
Inflammation of the gallbladder - causes, symptoms. Treatment of inflammation of the gall bladder B - drugs, diet. Folk treatment of inflammation of the gall bladder at home

Inflammation of the gallbladder - causes, symptoms. Treatment of inflammation of the gall bladder B - drugs, diet. Folk treatment of inflammation of the gall bladder at home
In this article, we consider the symptoms of inflammation of the gallbladder. We will also select medical and folk treatment of inflammation of the gallbladder at home.

The gall bladder is an anatomical part of the liver, which plays an important role in the digestive system. Unfortunately, many of us think about its importance only when the right side grabbed.

In short, the gall bladder is a reservoir for the accumulation of bile, which is produced by the liver. And then, he gives a concentrated bile to the stomach for digestion of food. Also, it serves to neutralize an acid coming from the stomach, and inhibits such an enzyme of gastric juice as pepsin.

Inflammation of the gallbladder: symptoms and signs

Some may mature the question, but how do those people who remove the gall bladder live? After all, they continue to lead the previous lifestyle. In fact, no, such representatives need to constantly monitor their nutrition (but about this a little later).

  • Of course, the first indicator will be the pain syndrome. It is impossible to say exactly what pain with inflammation of the gallbladder is impossible. Since it can be stupid and aching, and after eating (especially, too fat or fried), pain in the right side has a bursting in nature.
    • It can also cause stress or physical activity.
    • Keep in mind! The pain may not be clearly localized in the liver, which often confuses. Pain can be given to the neck, under the shoulder blade or in the right shoulder.

Important: inflammation of the ducts of the gallbladder or a dense bunch of bile can give sharp and acute pain.

  • A person has nausea or even vomiting. Against this background, appetite disappears, the patient begins to lose weight.
  • The arising diarrhea also contributes to this, although in some cases a long constipation arises (this is, as they say, a personal matter).
  • The bitterness in the mouth is a dangerous signal that indicates the shortest time to visit a doctor.
  • The temperature with inflammation of the gall bladder, as in the occurrence of any infection, reaches 38-39 ° C.
  • Bloating and unpleasant (bitter) belching is also observed.
  • With increased production of bile, yellow skin color is possible, and even yellowing of the eyeball. As a rule, a similar symptom occurs with severe degrees of the disease.

Important: women get sick twice as often as men. And, basically, the disease is aggravated after 40 years.

Symptoms of chronic cholecystitis (if you call the ailment by the scientific or medical language).

  • In this case, the pain syndrome is enhanced several times and has a very extensive area. It can be given to the chest, under the shoulder blades and in the left. If we speak accessible and understandable, then the whole body can hurt below the head and above the waist.
    • By the way! The pain can be localized in the heart (yes, similar to heart pain), the heartbeat is quicked and its rhythm is disturbed.
  • If you do not take any action for a long time, then the pain begins to have a burning character and intensive pain in the navel appears.
  • Violation of the flow of bile can cause skin itching. The jaundice of the skin in this case is present.
  • Nausea and vomiting, like constipation and diarrhea, are different for each. For some, for example, this symptom can be expressed weakly or completely absent.

Important: bouts of vomiting can be with bile!

  • Dry mouth appears, and the patient is constantly tormented by thirst. By the way, many note that they pull on smoked and fatty foods (just what categorically cannot eat).
  • Symptoms of the gall bladder in women are manifested in the tension of the premenstrual syndrome. Frequent headaches, mood swings are observed, as well as, possibly, swelling of the face and limbs.

Important: in patients, vegetative-vascular dystonia often diagnoses. That is, there is weakness, sweating, increased heartbeat, sleep disturbance and emotional instability.

There are also such symptoms that depend on the form of the disease:

  1. The catarrhal form of inflammation is characterized by:
    • an increase in the size of the gallbladder
    • white raid on the tongue
    • the appearance of a serous secretion in the organ
    • increased salivation
    • constantly nausea and vomiting, especially after eating
    • temperature
  2. About purulent cholecystitis says:
    • also nausea and vomiting
    • abdominal pain, which intensifies when breathing, coughing, or even when changing the position
    • body temperature can reach the icon 40 ° C
    • strong intoxication of the body
    • as well as drilling in the stomach and slight bloating

Important: this type of cholecystitis is very dangerous and can lead to a rupture of the walls of the gall bladder itself.

  1. Gangrenous inflammation is different:
    • increased irritability and nervousness
    • dry mouth
    • rapid breathing and heartbeat
    • but the pain is not so strong and sharp
    • there is a bloating and tension of its muscles

Inflammation of the gallbladder in children

Symptoms of babies are similar to the above adult signs, but may vary slightly. And it is important - in children, an acute form of cholecystitis is extremely rare!

  • The baby can also torment nausea, vomiting and poor appetite
  • Which leads to an irregular chair (or maybe, on the contrary, there is diarrhea) and weight loss
  • The pallor of the skin and dark circles under the eyes are observed

  • The baby often complains about abdominal pain and becomes a restless night (therefore, he sleeps badly)
  • Often capricious, which is natural for an unhealthy baby
  • Perhaps constant thirst and dry mouth (take care of drinking)
  • And, of course, fever, as a result of the intoxication of the body

Inflammation of the gall bladder: Causes

Any disease is already the result of your lifestyle. Yes, all responsibility lies on your shoulders. Of course, other ailments can contribute to inflammation of the gallbladder (that is, as a result of another disease) or other malfunctions in the body. But their percentage is small. Therefore, let's study in detail what can lead to cholecystii.

  • Like any other organ of the digestive system, the gall bladder directly depends on the nutrition.
    • In the era of such abundance and a variety of delicious products, unfortunately, in their utility one cannot be confident. Smoking, salting or so popular chips (the whole list, of course, will not give), as well as fatty, fried foods are not in the best way reflected in our health.
    • And who does not like to eat a sandwich at work? Moreover, with the same smoked sausage (the composition of which is very doubtful). Dry, also leads to inflammation of the gallbladder.
    • Overflow is still mentioned in the Bible, and belongs to seven deadly sins. More precisely, there it is interpreted as gluttony. Eating in large quantities, and even not the most useful food, will lead to a change in the chemical composition of the content of the gallbladder.
    • Doctors insist that the last meal should be at least 2 hours before bedtime. Since food should have time to digest. By the way, I recall the proverb: "Stina, like a beggar." Yes, the last meal should not be heavy, oily or digested in the stomach for a long time. Otherwise, stagnation of bile will begin to form, which will later come out, as they say, sideways.

  • Now we highlight such a side as a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. And even worse, if there is excess weight. Although, as a rule, as a result of everything above, it is not far from the weight in weight.
  • Now we will touch on such an aspect that does not depend on your lifestyle (well, partially) is a hormonal failure. Why partially, because most often this happens to pregnant women. But such a reason (albeit rarely), but also occurs among the male population.
  • Constant stresses, strong experiences and other disorders in the nervous system will lead not only to gastritis or stomach ulcer, but will help earn money inflammation of the gallbladder.

  • One of the main factors is excessive alcohol consumption and smoking!
  • Weakened immunity or any infections in the body are reflected in the production of bile. By the way, health worsens with age, so the chances of earn cholecystitis are doubled.
  • It is impossible not to note a genetic predisposition. Yes, to those whose parents were sick with a similar ailment was a little less lucky. It is important to follow your diet and health initially, especially if there is heredity to this.
  • And, of course, any violations and the decline of immunity that are associated with other diseases. For example, HIV or diabetes mellitus will be, of course, the cause of cholecystitis.

Exacerbation of inflammation of the gallbladder

Exacerbation of inflammation of the gallbladder is very dangerous. The worst thing is that the disease can come suddenly. That is, a person is at home or on vacation, and an extra dose of alcohol or sudden stress can provoke a number of similar symptoms that we will indicate below.

Important: a person must urgently hospitalize. And before the ambulance arrives, you need to provide first aid and at least a little relieve pain from the patient.

  • Symptoms have a little echoing with ordinary inflammation.
  • In a person, the right side grows sharply. Moreover, the pain is insanely sharp and strong to such an extent that it is difficult for a person to take a breath.
  • The patient is constantly sick and even vomiting cannot remove this feeling completely. Moreover, vomiting can be with bloody interspersed (but not always).
  • The temperature rises sharply and the patient is chilly.
  • He feels fatigue and drowsiness. Which, in principle, is characteristic, to exacerbate any disease with high temperature.
  • Also, belching, diarrhea (or constipation) and yellowing of the skin appear. Moreover, the last symptom becomes even with the naked eye.
  • It is also important to take into account that the patient may not just have bitterness in his mouth, but there will be a metal taste.

How can you help:

  • The first thing to do is to immediately call an ambulance.
  • Then carefully help the patient take a horizontal position.
  • If at hand there are at least some painkillers, then you can give it. The usual no-shpa is perfect.
  • It is desirable that you need to put a bag with something cold on your stomach. Ice, of course, will be an ideal option.
  • If the patient has bouts of vomiting, help him cope with them, turning his head on his side.
  • To slightly reduce the feeling of nausea, drink the victim with strong mint tea.

Important: two types of exacerbation are observed - with the formation of stones (calculous cholecystitis) or without them (that is, a cracked ailment). The first can be caused, for example, shaking on the road. Which will lead to blockage of bile passages with a stone. In the second case, the cause of exacerbation is more often the infection enters the gall bladder. But in both cases, you need to urgently deliver the patient to the hospital.

Inflammation of the pancreas and gall bladder

We have already figured out what cholecystitis is and what are its symptoms. Therefore, now let's talk about pancreatitis. If we speak an understandable language, then this is a disease or inflammation of the pancreas. The symptoms of these ailments are very similar, so we will not be repeated. We highlight only important nuances.

  • Most often, these two diseases are in the leg with each other. That is, two troubles fall on a person at once. And they need to be treated at the same time.
  • If we talk about the result of any disease due to another ailment, then cholecystitis is just that case. In other words, inflammation of the gallbladder occurs in those who were diagnosed with pancreatitis.

  • It is very rare when pancreatic diseases occur after inflammation of the gallbladder.

Important: in the treatment of one of the ailments, you need to carefully monitor that there is no exacerbation of another disease.

  • If we talk about the reasons, they are completely consonant. Since we described them in detail above, it will not return to this topic again.

Important: an acute form of pancreatitis can occur against the background of cholecystitis. That is, the casting of bile into the pancreas can aggravate the situation.

Inflammation of the liver and gall bladder

The liver and gall bladder are like two puzzles of one picture. The work of one depends on the functionality of the other and vice versa. In this case, the liver disease entails inflammation of the gallbladder, and not vice versa.

  • Two forms of hepatitis are distinguished - acute and chronic.
    • In the first case, the patient may not even catch those important signals of the body. After all, the symptoms are very similar to banal flu. That is why, treatment is often delayed and passes in severe form.
    • In chronic hepatitis, symptoms are known to many and have a clear character. They relate to yellowing of the skin and eyeball, brown urine and bleaching feces.
  • Also, the symptoms of women include a failure in the menstrual cycle, and men have problems with potency.

Important: if treatment does not start in time, then the patient will begin to develop cirrhosis of the liver. That is, there is a complete restructuring of the cell cells and its functionality changes.

  • If we talk about the reasons, they also lie in malnutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle. But the liver disease more often occurs against the background of the development of infection in the body and the hit of pathogens.
  • Treatment requires emergency care. By the way, at the inspection, it is often clear about the ailment by the size of the liver. With its inflammation, it increases in size.

Inflammation of the gallbladder: treatment

The first thing I wanted to note (more precisely, it is very important to know) is the treatment of the chronic form of cholecystitis. The easiest and fastest way (let's say) how to relieve inflammation of the gall bladder, which has a hewing or chronic shape, then this is its removal. Acute cholecystitis requires drug treatment.

  • Of course, antibiotics with inflammation of the gallbladder will be the most effective. They can only be prescribed by a doctor based on your tests. By the way, you will definitely need to go:
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
    • take a general analysis of urine and blood, of course
    • pass expanded biochemical blood test
    • and also make an x \u200b\u200b-ray of the abdominal region
  • The course of treatment with antibiotics takes about 10-14 days, as a rule. They are mainly based on penicillin and cephalosporins.

IMPORTANT: Levomycetin is not recommended for inflammation of the gallbladder, since it disrupts the exchange of protein in the microbe itself.

  • The most often antibiotics as cephasolin, ampicillin, erythromycin, cephalexin and the like are prescribed.

Important: do not self -medicate! If the doctor prescribed you taking certain drugs, then you need to strictly follow all the recommendations. Do not try to replace them, for example, with cheap analogues, without consulting your attending physician. We brought only popular drugs in this area, but each has their own personal predispositions and requirements.

    • And yet! When taking antibiotics, do not forget to drink yogurt or, for example, Linex.
  • They can also prescribe such drugs with inflammation of the gallbladder as antispasmodics. For example, everyone’s beloved no-shpu or spazgan, as well as euphiline, papaverine, drotaverin or duspatalin.

Important: drugs with inflammation of the gallbladder should enhance the work of the secretion of bile, but at the same time lower its viscosity.

  • For these purposes, doctors prescribe medications based on natural components, for example, hepaben or hofitol.
  • It is also important to monitor the operation of the digestive system. And for its normalization, they can write out, for example, Mesim, pancreatin or Creon.

  • For women (before menstruation) or patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia, valerian or motherwort can be prescribed.

Important: treatment with auxiliary drugs lasts at least two months. But only a doctor can indicate all medicines, their scheme and duration!

  • Antipying drugs and drugs to strengthen immunity can also be prescribed. Do not forget that it is necessary to remove toxins from the body, so a course of detoxification drugs can also be prescribed.

Treatment of inflammation of the gall bladder at home

The folk treatment of the gallbladder sometimes even gives miraculous results. But it is worth noting that it is used with medicines. Or you need to take herbs at the very beginning of the disease, as soon as the first symptoms or signs begin to appear. If we talk about duration, then treatment with folk methods acts after about 2-3 months.

  • The most popular herbs are dandelion, controversial, millennium and calendula. They not only have a choleretic property, but also have an antimicrobial and anti -inflammatory effect. By the way, the knotter also contains substances that increase immunity.
    • Such dried herbs (approximately 1-2 tbsp) are poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 20-30 minutes under the lid. You need to take 3-4 tbsp. before eating. After two weeks, the patient will begin to feel much better.
  • Fuck in this case can also help, but you need to use its freshly squeezed juice (from the root). No, it is impossible to drink it in its purest form. It is necessary to dilute with hot water in a ratio of 1: 4. Insist in the refrigerator for a day. And then drink in 20 minutes. Before meals, 2 tbsp.
  • The plantain not only applies to the wounds, but also helps with cholecystitis well. You also need to drink as a decoction. You need to insist for about 15 minutes. And drink like tea. If we talk about the proportion, then 1 tbsp is required per glass. dried leaves. By the way, for these purposes, the root and seeds of such a plant are more suitable.

  • Rosehip helps from many ailments, and it helps the body perfectly to recover faster. You can also drink it as tea, but keep in mind that rosehip is a diuretic plant. Therefore, you need to drink not a very strong infusion and little. And yet, be sure to filter through gauze or brew in a special teapot, since rosehip has tiny unpleasant villi.
  • Mint will wash to remove nausea and bouts of vomiting. It can be added to ordinary tea or drink with other herbs as a decoction. But those who have diseases with the heart should be careful with such a plant.
  • Chamomile is known for its anti -inflammatory qualities, and it will also help eliminate the pain syndrome.
  • Corn stigmas are also good in this matter. Insist them according to such a scheme as other herbs. But you need to drink 1 tbsp. During the day, with an interval of 3 hours.
  • Do not forget about turmeric. It can not only be used as a seasoning for dishes. The crushed roots are insisted for 15-20 minutes. You need to drink half a glass before meals 3-4 times a day. But such a plant cannot be carried away for a long time. After 2 weeks of taking such a decoction, you need to take a week break. By the way, turmeric perfectly increases immunity and helps to fight microbes.

  • St. John's wort is famous for its choleretic properties, so its decoctions are widely used to treat the gallbladder.
  • Freshly squeezed cabbage juice also helps well. You need to drink in a warm state half a glass before meals.
  • Beets in any form, mountain ash, pear and black radish are also recommended by popular healers. They are not only useful, but also tasty. Tsikoria, for example, has an excellent effect on the gallbladder and helps to restore the liver itself. But do not get involved in store powders, it is better to cook a decoction of its root yourself.

Important: you can arrange several types of herbs, thus enhancing the effect of treatment.

Diet with inflammation of the gallbladder

Nutrition with inflammation of the gallbladder, mainly, should exclude the food that can aggravate the situation. And, of course, lead a healthy lifestyle and do physical exercises to the best of it.

It should be excluded:

  • fatty food
  • frying products
  • salting, all of us beloved, should also be eliminated
  • smoked meats definitely fall under the ban
  • coffee, cocoa and carbonated drinks
  • alcohol under the strict prohibition
  • smoking also falls under this category
  • spicy foods also need to be limited
  • we also need to say no greasy broths
  • no snacks, drynesses and food passes

The menu with inflammation of the gallbladder should consist of the following products:

  • Be sure to eat the first dishes for lunch. But they should be low -fat, best of all, on chicken broth or just vegetable. If you decide to cook the ear, then the fish should also be from low -fat varieties.
  • It is advisable to exclude pork, because even in boiled form it contains a lot of fat and cholesterol. Beef, chicken and rabbit is allowed, but only in boiled form or steamed.
  • Vegetables and fruits are allowed almost any, but carefully you need to be with acidic products. It is necessary to exclude tomatoes and eggplants, and it is also not advisable to use legumes, peas and mushrooms.

  • Is it possible with inflammation of the gall bladder dairy products? Yes, you can. But in limited quantities and only low -fat!
  • Porridge can be consumed in unlimited quantities, only, preferably, cooked not in milk. A great option for breakfast will be oatmeal.
  • Many are wondering what to eat with inflammation of the gall bladder from sweets. It is advisable to limit the buns and pastries of puff pastry, since they have a lot of margarine, oil and eggs. But marshmallows, marmalade, various puddings, jams and jam are allowed. In small quantities, you can also, but chocolate should be removed from the diet.
  • You can eat bread, but yesterday. Or place fresh products for several minutes in the oven. By the way, you can do the bunes as well.

From greens you need to eat parsley and dill. Although in this regard, any greens will be useful, but with sorrel you need to be careful. Stirly drinks, compotes, jelly and green tea will be very useful from drinking from drinking.

Video: acute cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder



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