
Rigor inflammation of the legs - causes, symptoms. Treatment of corporate inflammation of legs - drugs. People's Treatment of Fruit Foot Inflammation at Home

Rigor inflammation of the legs - causes, symptoms. Treatment of corporate inflammation of legs - drugs. People's Treatment of Fruit Foot Inflammation at Home
Symptoms and manifestations of the face of the legs. In this article, we consider ways to treat the silent inflammation of the feet of drugs - ointments, antibiotics, as well as folk remedies at home.

Furious feet inflammation may occur due to many reasons. They affect the fabrics of the limbs of both in newborns and in middle-aged people. This disease can also manifest themselves on the background of concomitant ailments, because according to statistics, about 15% of the population of the planet are carriers of infection that provokes disease progression.

In order to understand how to treat the face and to some specialist to contact, we will consider the symptoms, the causes of inflammation, as well as the main recipes of traditional medicine, with the help of which our ancestors were treated.

Rigor Foot Inflammation: Symptoms and Signs

The grimy inflammation of the skin of the legs is characterized not only by the aesthetic look of the skin of the lower extremities, but also by unpleasant sensations that affect the work of all organism systems and the general condition of the person. The main symptoms of the faces include:

  • The feeling of general weakness.
  • Fever.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Painfulness in muscles.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Spasms and cramps in muscles.
  • Edems and redness of the skin.

Many are wondering: "The" silent inflammation of the leg is contagious or not? ". If the disease occurs in the acute phase, there is a high probability of transferring streptococcal infection to other people. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid close contact with infected, as well as using protection tools for their own skin during the patient care. Infection becomes possible, because bacteria can affect healthy tissues of the body through microscopic breaks and cracks of the skin that are practically everyone.

In order to determine how the grinding inflammation on the leg looks like, it is necessary to determine the form of the disease. Allocate 4 degrees of progression of faces:

  • ERICTEATOSINE (with her skin covers are covered with a crust with a red tint, which can also provoke peeling, while the affected areas have clear edges).
  • ERICTEATOMA-BULLEZ (for it, the formation of bubbles with liquid inside, and erosions are also possible.
  • Bullosis-hemorrhagic (in this stage, bubbles are also formed, but they are filled with blood discharge).
  • ERICTEATOSINE-HEMORRAGIC (characterize the presence of skin changes with a purple tint due to hemorrhage in the deep layers).

A characteristic fact is that at the first two stages of the disease, it is possible to stop the process of progression when using medication therapy.

In general, corrosion inflammations have such degrees of progression:

  • Easy (body temperature does not exceed 39 degrees; patients identify weakness, as well as non-local skin changes).
  • The average (person feels all the symptoms of the disease for a long time).
  • Heavy (except the main signs there are mental disorders).
  • Recurps (with re-illness for 2 years after the previous course of treatment).

Causes of silent inflammation

Foreign inflammation appears due to streptococcal infection in the body. After infection, a person may not guess that the bacteria present in its body. However, due to various factors, the disease is able to progress rapidly. Run the progression process can:

  • Stress.
  • Emotional instability.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Disorders of the integrity of the cover.
  • Sunbathing.
  • Precooling the body.
  • Reduced immunity.

Also the chance to get higher in those people who have concomitant diseases:

  • Varicose.
  • Excess weight.
  • Diabetes.
  • Pathology of lymph circulation.
  • Blood circulation disorders.
  • Fungus Stop.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Pathology of metabolism and outflow of lymphs.

How to treat corrosive inflammation on the leg?

In suspected of the disease, many of us ask the question: "What doctor treats the silent inflammation of his legs?". When a number of characteristic symptoms are detected, you should visit:

  • Therapist.
  • Infectiousnessist.
  • Dermatologist.
  • Surgeon.

The last specialist should be applied only if there is a recurrence of the disease, and also if the patient has not attempted to get rid of the illness.

Treatment of grinding inflammation on foot is a number of procedures aimed at improving the overall health of health, as well as the destruction of streptococcal infection in the body. Therapy consists of:

  • Acceptance of medicines of different spectrum of action.
  • Physiotherapeutic methods.
  • Use of various topics of local destination.
  • Surgical intervention (in launched cases of the disease).

Treatment of corrosive foot inflammation can take place:

  • At home.
  • In stationary finding in the infectious compartment.
  • At the semi-stationary (if the need for physiotherapeutic procedures).

Medicase therapy is to use several types of drugs:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Trenching medicines.
  • Homeopathic.
  • Pharmaceutical agents aimed at getting rid of concomitant diseases.
  • Mazi and creams helping to restore the integrity of the skin.
  • Antiseptic drugs of local applications.

Antibiotics in the face of the face inflammation, as well as antiseptic drugs, are aimed at the struggle of the body with streptococcal infection. They can be administered intravenously, as well as orally. Most often assign:

  • Azithromycin.
  • Erythromycin.
  • Support.
  • Bicyllin.
  • Cefuroxime.
  • Rifampicin.
  • Ciprofloxacin.
  • Macoks.
  • Penicillin.
  • Cefasoline.
  • Furazolidon.
  • Ceftazidim.
  • Benzylpenitellen.

The ointment of the grinding inflammation of the leg has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the integrity of the skin, and also relieves a person from infection in the field of application. Among the most effective funds are distinguished:

  • Tetracyclined ointment.
  • Erythromycinic.
  • Naphthated.
  • Iruksol.
  • Levomecol.

A physiotherapeutic procedures use:

  • Laser therapy.
  • Ultraviolet radiation.
  • The effect of high frequency current.

The course of treatment, as well as methods and drugs, a specialist is selected individually, depending on the degree of progression of the disease.

With a face inflammation, you can:

  • Use compresses.
  • Take a shower without using cosmetics.
  • Use the bandage, but you should not firmly wrap their leg.
  • Apply the funds of traditional medicine in a complex with medication treatment.
  • Use ointments and creams, but do not rub them into the affected areas of limbs.

Nicky Foot Inflammation: Folk Remedies

In the silent inflammation to effectively use compresses. Our ancestors used a number of natural components rich in microelements and minerals. For treatment, it is recommended to use compress from sour cream and coltsfoot:

  • For its preparation you need to take fresh leaves of the plant.
  • They are abundantly applied sour cream.
  • Apply to the leg.
  • It is loosely fixed with bandage.
  • You need to change compress at least 4 times a day.

Also help the use of cabbage:

  • Vegetable leaves need finely chopping.
  • After the vegetable enters the juice, the cabbage must be put on foot.
  • The compress is fixed with a sterile bandage and wrapped the cofan.
  • This procedure is recommended for the night.

No less popular tool is the use of tincture of heming. To use it, you need to follow the following rules:

  • For 90 ml of warm water uses 1 tbsp. l. tincture.
  • After mixing the ingredients in this solution, we watches gauze.
  • It is recommended to use a mixture for rubbing.

One of the most proven methods of treating corrosive inflammation is the use of red tissue. This process is carried out in such a sequence:

  • The chalk must be crushed to powder consistency.
  • Red-colored fabric from natural cotton must be sprinkled with chalk.
  • Compress must be changed every 3 hours.

It is also effectively rinsed by the rags of the legs of natural plants. The most useful are:

  • Leaves of nettle.
  • The root of Aira.
  • Chamomile color.
  • Licorice.
  • Eucalyptus leaves.
  • Yarrow.
  • Cottonweed.

Herb data can be used individually or self mixing components in equal parts.

In the absence of contraindications, the use of genuine ointment is allowed. For its preparation, such components are needed:

  • Olive oil - 1 cup.
  • Bee wax - 100 g
  • Coniferous resin (cedar fir, pine, cypress) - 100 g.
  • Honey - 60 g
  • Propolis - 2 g

The cooking process consists of several stages:

  • The coniferous resin is crushed to powder consistency.
  • Olive oil, beeswax and resin need to be connected.
  • All ingredients boil over 10 minutes. in a water bath.
  • After time you need to add honey and continue the process on the steam bath.
  • Next, it is necessary to put propolis and boil the same amount of time.
  • After the mixture is cleaned with a water bath, you need to cool it.
  • Next, it is transferred to a glass container and stored in a cool dark place.
  • Use ointment from 1 to 2 weeks twice a day using a sterile bandage.

Before using any means of traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician. After all, depending on the progression of the disease, not all methods can benefit.

The consequences of the silent inflammation of the legs

Floor inflammation, like other diseases, can have complications. Among the most frequent consequences of the suffering of the disease are distinguished:

  • Necrosis of the skin.
  • Development of abscesses.
  • The appearance of phlegmons.
  • Formation of thrombov.
  • Periatoenitis.

Often there may be edema after transferred to the silent inflammation of the leg. This symptom is a consequence of the appearance of thrombophlebitis after getting rid of the disease. In order to get rid of the fluid delay in the tissues, it is recommended to use compresses from:

  • Nettle.
  • Sage.
  • Mark.
  • Birch leaves.
  • Chamomile color.
  • Leaves of plantain.
  • Black elder berries.
  • Yarrow.
  • Hypericum.

As the prevention of complications after the suffering disease, it is worth following the following recommendations:

  • Use for dressings Elastic bandages that tightly fix the position of the legs and prevent the development of thrombophlebitis.
  • Every day wearing things from compression knitwear (golf, leggings, leggings).
  • Maximum reduce the amount of salt consumption.
  • Refuse semi-finished products.
  • Use drugs with a diuretic effect.
  • It is useful to undergo a course of lymphatic drainage massage.
  • After the restoration of the body, in the absence of contraindications and with the consent of the doctor, it is worth visiting the sauna to get rid of excessive fluid in the body.

As prophylactic methods aimed at eliminating the chance of infection with streptococcal infection, such:

  • Have personal hygiene products.
  • Do not overeat the lower limbs.
  • Treat of corn, fungal diseases and natopysh.
  • Use antiseptic preparations in disabilities of the integrity of the cover.
  • Eliminate the focus of streptococcal infection in the body
  • Get rid of or regularly monitor chronic accompanying diseases ..
  • Support immunity.
  • Regularly change the socks and try not to water the legs during the day.

If during the first 2 years after the treatment of the corrosive inflammation attacked your body again, then this is a relapse of the disease. In order to get rid of this ailment, it is necessary:

  • Exclude stress and provoking its factors.
  • Avoid psychological tensions.
  • Alternate mental workload with rest.
  • Engage in gentle sports (walking, yoga).
  • Avoid injuries.

With timely treatment and complex therapy, the grinding inflammations can be cured over a short period of time. However, in the case of suspicion of this disease, it is necessary to refer to a professional, because independent treatments are capable of entrusting more serious consequences that may be a threat not only to your health, but also lives.

Video: FROM FRAME FRAME: Causes and Methods for Treatment


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