
Useful properties of water pepper. Setting up water pepper - instructions for use, indications, contraindications

Useful properties of water pepper. Setting up water pepper - instructions for use, indications, contraindications
Using tincture of water pepper in various diseases.

Water pepper, or pepper highland, are the names of the same plant. In the common people, you can hear many more versions. Unfortunately, often this plant is considered weed. But, if you understand its benefits, you begin to understand why, back in the times of antiquity, it was very popular. Let's look at the material and learn in detail about this plant.

Water pepper: therapeutic properties and contraindications

Once, for example, in Rome and Greece (in the sense, in ancient times), the plant was washed with this plant, as it helped to relieve heat and kill harmful bacteria, as well as to stop bleeding (this is its main task). It was also found that water pepper extract was used to treat tumors.

In the Middle Ages, healers resorted to his help in case of diarrhea, malaria, dropsy and various diseases of the urinary system. It sounds extremely impressive, so we consider the highlander in a more detailed perspective.

Where does water pepper live?

  • Yes, almost everywhere. Well, the exception is the extreme north. It is found in European countries, almost throughout the territories of Russia, in Central Asia, as well as in north of Africa and even in Australia.
  • His main requirements are swamp terrain. He loves raw soil and, preferably, in an alder forest. You can meet it under shrubs, in ditches, on the banks of rivers and lakes, as well as in raw meadows. Therefore, finding such a plant will not be difficult (and even more so in a pharmacy). Basically, it is considered a weed.

What does water pepper look like?

  • This is an annual plant. And, frankly, his appearance is a little nondescript.
  • Its stem is tall and ascending, often branched, naked from the base. Closer to autumn, changes green to a red tint.
  • The leaves are green, oblong, but from both ends are amazed. That is, has a lanceolate form.
  • The flowers are small. Collected in long brushes that often hang. Their color is green (at first glance), but when ripening, a pink shade is gained, and then become red.

Healthy! By the way, water pepper can be used as a spice for salads. But only dried and crushed seeds and aboveground part (leaves and stem) are used. All organs of this color have a burning, bitter taste. Therefore, such a seasoning can replace, for example, mustard (because of this you understand the root of some names, for example, wild mustard). It is worth considering this during a dosage.

The composition of water pepper

  • The tannins, as in many medicinal plants, are part of water pepper. Their main task is the binding and neutralization of poisons that have fallen into the body.
  • It is impossible not to note organic acids. It contains vinegar, apple, ant and valerian acids.
  • Ethereo oil, due to which pepper has a bactericidal effect.
  • Karotin, as well as Rutin.
  • It includes ascorbic acid.
  • And one cannot fail to highlight that vitamin C is present in its composition, and also a, d and E.
  • Vitamin K gives the plant a hemostatic property.
  • Glycoside polygopyperin, iron and sugar. And also Ramnosine, routine, quercitrin, hyperoside and campferol.

Important: despite its useful and rich composition, the plant with a large or incorrect dosage can be poisonous!

Today, doctors prescribe a forest mustard (another name of water pepper) as a hemostatic agent. The main form of release is tincture of water pepper.

The list of far from all therapeutic properties and needs for use:

  • of course, a hemostatic effect;
  • to reduce the uterus;
  • increases blood coagulation;
  • as anti -inflammatory action;
  • reduces the permeability of capillaries;
  • in the form of a binder;
  • from headache (in the form of tea);
  • to normalize the structure of the vascular mesh;
  • another property is an analgesic;
  • as an antiseptic;
  • pepper will have a sedative effect on the nervous system;
  • as a diuretic (but not with kidney stones);
  • it is also used for stomach ulcer and cancer;
  • as well as for the treatment of tumors and various skin ailments;
  • another important property is that water pepper slightly reduces blood pressure.

Contraindications of water pepper

Liquid water pepper also has contraindications. The rhinestone should be noted that this tincture is not prescribed as an independent treatment. It always goes in combination with medications. And, in no case, do not self -medicate. Since water pepper is poisonous (yes, we mention again).

  • Naturally, it cannot be used during pregnancy. Since the tone of the uterus rises.
  • For diseases of the heart, it is also worth abandoning this plant (especially with coronary disease).
  • With hypertension, water pepper is also prohibited.
  • Increased blood coagulation also acts as a contraindication.
  • With kidney disease.
  • Until 18 years, it is strictly forbidden to use this drug.
  • Well, of course, individual intolerance.

Water pepper: application

Naturally, the use of water pepper directly depends on the disease. It has already been said that now a direct purpose is to stop bleeding or reduce it. The main form of use is tinctures.

But they can also be prescribed, for example, to drink tea from dried leaves or seeds. Therefore, how to drink water pepper is a purely personal purpose, which depends on the degree and cause of the disease.

Water pepper - Instructions:

  • There is no universal method of use. Moreover, this is exactly the medicine that can have deplorable consequences with improper dosage. We repeat once again that this plant is poisonous! Therefore, you need to drink it with great caution.
  • You can even note that it is better to take less, but longer. Although the duration of treatment is also a very controversial and neat question.
  • On average, they are assigned to take 20-40 drops. Yes, such a large range. Only the attending physician who knows all your tests and the history of the disease can choose the right and establish the right to choose and establish. Just someone needs to take, for example, 30 drops. And for someone, this can cause undesirable consequences.
  • The frequency of administration, like most drugs, is 3-4 are glad per day. But, again, this is a purely personal meaning. In some cases, two times is enough.
  • The course of treatment itself is an average of 3 months. The minimum reception time is one month. Although, it happens that the medicine is prescribed for a completely short period-5-10 days. The maximum value is 3 months. But! How to take water pepper can only be prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, do not self -medicate with this drug!
  • The main requirement that applies to all types of ailment is taking the drug half an hour before meals!

  • They can also be prescribed to drink tea from dried leaves, seeds or stem. Only a doctor prescribes a dosage, as well as the duration of treatment.
  • To treat impotence and to increase the acidity of the stomach, it is recommended to use the root of the plant as a decoction.
    • a crushed root (tablespoon) should be poured with 300 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for about 15-20 minutes. Take it 30 minutes before meals on a spoon (dining room) 3-4 times a day.
  • Another decoction is used for external use. It helps perfectly for various rashes (but not allergic), tumors or bruises.
    • a spoonful of crushed leaves, roots or their mixture pour a glass of boiling water. Insist no less than half an hour. Use in the form of compresses;
    • also, with the help of such decoctions, you can make enemas after cleaning procedures, after 15 minutes;
    • in the case of vaginal itching, this decoction should be washed.
  • You can even take a bath with such a plant. Yes, for someone this version will cause bewilderment. But such baths are perfectly tone, so you need to do them in the morning.
    • approximately 300-400 g of grass insist on an hour, 2 liters of bay. water. Also in milk (about 2 glasses), insist 400 g of white bread. Combine two filtered liquids. Add to hot bathroom;
    • with hemorrhoid itching, such sessile baths are used;
    • by the way, after such procedures, it is worth rinshing in the shower.
  • Of course, you can cook the ointment:
    • mix a handful of dry chopped flowers and leaves of the plant. Mix with melted fat (you can use ordinary pork nibing or bee wax);
    • it helps with hemorrhoids great.
  • Fresh greens are used as mustard.

It is also worth warning. In the case of such adverse reactions:

  • dizziness is felt when taking a medication;
  • often the head hurts or pain intensifies after its use;
  • nausea is felt;
  • or, worse, vomiting is caused;
  • and also any symptoms of an allergic reaction (rash, skin redness, runny nose or tearfulness, as well as other signs) appeared.

In this case, it is worth stopping taking the drug and urgently consult a doctor for consultation and to receive instructions of further actions.

Small recommendations:

  • Most often, tincture of water pepper is prescribed in conjunction with other drugs. And, as a rule, no clinical expressions with other medicines were revealed. But you can take only under the strict supervision of a doctor and only after his approval.
  • You can not take with dairy products. Since, in this case, non -absorbing (lecture) active components are formed.

Other applications:

  • Water pepper (also its root) is used in veterinary medicine.
  • It was mentioned above that it can be used as a seasoning for food. It is especially popular in China as an acute spice.
  • And also, they can be painted fabrics. The main color that gives water pepper is yellow. But you can also get a golden tone or color of khaki. By the way, grass can give green, silver and even black.

Water pepper to reduce the uterus, tincture of water pepper after childbirth

It has long been known for its positive impact on the reduction of the uterus after childbirth. Therefore, this treatment is often indispensable for giving birth to women. Not for everyone, of course. Namely, to those who have long -term or abundant bleeding. Or, when there are difficulties with a reduction in the uterus.

It is worth noting that this medicine provides:

  • anti -inflammatory effect;
  • helps to cope with the development of infection (in the case of stagnation);
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • fores the tone of the uterus and removes the fossil of the cervix and the uterus;
  • improving blood coagulation;
  • reduces bleeding;
  • reduces the recovery time after childbirth.

How to take water pepper to young mothers:

  1. It is advisable to start the course of treatment immediately, in the early days.
  2. Although, if bleeding is prolonged or excessively abundant discharge, then you can begin to drink tincture of water pepper and later. This is already as your doctor will say.
  3. The most effective is the use of extract in this case. To cook it, you should insist at least 40 minutes 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry injections of water pepper in a glass of 40% (!) solution of alcohol.
  4. You need to take 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals, 30 drops.
  5. The course of treatment on average lasts no more than 5-6 weeks.
  6. But it happens that a doctor can prescribe a friend of the drug to a friend, taking into account the individual need and the weightlessness of bleeding.

Water pepper during breastfeeding

Of course, like any medication, water pepper should be taken with particular caution. Since the tincture is prepared on the basis of alcohol, it is naturally undesirable for taking breastfeeding in general. But the pepper itself carries the greatest danger. It not only negatively affects the tender flora of the baby’s intestines, but with an overdose can cause some negative consequences.

  • This drug should only be taken after the doctor’s recommendations. That is, in the event that there is more benefits from it than harm.
  • In no case, do not exceed the dosage!
  • Ideally, it is worth abandoning feeding on the course of treatment. But this does not mean that you need to switch to artificial feeding. Just express milk after taking the drug.
  • On average, in milk, after taking water pepper, about 2.5-3 hours remain.
  • If you take the medicine 2 times (in the morning and evening), then refrain from feeding for 3 hours.
  • After this time, the milk should be stirred.

  • Of course, do not leave the baby hungry for such a period. Therefore, make reserves of good milk (meaning, without medicine).
    • if you have a lot of milk (after childbirth it always happens even unnecessarily) and you will not have problems to stir up a sufficient amount of milk, then there is nothing to worry about;
    • and if milk is not enough or enough, but in a small amount. Then you can collect a little and put in the freezer. Then dial another part, and add again. Thus, a complete dose for feeding will be obtained.
  • If you notice that the baby has become capricious or began to torment his tummy, then it is worth telling the pediatrician and your gynecologist. It is not just about the mood of the baby and not about ordinary colic. If the well -being of the crumbs worsened after the drug. Perhaps the doctor will advise you to switch to a similar medicine or you will need to reduce the dosage.

Water pepper during bleeding

If we are talking about female diseases that are accompanied by bleeding or due to the postpartum state, then the instructions have already indicated above. But! To prescribe how to drink, how much and the duration of the course only a doctor can. It is not worth on the advice of friends to run to the nearest pharmacy for such a miracle - medicine.

  • But there are other bleeding. They can be completely different foci, have various degrees and have absolutely unknown causes. Therefore, taking such a drug will correctly tell the doctor! We have already indicated the average value of taking the medicine, but not everyone and not with all ailments will be the same.

  • With hemorrhoidal bleeding, it is best to make lotions (or just wash) or sitting baths. To do this, mix a teaspoon of leaves with 400 ml of boiling water. Naturally, a little insist so that the leaves go down. Strain this liquid. By the way, after such a procedure, it is worth rinsing with warm water.

Water pepper during menstruation: Instruction

When reading the instructions and characterization of water pepper, you recall your painful and abundant menstruation. Especially after childbirth, you panic every time until the cycle is restored. But do not confuse the usual restructuring of the body with a clear problem.

Important: always inform your gynecologist about what bothers you! Only he can correctly make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment!

When they resort to the help of water tinctures:

  • If menstruation has too much period or excessively abundant discharge, then this treatment is prescribed.
  • If the uterine muscles are too tense or painful cramps occur. Pepper is drunk to eliminate them.
    • in such cases, they use tincture (no more than 30 drops) before meals (as always, half an hour before meals). They also drink 2-3 times a day, but the duration of treatment is three whole months. Then a break of one month is made, and the diagram is repeated (if necessary). Although, perhaps, the doctor will prescribe a slightly different plan for taking the medicine.
  • All of us, girls, ourselves, not wanting it, become unnecessarily irritable and even hatching before critical days. So - Pepper helps to calm down and remove the premenstrual syndrome.
    • to do this, they may be prescribed to drink tea (1 tbsp. Dry herbs per glass of hot water) or take 20 drops of tincture 3 times a day. The course lasts at least one month. We repeat again - this is the average scheme, the attending physician can prescribe slightly different proportions.
  • In addition to all other signs, some in this period disrupted the work of the intestine. Weak tea from water pepper will help to cope with this problem. Approximate dosage-25-30 g per 450 ml of boiled water. Drink 2 times a day for half a glass in 30 minutes. before eating.

  • And water pepper will remove such an unpleasant symptom as a rash before menstruation. By the way, this plant will also help to cope with acne. The average dosage is the same as in the previous version. What is the secret? Pepper normalizes the level of progesterone, which affects the purity of the skin.

Water pepper

By the way, the highlander is also used for hair. Yes, it helps to eliminate light inflammation of the scalp and hair follicles, and also eliminates dandruff. Some argue that for treatment you need to connect a comprehensive method. That is, make masks and take inward. But it all depends on the severity of the problem. In principle, most often only by the use of masks.

  • For preparation, you need to mix an extract of water pepper with an oil solution of vitamin E. The last components should be taken with a percentage of content 10.
  • The proportion is 1: 1. That is, for example, 10-15 ml. For one time it will be more than enough.
  • Apply with massage movements, rubbing well into the skin. Put on a plastic bag on your head and tie a warm scarf (or put on a warm hat).
  • After 15-20 minutes, rinse thoroughly. Make sure that the mask does not get into the eyes! Otherwise, it is worth it to rinse them very well.
  • And, be sure, after the procedure, wash your head with a shampoo.

As you can see, water pepper is an extremely useful extract. In addition, its naturalness is a great advantage of using this plant. Therefore, use water pepper with the above problems, but do not forget to consult a doctor before taking it.

Video: Perenchny Highlander (water pepper). Composition, folk recipes and therapeutic properties of the highlander of the pepper



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