
Candles Bifidumbacterin - why are they prescribed. The use of suppositories Bifidumbacterin - instructions. Analogs of candles bifidumbacterin

Candles Bifidumbacterin - why are they prescribed. The use of suppositories Bifidumbacterin - instructions. Analogs of candles bifidumbacterin
Bifidumbacterin sles are often prescribed by doctors for the treatment of dysbiosis, colpitis and other diseases. Instructions for the use of candles Bifidumbacterin are presented in the article.

Candles Bifidumbacterin are a drug that allows you to quickly normalize the intestines and establish all the digestive tract. Bifobacteria Bifidum, which are the current component, allow accelerating digestive processes, accumulating pathogenic microorganisms and supplying microflora with useful amino acids. The microorganisms contained in the composition also help restore the body's protective functions and produce vitamin K vitamin K, which allows them to restore the microflora for the smallest time.

Due to its composition, suppositories accelerate metabolism, regulate the acidic environment of the vagina and bring its mucous membrane to a healthy state. With rectal administration, they supply the intestines with the necessary bacteria and trace elements.

According to the instructions, candles of bifidubacterin can be used both rectally and vaginally.

Indications for the use of candles bifidubacterin

Candles of bifidubacterin are prescribed for adults and children to restore intestinal microflora and treatment of dysbiosis.

Newborn candles are prescribed when transition to artificial feeding, dysbiosis, anemia and diathesis. Candles also help restore the work of the gastrointestinal tract and protect the body from rickets.

Candles of bifidumbacterin for rectal use are prescribed for intestinal dysbiosis, salmonellosis, shigellosis, as well as enterocolitis.

Candles with bifidumbacterin are also used in gynecology. According to the instructions, the candles of bifidubacterin are prescribed in gynecology to eliminate dysbiosis in the vagina and with thrush. Candles also help to cope with the following diseases:

  • Colpitis (nonspecific, hormonal).
  • Vulvit.
  • Salpingooflite.
  • Gardnerellosis and others.

The candles of bifidubacterin vaginal use are aimed at the treatment of inflammatory processes of the pelvis and are used as an auxiliary tool to eliminate various urogenital infections.

Adult candles are also prescribed for the treatment of acute dysbiosis, chronic colitis and the prevention of complications after various operations.

Bifidumbacterin candles are prescribed to treat the intestines: they help restore the microflora and save it from the pathogens of the virus.

Candles Bifidumbacterin: Instructions for use

  • For diseases of the intestine, candles are used rectally and introduced once or twice a day. The duration of treatment can be different: from 7 to 30 days. The duration of treatment depends on the type of intestinal infections. For example, in acute intestinal diseases, the doctor may prescribe candles for a period of 20-30 days. The number of candles per one application and duration of treatment is determined only by the doctor.
  • In gynecological practice, candles of bifidumbacterin are prescribed for the treatment of colitis, vaginitis and other diseases. Candles of bifidumbacterin should be entered into the vagina twice a day. The duration of treatment is 5-10 days.
  • In the treatment of dysbiosis of the vagina, the candles are administered only once a day, the duration of the reception is 10 days. With thrush, the candle of bifidumbacterin is used as an auxiliary tool and are introduced vaginal at least twice a day.
  • During pregnancy, candle bifidubacterin is administered twice a day, the course of admission is about 10 days.
  • To restore intestinal microflora, after treatment with antibiotics, suppository is administered once or twice a day for 10 days. Candles are again prescribed no earlier than three or four months later.
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the candle is administered rectally 1 or 2 times a day, only a doctor can prescribe the duration of treatment.

How to store candles bifidubacterin

Candles should be stored in an impatient and dry place at an average temperature of 2-10 degrees.

Contraindications to the use of candles bifidubacterin

  • Bifidumbacterin candles are not recommended for menstruation, as they will dissolve and will be excreted by the body before they have time to act.
  • Also, candles are not recommended to be used in the presence of hypersensitivity to actinobacteria.
  • Children and pregnant women need to use candles with particular caution. The dosage and duration of the reception should be determined by the attending physician.

Candles Bifidumbacterin: Analogs

As analogues, the candles of bifidubacterin can be Azilakiat, lactonorm, lactorm, as well as tablets and vagilac gel. All of them have a similar effect on the body and, as a rule, have fewer contraindications.

The price of candles bifidumbacterin

The average price for candles is 85 rubles. In Internet-apages, the price of candles can be lower by 5-7%.

Reviews for candles bifidumbacterin

Many women notice that the candles of bifidubacterin are especially effective in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis and thrush. They note that candles are well absorbed, and also help to get rid of the disease for a full course of treatment. Candles restore the intestinal microflora and can be used to prevent intestinal diseases. Many note that candles are affordable and not so expensive, so they are even more popular.

Candles of bifidubacterin are an effective and inexpensive agent that will help in the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also relieve many diseases of the pelvis in women. This drug carefully affects the body, so it is prescribed not only to adults, but also to children.



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