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The benefits and harm of birch juice. How to drink birch juice correctly. How much birch juice is stored

The benefits and harm of birch juice. How to drink birch juice correctly. How much birch juice is stored
The article considers whether it is possible to drink birch juice, how to get it so that the drink brings the maximum benefit.

One of the symbols of Rus' was considered birch juice. Since ancient times, this drink has been valued not only for a pleasant and delicate taste, but also for a rich vitamin composition, beneficial properties. For many years, the popularity of the “birch” (the so -called birch juice) remains unchanged. This drink is especially popular for those who live in the forest regions of our country. Indeed, during a walk in the birch forest, you can collect fresh juice directly from a branchy tree. Thus, you can not only enjoy the pleasant taste of the drink, but also get a charge of vigor, strengthen your health. Next, we will tell you about whether it is possible to drink birch juice, how to get it so that the drink brings the maximum benefit.

The composition of birch juice

The properties of birch juice are determined by its rich composition. So, it contains:

  • Full vitamin "bouquet".
  • Minerals and other useful elements, including calcium, manganese, potassium and copper.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Tannins (tannin, elginerydubic acid).
  • Saponins.
  • Essential oils.

In addition, this drink can be attributed to dietary, because its calorie content is only 21-23 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, nutritionists recommend it to include it in the menu of people suffering from obesity and those who visit the gym. In addition to the fact that the body is saturated with a useful vitamin and mineral composition, you will not get any “heavy” substances that can adversely affect the state of your figure and which are usually “deposited” in problem areas - sides and hips.

Birch juice: benefits

Consider how birch juice is useful:

  • Due to the fact that birch sap contains minerals such as potassium and magnesium, it is useful for people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases and kidney pathologies. Also, birch juice is able to help with such a rare disease as scurvy.
  • Birch juice refers to tonic drinks. He gives a charge of vigor, gives strength and improves mood. It is perfect for those who play sports and lead an active lifestyle. It is useful to accept it to schoolchildren and students while studying, because it allows you to reduce stress with mental stress.
  • In folk medicine, birch juice has found its application for the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers and intestines. At the same time, it helps to accelerate the healing of various defects on the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  • Birch juice is useful as a diuretic, hematopoietic and anti -cancer. In addition, with it you can reduce pressure, stop bleeding, fight sclerosis.
  • Due to the fact that vitamins C and P are combined in orange juice, it can be used to reduce vascular permeability, as well as to strengthen their walls.

  • Birch juice improves appetite, has a laxative and choleretic effect. In its pure form, it is used in the complex treatment of obesity, blockage of the walls of blood vessels.
  • In addition, this juice can help with increased bleeding of gums, skin diseases, intestinal bloating and other types of bleeding. Birch juice does not contain cholesterol and fats at all. Moreover, it is much tastier than products with cholesterol.
  • With urolithiasis, it is useful to drink a mixture of juices, which is prepared from a birch, lemon, orange drink. It is advisable to sweeten the mixture with honey.
  • In order to strengthen the actions of birch juice, it is recommended to mix it with carrot and cabbage drink. This tool will help in the treatment of gastritis in the stage of remission, constipation, enterocolitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it helps to get rid of increased gas formation, moreover, in just a few days. You can add celery juice to this mixture a little more.

Birch juice: harm

Birch juice, with all its usefulness, on the contrary, can harm some people:

  • So, for example, it is harmful to people suffering from an ulcer of the stomach.
  • It can also harm those who have a severe form of diabetes. In the presence of such diseases, you need to consult with a qualified specialist before using various recipes of traditional medicine.
  • It is contraindicated in urolithiasis.
  • You can not use in the presence of individual intolerance.
  • In general, this juice can be harmful even to healthy people, especially if you use it too often and in considerable quantities. So, this can be disturbed by the pancreas.

How to collect birch juice correctly

In order for the juice to bring maximum benefit, it should be properly collected. The collection season is early spring (from the beginning of March to mid -April). During this period, kidneys are just beginning to form on the trees. It is best for collecting juice to select not shady glades, but singlely growing trees, which sunlight freely fall. Juice from such trees is considered the most healthy and tasty.

In order not to injure a tree, it is better to use thin and spicy awl to collect juice. With its help, a thin hole in the tree pillar is made. It should be located under the slope so that the liquid can drain down the gutter made. The hole should be made in the lower part of the pillar, at a distance of 18-20 cm from the soil. A gutter is plunged into it, according to which the juice flows into a pre -prepared container. To collect nectar, it is better to select trees with a thick base (in a diameter of more than 12 cm). Moreover, in each pillar it is impossible to make more than 3 holes, as it injures the tree.

The most optimal time for collecting juice is the lunch period from 11.00 to 16.00. At this time, nectar from birch will drain more effectively than late in the evening or early in the morning. If you need to collect a large amount of juice in one day, then use 2-3 wood to collect simultaneously. However, keep in mind that all birches should grow in sunny glades. After the desired amount of juice is collected, it is best to place a wooden peg in the hole made. Thus, you can protect the tree trunk from further destruction. Next, we consider what to do with birch juice to extend the shelf life of its storage and maintain the maximum usefulness of the drink.

Birch juice: storage conditions

Sometimes the question arises, how much birch juice can be stored? If you do not comply with the requirements for its storage and keep the juice in a bright and warm place, then it can be thrown away for 1-2 days. In order to extend the term of his “service”, it should immediately strain it in fresh form. This will help remove severe impurities that cause fermentation. For filtering, you should use a thin textile rag or gauze, folded in several layers. If you place fresh juice in the refrigerator, you can extend its storage for 2-3 days, then it can sour.

There are several options for storing juice:

  • Freezing. This will require clean containers or sterile containers. The juice is placed in the freezer chamber, in which low temperature is constantly maintained.
  • Conservation. This storage method is not entirely acceptable, since the juice in this case loses a certain part of vitamins. However, if there is no way out, you can use this option. Pure sterile jars will be required for conservation. Before rolling, the juice is heated to a temperature of 75 degrees, and then poured into a container and rolling up.
  • Production of birch concentrate. Juice is heated to a temperature of 65 degrees. In this case, 2/3 of the juice is evaporated, and the rest is poured into sterile containers. Banks with juice should be closed with complete tightness.

If all storage conditions are met, then such birch juice can be drunk and used for treatment.

Treatment with birch juice

Before using birch juice, it is recommended to observe some simple rules as a therapeutic agent:

  • So, for example, it is necessary to exclude fish and meat from your diet during treatment.
  • In addition, it is advisable not to use sweets, spices, smoked and too sharp products.

Popular medicine recipes:

  • For the treatment of headache, it is recommended to drink a half of a glass of birch juice once a day.
  • In addition, this drink can help hypertension reduce pressure. To do this, drink ½ cup of juice every other day.
  • With constipation, it is useful to drink it together with beetroot and carrot juices.
  • It is useful for people with gastrointestinal diseases to drink birch juice once a day, 1/3 cup 25 minutes before meals. If desired, birch juice can be mixed with carrot - in a ratio of 1: 3 or you can simply dilute it with water.
  • With the help of applications with birch juice, you can treat skin inflammation, thermal and sunny blows, as well as varicose veins. To prepare such applications, you need to take a piece of gauze, soak it with juice, then apply it to the affected area. After 30 minutes, the bandage must be changed. The course of treatment with such applications is usually about 10 days.

  • With gastritis with reduced acidity, an infusion is prepared from equal parts of the orange peel, the rhizome of calamus and birch juice. 1 tbsp. A spoonful of raw materials should be poured with 1 cup boiling water, and boiled in a closed container for 12 minutes. The infusion is taken 2 times a day, 50 grams 20 minutes before meals.
  • In order to treat or prevent colds, you can drink this healing drink ¾ cup 2 times a day - morning and evening. To clean the oral cavity from infection and bacteria, rinsing the throat with warm fresh juice is additionally carried out.
  • With chronic fatigue syndrome, a breakdown of strength and depression, the drink can be drunk 1-2 times in the evening of 150 ml. Juice will be able to give a charge of vigor, improve well -being and emotional state. It is useful to drink it also to children while studying in order to reduce the harmful effects of mental stress on the younger body.

Birch juice: video



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