
The benefits and harm of the bath for the body. How to clean the body bath. Restoration of the body and improved blood circulation using a bath

The benefits and harm of the bath for the body. How to clean the body bath. Restoration of the body and improved blood circulation using a bath
The properties of the bath are invaluable and multifaceted. The main thing is to know the rules for visiting the bath, take into account contraindications and listen to your own body.

Powerful wellness procedure, a full-fledged rest for the soul and body, prevention and treatment of many diseases, is all about the healing effect of the bath on the human body.

Predated Banya has heard a miraculous means of purification, restoration and rejuvenation of the body. So what is the secret of the beneficial effects of thermal procedures? How does the bath affect the body and what happens to the body in the bath? What is the benefit and harmful to such procedures? Let's try to figure out and answer all the questions relating to this topic.

Classification and types of baths

Depending on the microclimate in the room and the conditions of stay, the baths are different. Consider the most popular of them.

Russian bath

Famous Russian steam with a large number of hot water vapor (in the form of thick fog), which is 100% humidity in the bath, and air temperature from 45 0From up to 65. 0C. The use of a traditional "birch broom" in the bath allows efficient body massage, clean the skin and enhance the blood circulation process. One of the key tools for the beneficial effects of the Russian bath on the body is associated with a contrast change in temperature modes, alternating hot and cold procedures.

The Russian bath has a number of advantages and advantages: ensures uniform heating of skin and internal organs, without cutting the mucous membranes, promotes hardening the body, normalizes breathing, sleep, relieves fatigue and tension.

Roman bath

Unlike the Russian bath, the Roman steam room is heated by dry hot air, temperature of 40 0C (in a heating room) and up to 60-70 0With directly in the thermocamera. As a rule, most parts in the bath are made of stone.

Turkish sauna

Soft bath, where the average indoor air temperature is 40-50 0C, humidity has a rather high level and is regulated by heat heating in boilers.

Japanese bath

It features original ablution in special barrels, starting at a temperature of 40 0C and finishing 60 0C. The level of moisture is maintained high - from 80 to 100%.

Finnish sauna

It has a special unique dry microclimate: high temperature regime (70-100 0C) and low humidity (10-15%). Such, somewhat aggressive, conditions are not suitable for everyone and often lead to the cut of the upper respiratory tract, skin cover, the appearance of characteristic disposal in the throat.

Infrared sauna

Special view of the sauna, where the air warms out no more than 45-55 0C and has average moisture performance. The vaporization is missing, deep heating of the body is carried out by infrared waves.

The mechanism of action of the bath on the human body

  • Man, getting into the pair, immediately begins to react to the effects of hot air. First of all, the mechanisms of active sweating are included. Naturally, the higher the temperature in the bath, the intensive sweat is selected. In the bath, this process is accelerated at times, thereby improving the removal of slags, toxins and harmful substances.
  • The atmosphere of elevated temperature activates the operation of the circulatory system, improving the transportation of oxygen to all tissues and organs. Accelerated blood circulation, in turn, accelerates the metabolism in the body.
  • In the high temperature zone, the skin pores are maximally open, so before adopting cold procedures, you must first rinse in the shower with warm water. This will help wash off the sweat and distinguished harmful products to prevent them from entering the skin of the skin when exposed to cold water, when they reflexively begin to shrink. The contrast effects of water on the human body has a healing effect on a number of organ systems (immune, nervous).
  • The deep purification of the body of the Bay was proved from time immemorial. Moreover, it is cleansing not only the skin, but also internal systems and liquids. For example, after the bath, edema disappear: the liquid goes into the blood.
  • As for the temperature indicators in the bath, without harming the body, they are strictly individual: one people are comfortable at 70 0From and above, others hardly withstand 40 0WITH.


Rules for visiting baths

  • Attending the bath is better not on an empty stomach, but not after eating. The optimal option is 2 hours after meals.
  • The frequency of visits to the bath, as a rule, is 1 time per week or 1 time in two weeks. Only with this mode of regular visits to the bath can be told about the resistant wellness effect.
  • Before the start of the procedures, you need to remove all jewelry, clock, hairpins. Metal items in the bath are heated and can lead to skin burns.
  • Bath is better as it should be thoroughly thirst. Green tea, herbal infusions, non-carbonated mineral water, will be useful. The same drinks will be useful and during the rest after the steam.
  • Before entering the thermocamera, it is better to take a warm shower and wipe the body of dryness. Thus, the body will be maximally prepared for the conditions of active sweating and thermoregulation of the body. It is not necessary to sit on the upper shelf in the thermocamera: the body should gradually get used to the conditions of high temperatures.
  • In the bath it is useful to rub natural oils or cream into the skin, use scrubs and salt.
  • In order to avoid overheating of the head, you need to wear a special hat for a bath or wrap your head towel.

  • The bath procedure is characterized by a certain cyclicality: warming up in the steam room (from 5 to 15 minutes), cooling (3-10 minutes), rest (15-20 minutes). For one visit to the bath is made in 2-3 similar approaches.
  • The body after the bath needs fluid, so during the resting period you need to restore the water balance (tea, morse, infusion, water). You need to drink slowly, in small sips. The fluid should not be cold or burning.
  • The duration of finding in the steam room is individual and depends on many factors: age, health, individual tolerance, ornament, etc.
  • Do not combine bath procedures with other activities related to a significant burden on the body: swimming, power exercises, etc.
  • Preparing for a campaign to a bath with you, you need to take: wash, soap, broom, towel, replacement underwear, shampoo, bath hat, sheet, slippers, drink, natural salt and other useful cosmetics.

  • For people, the first time you visited the bath, it is necessary to be extremely careful and observe the reaction of your body. Better to start a long battery in the bath, having previously reduced the level of moisture and temperature. With a feeling of dizziness, rapid heartbeat, suffocation, chills, or other adverse signs - you should leave the bath.
  • The process of adaptation to the Bani conditions should pass gradually, on increasing, without sudden loads and painful sensations. Such training subsequently will definitely lead to positive results.

Influence of the bath on the human body

The useful properties of the bath on the body has long been not in doubt for a long time. High temperature, humidity, contrasting procedures, massage, aromatherapy have a beneficial effect on the human body, improve its well-being, appearance and have a significant health effect.

Therapeutic effect of bath procedures has a wide range of action, namely:

  • The process of blood microcirculation and lymph is accelerated.
  • The protective functions of the body are improved, fatigue and tension are removed.
  • Exchange processes in the body are activated, the body weight decreases.
  • Rejuvenates and cleared the body.
  • Potting, removal of toxins and water from the body increases.
  • Pores of the skin are cleaned, the activity of the sebaceous glands is activated, edema disappear.
  • Improved lung ventilation.
  • The work of many systems of man organs is stimulated.

Visiting the bath is shown at any age: from the chest to senile, subject to moderate temperatures, the time of staying in the steam room and the absence of contraindications. Pregnant women, starting with the third trimester, can also be visited by a bath when complying with all the above designated conditions and subject to the absence of contraindications. The bath microclimate helps women cope with toxicosis, improve the elasticity of the ligaments, thereby better to prepare for childbirth. Nursing women sauna helps to improve lactation.

The benefits of a bath for a human body

Back in ancient times, people appreciated all the wellness and benefits of bath ceremonies.

Thermal and water procedures have a positive effect, both on the entire organism of the person and on its individual systems of organs.

  • High temperatures kill most bacteria and viruses, accelerate metabolism and increase the development of antiviral protein - interferon. Therefore, visits to the bath is especially useful during the period of colds or during overcooling.
  • In addition, the intensive sweating contributes to the elimination of harmful substances or toxins, it also affects the decrease in body weight. The weight is reduced by reducing the fat layer.
  • The bath is recognized as an excellent prophylactic complex for the body, training and strengthening the human immune system.
  • In addition to the confirmed cosmetology effect, when, after regular visits to the bath, the skin becomes an elastic and rampant, the sauna has a bright therapeutic effect and medical testimony.
  • Especially useful after the bath massage when the body is as relaxed as much as possible and warmed up.

As for the question: "Does the bath alcohol out of the body?", The answer is unequivocal: "Of course, yes!". In the absence of contraindications, it is possible to get into the pair, thereby ensuring the removal from the sweat and the part of the ethanol.

Consider the specific impact of the procedure for the most important systems of human organs.

 How the bath affects the cardiovascular system

  • Hot sauna with subsequent contrasting velocity or shower is a very useful process to strengthen the cardiovascular system. Delta temperature: from high to low, and vice versa, improves vessel elasticity, strengthens the heart muscle. Consequently, such loads reduce the likelihood of infarction, stroke, normalize blood pressure.
  • Under the influence of high temperatures, the vessels are naturally expanded, and blood circulation is enhanced. If a person's pulse is measured in the steam room, the readings will reach about 150 beats per minute.
  • A visit to the Russian bath is recommended both hypotoniki and hypertensive, as well as people suffering from coronary heart disease, varicose veins. The main condition for the successful procedure is a moderate temperature, monitoring of well-being and advice of the attending physician.
  • How to improve blood circulation in the bath? First, it contributes to body massage, including with a towel or broom. Secondly, the contrast of temperatures expands the vessels and, as a result, also improves the blood circulation process.

How the bath affects the skin and metabolism

  • The bath is an indispensable cosmetic tool for cleansing and rejuvenating skin cover. Hot couple stimulates deep sprinkling of the skin, the activation of the work of the sebaceous glands, the opening of the pores and the removal of slags and toxins. High temperatures in the bath stimulate metabolic processes in the human body.
  • With dry, sensitive and fading skin, it is better to visit the Turkish bath, with a normal and combined - Finnish sauna.
  • After regular bath procedures, the skin becomes elastic and tightened, and small mimic wrinkles smoothed.
  • The bath positively affects the treatment of many skin diseases (including an allergic nature), eliminates itching, inflammation, contributes to the rapid healing of wounds and ulcers. Under the conditions of the bath, reinforcement of the epidermis - the outer layer of the skin occurs.
  • A visit to the bath is shown at eczema, dermatitis, urticaria, psoriasis, ichthyosis, sclerodermia and other diseases. An exception is a period of acute inflammatory processes accompanying the suppuration or separation of fluid. In any case, people with skin diseases visit the baths without consulting a doctor, prohibited.


How the bath affects the nervous system

  • The expansion of blood vessels entails a temporary decrease in cerebral activity, relaxation and relaxation of the whole organism.
  • Indications for visiting the bath can be any disorders of the nervous system, alarming or stressful states, neurosis, sleep disruption.
  • Visiting a bath, people truly rest, remove fatigue, get rid of negative emotions and headaches. The effect of euphoria, cleansing and emotional satisfaction is preserved even the day after visiting the bath.
  • Doctors recommend visiting the baths to people suffering from paralysis, centers, enuresis, dystonia and other diseases of the nervous system.


How the bath affects the urinary system

  • Intensive heating of the body and sweating significantly reduces the burden on the kidney, including for 6 hours after the adoption of the procedure.
  • A visit to the bath is recommended by people with the disease of various forms of cystitis, urolithiasis, tuberculosis and inflammation of the kidneys, prostate gland, testicles, etc. Such diagnoses suggest a disease in the remission stage, outside the acute form.
  • The positive results of the visits to the baths are observed in the diseases of the gynecological sphere in the chronic period. Blood circulation ensures an improvement in the blood circulation of internal organs, the removal of inflammatory components.


How the bath affects the digestive and endocrine system

  • Contrast procedures have a beneficial effect on the operation of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract, so the bath is recommended to visit people with the problems of digestive organs. In the process of adopting the bunny procedures, the acidity of the gastric juice is reduced.
  • Indications for thermal heat treatment are diseases of the stomach, esophagus, intestines, pancreas, liver, gallbladder. The main condition is the lack of a violation of the basic functions of the organs and the acute flow of the disease.
  • Hypertermia affects the functions of the endocrine glands: the work of the pituitary, thyroid gland is activated, the adrenal glands.

How the bath affects the respiratory system

  • Hurting oxygen, respiratory organs activate their activities, improves bronchial permeability. Breathing becomes frequent and deep, increasing ventilation of the lungs.
  • A visit to the bath is shown in the diseases of the respiratory system in the remission stage: bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, many ENT diseases. The hot humid air is enveloping the mucous membrane of the nasooping pathways and reduces their swelling.

How the bath affects the musculoskeletal system

  • Bath procedures, especially in combination with a broom massage, are considered healing with many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Diseases of the joints and ligaments, radiculitis, arthritis, hypertonus muscles, arthrosis, gout, osteoporosis and other diagnoses are treatable and facilitate the condition of patients after visiting the bath. Hot procedures make joints movable, and ligaments are elastic.
  • Steam in the bath is recommended after excessive physical exertion, with pain in muscles, intense overvoltage. The heating of the body activates the metabolism of the organism, the removal of lactic acid and urea, which leads to the removal of pain syndrome, muscle crepe, fatigue, tension.
  • Warming up, massage, hardening has a general health effect on the musculoskeletal system, and injuries are healing and restored significantly faster. How much the body requires the complete restoration of the muscular system of the motor system after the bath, depends on the nature of the injury or the disease, the degree of damage, the reaction of the body to heat and many other factors.

The indisputable benefits of bath procedures have a centuries-old history and a confirmed healing effect. But before visiting the bathroom, it should be found in the list of existing contraindications.

Harm bath

In addition to the positive impact, the bath can also cause harm to the body. The uncontrolled time of stay in the bath or the wrong mode of conducting the procedure can cause vegetative disorders, headache, nausea, dizziness (up to loss of consciousness), sleep disorder, etc.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications in which it is forbidden to visit the bath, namely:

  • Acute stages of any disease or aggravation of chronic diseases.
  • Angina or inflammatory heart disease (myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis).
  • Tachycardia, hypertension, heart failure.
  • Acute inflammatory skin diseases.
  • Brain injuries, epilepsy.
  • Menstruation period, anemia, tendency to bleeding.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Sugar diabetes, atherosclerosis.
  • Active form tuberculosis.
  • Hepatitis, biliary disease.
  • Increased body temperature.

This is not the entire list of contraindications. The best option before the start of hiking will be in the bath.

It should also be known that the visit to the bath is better to cancel after the adoption of alcohol, as it is high the risk of dehydration of the body, to obtain burns and other indney consequences. This also applies to the adoption of a bath procedure.

Summing up, we note the indisputable favor of a man's health bath. Cleansing and restoring the body in many diseases, improved blood circulation and metabolic processes, rejuvenation and general strengthening health effect on humans - the main positive aspects of the healing bunny procedures.


Video: "Benefits and harm Bani"


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