
Vitamin E for women

Vitamin E for women
Vitamin E: benefit and harm, indications and application

Vitamin E has a wide range of beneficial properties and can be used both for prevention and during the treatment of various diseases. Such an element is available as a separate drug or in a complex with others, and also part of some foods and added to cosmetics.

The useful properties of vitamin E are quite widely known today and are used in various spheres of pharmacology and cosmetology. However, not everyone knows how to properly apply this trace element to obtain the right and maximum effect on drug treatment with its content. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is also customary to be called a female trace element, which is especially useful for the body of fair sex representatives.

Many medical treatment schemes still include the use of this vitamin both in a complex with other elements and separately. It is believed that the element is responsible for the efficiency of the entire rehabilitation system of the human body. This feature of cell regeneration is especially important for women of reproductive age, which are planning pregnancy, as well as for the development of the fetus itself.


The benefits of vitamin E for women

First of all, the tocopherol is a strong antioxidant, which displays all toxic and carcinogenic substances from the body. The daily use of the required amount of fat-soluble vitamin allows preventing the development of most diseases and oncological cells. Also Vitamin E strengthens the blood system and improves blood circulation, has anticoagular properties and improves the nutrition of organism cells with oxygen to accelerate their growth and regeneration.

Among the numerous positive qualities of tocopherol should be especially emphasized:

  • removes toxins, carcinogens, nitrates, chemicals and radionuclides;
  • slows down the aging processes;
  • protects against viruses and bacteria;
  • has regenerating properties;
  • increases physical and mental endurance;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • synthesizes hormones;
  • reduces the oxidative processes of the body;
  • reduces skin pigmentation;
  • reduces the risk of cataracts;
  • reduces the risk of pulmonary diseases;
  • reduces the risk of thrombus formation;
  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • reduces the risk of cancer cells;
  • reduces blood sugar levels;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds and ulcers;
  • promotes the reproduction of the sexual system;
  • promotes the growth of cells and tissues;
  • contributes to the absorption of vitamin A (growth);
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves and speeds up hormonal and metabolic processes.

Vitamin E for hair


The regenerating and nutritional properties of the element allow you to strengthen hair growth and improve their appearance, and also impede their fall out due to the acceleration of cell metabolic processes. The saturation of the hair follicle oxygen and improved blood circulation in the skin of the head contributes to the speedy growth of the hair. The local application of cosmetic shampoos, balms and hair masks attaches shine and hair strength and significantly increases their growth.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol is needed to all the tissues of the body, as it has protective and nutritional properties. Cells and epithelium are enriched with oxygen by improving blood flow in vessels, which prevents the formation of thrombus and early aging of the skin. Vitamin contributes to the early healing of wounds and prevents excessive dryness and pallor of epithelium tissues.


Face Vitamin E

Nutrition of the skin and mucous fabrics is significantly improved when used inward and local use of sufficient vitamin. Therefore, the element is considered effective for moisturizing and rejuvenation of the epithelium and is often part of popular cosmetics for the face (cream, lotions, lipsticks, etc.). The most effective in rejuvenating the skin of the person is customary to be homemade tools used as moisturizing mixtures for topical use.

Masks with vitamin E

To improve the color and nutrition of the skin of the face, the treatment of diseases and lifting wrinkles. It is recommended to use folk recipes masks for the regeneration of epithelium cells:

Girl on Spa Treatment

  1. Healing mask. Egg yolk, honey, milk and vitamin E in equal fractions to mix and apply on the skin for half an hour.
  2. Lifting mask. Sour cream, honey, lemon juice and a tocopherol solution mix in equal parts and apply to face for 20 minutes.
  3. Rejuvenating mask. Cocoa oil, sea buckthorn oil and a tocopherol solution mix in equal parts and evenly apply to the skin of the face for 20 minutes.
  4. Exfoliating mask. Egg protein, honey and vitamin E mix in equal shares and apply to the skin for 20 minutes.
  5. Cleansing mask. Oatmeal, honey, yogurt or sour cream, olive oil and a tocopherol solution mix in equal parts and apply to the skin for 20 minutes.
  6. Nutritional mask. Cottage cheese, olive oil and vitamin E is mixed in equal shares and apply to the skin of the face for 20 minutes.
  7. Toning mask. Half of fresh grated cucumber, Lanolin and Vitamin E 15 drops mix and apply for 20 minutes on the skin of the face.
  8. Moisturizing mask. Aloe juice, vitamin E and high fat cream mixed in equal parts, and after evenly distribute the face on the skin and withstand at least 20 minutes.
  9. Universal mask. Half a banana, sour cream and a tocopherol solution to mix in the same parts and apply for half an hour to the skin of the face.

The use of vitamin E.

The shortage of tocopherol in the body can manifest itself in the following symptoms:

  • apathy and lethargy;
  • muscle dystrophy;
  • violation of the metabolic processes of the body;
  • violation of the reproductive system;
  • violation of the cardiovascular system;
  • violated attention and memory;
  • liver necrosis;
  • increased nervousness;
  • worsening blood circulation and edema limbs;
  • frequent headaches.


Increased need for vitamin E experiences with the following testimony:

  • pregnancy and its planning;
  • girls with a disturbed menstrual cycle;
  • girls with acute PMS;
  • domor monomal disorders;
  • long-term chronic diseases;
  • women in the period of menopause;
  • women with multiple pregnancy;
  • women with sharp climatic syndrome;
  • women with a threat of breaking pregnancy;
  • smokers and alcohol abusers;
  • people with muscle dystrophy;
  • people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • people with heart disease and vessels;
  • people with liver obesity;
  • people with weakened immunity and anemia;
  • people with predisposition to oncological diseases;
  • people susceptible to frequent stress;
  • men with a reduced level of spermatozoa production;
  • violation of the pancreas, gallbladder and liver;
  • premature newborn;
  • for diseases of the nervous system;
  • when restoring after severe diseases, surgical operations and chemotherapy;
  • in the treatment of oncological diseases;
  • at risk of heart attacks;
  • athletes and people susceptible to frequent high physical exertion.

Vitamin E during pregnancy


Separate studies of the tocopherol were subjected to the application for pregnant women or planning women's conception. Vitamin E is one of the main elements in the prevention and treatment of complications during pregnancy, since it struggles with sharply increasing in this period by oxidative processes of the body. However, as any medical preparation, the tocopherol substance is not recommended to use in excessive amounts without serious testimony and recipes of the attending physician to protect their body and fetus from possible adverse reactions, and it is better to use vitamin E as prevention in a full-fledged healthy diet.

The benefits of tocopherol during pregnancy and its planning:

  • affects the development of an egg;
  • normalizes hormonal imbalance;
  • increases the likelihood of conception;
  • prevents the risk of miscarriage;
  • reduces the risk of rejection of the placenta;
  • reduces convulsions and swelling limb;
  • reduces toxicosis;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • improves the work of female genital organs;
  • improves the growth of placenta cells, its functioning and blood supply;
  • participates in the regeneration of uterine cells.

Possible harm of the substance in its overdose and improper use during pregnancy:

  • increasing the risk of the occurrence of pre-grasia and anxiety from the fetus;
  • raising the risk of miscarriage;
  • increased risk of developing cardiovascular defects in a newborn;
  • increasing the risk of birth of a premature baby.

Vitamin E norm for women


Since the tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamin, then it has the ability to accumulate directly into fatty tissues. The daily rate of such an element is about 5 mg in children, 10 mg for men and 8 mg in women, and during pregnancy can reach 15 mg per day. In case of overdose of the tocopherol, nausea, vomiting, meteorism, diarrhea, allergic reactions, and an increase in blood pressure can be observed, so before use, the prior consultation of the doctor and blood delivery is recommended.

Vitamin E products

It is Vitamin E that is one of the 4 fat-soluble elements, and the products rich in the tocopherol mainly contain a high percentage of fat. Most diet strictly limits the use of such products, so the condition of the skin, hair and nails suffers from its deficit, and there is also a decrease in physical activity and protective functions of the body. Therefore, if you adhere to a strict dietary dietary diet, then you need to take vitamin additionally.


The very rich in natural tocopherol is considered to be plant fats contained in oils - sunflower, corn, olive, soyl, sesame, almond, sea buckthorn, pumpkin, cotton, cedar and wheat. However, it is worth considering that with heat treatment, any oil loses its beneficial properties and elements. Therefore, it is recommended to eat oil in natural form as a refueling for vegetable salads.

Creamy oil also contains a tocopherol substance, but to a much lesser extent. Also rich in Vitamin E are nuts (especially almonds and peanuts), mango, avocado, seeds, corn, cereals (especially oatmeal), bran, milk, cheese, liver, meat and fish (especially salmon) of fatty varieties, egg yolk, carrots . Any green leaves of vegetables (for example, lettuce leaves, green onions, broccoli and spinach) and yellow vegetables also contain a rich amount of tocopherol, which is part of chloroplasts providing them with green pigment.

Some herbs and plants contain a large amount of vitamin E - raspberry leaves, rosehip, flax, nettle, dandelion, alfalfa, sea buckthorn. It is also necessary to take into account that products with a high content of tocopherol are very high and contribute to the accumulation of body fat. For better assimilation of vitamin to food, it is recommended to use products rich in zinc, selenium and ascorbic acid or vitamin C (for example, citrus, rose robes, kiwi, onions), and from flour and sweets it is better to abandon them due to their ability to reduce the absorption of tocopherol.

Vitamin E in capsules


When avitaminosis and for the treatment of various vitamin E diseases can be prescribed by courses for use as a nutritional supplement. Before purchasing drugs and their direct reception, you must consult your doctor. Only a qualified specialist can appoint you a suitable drug and set the course duration and individual daily dosage for the proper use of the drug to avoid side effects.

Based on the fact that vitamin E is a fat-soluble element, the process of its assimilation in the body is identical to the decay of fats with bile acids. After splitting into trace elements, the tocopherol is absorbed in the intestine with a protein and enters the blood through its walls. Through the blood and the liver, the element passes a number of biochemical reactions and accumulates in the shell of fatty tissues, and then completely derived from the body.

Video instructions for vitamin E

Elena Malysheva and her colleagues in their popular program "Live great!"


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