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Soda douching at home. How to do douching with soda with thrush, for conception, during pregnancy, with erosion

Soda douching at home. How to do douching with soda with thrush, for conception, during pregnancy, with erosion
How to do soda douching to get rid of thrush and conceive a baby? All rules of therapeutic douching and possible contraindications.

Despite the fact that modern pharmaceutical products can cure most gynecological diseases, women steadily prefer to resort to grandmother's recipes. The simple folk method of healing is very popular - douching with soda. Quite often it is used to treat candidiasis. In addition, despite all the arguments of gynecologists, women consider douching with soda as an excellent remedy for infertility and erosion. How effective is such treatment, and how to do soda douching?

Douching with soda - for what is carried out and there are contraindications

Soda is a natural and inexpensive product with certain healing properties. And although it does not belong to the number of drugs, it has clear rules of use and a number of contraindications.

Soda douching has a positive effect in such “female” diseases:

  1. Thrush - this disease is caused by the pathological reproduction of fungi of the candidate as a result of an immune malfunction. Since in the vagina an acidic environment, fungi feel great there and intensively replenish their ranks with new colonies. Soda is considered an active antifungal agent, so douching the vagina with soda allows you to destroy the "bad" flora by alkalizing their habitat.
  2. Infertility - often the cause of problems with conception is increased acidity in the vagina. Douching with a weak solution of soda improves the environment, due to which sperm survival increases.

Advice! Gynecologists warn that douching with soda with erosion is prohibited. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to contact a doctor in order to exclude such a pathology.

Soda treatment should not be considered a careless method for thrush or other disease. The abuse of douching with improperly divorced soda powder can instead of a cure to present a woman with many complications in the form of dysbiosis, allergies and even a burn of the vaginal mucosa. Therefore, before experiencing this method of self -medication, it is better to consult with a gynecologist.

Important! After douching with soda in the vagina, the microflora changes greatly, so do not carry out this procedure before visiting the gynecologist, otherwise the strokes taken will be non -informative.

There are several restrictions on the use of soda for douching:

  • The presence of sexual infections.
  • Postpartum period.
  • Menopause.
  • Acute inflammation of the internal genital organs.
  • Recently suffered abortion.
  • Erosion or ectropion.
  • Period of menstruation.
  • Microtrauma vagina.

Important! During douching with soda into the uterus, a small amount of solution may fall into the uterus, so a strict contraindication to this procedure is any disease of the uterus or ovaries - endometritis, adnexitis, neoplasms, etc.

Soda douching - how to do the right thing

For douching, as a rule, two devices are used: a mug of Esmarch or ordinary rubber sprint. Consider the regulations for the application of these tools.

The Esmarch mug is a rectangular rubber vessel, which is filled with a solution for douching, and is equipped with a tube with a tip for introduction to the vagina. It is sold in every pharmacy, it is inexpensive and it is easy to use.

Soda douching with thrush - how to do this with a mug of Esmarch:

  • The tubes are necessarily disinfected with alcohol or chlorhexidine, and the tip is treated with boiling water for 3-4 minutes.
  • A solution of a given concentration of 200 ml is diluted, poured into a mug that is suspended by a hole at an altitude of more than 70 cm above the lower back.
  • The woman lays down, while her legs bend in her knees. If possible, it is better to conduct douching in the bathroom.
  • The vaginal of the vagina is processed by cosmetic petroleum jelly.
  • All air is released from the tube, the tip is inserted into the vagina by 4-5 cm.
  • A weak stream of soda solution is directed inside for 15-25 minutes.
  • Then the woman lingers in the supine position for 30-35 minutes so that the liquid shows the therapeutic effect.

Sprinting is suitable for quickly washing the vagina with thrush. A large stream is well washed with curdled discharge and the mucous membrane is disinfected. In this case, the solution practically does not fall into the cervical canal and the neck of the uterus.

How to do soda douching using a gynecological spring:

  • Before use, the sprint is necessarily boiled.
  • Douching is carried out before bedtime after an evening toilet.
  • The tip is lubricated with petroleum jelly or pumped vegetable oil.
  • Before introducing from the sprint, air is produced.
  • The tip is inserted into the vagina by 3-5 cm, then they squeeze the rubber pear with the hand, not letting it go until all the liquid comes out. Then the sprint is removed and released a clamped hand.
  • Then the sprinting inside is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, and wiped with an antiseptic on top.

Important! You can do soda douching only with a new sprint. All devices that were used for rectal douching are unsuitable even after sterilization.

What you need to remember:

  • The douching procedure is carried out only according to indications. For prevention, it is better not to do this, since soda can damage epithelial cells, violate the usual microflora, alkalize the environment and promote the penetration of viruses and bacteria.
  • Before the end of the douching course, it is better to abandon sexual activity. Soda reduces the resistance of local immunity, and third -party partner bacteria can aggravate the condition of the woman.
  • A solution of soda for douching is prepared on boiled water, and at the time of administration into the vagina it should be warm.
  • Too concentrated soda solution does not enhance the therapeutic effect, but rather can damage the vaginal mucosa.
  • Douching should be carried out with courses for no more than 14 days and in a strictly prescribed dosage.
  • Before you start douching with soda, you need to undergo a gynecological examination.
  • You should also abandon physical activity and wearing synthetic linen.

How to make soda for douching

For douching, a soda solution with a concentration of 0.5 to 2%is suitable. It is easy to cook it. You need to take any clean container, pour 500 ml of water into it and dissolve ½ tbsp in it. l. soda. To prevent a burn of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, you need to stir the solution until the last grain of soda is dissolved.

To get a stronger and long -term therapeutic effect, you can douch with soda and iodine. The solution is divorced according to the same principle that it is described above, but the proportions change slightly. It is necessary to add 2 tsp to each liter of water. soda powder and 10 drops of iodine.

With pronounced urogenital candidiasis with a complete damage to the external labia, it is advisable to combine douching with sedentary baths. You can prepare the solution like this: pour 2 liters of warm water into the basin, add 2 tbsp. l. soda and 1 tsp. iodine.

Douching with soda and salt is also used. Such a solution has increased antiseptic and antiprowatory properties. It is prepared like this: in 500 ml of boiling water, 1 tsp is dissolved. salt and soda powder. You can use the product after the disappearance of the last crystal. Douching is done twice a day.

Advice! To supplement the antifungal effect of soda with anti -inflammatory properties will help replacing boiled water with decoctions of herbs (chamomile, calendula, turn).

Douching with thrush soda

Vulva irrigation with soda solution for thrush is used in general treatment with other medicines. But douching is much faster than any pills, stops itching and discharge. Soda affects the micro -fiber of fungi, which causes their death, and along with the water, they are washed out of the vagina.

The procedure is carried out two or three times a day. It is not necessary to douch for a long time, because along with the fungi, the useful sticks of pre -Service are also destroyed. Therefore, 3-5 days will be enough for the treatment of thrush. A longer period of treatment can end with acute vaginitis and a complete violation of the vaginal microflora.

Advice! During douching with soda, the proportion of powder and water should be fully observed. If a solution prepared “by eye” is suitable for external washing, then for douching the vagina, violation of the ratio of soda and water in the direction of increasing the concentration may end with severe damage to the mucosa.

In the treatment of thrush, it is important to use an integrated approach, so other antifungal agents are often prescribed after douching with soda. So, after the procedure, gynecologists prescribe the application of nystatin ointment and vaginal suppositories of the lyvarol.

Note! After douching with soda, in the vagina for some time the acid-base level pH is preserved, which contributes to conception. Therefore, if your plans are not yet included in your plans, refrain from unprotected sexual contacts.

Douching with soda for conception

Soda has been used as a stimulant of conception for many years. The secret of this application is very simple. Spermatozoa is mobile only in a slightly alkaline habitat. And in the vagina throughout the menstrual cycle, the acidic environment mainly predominates, and only at the time of ovulation does the PH level increase slightly. But with some violations, this does not happen, and the acidic cervical fluid completely “paralyzes” sperm. Then Soda can be very useful.

Important! Douching with soda in order to get pregnant is effective only if the cause of infertility is a disturbed level of the vaginal pH or too low sperm activity.

Soda douching is carried out on the eve of ovulation. If when planning pregnancy you use special tests to determine the release of luteinizing hormone, you can do douching a quarter of an hour before intercourse. This will allow cervical mucus and facilitate the penetration of spermatozoa. The effect after douching persists for 2-4 days, so irrigation is not necessary daily.

To conceive, a recipe is suitable for douching with soda: 1 tsp is needed per 100-125 ml of water. soda. By the way, instead of soda, you can take alkaline mineral water (without gas!) Or soda buffer (pharmacy soda solutions).

Experts express concerns about this method of treating infertility. In their opinion, artificial alkalization of the vagina allows all sperm to get to the egg without exception. While nature itself made such an acid barrier for inferior spermatozoa with poor genetic material. Therefore, in the end, the fertilization of the egg with a “poor” sperm can occur, which will end with fading the embryo.

Soda douching during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women very often complain of constantly repeating thrush. In this period, douching with soda is also used, but only in severe cases when there is no more alternative.

With the permission of the obstetrician-gynecologist, sprints with a rubber ending or syringes without a needle are used to wash the vagina in pregnant women. Before douching, the woman lies, very slowly injects the soda solution for 30 seconds, and then releases it out.

But in most cases, a woman is advised instead of douching to do only soda baths, with the addition of iodine and herbal decoctions.

Important! If a woman is in a position and is going to carry out douching with soda, how to correctly and safely do this should be explained by the gynecologist. It is very risky to be treated in this way, because there is a chance to harm not only to yourself, but also to the baby.

Obstetrician-gynecologists try to avoid douching in pregnant women for the following reasons:

  • In the first 12 weeks, douching can provoke a miscarriage.
  • In the last trimester, during douching, there is a high risk of soda fluid penetration into the uterine cavity along with the fungus of the candidate.
  • Since a woman during pregnancy undergoes a planned examination for hidden sexual infections, douching with soda can interfere with the diagnosis.

Soda douching - reviews

According to women, soda is an excellent, and, most importantly, cheap remedy for thrush. It is no worse than expensive means that it eliminates discomfort and decreases the fungal flora. Subject to the recommended dosage, women rarely have dryness or dysbiosis. But the preventive use of gels for intimate hygiene and the use of fermented milk products solve such problems if they appear.

There are positive reviews about douching with soda for conception. Many, successfully pregnant women, praise this method as very effective. Some managed to conceive the baby after the first procedure.

Of course, there are not very positive reviews in which complaints about the appearance of severe irritation, allergic manifestations and dysbiosis after douching with soda are often found.

It is important to remember that douching with soda at home helps to accelerate recovery with thrush, and in some cases get pregnant. But the key to successful treatment is a preliminary visit to the gynecologist and the systematic execution of his prescriptions. Therefore, in order for the douching with soda to become a salvation for you, and not another health problem, do not self -medicate.

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