
Kegel exercises for women and men. How to perform Kegel exercises at home. Kegel exercises for pregnant women

Kegel exercises for women and men. How to perform Kegel exercises at home. Kegel exercises for pregnant women
Kegel exercises: how to perform, indications and contraindications, possible errors.

The method of training of the muscles of the perineum was described in Taoist sexual practices. But such classes gained popularity only in the middle of the past century thanks to the American professor of gynecology Arnold Kegel. The exercises proposed by him were originally intended for women, but such a charging will also benefit the strong half of humanity.

What is Kegel's exercises

  • Kegel exercises - training for the pelvic muscles. It is uncomplicated and consist in reduction, retraction, compression and relaxation of the pubic-codes of muscle (LC-thoughts).
  • The simplest way to detect the required muscle is a delay in the stream of urine during urination. For the commission of this, it is precisely the pubic-cocchic muscle. Women for identification of LC-thoughts can also resort to palpation of the vagina.
  • Special simulators are often used to increase efficiency.
  • Most representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have the first results from Kegel's exercises, according to reviews, are noticeable after a month and a half regular training. But in particularly neglected cases, this may take up to three months.

Kegel exercises - special lessons or homework

There are various courses in which instructors teach training muscles of the perineum. But in Kegel's exercises there is nothing arch -sized, therefore it is realistic to master this technique and at home.

Kegel exercises for women - benefit

  • Improving the quality of sexual life. The training of the muscles of the perineum contributes to the best blood supply to the pelvic organs, which increases sensitivity in this zone. Kegel’s exercises are also good for the muscles of the vagina: after one or a half-month of regular classes, it becomes narrower, which contributes to a brighter sensations during intercourse, orgasm.
  • Kegel exercises during incontinence. Performing exercises helps women suffering from urina's incontinence. However, you need to do it constantly, otherwise, after a while the problem will return.

Kegel's exercises photo before and after regular classes:

  • Intimate charging indirectly contributes to the normalization of the hormonal background. The latter, among other things, helps to strengthen the uterus.
  • Kegel exercises for pregnant women provide an easier course of childbirth, reduce the risk of generic complications in the mother.
  • Kegel's exercises after childbirth help to restore the former tone of the walls of the vagina as soon as possible, to prevent the walls of the vagina or uterus.
  • Kegel exercises with uterine prolapse.  Uterine loss is a contraindication to intimate charging. In other cases, charging will only benefit. Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor does not allow the displacement of the organs located there or adjusts it if it is already available.
  • Kegel’s exercises can minimize the problem with the genitourinary system in old age.

Kegel exercises for men - benefit

  • Improving the quality of sexual activity. The performance of Kegel exercises helps to increase libido, strengthen the erection, increases the ability to delay ejaculation and increases the strength of the latter, contribute to more vivid sensations during orgasm.
  • A favorable effect on the health of the prostate gland.
  • Restoring control over the bladder.

Kegel exercises for women - how to perform

  • For beginners, it is recommended to do intimate charging sitting or lying with their legs bent at the knees and extended in parallel to the body with their hands. In the future, you can get used to do intimate exercises standing.
  • Compression. Intimate muscles are slowly compressed for 2-5 seconds, after relaxing for 10 seconds. Every day it is worth making 3-4 approaches of 10 repetitions. Over time, muscle compression time should be increased to 10 seconds.
  • Drawing. Imagine that the trained muscles are a vacuum. “Pull them inside, tighten the gluteal muscles and raise the pelvis up. After 5 seconds, relax and rest for 10 seconds. 10 approaches 3-4 times a day will be enough.
  • Elevator. In this exercise, the muscles are compressed in stages. Slightly tighten the lug-like and linger in this position, then slightly increase the pressure and wait for 3-5 seconds again to the limit. It is also necessary to relax steply, lingering for a couple of seconds on each “floor”.
  • Fast reductions. Strain and relax the muscles of the perineum with the shortest interval.

Kegel exercises for women, photo:

The complex is effective, consisting of the prevention of uroginecological problems of Kegel exercises and exercises. A video that shows 12 exercises that combine these methods and tells how to perform them correctly can be watched below.

Kegel exercise for men - how to perform

There are no charging specifically for men. Intimate gymnastics is universal and suitable for representatives of both sexes. The only difference: men during classes could not use intimate simulators. But not so long ago, justice was restored and the first men's simulator appeared on the market for training LK-thoughts.

Kegel exercises at home - errors

  • Conducting classes with not empty bladder. In this case, the resulting effect may be directly opposite to the desired: the lug-like-like will weaken and the problem with Urina’s incontinence will only aggravate.
  • Exercises should affect only the muscles of the pelvis, strain the hips, buttocks, the press, if this is not required in a specific exercise, is wrong.
  • Breathing holding, breastly breathing. During classes, use the abdominal type of breathing.
  • Performing Kegel's exercises while in a hot bath. Intimate gymnastics is good in that it is invisible to others and can be carried out in many places, including public. However, the idea of \u200b\u200bstrengthening the muscles of the pelvic day during the adoption of a hot bath should be refused. The precaution is due to the fact that under the influence of hot water, the expansion of blood vessels occurs, blood pressure increases. There is a risk that the exercise will provoke an even greater jump in pressure.
  • A mild back in the back or abdomen after intimate charging indicates improper performance of the exercises.

Kegel exercises - contraindications

  • History of spontaneous abortion, the threat of premature birth.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system in the acute phase.
  • Little pelvic organs in the last stage.
  • Exacerbation of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Recent injuries or operations on the genitourinary system.
  • Tumors of any type.

How to choose a simulator simulator

The assortment of devices that allow with greater efficiency to conduct training is extensive. The most convenient options that increase the effectiveness of classes include the following.

Non -electrome -made simulators for Kegel exercises

  • Vaginal balls. Classic vaginal balls are two smooth spheres on a flexible screed, often with a displaced center of gravity. Also on sale there are also ligaments with a large number of spheres, not interconnected by balls, textured balls, balls of bizarre design. To create vaginal balls, plastic, silicone, glass, metal are usually used.  Beginners should choose a larger diameter on light balls, preferably textured and eventually change the simulator to a smaller and heavy.

  • Vaginal eggs. Systems in the form of eggs made of natural or imitating such materials are popular for training vaginal muscles. Natural stone testicles have a fairly high cost, but durable and safe for women's health. They also attribute the beneficial properties of the stones from which a toy was produced.
    Vaginal eggs made of artificial stone have a place if a woman is sure of the quality of the materials.
    The testicles are inserted with a blunt end into the vagina.

  • Silents working on the principle of a spring expander.

Electromechanical simulators for Kegel exercises

  • The vibro -yard is a small smooth or textured egg -shaped toy, which has several vibration modes. The vibro -yard is wired and wireless.

  • Special devices that allow you to evaluate the density of the girth of the device with the muscles of the vagina.


Kegel exercises - charging designed to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. Classes are simple, suitable for representatives of both sexes. There are contraindications, therefore, preliminary consultation with a doctor is welcome.

Knowing how to properly perform Kegel's exercises, you can solve many problems in terms of uroginecology and force to play sex with new colors.


Pauline 19.11.2017 Answer

Hmm ... And my mother was prescribed by Kegel's exercise and Lignarius Bad, but only with menopause ... And thank you for such a detailed description, I will definitely show her.
