
What is acupuncture. Human treatment with acupuncture. Acupuncture

What is acupuncture. Human treatment with acupuncture. Acupuncture
Acupuncture of man: Atlas of the human body.

In ancient medicine, China has a special method that allows you to cure many diseases. This method is commonly called acupuncture. Acupuncture of a person is a technique during which needles are introduced into special points located throughout the human body.

Acupuncture of man

The main effects of acupuncture are medical and health, acting on the body systems, its organs, during which special points stimulate. When the procedure is carried out without errors, the functionality of each organ has a strong influence, after which they begin to work normally. Knowing where exactly each point is located on the human body is very important.

In ancient times, people claimed that all human organs are closely interconnected. The ancient sages did all kinds of procedures during which they used needles. Most often, healers stimulated active points using fingers.

There are 400 points on the human body. These points are allowed to apply the acupuncture method. People who are engaged in such treatment use only 150 points in practice, but the most effective points are about 10.

On the human body you can find areas in which the most active points are located. These are feet, head, ears, palms of hands. In order to improve your own well -being, it is necessary to massage these zones a little.

All existing acupuncture points are divided into some categories. We offer you a detailed atlas of acupuncture:

  • General points. As a rule, each point has a direct connection with the nervous human system.
  • Segmental. This point belong to the muscles and internal organs of a certain zone on the body.
  • Special. They are on their backs, go along the ridge. Thanks to the acupuncture, the heart, lungs, kidneys, pancreas, diaphragm and colon are treated.
  • Regional. Their places are specific organs. For example, Zyu-Tsee belongs to the heart, and Zhong-van to the stomach.

As you noticed, the acupuncture of the human body is quite simple. You can find each point yourself if you practice a little and gain experience.

Chinese acupuncture

Acupuncture method is one of the most ancient and at the same time pleasant treatment methods. In the ancient leaders of China, you can find 9 acupuncture ways:

  • Punctuation. For this method, only 5 points are used. After that, piercing the corresponding points is carried out, which directly relate to the bladder.
  • The “distant path” method. When the pain occurs at the top of the body, piercing the points that are located on the legs.
  • Method "main meridian." Meridian points are selected opposite to the location of the disease, the meridian, which was for one reason or another, is disturbed, and the collateral tubules of the LO.
  • A method of piercing the boots. Thanks to this technique, the “stagnant” blood is eliminated.

  • Feng method. The places that are between muscle tissue and joints are pierced. Piercing zones-shift points or anti-Bolar places.
  • Method of large CE (methodology of large injection). It is used, as a rule, during injuries and in inflammation of the skin. The stimulation of the electrical point occurs and the boiler of the spaved meridian is toned, which is on the opposite side of the damage.
  • Method of "hair puncture". The epidermis is pierced only superficially, the needle does not penetrate deep into the skin.
  • A method of "winning injection." Needles are inserted into those places of the meridian that are the opposite of a sore spot.
  • The method of "heated needles". When the needle is inserted into the body, a cigarette or cone is put on the handle. They are lit, so that warmly went deep under the skin.

Acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture medicine is the traditional Middle Kingdom medicine. The basis of this technique is acupuncture on the pressure of the points using needles.

If you properly influence special points, you can eliminate the depressive state, accelerate treatment, normalize the performance of each organ. Acupuncture of medicine cures many diseases. Practice has shown that this technique is used if the usual therapy could not help or it gave only the minimum result.

  • Acupuncture of therapy is used to cure impotence and eliminate disorders associated with the nervous system. The method is used by those people who have excess weight.
  • The correct impact on many zones removes the pain of teeth, headaches, severe cough. Also, this method copes with fear, lowers or increases pressure. After him, the heart ceases to hurt, pain in the intervertebral discs disappear.

  • Each point is responsible for the functionality of an individual organ. Harmonious helps to better function organs, soothing ones - normalize the nervous system as a whole. There are more places that activate the energy of the whole organism, as well as special points. The impact on them helps to cure many diseases.

The process of exposure to acupuncture during treatment is very simple. If a person has an ailment, a failure between a certain place and organ occurs. By acting physically on this point, you can easily restore the lost connection. As a result, the body begins to work normally. The pain acupuncture and the technique itself act instantly. A positive result occurs instantly or after a short period of time.

Acupuncture of the hand

There are a lot of points on hand. All these points are near each other. Therefore, before independent treatment, you need to study the hand, read the relevant literature.

In order for a certain body to work normally, it is necessary to massage or carry out tingling simultaneously several places. There are points on hand that are responsible for many organs. When massage occurs at these points, a signal enters the brain, and a signal is already from the brain directly to one or another organ. Doctors of oriental medicine easily find points that are responsible for the performance of the kidneys, thyroid gland, heart.

The points that are responsible for the organs make it possible to eliminate the pain, normalize the functioning of the body.

  • Fighting phalanges of the thumbs are responsible for normal work, the functionality of the thyroid gland. By pressing these points, you can get rid of bronchitis, accelerate the treatment of cough.
  • The points that are on the phalanges of the middle fingers have a positive effect on the muscle of the heart.
  • On the middle finger there are points that positively affect each organ, neck, as well as on the head.
  • The little fingers and thumbs have dots, stimulating which can be achieved to make their legs be cured faster.

There are special points on hand:

  • "Lao-guun." Helds periodontal disease and stomatitis in the initial stages. By acting on this point regularly, you can get rid of constant aching pain. Also, massaging it, you can get rid of pain in the heart, forever forget about arthritis.
  • "Nei-guan." Massage of this point affects pain, returns sleep, normalizes pressure, strengthens the psyche.
  • "Shen-Men." This point soothes a strong heartbeat, helps to cure sore throat, eliminate the runny nose and inflammatory process of lymph nodes.

Acupuncture of the ear

The location of each point and zone is the upper part of the ear shells. The patient will feel a positive effect from the procedure immediately after visiting. He will improve overall well -being, health will become stronger.

There are many points on the ears, each is responsible for a particular organ and process in the body.

  • On the earlobes are the main points related to the head. Especially here is a place that is responsible for vision and eye health, over the forehead, and also for the inner ear. If you influence these points, you can slightly improve the state of the organs.
  • There are analgesic zones on the ears. They are inside the ear, from the very edge. Thanks to these points, you can do so that the head does not hurt.
  • The point that is responsible for losing weight is on the ear. It controls the appetite, and if it is regularly stimulated, the weight will gradually leave.

  • In the central part of the auricle is a point that is responsible for the eyes. Therefore, this point must be treated carefully. If, after the ears were punctured, vision became spoiled, then the earrings need to be changed, and it is urgent.
  • There are points that are responsible for smoking. They are, as a rule, on the legs of curls or at the base of the ears. However, not everyone can find them, only professionals will easily do it. In this case, the acupuncture will repel from the smoker the desire to smoke, however, if a person has patience and he can do it on his own.

On the ears you can still find points affecting insomnia, alcoholism, digestive disorders, chronic liver diseases. You can adjust the functionality of the endocrine system. However, if the effects are wrong, the results will be opposite.

Acupuncture of the face

  • Inside the eye, in the corner there is a point - “clear light”. Only by one name can you find out for the functionality of which one it is responsible. Having slightly massaged this place, the congestion in the nose disappears, vision increases, eye fatigue is removed.
  • In the eyebrow area, above them, as well as under the nose, there are points that control the functionality of the cardiovascular system. Diseases associated with this system are considered the most common and dangerous. If you massage these zones, you can get rid of dizziness, atherosclerosis, vascular diseases and other diseases.
  • With pain in the temple area, there may be problems associated with the gallbladder. Touching the temples, conducting acupuncture, you can cure hepatitis.
  • Near the eyes there is a zone responsible for the work of the kidneys. Massage of the lower zone of the orbit of the eye reduces swelling and removes circles under the eyes.

  • The points responsible for the small intestine are located in a large zone, which begins with the top of the face and ends near the cheekbones and ear. A slight pressing of this zone eliminates spasms in the gut.
  • There is a point on the nose that is responsible for the liver. By acting on it, bile discharge is reduced, the functionality of the liver is enhanced.
  • Immediately not far, starting from the top of the nose, are located vertically oblique zones with bladder points.
  • In the lateral zones, from the upper edge of the lips there are zones of the colon. The points that are here help to cleanse the body, get rid of pain, constipation and diarrhea.
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bthe small intestine there is a point that is responsible for the lower respiratory tract. If you massage them, you can get rid of many lung diseases.
  • On the chin there are points of the small pelvis. Particularly thorough massage of these points helps with infertility, menopause, vaginitis ...

Acupuncture of the foot

About 14 meridians with active points are located on the feet. Eastern healers argue that each of these meridians belongs to a certain type: a large heart, a heart master, a Governer meridian.  On the stripes of these meridians there are 3 types of active points:

  • The first point is harmonious. This point is located either at the beginning or at the end of each meridian. The action of points is aimed at relaxing, normalizing the functionality of internal organs.
  • The second point is exciting. There are only one of this point on the meridians. By activating it, you can strengthen the work of the body for which this or that point is responsible.

  • The third point is soothing. On the meridians she is only one. When stimulating this point in a person, nervousness disappears, he begins to feel calm, harmonious.

Each human organ has its own zone on the foot of the leg. Therefore, they are considered as an atlas of acupuncture. By dividing the feet correctly into reflex zones, you can affect the head and ridge. The right side corresponds to the right foot, therefore, the left with the left foot.

Acupuncture massage

Acupuncture massage is a special massage that is carried out using fingers or palms, by stimulating important points. The unique method is based on the use of human internal energy, he was able to find his own reflection. For the first time, this massage was used by ancient oriental inhabitants. As the theory of the East says, the internal energy of a person simply must be constantly balanced. If there are fluctuations in any direction from the norm, the body begins to hurt.

The advantages of such a massage include the following indicators:

  • It is performed quite easily.
  • Thanks to him, you can achieve excellent results.
  • It is considered completely safe.
  • There are individual approaches aimed at a certain disease.

Knowing all the zones of the location of active points and what organs they are responsible for, you can easily find out what reason the pain appeared in that place. The massage process is performed with fingers or with the whole palm. First, a soft effect occurs, approximately in the middle of the process it increases and at the end of the session decreases. The most important thing is always to remember - after this massage, bruises never arise, but only if the heating and rubbing of the body was done.

The duration of the massage can be from 5 to 30 minutes. The full course of treatment is up to 21 days.

Acupuncture acupuncture

The principle of exposure to acupuncture is generally accepted, official medicine. Acupuncture places are selected, and the depth of the needle for acupuncture, taking into account the structure of the skin and the place of influence. During acupuncture, a reverse reaction occurs, which comes from the nervous system. By stimulating one or another point, you can cause the strongest reaction in the place where the point is located.

How do acupuncture needles work? Consider their most famous effects on the body.

  • Anesthetized. The needles act excitingly on each nerve fiber. Nervous impulses penetrate the brain much faster than an impulse of pain from the organ. When the impulses enter the brain, inhibitory Internet is activated. They begin to block the zones of the brain that perceive pain from affected organs.
  • Improve well -being. In the place of acupuncture, the ends of the nerves are located. If the endings are excited, the pituitary endorphins will begin to be released. It is they who relax, have an analgesic effect.
  • Activate blood supply and innervation. Through the active point, the needle triggers the brain area, which regulates the functionality of a certain organ. More blood enters it, innervation is stimulated. As a result, a person recovers faster.

Acupuncture for weight loss

The most famous points of exposure to acupuncture for weight loss are 12 pieces. They can be in various places of the whole body. Observing the technique, you can achieve excellent results. Let us consider in more detail these points.

  • Tai Chun. She is responsible for losing weight, liver channels, and she also helps to get rid of insomnia.
  • Guan Yuan. This point is the most popular. By stimulating it, you can start to lose your appetite over time. Per course consisting of 25 days, you can lose up to 5 kg. The process is carried out in the morning, before meals.
  • Ney Guan. This point eliminates stress, relieves voltage, allows you not to overeat.
  • Yes Zhui. Single, asymmetric point. By stimulating it, you can suppress hunger, lower the tension in muscle tissue.
  • Lao Gun. This point is the most affordable and simple. It normalizes the digestive tract, reduces appetite.
  • Shao Shan. Stimulation of this point is painful, but thanks to this you can lose weight, plus remove a runny nose, cure some diseases associated with ENT organs.
  • Zi Gun. Stimulation of this point is useful during infertility and weight loss.

  • Zu Sanb Lee. The most bioactive point. If you influence it, you can lose about 500 g in seven days in seven days
  • Jiang Jing. Daily stimulation of the point helps to lose weight in 30 days by 2 kg or more.
  • Feng Chi. It is recommended to influence this point during excess weight, which arose after menopause.
  • Yu P. This point is responsible for each end of the nerves that are in the brain. Due to the effects on this point, the brain is more actively saturated.
  • Tian Shu. The last point responsible for losing weight. In order to lose up to 5 kg in 21 days, it is necessary to carry out the procedure every day.

As you can see, acupuncture is a rather diverse knowledge that helps us better know the body. But it is important to trust your body only to professionals so as not to harm yourself.

Video: Acupuncture: Benefit and Harm



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