
How to reduce the volume of the stomach without surgery. How to reduce the volume of the stomach at home

How to reduce the volume of the stomach without surgery. How to reduce the volume of the stomach at home
The article describes how to reduce the volume of the stomach at home. Options to reduce the stomach without surgery, naturally.

Overweight, gravity in the stomach and overeating is just some signs that can determine that the volume of the stomach is outside the norm. In the stomach of man should be placed approximately 250 gr. Food. However, if you do not take action on time and not trace the amount of food and liquid consumed, the stomach can be stretched to a critical mark of 4 liters. This, in turn, can entail problems with appearance and health. In this regard, many are thinking about how to reduce the volume of the stomach.

There are two main ways to reduce the volume of the stomach: a reduction in the volume of the stomach naturally and the surgical method. The second method is rather radical, and doctors recommend to resort to it only in the most extreme case: if the patient's body mass index is greater than 40. Some are in a hurry to resort to this method, when you think about how to quickly reduce the volume of the stomach. We dare to assure that the natural method is more preferable, so it is better to stock up with great patience and with the help of recommendations to reduce the volume of the stomach to the desired size. Accordingly, if you wondered how to reduce the volume of the stomach without surgery, you can safely refuse this method and reduce its volume at home. How to do it? Below we give recommendations and tell how to reduce the volume of the stomach without surgery.

How to reduce the volume of the stomach at home

The stretched stomach is a consequence of overeating, the use of fluid during the adoption of food, irregular and improper nutrition. Even incorrect combination of products can serve as a stretched stomach. If you are faced with such a problem and thought about how to reduce the volume of the stomach in a natural way, then it is necessary to solve it gradually. The fact is that if you have fallen incorrectly enough and constantly stretched the stomach, then it will take about 3 weeks to get used to the new power system. If you were previously fed correctly and fractionally, but sometimes allowed to eat more than usual, then it will be much easier to return your stomach into the form. This may require only 1 week. And in that, and more, it is necessary to follow the general recommendations, try to eat correctly and at the request of doing exercise.

General recommendations for reducing the stomach at home

With whatever weighing you begin, and to whatever the result, it is neither important to adhere to the basic rules that will help you reduce the volume of the stomach and return to the form. If you observe them within 3-4 weeks, then your body will get used to the new rules, and they will be in a habit. As a result, you will be flooded with smaller portions and lose weight.

  • Do not drink food. You can drink water 20-30 minutes before meals and 1.5-2 hours after eating.
  • Eat in small portions, but often (5-6 times a day).
  • Drink very slowly and carefully chew food. Remember that the brain comes on saturation 20 minutes after the start of the meal.
  • Eat no later than 2-3 hours before sleep. For dinner it is better to prepare protein food or drink kefir.
  • Try to eat food combined with each other, that is, observe separate meals (for example, meat or fish Eat with stew or fresh vegetables).

Exercises for reducing the stomach at home

It is proved that yoga, belly dance and special exercises for the abdomen will help you reduce the volume of the stomach. However, it should be remembered that the result can be felt only if you comply with the above recommendations. There is also a special exercise, which you can right at home. Sequencing:

  • Stand right and take a deep breath (maximum).
  • Make a deep exhale and hold your breath for 5 seconds. At this point, it is important to very much to squeeze the muscles of the abdomen.
  • Make a deep breath and relax your back.

This exercise should be done first 1-2 times in one approach and every day to increase the number of repetitions to 5-6 times.

Diet to reduce the volume of the stomach

As already mentioned, food plays a key role in reducing the volume of the stomach. If you want to quickly achieve the result, you can use the special diet shown below. It is designed for 8 days. You need to repeat the first and second day, that is, after the second day, re-move to the first. You can repeat it no earlier than 2 weeks after graduation. 30 minutes before each meal and 1.5-2 hours after it you can drink clean water (you can add lemon, orange slices, mint) or green tea without sugar. This diet can be used as a basis for its usual nutrition, adding useful and favorite products to it.

The first day:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with honey 150 gr.
  • Second breakfast: fruit.
  • Lunch: Soup with loaf, vegetable salad 100 gr.
  • Half date: a glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: Chicken breast boiled 100 gr., Vegetable salad 100-150 gr.

Second day:

  • Breakfast: low-fat yogurt and loaf (you can eat a piece of whole grain bread).
  • The second breakfast: a glass of kefira or smoothie.
  • Lunch: Boiled beef or breast 150 gr., White cabbage salad 100 gr.
  • Afternoon person: fruit.
  • Dinner: Rice or Grech with vegetables 200-250 gr.

How to reduce the volume of the stomach: reviews

Those who have already tried to reduce the volume of the stomach at home they assure that careful feeding, compliance with the food culture and the tracking of food consumed helped to reduce the volume of the stomach in 1-2 months. Difficulties arise only in the first days when you need to get used to the new power mode. For the first weeks the body gradually adapts under the change and soon they become a habit. Gradually requires less meal for saturation. Soon the weight begins to gradually decline and after 1-2 months (sometimes after 2-3 weeks), the weight may decrease by 5-7 kg. (depending on the initial weight and effort spent).

In compliance with the above recommendations, your body may not immediately tune in to the right mode, and you will experience a feeling of hunger. In order not to run away from the diet and the general mode, we recommend drinking black tea without sugar or herbal decoctions (for example, decoction based on juniper). You can also drink green tea with the addition of grated ginger and honey. These drinks will help you quench the feeling of hunger and achieve the desired results.


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