
Bubnovsky method exercises - features, benefits, harm, indications. Bubnovsky exercises for the spine, joints, cervical spine, lower back, with hernia. How to perform Bubnovsky exercises at home

Bubnovsky method exercises - features, benefits, harm, indications. Bubnovsky exercises for the spine, joints, cervical spine, lower back, with hernia. How to perform Bubnovsky exercises at home
The specifics of the method of Dr. Bubnovsky. How to perform the main set of exercises.

In matters of treatment, people always divided into two camps: some advocate medical and operational therapy, while others trust non -traditional methods of healing. And, apparently, the number of the latter increases exponentially. Take at least the exercises of Dr. Bubnovsky today - the method of the sea of \u200b\u200bfollowers! The extraordinary approach to the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, indeed, is of interest. We offer you to get acquainted with the author and his methodology closer. Perhaps you will draw something useful for your health.

Dr. Bubnovsky and his exercises

The essence of the method of Dr. Bubnovsky is to use the hidden reserves of the body to combat pain and restore ability to work without pills and operations. Why do you need to take everything that this doctor says to faith? To answer this question, you need to know several important facts of the biography of Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky.

When the future doctor served in the army, a car accident occurred, as a result of which the young man experienced a clinical death, and when he woke up two weeks later, he realized that only his left hand and left leg were still intact. Further treatment and recovery took more than 27 years from Sergey Mikhailovich. All this time he moved with crutches. In this form, Bubnovsky entered the medical institute, where he began a long struggle for knowledge and health.

The purpose of the purpose received from specialized literature was tested by a purpose, taking note of the most effective moments from this practice. In parallel, Bubnovsky resumed sports, which he was seriously passionate before the accident - for several days a week he visited the gym. So, according to the grace, a base was created for an alternative treatment method, which the author called kinesitherapy, which literally translates as treatment with movements. Today, Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is without crutches, they were left in the past. A strong -willed, strong person has proved that treatment can be not only medication. By the way, for his long -term practice, the doctor did not write out a single prescription. Belief in their own strengths, perseverance and the desire to be healthy - this is all that Bubnovsky is convinced of recovery. Make sure for yourself what kind of vitality and charisma is radiated by this wonderful person:

Bubnovsky method: main principles

Exercises for the joints and spine, which are practiced by S. M. Bubnovsky, are called an alternative option for healing in the field of neurology and orthopedics. Kinesitherapy is based on hidden body abilities, which we may not be guessed about. But all of us, without exception, know stories about how, thanks to the internal reserves of the body, a person managed to survive in the most unfavorable situations associated with injuries and stress.

Bubnovsky is confident that nature has invested in us the ability to self -heal, therefore it relies on a hidden will to life, which lurks in the bowels of the human body, and complements the program for recovery with systematic stress loads. The doctor also believes that official medicine in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system gives a quick but short-term effect: a person who is treated with tablets will return to them again and again. The Bubnovsky method is something else: the restoration is long, but a person recovers once and for all.

The fact that the method of Dr. Bubnovsky is special is evidenced by the following provisions of his healing program:

  1. In case of violations of the condition and operation of the bone-muscular system, not the bone, but the muscles, therefore, in treatment, attention is paid to the muscle frame of the body. Durable muscle tissue provides the health of the spine: supports it, retains in the same position all its natural bends, preventing the development of curvature, largely reduces the load during physical activity.
  2. Blood circulation is the following that the doctor pays attention to. With blood, all body tissues receive nutrients for nutrition and oxygen. Violation of blood circulation entails a decrease in the activity of oxidative processes, which is why they stop forming and ripening new tissue cells.
  3. The last important factor that is based on the Bubnovsky method was microcirculation. This process maintains cartilage, vertebrae and joints in normal condition. These “nodes” of the musculoskeletal system are not included in the overall circulatory system, and therefore are fed only thanks to enveloping soft tissues. It is no coincidence that exercises in Bubnovsky with arthrosis bring significant relief to sick people - author’s gymnastics stimulates the movement of blood in the grids of capillaries and improves the circulation of nutrient trace elements in problem areas.

A lifelong health effect in the treatment of a particular disease appears only if a comprehensive effect on these three factors. As Dr. Bubnovsky assures, the body cannot be made in the form of drugs, the body itself will find the optimal path of recovery.

Bubnovsky exercises: Indications for execution

The most important indication for classes on an unusual method is your sincere intention to overcome the disease, regain the opportunity to enjoy a dynamic life and never suffer from pain again. It is also worth mastering the set of exercises if in the history of the disease there is any diagnosis of the following:

  • osteochondrosis of the spinal column, curvature of the spine of various severity, intervertebral hernias;
  • pinching of nerves in the spine;
  • inflammation and degeneration of the joints (for example, gonoarthritis, coke -arthrosis, etc.);
  • a critical excess of body weight;
  • hemorrhoids, inflammatory lesions of reproductive organs;
  • prolapse of the abdominal organs and pelvis;
  • headaches, prolonged migraines;
  • suppressed emotional state, mental deviations;
  • disorders of the vestibular apparatus.

Also, using the Bubnovsky method, it is possible to prevent the development of curvature of the spine, varicose veins, disorders of the genitourinary sphere on the basis of inflammation. The sets of exercises developed by a talented doctor today are included in the rehabilitation program after operations on the spine and implanting artificial joints.

Bubnovsky exercises: Contraindications to execution

Treatment under a program developed by Dr. Bubnovsky does not always benefit. You need to refuse to do the exercises at all or transfer classes for later the following conditions:

  • feverish condition caused by infection or severe inflammation;
  • the presence of a malignant tumor;
  • tendon rupture or ligaments;
  • pre -industry or pre -infarction condition;
  • recent surgery in the past;
  • diseases in which the power load can cause bleeding (for example, with a tendency to uterine bleeding).

Bubnovsky method: exercises on the simulator and additional procedures

In order to increase the effectiveness of the methodology, under the leadership of Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky, a multifunctional simulator was created. A special design helps a person reproduce the widest range of movements, through which the muscles of the whole body will receive the necessary impetus for work, restoration and strengthening.

Official medicine recognized the invention of the doctor effective. Its structural characteristics and a special effect on the muscles of the body provide:

  • reducing weight loads to a minimum while maintaining targeted force exposure to the patient’s muscles. This is possible thanks to the anti -gravity properties of the simulator;
  • a clearly verified direction of all movements of the patient, which, in principle, eliminates the likelihood of injuries of muscles, ligaments and joints. Thus, the traction system of the simulator works;
  • accurate adjustment of the load, taking into account the individual needs of the patient.

For work on the simulator, special complexes of exercises were developed that allow the human body to restore their functions at an accelerated pace. The course of treatment on the simulator according to the Bubnovsky method stimulates the development of a natural muscle frame for a reliable position of the spine. Especially effective exercises on the simulator according to the Bubnovsky method with lumbar hernia, scoliosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis.

You can undergo treatment in a specially equipped gym in one of the special medical centers, which currently have more than 100. The Dr. Bubnovsky system involves an individual approach to each patient with mandatory accounting of the degree and severity of his disease. In parallel with strength exercises on the simulator, other recreational activities are practiced in such institutions, which, according to the doctor, help to put even the most hopeless patients on the feet. In the list of additional procedures, we must note the following:

  • massage;
  • breathing gymnastics;
  • diet;
  • cryotherapy.

Basic exercises for the back on Bubnovsky

The method of Dr. Bubnovsky is considered universal, because saving gymnastics for muscles can be performed not only on the simulator. Naturally, not all people have the opportunity to get to a specialized medical center for treatment under the supervision of doctors. However, there are whole complexes of Bubnovsky exercises that can be performed at home. You need to engage in every day, during training it is recommended to drink water. After 1 - 2 weeks of regular training, a significant improvement in well -being is noted.

There are the so -called three main exercises in Bubnovsky, they underlie many gymnastic complexes focused on various problem areas of the body. You need to perform them smoothly, without jerking:

  1. The first exercise - push -ups - not only trains the muscles of the thoracic region, but also enhances blood supply to the spinal column, reduces pain and increases endurance. Lie on the stomach, palms at the level of the shoulders take a hill to the floor. Having made an effort, straighten your hands and exhale, raising the body over the floor. Repeat 10 times.
  2. The second exercise is aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles and is included in the set of exercises with cervical osteochondrosis according to Bubnovsky. As a result of its regular execution, blood circulation is normalized in the cervical spine, the work of the biliary tract and digestive functions are stimulated. If you have ever performed standard twisting, downloading the press, you will quickly master this exercise. Get on the floor, cling your back to the floor surface, slightly bend your knees, and put your straight arms close to the auricle and put on the floor behind your head. Raise your head a little, rushing your chin to your chest. Exhale, feeling the air leaves the abdomen. Without tearing the feet from the floor and without changing the position of the body, tear off your arms, shoulder blades and upper back from the floor. Try to do it smoothly 10 times.
  3. The last exercise trains the spine in the lower back. Get on the floor, on the stomach, palms, fix the palms on the floor on the waist line (the hands are slightly bent at the elbows). Exhale and raise one leg up as high as possible. Make 20 sides from this position. Also work with the other foot.

In the performance of a simple charge, keep the sequence, start with several approaches and gradually increase the load. Three main exercises can always be included in classes aimed at other departments of the musculoskeletal system, for example, to a complex of Bubnovsky exercises for the joints:

An approximate set of Bubnovsky exercises for general strengthening the body

When practicing several times a week, you will quickly get promising results: you will overcome malaise, increase mobility, fill the body with fresh energy. 10 exercises of Dr. Bubnovsky to help you!

  1. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and take your feet into the floor, transfer weight of your body to your hands pressed with your palms to the floor. Raise the half -bent leg up 20 times, then straighten it and raise it another 20 times. The same is for the second leg.
  2. Sitting on the floor, straighten your legs, tighten the posture.  Hold your hands bent at your elbows at chest level and walk back and forth on the buttocks. This, by the way, is one of the effective exercises of Bubnovsky for weight loss. The doctor assures that if you perform it daily, within 20 minutes without a break, about 8 kg of excess weight disappears in 2 weeks.
  3. In a sitting position, straighten the left leg, turn the toe to the side and pull it to yourself. Now raise your left leg over the floor and make lifting with a small amplitude. Perform 20 times for each leg.
  4. Sit on the floor and place straight legs in front of you. In turn, raise each leg by about 45 0 Above the floor and delay a little in this position. Repeat 5 times.
  5. Lie down, raise the straight right leg up and take it to the side. At the same time, bend the left leg into the knee and take it to the left. Repeat 8 times.
  6. Lying on the floor, bend your legs in your knees and take a look at the floor with straight arms, taking them to the body. Now bent your elbows, stretch your back to the floor and at the same time raise your legs up, straightening them. Repeat 15 times.
  7. Lie your back to the floor, bend your knees slightly. Get one hand by the head, under the back of the head, and straighten the other. Pull your foot to the head, and with the opposite hand - to the knee. Then straighten your leg and stretch it to the opposite hand. Repeat 15 times for each leg.
  8. Lying on the floor, get your hands behind your head, bend your knees and take them right. Try to tear the upper back and head from the floor. Perform 15 times.
  9. Lying on the floor, raise straight arms over your head. Raise your arms and legs at the same time and bring them to each other. Do 20 times.
  10. Stand on all fours, focus on the right leg, take the left at this time and pull it out, maintaining the balance with the help of hands, stubborn palms on the floor. Now pull the right leg forward. Again to be on all fours and exhale. Do the exercise 10 times for the left and right leg.

These exercises are basic and are perfectly combined with any set of exercises developed taking into account the individual needs of the patient. On the recommendation of Dr. Bubnovsky, regularly engaged in his method, you need to fully get enough sleep and adhere to proper nutrition.

20 Bubnovsky exercises: detailed instructions. Video



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