
Walnut pasta - benefit and harm. Recipe nut paste at home

Walnut pasta - benefit and harm. Recipe nut paste at home
So that our body does not need vitamins and Meneralah, it is enough to eat every day a handful of nuts. An alternative to this can be a nut paste, which is also very useful.

Walnut paste is a very tasty dessert. He just adores the children, and adults. But how many people, so many opinions. Some consider nutty paste a very useful product (contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients), other harmful (it is too sweet, large calorie).

Use nut paste

Despite all its cons, nut pasta is still more useful product than harmful, because it saves all the beneficial properties of nuts. Namely:

  • Only nuts contain all nutrients, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Contain vitamins of groups A, E, B, R.
  • Useful minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus).

It is in nuts that contains much more useful substances than in fruits. Despite their fat content (this is about 60-70%), they do not contain harmful cholesterol and do not affect human weight, if not abused. In nuts there is everything necessary for the full vital activity of our body. But still do not forget about the dangers of nut pasta. Excessive use of any product can harm us. Such a pasta is no exception. First, it can contain a lot of sugar, secondly in nuts a lot of fats, so they are recommended in limited quantities, well, and thirdly, it is worth remembering about allergic reactions.

As we see, the benefits of nut paste exceed its harm, but everything is useful in reasonable quantities.

Varieties of nut pastes

On the shelves of supermarkets you can find a huge variety of nut pastes. But often the hostesses seek to prepare a paste at home. When you cook yourself, you know the accurate composition of the product, eliminating the presence of preservatives, dyes, taste amplifiers and so on. Especially relevant preparation at home, when you have kids. After all, it is for them that we try to prepare the most useful dishes. Let's deal with how to make a walnut paste at home.

Preparation of nut pasta is not a difficult process. It can cook even newcomer in culinary business. All that may need is ordinary dishes and all the necessary ingredients. Ingredients that are part of the nut paste can be different, depending on the type of this dish. These are usually such pastes:

  • Chocolate-nut paste.
  • Peanut paste.
  • Almond.
  • Cashew paste.
  • Hazelnut pasta.
  • Paste from walnuts.

Below will look at the recipes for their preparation. We will understand the beneficial properties of one or another pasta.

Recipe Chocolate and Nut Paste at Home

As for the recipe for a chocolate-nut paste, it is very simple. It will take for her cooking:

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 150 g of sugar powder;
  • 1 tsp Vanillina;
  • 300 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 3 tbsp of dry milk;
  • 3 tbsp cocoa;
  • half of a glass of nuts in assortment.

To begin with, heating the milk to 60 degrees, then sugar powder in it, while whipping well. Then add vanillin and vegetable oil. We transfix the whole mixture into the bowl of the blender and thoroughly whipped for 7 minutes at maximum speed. Then without stopping add milk and cocoa. Pre-roasted in a pan and chopped nuts add to the paste. Now all this can be decomposed into the jars and send to the refrigerator for 12 hours. That's ready chocolate-nut pasta.

The caloric content of this product is 270 kcal.


Recipe Nut Paste at Home - Peanut Paste

How to cook peanut pasta at home? Let's consider the recipe for the preparation of peanut paste at home. For its preparation, you can take both roasted and ordinary peanuts. The paste will differ in both color and taste. The main recipe for home peanut paste is:

  • 200 g peanut;
  • 1/3 teaspoon salts;
  • 1-3 tbsp. l honey;
  • 3-5 tbsp. L vegetable oil.

Now we learn how to make peanut pasta.

  • Pre-fried and purified peanuts are pouring into a blender, grind to the small crumbs.
  • Then add all the remaining ingredients and beat to a homogeneous mass.
  • Paste thickness can be adjusted with vegetable oil. As you can see, peanut paste without sugar, as honey is much more useful for our body.

What is the benefit and harm of peanut paste?

  • The benefit, of course, is that it is precisely such a paste that reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It regularly use bodybuilders, as the peanuts contain a huge number of proteins. With regular use, such a paste, you can well sett the work of the liver, kidneys, nervous system. Also, peanut paste is used to prevent such a disease as diabetes.
  • As for harm from peanut paste. Harm it can only apply with its excessive use. It can lead to an increase in body weight. She also does not fit the one who has allergies to this product. Or those who occur pathological processes in the stomach, as peanuts can irritate its mucous membrane.

The calorie content of peanut paste is 598 kcal.

Recipe Nut Paste at Home - Almond Paste

  • The recipe for almond paste is very simple. For her preparation, we need only 0.5 kg of almonds and all.
  • Almonds must be placed in a combine or powerful blender.
  • Grind nuts to small crumbs, then not stopping scorching to the formation of one big whip paste.
  • At first it will be crumbly mixture, but over time, almonds release your oil and almond paste is formed.

Such a almond paste prepared at home contains the maximum number of desired and beneficial substances. Now consider the benefit and damage to the almond paste. The benefits of this product lies in the fact that it helps the digestive process. It is very useful for those people who have problems with him. Along the almond contains many vitamins and nutrients. But, as in the case of other nuts, it is impossible to abuse almonds.

The caloric content of almond paste is 460 kcal.

Recipe Nut Paste at Home - Cashew Paste

The recipe for paste cashew is quite simple. For her cooking you need to take:

  • 3 glasses of cashew nuts;
  • 3 tbsp. Cocoa spoons;
  • 3 tbsp. l brown sugar;
  • 1 / 4h. l. Salt.


  • First, wech the cashew nuts, then add cocoa, whip everything to a homogeneous mass.
  • Suck the remaining ingredients and continue to beat.
  • When the pasta has already been formed, it means everything is ready.
  • Vegetable oil in this recipe is not used, as this walnut itself is enough oil.

Like other walnut pastes, the paste of cashews benefits and harm. The benefits are to preserve the beneficial substances necessary for our organism. This walnut is useful for our brain, to strengthen immunity, to improve the intestinal and stomach, to reduce cholesterol. With the help of cashew, the work of vessels is being established, you can deal with anemia, psoriasis and teeth disease. Like all nuts, cashew also has contraindications, namely individual intolerance, the presence of stones in the kidneys, pregnancy.

Calorie Cashew paste is 643 kcal.

Recipe Nut Paste at Home - Hazelnut Paste

For the preparation of pasta from the hazelnut, we will need:

  • 150 g of Hazelnuk;
  • 35 g of sugar powder;
  • 1 tbsp. L vegetable oil.

Fry the hazelnut first, then grind it into flour. Then we add our sugar powder and oil. Mix everything thoroughly. The consistency should resemble a sandbreaker. Here is a paste and ready.

The benefit of the hazelnut for our body is also great. It helps to fight rheumatism, anemia, bronchitis, very useful for our cardiovascular system, for nervous and respiratory systems. But everything needs a measure. It is also not recommended to abuse this product.

Calorie Paste Funduka - 466 kcal.

Recipe Nut Paste at Home - Paste of Walnuts

Well, of course, you can still prepare a paste from walnuts in the home. To do this, take:

  • 300 g of walnuts;
  • 150 g of honey;
  • 1 hl salt.

Nuts are grinding, add honey and salt, everyone is thoroughly whipped, and the paste is ready.

Store this paste is better in the refrigerator. Recall that walnuts are very helpful. They improve the metabolism, carry the heart, hair and skin, help the strengthening of the teeth are antihistamine, help the work of the thyroid gland.

Summing up, it can be said that each of us needs to use various nuts. So that it was much delicious and more interesting, you can cook nutty pasta at home. So in the morning, drinking tea with the toast, which is naked walnut paste, we reserve for a whole day with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.


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