
Icelan Moss - Medical Properties, Indications, Contraindications. How to apply Icelandic Moss - instructions, recipes

Icelan Moss - Medical Properties, Indications, Contraindications. How to apply Icelandic Moss - instructions, recipes
Among the many folk remedies, Icelandic Moss occupies one of the leading places. The effectiveness of this plant is associated with a complex of valuable components that have a positive effect on human health.

Icelandic Moss over the years has been occupied by one of the most significant places in traditional medicine, being an effective tool for eliminating symptoms and facilitating states in many diseases. The low-spirited plant is one of the types of lichens, which grows on European and Asian expanses. Grass Icelandic Moss is also found in environmentally friendly regions of Africa and Australia, preferring shadows Sunny territory and sandy soil.

Icelan Moss - description and composition

Icelandic moss or zetraria is a totality of blades whose height does not exceed 15 cm forming small bushes. Under favorable conditions, the plant can occupy a rather extensive space and grow in large volumes. The upper part of the lichen is most often green and brownish, but the lower blades have a light brown color, sometimes with a spotted coating. Centracy grows on the stumps, the crust of trees, as well as in the swampy terrain of the northern regions of the tundra and pine forests.

The unique therapeutic properties of the Icelandic MHA are expressed due to a rich chemical composition, which contains:

  • lichenic acids;
  • Lihanin;
  • glucose;
  • Zetrarin;
  • gum;
  • proteins;
  • Fats.

Icelan Moss - Application

Thanks to a huge number of medical properties, Icelandic Moss has been applied in folk and traditional medicine, entering into many drugs. As a result of scientific research, the use of liquid-based funds is proved as the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases. Icelandic moss is no less useful and for children, having a strengthening effect on the body.

In the northern regions of Iceland, Icelandic Moss is successfully used in cooking, adding a lichen powder into fish dishes and baking.

Icelan Moss - Dosage forms

In pharmacies, Icelandic moss is found in a variety of forms - violence, liquid extracts, syrups, creams, tablets. Also, Icelandic moss can be used in the form of dry raw materials, which is used both internal and outdoor use.

Icelansky Moss - Syrup

The syrup "Gerbion", which contains an Icelandic moss, has a beneficial effect on mucous membranes, thereby softening cough and reducing the impact of external stimuli.

The "Petrolvan" extract contains a number of ingredients, among which the Icelandic Moss has been occupied. The drug facilitates the condition with a dry cough, thinning wet, and also improves the condition in viral infections.

Icelan Moss - Tablets

Tablets, which include Icelandic Moss, have high efficiency in the fight against a throat in the throat, barking cough and voting weight. Therapeutic effect of the drug is expressed in the humidification of the respiratory tract, reducing the activity of bacteria, reducing inflammatory processes.

Icelansky Moss - cream

For outdoor use, Icelandic Moss is used both in the form of infusions and as part of creams that have a warming effect in colds, arthritis, as well as with lesions of the skin. The combination of lichen with such components as a St. John's wort, calendula, lavender, eucalyptus has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Icelan Moss - Dry Raw Materials

For independent preparation of infusions and decoctions, you can purchase a dry moss, which is sold in pharmacies in the form of a dipper or crystalized powder. For the preparation of the medicine, it is necessary to explore the instructions on the package, and comply with the correct dosage.

Icelan Moss - Useful Properties

Biologically active substances of the lichen make it an indispensable tool for health promotion and help in comprehensive treatment of serious health violations.

  1. The antimicrobial properties of zetraria are manifested in the struggle of the body with such microorganisms as staphylococci and streptococci, reducing their activity and preventing them in reproduction.
  2. When coughing, asthma, bronchitis, colds are very effective, champs, tincture, as well as syrup with Icelandic moss.
  3. Phytokea based on MHA is useful for problems in the work of the endocrine system, as well as to strengthen the immune forces of the body after suffering severe diseases.
  4. Thanks to antibacterial effects, lichen decoctions have healing effects with impaired skin cover, burns, scratches, ulcers.
  5. Icelandic moss is effective from cough caused by such severe disease as tuberculosis, providing a positive impact on the work of the broncho-pulmonary system, and strengthening the body in the fight against chronic ailment.
  6. Medicinal decoctions are useful in violations of the organs of the digestive system, the stomach ulcer, while improving the appetite, and contribute to the rapid digestibility of food.
  7. Among the many indications, Icelandic moss is used in the treatment of allergies, providing a cleansing and restoring effect.
  8. The anesthetic effect of the means is noticeable when rinse with the oral cavity during detentious pain, as well as with angina, stomatitis.
  9. Phytquay is very useful to drink overnight in violations of psycho-emotional background and insomnia.
  10. As evidenced by feedback, decoctions based on Icelandic MCH - a great remedy for washing the nasal moves during the cold and are prevention from colds.

Icelansky Moss - Contraindications

Icelandic Moss is one of the few folk agents that do not have contraindications. An exception is an allergic reaction to the drug, which includes a lichen.

Icelandic Moss: Instructions for use

From how to brew Icelandic Moss you can find a lot of recommendations and tips. The fact is that it all depends on the purpose of use, since this or that disease requires compliance with a certain dosage of the medication. In order for the Icelandic Moss to save the maximum amount of beneficial substances, it is recommended to prepare the drug according to the instructions.

Icelandic moss from cough

With intense cough, milk decoction of zetraria will help. To do this, it is necessary to connect 1 tbsp. Dry raw materials and 200-250 ml of milk. Tomber on a steam bath of 20-30 minutes, then strain. Drink overnight in warm form with small sips.

Icelan Moss with diseases of the respiratory system

With tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia should prepare a more concentrated drug. To do this, it is necessary in 300 ml of boiling water to put 2 tbsp. Lichetic and cook on a weak heat for about an hour. This mixture is strain and drink small portions during the day. The course of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks. After a 10-day break, you can continue treatment.

Icelan Moss for diseases of the gastrointestinal organs

Among the many medical recipes, alcohol tincture from Icelandic MHA is very effective. By connecting 250 ml of vodka and 30 g of dry lichen, it is necessary to set up a mixture with a dark place for 7-10 days. After the specified period, the medicine is ready. Use 12-15 drops every morning before meals.

Icelan Moss for the normalization of the body and purification of the body

To prepare a cleansing agent, it is necessary to pour 25 g of dry raw materials with 1 glass of apple vinegar. After 48 hours, infusion is ready to use. Take 1 tsp. Funds for 1 cup of water before bedtime. The course should not exceed 14 days.

Icelan Moss - External Application

For processing skin damage, a decoction of 1-2 tbsp of raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water are used. Before this, the mixture should be boiled at least 7-10 minutes and insist for half an hour. Summons from this agent significantly accelerate the healing of boils, contribute to the disappearance of acne, remove inflammatory processes after burns.

Icelandic Moss is one of the most useful folk agents that are valued all over the world for its unique composition and healing properties. And for this you do not need to look for expensive drugs, but it is enough to look around, because the most effective drugs people get from the environment at a distance of an elongated hand.

Icelandic Moss: Photo


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