
Varicose veins. Treatment and prevention of varicose veins

Varicose veins. Treatment and prevention of varicose veins
What does varicose veins look like? How does it threaten the body and how to deal with it? These questions are asked by any person who saw on his feet swollen venous tubercles, stars and small capillary grid. Let's try to answer all questions of interest, and describe in detail the methods of combating this disease.

Everyone knows that the blood flow in the body occurs constantly.  The heart, constantly working, plays the role of a pump, which pumps blood throughout the body around the clock. The vessels, like blood conductors throughout the body, are involved in this process no less, and the tone of the whole organism depends on their strength and elasticity. The gravity of gravity, negatively affecting blood flow in the lower part of the body, significantly affects the movement of blood. In some cases, the venous valves do not cope, the veins are overflowing with blood in certain areas and stretched, the valves do not pass excess blood to go forward, forming stagnation and knots with inflated parts of the veins. The deformed venous vessel does not perform its main function correctly, the valve works poorly, blood flow is disturbed, blood clots can form in the nodes that even more prevent the normal blood movement. This all negatively affects the functioning of the heart and the state of the body itself.

Most often, varicose veins on the legs appear, and areas of the calf muscles, on the back of the thigh, in the popliteal region. Usually, the most suffering from Varicosis among women who have less endurance to physical exertion and forced to be in one position sitting or standing for a long time. Pregnancy also contributes to the occurrence of varicose veins due to a sharp increase in body weight and the difficulty of blood circulation at pressure on internal organs and blood vessels, the blood flow becomes difficult especially in the lower extremities.

The reasons for the development of varicose veins


 Among the reasons for the appearance of varicose veins can be called:

  • Increased body weight index. Excess weight prevents the normal functioning of the heart, causing its overload, the outflow of blood is disturbed.
  • Changes in the work of venous valves due to damage, heredity
  • For a long time being in a vertical or sitting position
  • Increased loads no lower limbs with frequent weight lifting, pregnancy

Symptoms and the course of varicose veins


When the varicose veins are flowed, doctors distinguish three stages:

  • The first compensation stage. This is the onset of the disease, when compacted veins and knots are only planned under the skin, there is a feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs.
  • The second stage is partial compensation. At this stage, pronounced pain in the legs appear. Varicosis develops more intensively, severity and bursting are more expressed. Swelling appears on the legs during prolonged standing or sitting, which disappear in a lying position with their legs raised.  Night cramps of the calf muscles occur.
  • The third stage is decompensation.  Severe swelling of the legs appears, which go in a horizontal position. Significant venous nodes are already brightly noticeable, the veins are visible under the skin clearly. The skin on the legs becomes dry, and a bluish-glow shade appears.  This stage is fraught with the appearance of trophic ulcers that appear even on intact skin.

The third and second stages of varicose veins are most dangerous, the occurrence of acute thrombophlebitis in the rupture of a varicose node with severe bleeding. Without the intervention of the surgeon, there is a danger of loss of limb or death.

Methods for the treatment of varicose veins

Treatment of varicose veins requires an integrated approach. The appearance of pulsating pain in the legs and a change in the appearance of the skin is a signal for contacting a phlebologist, which prescribes an ultrasound study with a doppler or transilumation. These studies help to identify the degree of damage to the surface of the veins and vascular valves.

Using local ointments

Cream or ointment from varicose veins is recommended when prescribing complex treatment. But these means help get rid of legs fatigue, get rid of the feeling of severity. The smell of creams with a cooling effect add pleasant sensations from the use of creams and ointments. Instant ointments and creams will not cure the disease, as they act only in small doses and subcutaneous small capillaries and vessels, but at the first stage these funds can support the vessels and straighten the situation. Known products for the treatment of varicose veins are Venotan, Venoruton, heparin ointment, diginus, liotone and other synthetic ointments.

One of the modern drugs for external treatment is the varicobuster cream for varicose veins. It includes natural substances that deepen tissue regeneration and raise tone. There are no synthetic components in it.


Treatment of venous disorders is often carried out using venotonics-phleboprotectors. These drugs can reduce swelling, reduce pain in the legs, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. The action of venotonics is not fast, but very effective along with ointments and creams for the treatment of varicose veins.

Laser treatment



An effective method, which easily cure compensation varicose veins - a laser, almost completely removes vascular nets and asterisks, which indicate an imminent onset of varicose veins if treatment is not started. The procedure is carried out without anesthesia, but with local anesthesia. After exposure to the laser, the asterisk completely disappears. In just two weeks, the skin in places of contact with the laser is completely restored, there are no traces of manipulations.




A special drug is introduced into the deformed vein - sclerosant, “gluing” veins from the inside. Vienna stops his work, betraying his functions to other healthy vessels. This procedure can not be carried out to everyone and only with the appearance of small nodules of veins.  


The ozone therapy method is used to remove vascular "stars". With the introduction of ozone into the vessel, it is glued. Only a few procedures are needed to remove bright capillaries and get the desired effect.




The most effective method with enlarged venous nodes is the surgical removal of the damaged vein.  During the procedure, this procedure is carried out through punctures in the skin, small scars are quickly dragged and become invisible. After surgery, varicose veins disappears, it is necessary to wear compression underwear within a month.


Varicose veins during pregnancy



Often there is varicose veins during pregnancy, when it is not always possible to treat the disease with ordinary methods, restrictions in the use of drugs appear. An increase in the uterus and the growth of the fetus inside it increases the volume of blood circulating inside the body almost doubled, pressure grows in the veins, especially for the pelvic and abdominal cavity, as well as the legs, on which an increased load falls.  Increased progesterone weakens the walls of blood vessels.


A slight varicose veins, which almost did not bother before pregnancy, exacerbates during the expectation of the birth of a child, causing inconvenience and tangible. And the point here is not only not aesthetics and an unpleasant cosmetic effect. Violation of blood flow leads to malfunctions in the functioning of the body, when it is already subject to increased load.




Minimization of the consequences of varicose veins is achieved by compliance with precautions and rules:

  • Avoid increased pressure in the legs and excessive loads
  • Thorough weight control without sharp changes and jumps
  • Do not lift weights
  • Do not take hot baths
  • Mandatory two-three-hour vacation by lying down during the day, preferably with lifting slightly upside down
  • Wearing special compression tights
  • Monitor the amount of water drunk per day
  • Local treatment is recommended for severity in the legs and pain

Compression underwear


The use of compression linen reduces the pressure in the legs and helps a lot with the complex treatment and prevention of varicose veins.  Often compression linen is called medical knitwear. The therapeutic effect is achieved by supporting and squeezing an expanded vein, and this redistributes the blood flow, improving the total blood supply and nutrition of the body tissues.




Previously, instead of compression linen, ordinary elastic bandages were used, but this method had a number of disadvantages. The daily proper laying of the bandage takes a lot of time, the load is distributed unevenly, not the possibility of wearing them during work and with open clothing. Ready compression linen removes these shortcomings, manufacturers offer many options and color, and density, and textures that are suitable for any clothing, you can go to work freely in it. But compression underwear for varicose veins does not solve all problems, this is only an assistant, and recommended for integrated use

Variors for varicose veins




Good assistants in the treatment of varicose veins are special orthopedic products, and in particular, medical boots of varfort.

Bottofors that are fixed on the legs with belts with Velcro Velcro, allowing you to easily fit this product to the volume of the leg. Bottofors are filled with special microspheres with a silica -organic coating.  Silicon, thanks to its natural properties, carries negatively harnessed particles, which in turn affects positively charged particles inside the vessels, reducing the likelihood of valve and stagnation disorders. The danger of thrombophlebitis is removed. Medical boots successfully cope with the first signs of varicose veins without surgery.

Prevention of varicose veins


The best prevention of varicose veins is an active and healthy lifestyle. What steps should be taken so as not to encounter violations in the work of blood vessels?



Step one:

A lot of movement and gymnastics. A universal method is swimming, for which there are practically no contraindications.  Water exercises and loads favorably affect all people, including those who are prone to vascular disorders.  Swimming perfectly tones and gently stimulates the operation of the circulatory system.   A great help in the prevention of varicose veins is walking, but without weights and bags. It’s not difficult to go to the house a couple of stops on foot, take a walk, breathe fresh air and get a charge of life tone.

Step two:

The use of assistants in the form of compression linen, supporting the vessels that have lost shape. This linen is sold in pharmacies and has no less attractive appearance than usual for every day.

Step third:

Healthy diet and lack of excess weight.  A priority diet without excessive amount of salt. The excess in the diet leads to a delay in fluid in the body, swelling increases, which also deform the walls of the vessels. Ordinary buckwheat is rich in antioxidants, strengthens blood vessels and has anti -cancer properties.  Vitamins are also necessary: \u200b\u200bascorbic acid and routine. They can be obtained both in the form of pharmacy drugs and berries and fruits.

Step fourth:

Comfortable shoes. You can not rush tall thin heels or generally shoes without heels. The improper orthopedic position of the foot when walking violates the power of small capillaries in the legs, causing venous stagnation. This leads to edema in the area of \u200b\u200bankles and legs.

Step Five:

Daily foot care. The tone of the vessels of the legs is maintained by massage, rinsing, the use of creams. With venous disorders, it is better to avoid any overheating - baths, saunas, ultraviolet irradiation. All this adds loads and reduces the elasticity of the body tissues.

Exercises for varicose veins


In addition to walking and swimming to activate and restore the work of blood vessels, special gymnastics must be performed. Most of all, this applies to leg exercises that suffer from varicose veins first of all.

Exercise 1.

The legs are pressed to each other. First lower your legs on the socks, then on the heels. The exercise is performed 15-20 times.

Exercise 2.

Based on the hands in an upright position (for example, standing between two tables), sink on the heels, then on socks. The movement must be repeated 20 times.

Exercise 3.

Sitting in a chair, alternately lift one leg or the other. When raising the legs, the foot is rotated in one and the other to enhance blood circulation.

Exercise 4.

In a position sitting at once with two legs, become on tiptoe. The movement must be repeated 20 times.

Folk remedies for varicose veins


Home treatment of varicose veins involves only the effect on damaged vessels at the initial stage. Herbal infusions for lotions and foot baths help well.  A pronounced disease can not be cured only by folk remedies, but as an addition to the full treatment of varicose veins, compresses can be used.

For example, for applying to the places of the greatest expansion of the veins, a compress of yogurt (2 cups) and bitter wormwood (3 tablespoons) is suitable. Wormwood is well crushed and mixed with yogurt. The mixture is applied to the expanded vein for 20 minutes, while on top it is covered with wax paper. The legs are best lifted a little, putting on a pillow.

Good means are decoctions of hop cones or infusion of horse chestnut leaves. It is used for compresses, like a mixture of yogurt with wormwood.

Varicose veins photo

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All about varicose veins: video


Irina 20.09.2017 Answer

Anti -Varicose Gel Varistop
Gel with constant use helps:
Heal trophic ulcers;
Restore the natural outflow of blood;
Strengthen the wall of blood vessels;
Reduce the pain in the legs;
Reduce blood clots;
Improve the operation of vein valves;
Eliminate soft tissue edema.
