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • people with overweight of the body - they have slow metabolism, and pyridoxin stimulates the metabolism in the body;
  • people who undergo treatment with tranquilizers;
  • people who are frowning by AIDS;
  • smokers with great experience;
  • alcohol dependent people;
  • people suffering from sharp and chronic disorders of the nervous system;
  • people living under strong emotional or physical pressing;
  • teenagers with problem skin.

Causes of vitamin B6 deficiency in the body

Factors, under the influence of which the level of pyridoxine in the blood is constantly declining, is very much, so completely eliminate the causes of the lack of vitamin B6 people are not able. However, you can always try to minimize the costs of the useful substance. The body desperately needs pyridoxine in such cases and situations:

  • nervous exhaustion;
  • life under conditions of constant stress;
  • the predominance of meat products in the diet;
  • pregnancy;
  • monthly cycle and climax;
  • age after 50 years;
  • serious bloodstures as a result of injuries or surgical operations;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • liver diseases of infectious nature;
  • reduced blood glucose content;
  • long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs;
  • damage to the joints of the type of polyarthritis;
  • smoking and abuse of alcohol drinks;
  • fever;
  • pyridoxynically dependent inheritance diseases.

Signs of vitamin B6 deficit in the body

There are a number of obvious symptoms, taking that, you can immediately assume that the body is in dire need of Vitamin B6:

  • lack of appetite;
  • irritability and depressed condition;
  • anxiety;
  • reaction rate reduction;
  • reducing the ability to concentrate;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • feeling of numbness and tingling in their hands and legs;
  • muscle cramps and spasms;
  • bad regeneration of soft tissues;
  • hair loss;
  • painful wounds and snags on the lips;
  • frequent cases of conjunctivitis;
  • dry, peeling and increased skin sensitivity (especially on the face and scalp);
  • flatulence;
  • edems on the face, upper and lower limbs.

The problem cannot be underestimated, because on the basis of vitamin B6 deficiency in the body, serious complications are developing in the form of leukopenia, anemia, liver dysfunction and cardiovascular system, diseases of mental nature.

The excessive content of vitamin B6 in the body is very difficult to achieve: for this you need to take more than 500 g of pyridoxine per day. One of the characteristic symptoms of overdose by this substance is unusually bright and realistic dreams.

What products contain vitamin B6

When "bells" appears about the lack of vitamin B6, it is preferably preferably reviewing its diet to fill the lack of a useful substance due to food. Please note that during thermal treatment, the content of pyridoxine in meat decreases by 60%, when grain crops, this indicator is already 90%, and the freezing of products destroys the amount of vitamin B6 to 20-60%.

Pyridoxin is present in the composition of a variety of products, so we will list only those where its content is the highest:

  • the kernel of walnut;
  • sunflower kernels;
  • leschina;
  • spinach leaves;
  • potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • belococcal, Brussels and cauliflower;
  • tomatoes;
  • berries;
  • citrus;
  • horseradish;
  • garlic;
  • brewer's yeast;
  • salad pepper;
  • avocado;
  • garnet.

A sufficient amount of vitamin B6 is found in foods such as fish, eggs, cereals, legumes, kidney and liver.

vitamin B6 preparations - which is better?

If you doubt the effectiveness of nutrition at deficiency of vitamin B6, consult a doctor. The specialist will choose a multivitamin complex based on your individual needs. Among the most popular drugs today vitamin B6 are the following:

  • Angiovit (combination of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid) - average value means of rub 220-240;
  • Neurobeks (a complex of vitamins B1, B6 and B12) - 330 - 360 rub .;
  • Pentovit (complex vitamins B1, B3, B6, B12 and folic acid) - 140-160 rub .;
  • Multi-tabs B-complex (contains vitamins B6, B1, 2, 3, 5, 12 and folic acid) - 300-360 rub .;
  • Magne B6 Forte Premium (vitamin B6 combination with magnesium) - 660-810 rub .;
  • Magnelis B6 (vitamin B6 and magnesium) - 280-420 rub .;
  • Milgamma compositum (contains vitamins B1 and B6) - 560-1140 rub .;
  • Neyromultivit (a complex of vitamins B1, B6 and B12) - 240-630 rub.

Union vitamin B6 with folic acid (vitamin B9) - very effective combination of which prevents the development of thrombosis and atherosclerosis, promotes activation of cerebral circulation, relieves the cardiac muscle during ischemia.

Vitamin B6, along with magnesium helps to restore a favorable emotional background, improves the quality of sleep, banishes anxiety and successfully solves the problem of cramps in the calf muscles.

Forms of vitamin B6 for use in medicine

In modern medical practice, use two forms of pyridoxine:

  1. Tablets for oral administration.
  2. A solution for intramuscular, intravenous or subcutaneous injection.

In addition to the vitamin B6 pyridoxine preparations may be supplemented with another active substance - pyridoxine hydrochloride or pyridoxal. Medicaments consisting of pyridoxal phosphate are present, accelerated therapeutic effect vary, but the other characteristics are drugs with pyridoxine hydrochloride and pyridoxal phosphate identical.

Vitamin B6 - indications for use

Since vitamin B6 - the substance is practically universal, diseases and conditions require its use, very much. Pyridoxine has a beneficial effect on all the body's cells. With the help of only one vitamin B6 from a serious disease, of course, not get rid of, but in the treatment agent facilitates the course of acute and chronic disorders, as well as improves the prognosis of any disease.

The main testimony for the treatment of vitamin B6 preparations are such diseases and pathological conditions:

  • correction and prevention of hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis;
  • antibacterial program for treating tuberculosis (in this period, very large quantities of pyridoxine are spent by the body;
  • frequent nausea and vomiting in early toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • toxicosis in late pregnancy;
  • babies that feed on artificial mixtures and suffer from dryness and excessive peeling of the skin;
  • hypotrophy in newborns;

  • pyridoxin-dependent convulsive syndrome in newborns (hereditary pathology);
  • lack of immunity to diseases of infectious nature;
  • increased excitability;
  • febrile cramps (reaction to high body temperature);
  • as part of a comprehensive treatment program for diseases such as heart failure, hepatitis, cholecystitis, Parkinsonism, radiculitis;
  • neuralgia;
  • during the treatment period, fivazide to prevent convulsion;
  • poor-quality and insufficient nutrition;
  • diarrhea (to replenish the normal level B6 in the body);
  • enteritis;
  • stress;
  • depression;

  • in the rehabilitation program after partial removal of the intestine or stomach;
  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • dermatitis of various etiology;
  • little disease;
  • psoriasis;
  • meniere syndrome;
  • hemodialysis;
  • pathological dependence on alcohol.

Vitamin B6 - contraindications for use

Contraindications for treatment with vitamin B6 are not much, but they are very weighty. With great care, pyridoxine preparations are prescribed with the following diseases:

  • complicated liver damage;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • the ulcer of the stomach and duodenalist.

The side effect of the use of vitamin B6 in the body is manifested as an allergic skin rash.

Application Vitamin B6 in ampoules and tablets - Instructions

Let's talk about the basic rules for the use of pyridoxine.

Vitamin B6 in tablets - how to take

Tablet-shaped preparations are available in several dosages - 2, 5 and 10 mg of pyridoxine hydrochloride. Also in the pharmacy there are beer yeast with the same doses of the active substance. Biologically active additives are adopted for preventing the development of the lack of vitamin B6.

The instructions say that pyridoxine pills are taken inside without chewing after meals, drinking the water sip. For the prevention of hypovitaminosis, as well as to improve the appearance of the skin and hair, adult patients drink 3 - 5 mg vitamin B6 per day, children - 2 mg. The standard dose of a substance for the treatment of certain diseases varies from 20 to 30 mg per day. The duration of the reception of pyridoxine with therapeutic and preventive goal for large and small - 1 - 2 months.

The use of pyridoxine in tablets is also relevant when the treatment program involves the simultaneous use of Vitamins B6 and B1. The substances of the relative nature in the form of a solution for injections are incompatible, so injections are made only in different days, but in the form of pills vitamins are combined without problems.

Vitamin B6 in ampoules - how to take

Vitamin B6 in liquid form is produced by 10 and 50 mg of the active component in 1 ml. Injection sterile form of pyridoxine is usually used in complex treatment of diseases. Dosages and duration of treatment depend on the severity of pathology. On average, 1 course is prescribed from 20 to 25 injections. To the re-course it will be possible to return only a few months later.

Most often injecting vitamin B6 - intramuscular, injections do not do into the buttock muscle, but in the outer upper third of the thigh. The place for subcutaneous injection is chosen in the region of the forearm, capturing the skin fold with a thickness of 1 - 1.5 cm. Intravenous pyridoxine injections make a qualified health worker.

How to prick vitamin B6

If the doctor appointed intramuscular injections of pyridoxine and you decided to make them at home yourself, check out the main rules of the procedure:

  • fuely to the necessary amount of disposable sterile syringes on the course of treatment;
  • immediately before injection, wipe the estimated area of \u200b\u200bthe injection with a sterile cleaned cotton card or a sterile napkin (usually it is an external top third of the thigh, but the introduction of the needle is allowed into the upper external part of the buttock);
  • carefully break the cap of the ampoule with liquid vitamin B6;
  • slowly pull the piston from the syringe so that some air fell inside;
  • in one hand, take a revealed ampoule to another - syringe. Immerse the needle in the ampoule. Pulling the piston with your fingers, leisurely take the solution through the needle;
  • when the fluid remains in the ampoule, turn the syringe with the needle up and slightly knock on it with a finger so that air bubbles rose into its upper part;
  • now gently press the piston in the syringe until the liquid drop appears on the tip of the needle;
  • stretch your fingers at the injection site, quickly enter the needle. Vitamin enter slowly, without making sudden movements and jolts;
  • after the injection again, wipe the place of injection with a new cotton swab dipped in alcohol solution.

Vitamin B6 in cosmetology

Useful substance benefits not only with internal use. Vitamin B6 is often used externally to improve hair and skin. On the need for treatment with vitamin B6, our appearance hints very eloquently:

  • hair looks dry, lifeless, tips are dispelfended by a strong cross section;
  • lengox length is practically no increase;
  • the hair falls out with whole strands;
  • dandruff appeared;
  • the sorcerer of the head of the head;
  • the skin becomes more dry, peeling;
  • on the face there are inflamed itchy "nodules".

Vitamin B6 for hair - how to use

To care for weak dry curls, an ampumen pyridoxine is used. The substance stimulates hair growth and literally revives the chapel.

General principles of masks with vitamin B6 for hair:

  1. Cosmetic mixes with vitamins are best "work" on dirty hair.
  2. After applying the mask, the head is desirable to insist. To do this, use polyethylene and a thick terry towel.
  3. Vitamin masks hold on her hair at least 1 - 1.5 hours.
  4. The mixture was washed off the hair in the usual way using a shampoo. Finally, clean hair is rinsed with chamomile or nettle decoction.
  5. Positive effect can be achieved if "feeding" hair 2 times a week. Course treatment - up to 15 procedures.
  6. The smell of liquid vitamin B6 is quite specific, but let him not bother you - it disappears after the first head wash.

We offer you a selection of popular masks with group vitamins B for luxurious chapels:

  • a mixture of a rayan, olive and almond oils (1 tbsp. l.) + 1 yolk + 1 ampoule pyridoxine;
  • 20 g of floral honey + 5 g of a metering juice + 1 yolk + 1 ampoule pyridoxine;
  • 1 tsp. Freshly squeezed garlic juice + 1 yolk + 1 tbsp. l. olive oil + 5 g pyridoxine;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Castor oil heated in a water bath + 1 ampoule pyridoxine;
  • 1 yolk + 1 tbsp. l. sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil + 1 ampoule B6 + 1 ampoule B12;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Honey + 1 tbsp. l. Coconut oil + 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice + 1 ampoule vitamin B6 + 1 ampoule vitamin B12.

There is an even easiest way to strengthen the hair pyridoxin - open 1 - 2 vitamin B6 ampoules, apply a solution on the head and for several minutes massage movements rub the tool into the skin.

Vitamin B6 for face - how to use

The effect of vitamins of the group in the skin of the face to overestimate is impossible - the organic substances smooth out the shallow wrinkles, stop the inflammatory processes and align the tone of the skin. If we speak exclusively about vitamin B6, then it acts on the skin as a good nutritious and moisturizing mask, protecting the face from the destructive effects of ultraviolet. Judging by the reviews of vitamin B6, cosmetics based on pyridoxine qualitatively tone the mature skin and remove the bags under the eyes.

We share with you recipes for efficient cosmetic masks with vitamin B6 for the face:

  1. Moisturizing Mask: 1/2 Banana in the form of Cashitz + 20 g sour cream + 1 vitamin B6 vitamin. The remedy is removed from the face with a paper towel 20 minutes after applying. The face wash cool water.
  2. Toning mask: 10 g kefir + 10 drops of lemon juice + 1 vitamin B6 + 1 vitamin 1 ampoule at 12. Mask's action time is 15 minutes.
  3. Mask "Antiak": 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey + 1 tbsp. l. Sour cream 15% + 5 - 6 drops of lemon juice + 1 ampoule pyridoxine. Problem places are covered with a healing mixture at least half an hour.
  4. Nourishing mask: 20 g of liquid honey + 2 tbsp. l. The grinding in the flour of Hercules + 20 g of natural yogurt + 1 ampoule vitamin B6.

Products - Vitamin B6 sources. Video


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