
The causes and symptoms of the Epipudilite of the elbow joint. Treatment of Epipudilite of the elbow joint. Folk remedies for the treatment of Epipudilite of the elbow joint

The causes and symptoms of the Epipudilite of the elbow joint. Treatment of Epipudilite of the elbow joint. Folk remedies for the treatment of Epipudilite of the elbow joint
What is the epicondylitis of the elbow joint. Causes, symptoms and features of the treatment of pathology.

Epipudilitis of the elbow joint is called an inflammatory process covering muscles in the elbow area. Our article on how originates and manifests itself. We will also consider ways to treat and forecast for a return to a healthy lifestyle.

The disease develops in that part of the elbow, where the muscles are deployed by the forearm. Localization of inflammation determines the form of pathology: the disease is internal and external. External inflammation occurs more often - today is the most common violation in the work of the musculoskeletal system. Looking ahead, we note which doctor is engaged in the epicondylitis of the elbow joint - the orthopedist or traumatologist will solve the problem.

Forms of the Epipudilite of the elbow joint

Outer, or lateral epicondylitis of the elbow joint

In professional circles, the disease is known as the "elbow tennis player". When the shoulder muscles are systematically overvolting, the area of \u200b\u200bmuscle fibers with a supermarket covers inflammation. Tennis players and people who are engaged in monotonous physical work are well acquainted with this disease (paint the walls, saw firewood). The age of patients ranges from 30 to 50 years.

Internal, or medial epicondylitis of the elbow joint

As with the outer epicondylitis of the elbow joint, this form of the disease has an unofficial name - "elbow of a golfer". Inflammation appears due to long repetitive machs or gestures (work with manual instruments, bruises, dislocations or fractures of sports origin). Each movement of the muscles of the forearm, repeated countless times, can cause the medial epicondylitis of the elbow joint.

In the photo we see what muscles suffer from different forms of Epipudilite of the elbow joint:

Causes of Epocondyl Locks

The basis of all the reasons for the development of the disease is the active work of muscle tissue in the elbow area. Attribute the development of the focus of inflammation in the elbow can the following factors:

  1. Loyalty to sports. Frequent and long-term classes in the gym, the monotonous execution of the same type of movements cause microscopic cracking of tendons and superscrops. Almost always tennis players suffer almost lateral epicondylitis, and the medial form of the disease occurs in most of the golfers. Close this "Troika leaders" weightlifters, rods and weights.
  2. Injuries. Serious damage to elbows become a fertile foundation for the development of epicondylitis in the future.
  3. Excessive tension of the shoulder muscles and muscles of the forearms of people of certain professions: pianists, drivers, milkers, painters, masseuses, movers, shvent.
  4. Regular wearing heavy bags, business activities (for example, wood sawmills).
  5. Connected pathology for the development of connective tissue.

Symptoms of the Epipudilite of the elbow joint

The disease always chooses the dominant hand, that is, epicondylitis of the right elbow joint develops in the right hand and vice versa.

The main indicator of inflammation is muscular pain in the shoulder area and forearm, whose echoes are felt in the brush. Its character may change: from the new to Zhugugi, from stupid to acute. With external epicondylitis, the unpleasant sensations appear when a person extensions the forearm, with internal - when the hand bends in the elbow joint.

Signs of Epipudilite of the elbow joint appear not immediately. First, heaviness arises during the movement by hand (a person seems to be that he is just tired), but a little later and during a relaxing holiday. Sometimes shooting pain appears in the elbow suddenly, without prior discomfort. As a result, the symptoms of epicondylitis are enhanced so much that the patient cannot shake out when meeting a stretched arm, take a glass, hold cutlery, etc.

By the nature of the course of the disease, several types of types are distinguished:

  • acute - pain tormenting a person during active loads and does not retreat even during rest periods;
  • subacute - unpleasant sensations remind themselves during work and pass during the period of rest;
  • chronic - in the absence of timely treatment, the symptoms of the disease are preserved for 3 months.

In addition to pain, there is numbness of a sore hand, a feeling of tingling and a feeling of goosebumps. The inflammation in the epipudilite of the elbow joint prevents the patient to actively moving the hand, although with passive flexion and extension of the limb in the forearm area, there are no painful sensations. There are no them during sleep.

How to treat Epipudilite of the elbow joint: diagnostic features

In the setting of the correct diagnosis, the most important is the most important examination of the patient with a doctor, since blood tests remain normal, the radiograph of the sick hand also does not show any deviations. Sometimes X-ray in the epipudilite of the elbow joint displays the deposition of calcium salts in the tendons, but it is possible only in very launched cases of the disease.

In a personal conversation, the doctor clarifies the symptom of ailment in a patient, will definitely ask his profession and attitude towards sport. When inspected, the following samples will be performed:

  • test well. The patient is offered to pull out the arms in front of them, open the palms and at the same time turn them up and down. The palm of the affected hand when performing this task will noticeably fall behind;
  • test for mobility. Holding the patient's elbow in a static position, the doctor offers the patient to turn the brush to the side. In the idea of \u200b\u200bthe test, the patient needs to return the brush to its original position, overcoming the resistance of the doctor's hand. If the person has epicondylitis, a strong pain will pierce his hand.

With superficial diagnostics, there is a chance to confuse the epicondylitis of the elbow joint with osteoarthritis, the arthritis of the elbow joint, the fracture of the bones of the forearm, the flush of the shoulder's supermarkets. However, with the help of additional diagnostic methods, with further research, signs are detected, absolutely not characteristic of the Epipudilite of the elbow joint:

  • non-effective joints of the joint are extremely painful if the patient arthrosis or arthritis;
  • there are swelling and red-skinned on the skin in the joint area;
  • the blood test confirms the presence of the inflammatory process, the rheumatological samples are positive, if it is rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Ultrasound examination of the joints shows the effag and inflammatory substance in the affected area;
  • the x-ray of the joint detects arthrosis if there is a narrowing of the interface slot on the picture, as well as noticeably change in the bone surface of the joint. If the fracture happened, the integrity of the bone is violated and in some cases the fragments are shifted.

If, as a result of an additional examination, no one of the features listed above was found, the case would have to have it with epicondylitis.

Treatment of Epipudilite Locks

To return a person to a full-fledged life, integrated actions are needed to eliminate epicondyl. First of all, the sick joint is needed complete peace. Within 1 week, it is impossible to play sports, economic deeds, energetic movements are prohibited. You should also take a break from professional duties if they affect inflammation in the elbow. Next, drug treatment and physiotherapy procedures are connected.

Medical treatment of Epipudilite of the elbow joint

To eliminate the focus of inflammation in the patient, the patient is prescribed to the patient:

  • NSAID. Funds based on diclofenac, nimesulide, ibuprofen and meloxicama is recommended to take twice a day (in the form of tablets) or 3 - 4 times a day (if the ointment is assigned). The course of treatment continues on average 10 - 14 days. Practice has shown that ointment in the epipudilite of the elbow joint is more effective than their counterparts in the form of tablets;
  • glucocorticosteroids with a pronounced anti-inflammatory action: Diprospan, hydrocortisone and prednisone. For the manifestation of the therapeutic effect, there is enough 1 - 2 doses of these drugs on the course of treatment: one intramuscular injection is made to the region of the patient. If there is no effect, the second injection is done;
  • package preparations of local action. With the Epipudilite of the elbow joint, the lidocaine injections, ultrakain and other analgesics are needed to save a person from painful symptoms.

Physiotherapeutic treatment of the Epipudilite of the elbow joint

Epipudilite of the elbow joint is well corrected by physiotherapeutic methods. The parts of the inflamed muscle tissue are remarkably reacting to the impact of physical forces - it is manifested by improving blood circulation, as well as the accelerated healing of microcracks in the injured elbow. The course of treatment lasts about 1 week. These are the procedures are relevant:

  • Pulse magnetotherapy - the joint is treated with low-frequency magnetic pulses;
  • paraffin and ozokerite appliques;
  • diafalimimmotherapy - To remove inflammation in the elbow, use electric strokes of different polarity;
  • electrophoresis with analgesic - in this way the active ingredient of the drug reaches the deepest fibers of the patient muscle;
  • infrared laser radiation;
  • cryotherapy - elbow for a certain time is treated with a powerful flow of dry and cold air.

Orthopedic devices for the treatment of Epipudilite of the elbow joint

In order for the results of the treatment of an inflamed elbow joint, a prolonged action is treated very carefully to the sore hand. To ensure the protection of the elbow, there are special orthopedic devices: in the epipudilite of the elbow joint, there are bandages from an elastic bandage, swelling, bandage, which immobilizes the limb in the upper third of the shoulder. If very strong pain appears on the basis of the disease, the patient on the affected joint area impose a gypsum Longet. Thanks to all these devices, hand turns out to give a natural position in a fixed state and thus reduce the tone of ligaments and muscles.

Gymnastic exercises in the Epipudilite of the elbow joint

Charging with a degenerative disease of this nature is needed to return freedom of movement to weakened joint. Exercise performance is relevant at the stage of transition of the disease in the remission stage. The doctor selects a set of exercises in accordance with the individual needs of the patient. Each exercise is performed 2 to 3 minutes after awakening and before bedtime. For example:

  • compress and squeeze the fists while holding the raised forearms near the chest;
  • alternately raise and lower the forearm;
  • rotate with hands in the elbow joints;
  • catch up hands, and then raise and lower both forearms at the same time;
  • crying the brush of the sick limb to the second hand and gently bend it in the ray. At the time of complete fold, you need to delay your hand for a few moments bent;
  • do "scissors" with hands.

When it is better to start studying, a doctor will tell me. Premature execution of therapeutic gymnastics can greatly harm the tendons if the inflammatory process is not yet eliminated.

Treatment of the Epipudilitis of the elbow joint by folk remedies

Representatives of official medicine have nothing against the "grandmother's" recipes, when an inflamed elbow complicates life to a person, but pay attention to that this measure is auxiliary, and without medicines in any case can not do.

We give several options for the treatment of Epipudilite of the elbow joint at home:

  1. Anti-inflammatory mixture. The grass of the socket is mixed with honey and sunflower oil in the same proportions. The patient is triturated with a means before bedtime for 1 week.
  2. Heating clay compress. 250 g of white clay is diluted in water, they are applied to the elbow joint and wrapping gauze into several layers, and the wool handkerchief is insulated from above. Such compress is dangerous during the exacerbation of the disease. Impose 3 times a day for 1 hour.
  3. Rubbing the affected joint with fresh nettle leaves. Plant before use is hampered by hot water.

Operational intervention in the epipudilite of the elbow joint

Surgical correction of the disease is resorted to isolated, very complex due to the lack of competent treatment when painful pain syndrome knocks its victim from the rut for 6 or more months. Then, on the back of the forearm, a miniature incision and the surgeon makes a notch on the tendons, and then sews cut skin. Gymnastic exercises can be performed in 10 - 14 days after surgery.

Prevention of the exacerbation of the Epipudilite of the elbow joint

If the patient cannot change the profession, which entailed the development of the disease, you need to always follow a few simple recommendations to prevent the recurrence of the inflammatory process. Sports need to be engaged in secretion of hands with special swelling, and before performing a set of exercises, workout should be performed to activate blood circulation in the risk area. Of great importance is the massage at the Epipudilite of the elbow joint: performing long monotonous work, it is necessary to often arrange a "five-minute" for rest and rigorously massage the elbow before renewing the work.

The forecast for the treatment of Epipudilite of the elbow joint is promising. The disease is well treatable and practically never "converts" complications. However, it is impossible to underestimate pathology: in the case of a long-term negligent attitude to its health in the field of epicondylitis, the bursitis is developing, which requires more serious, in most cases operational, approach.

Epipudilite elbow joint. Video


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