
Lunar Calendar Operations 2017

Lunar Calendar Operations 2017
What days one or another operation should be carried out according to the lunar calendar.

God saves man, who save himself. If there is some serious operation, it is important to know which doctor will do it in which clinic and in what conditions. But for someone it may not be enough, and in such cases it will not be able to refer to astrology. Now we will analyze in detail when to make operations on the lunar calendar.

Operations on the lunar calendar 2017

Immediately, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that no matter how strong your faith in astrology is not worth perceiving the advice below as a panacea. If the situation is critical and requires urgent surgical intervention, and every day of delay can cost life, then listen to a competent doctor, not the advice of astrologers. If the plan is planned and can wait, and it is important for you that the stars are on your side, then please use the lunar calendar. The main thing is that you may be calm. After all, at least the thoughts are material and bad, and good.

People have long been looked at the sky and admired what they saw there. The sun replaces the moon and stars and on the contrary, and so on infinity. Over time, it turned out that the moon is directly related to tides and lowers, lunar eclipses and full moon have almost a magical impact on some things! No wonder so much legends were folded and a lot of films are shot on the shortestations that appeal in the animals in full moon. Many rituals urge to make exactly at this time to feel the maximum effect.

Stars over time in the eyes of the ancients developed in the constellation, and some constellations in the zodiacs. And it is very important to know for astrologers, what a planet, the sun and the moon and what period does this zodiac manages, because it is reflected in many actions and actions committed by people born under one or another zodiac sign.

Medicine of the distant past argues that the stars of the zodiac rule the human bodies:


It is important to know, because it makes up the first rule of astroticine. There are many of them, but we will consider only the basic seven.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule number 1

When the moon is in a certain sign of the zodiac, surgical interventions in those organs for which he answers is prohibited.

When the moon leaves one zodiac and moves to another, it is possible an adjacent influence of both signs, which is important to consider when planning an operation.


Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule number 2

Operations carried out on a decreasing moon are easier tolerated. It is no secret that the moon is the cause of tides and sings. It affects all the water, which is located on the globe. It turns out that blood in our body is under its influence.

The operations in the period from the novion before the full moon can be complicated by a smaller blood flow, and this, in turn, will easily lead to bleeding, poorly healing wounds and ugly scars.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule number 3

Sagittarius, fish, Virgo and Gemini are four unstable zodiac signs. The stay of the moon in one of them complicates the course of the operation, its result is absolutely unpredictable.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule number 4

The moon does not switch from sign to the sign instantly, it takes a certain time to get out of one zodiac and go to another. The time that the moon is not in any of the zodiacs is called a single period in which no operating interventions should be carried out.

Try to avoid any operations in the period below.


Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule number 5

The lunar and the more solar eclipse - quite rare phenomena, but, nevertheless, they periodically occur in our strip. Try to plan your operation in such a way that it does not get into these periods.

Lunar calendar of operations 2017. Rule number 6

There are so-called periods of retrogradity of planets. Astrologers argue that they are badly affecting our health with you. Especially when planning the upcoming operation, pay attention to Mars and Mercury. The first is closely connected with the area of \u200b\u200bsurgery and dentistry, and the second affects communications in the human body.


Moon Calendar of Operations 2017. Rule number 7

Operational interventions of 9, 15, 23 and 29 of the number of each month should be avoided, as well as a day before full moon or new moon.

The following calendar for 2017 does not take into account the rules described above: Retrogradness of planets, eclipses, influence of adjacent signs. But information for you will be enough to compare all the available facts among themselves and choose the most favorable day for the operation.

If it says that all operations are undesirable, then the exceptions always constitute urgent surgery.

Lunar Calendar of Operations for January 2017

January - the most festive month of each year. Most of the population in Russia do not work good half of the month. In the hospitals these days you can take predominantly duty doctors, and all the others, like we and you, prefer to spend these days with family and loved ones. January is not the best time for operations, if it is not about emergency, of course. Let's see in more detail what days it is better not to carry out certain operations.

  • 13 Number - Old New Year is not the best day for all types of operations;
  • 14 Number - If the operation is directly or indirectly connected to the heart, spine or back, it is better to transfer it to another day;
  • 15 and 16 numbers - the abdomen is better not to touch;
  • 17 and 19 numbers - a favorable day for many operations, with the exception of the kidneys and the pancreas;
  • 20 Number - area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis and the urinary system, in a word, the area below the belt on this day is better not to touch;
  • 21 Number - It is better to cancel all operations if it does not matter about an emergency case;
  • 22, 23 and 24 numbers - these days to refuse to conduct operations related to blood diseases, is also not recommended to affect such areas of the body as the liver, hip and bubble;
  • 25 and 26 numbers - the gall bubble is still better not to touch, as well as the entire bone system;
  • 27 Number - The most unfavorable day for the operation on the lunar calendar in January 2017, you should not carry out any operations!


Lunar Calendar of Operations for February 2017

February is the shortest month, in 2017 it has 28 days, exactly half of which is undesirable for operations on certain organs.

  • 12 and 13 numbers - do not touch the abdomen;
  • 14 and 15 - on Valentine's Day is generally better not to hurt, and to spend a romantic evening with his second half, and if possible, it is better not to do the operations on the kidneys and the pancreas;
  • 16, 17 and 18 - transfer the next day the upcoming operation on the pelvis or the urinary system;
  • 19 Number - if possible, give up any operation on this day;
  • 20 Number - On this day, refuse to conduct blood-related operations;
  • 21, 22 and 23 numbers - Defender of the Fatherland Day can be celebrated from where more fun! These days are not recommended operations on the bone system and gallbladder;
  • 24 Number - If the operation is related to the legs, joints, or affects any sense body (eyes, ears, nose), it is better not to carry out it on this day;
  • 25 Number - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.


Lunar Calendar operations in March 2017

March - the first month of spring, when severe frosts begin to recede, the flight of melt and snow exposes under an asphalt. The first spring rays breaking through the clouds, we smile and blossom! It is a pity that even in such a joyous month of illness may fall out of the blue. Again about half a month banned Astrologers for certain operations.

  • 13 Number - if possible, give up any operations on this day;
  • 14 and 15 numbers - do not interfere with the work of the kidneys and pancreas;
  • 16 and 17 numbers - operations on the pelvis and the urinary system better transfer the other day;
  • 18, 19 and 20 - these days to refuse to carry out operations related to blood diseases, is also not recommended to affect such areas of the body as the liver, hollow and gallbladder;
  • 21 Number - any operation on this day should not be carried out;
  • 22 Number - Bone System and Gall Bubble Do not touch;
  • 23 and 24 numbers - transfer the day the operation related to the senses, joints, and legs;
  • 25 and 26 numbers - in danger, there are still legs, predominantly feet, organs of feelings and liver;
  • 27 Number - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.


Moon Calendar of Operations for April 2017

On the street everything is sunny and warmer, the first grass begins to break through, the soul rejoices! In the second half of the month, many open the country season if the weather is favorably. April also involves some days unwanted for operations.

  • 12 - 13 numbers - to operate the pelvis and the urinary system these days are not worth it;
  • 14 - 16 numbers - operations related to blood diseases, as well as on the liver, hips, the gallbladder is better to transfer;
  • 17 - 18 numbers - the gall bubble is still better not to touch, as well as the entire bone system;
  • 19 Number - On this day, beware of any operational intervention;
  • 20 and 21 numbers - you should not operate the senses - eyes, ears and nose, and along with them, joints and legs;
  • 22 and 23 numbers - the senses are still under threat, and together with them fees with the liver;
  • 24 Number - Do not make plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgical interventions better avoid;
  • 27 Number - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.


Moon Calendar of Operations for May 2017

The last spring light month, after which the long-awaited summer comes! The second one after January is a festive month - we all remember about the May holidays, many take leave for those several working days that unexpectedly stuck between them. In May, it is better not to hurt, but to enjoy the warmth of the approaching summer, to finally open the country season or fly to the sea. But if the circumstances have developed in such a way that it is not necessary to do without surgery, try to take into account some unfavorable days for operations.

  • 11 Number - On this day, it is not necessary to carry out operations of any type;
  • 12 and 13 numbers - refuse operations on the liver, hidden, gallbladder, as well as from blood disease transactions;
  • 14 and 16 numbers - under the threat of a bone system, gallbladder;
  • 27 and 18 numbers - do not touch the senses, joints, legs;
  • 19 Number - any, even simple operations are undesirable;
  • 20 and 23 numbers - feet, liver, senses;
  • 21 and 23 numbers - do not make plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgery is also better to avoid;
  • 24 Number - under threat of throat and neck, and also should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system.


Moon Calendar of Junction for June 2017

And here it is, the long-awaited summer! It has arrived a period of vacation and vacation, except that students still painfully close their sessions. The most offensive is to hurt in summer, especially if it is warm and dry! About half of the month are prohibited by astrologers for operations.

  • 10 and 12 numbers - in danger of bone system, gallbladder;
  • 13 and 14 numbers - do not touch the senses, joints, legs;
  • 15 and 16 numbers - under the threat of foot, liver, senses;
  • 17 Number - any operation, even minor, may be risky on this day;
  • 18 and 19 numbers - do not make plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgery is also better to avoid;
  • 20 and 21 numbers - throat and neck, and also should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 22 Number - Singing Hands, Shoulders, Light and Bronet;
  • 23 Number - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.


Lunar calendar of operations for July 2017

Summer in full swing, in the middle of the month we will overstead through his equator! The sun and heat - a reason to leave the city as soon as possible if you haven't done this yet! And if the operation is shining, then do not worry - July is a great period for recovery, because it is replete with a variety of vitamins! But try not to carry out the operation in some July days.

  • 10 and 12 numbers - congeret the senses, joints, legs;
  • 13 and 14 - not to operate the feet, the liver, sense organs;
  • 15 and 16 numbers - do not make plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgery is also better to avoid;
  • 17 Number - Try to avoid any operation;
  • 18 Number - under threat of throat and neck, and also should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 19 and 20 - transfer the operation to the hands, shoulders, lungs and bronchi on the other day;
  • 21 and 22 numbers - in danger of the stomach and the region of the chest;
  • 23 Number - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.


Moon Calendar of Operations for August 2017

The heat will fall, in the head of the Will-Neils, thoughts on the approaching autumn are told. I would not like to lose a piece of summer, but once the operation is shining, then it is for the better - the body is so impregnated with vitamins of natural origin, this is a good start for the hospital period. In August, there are no very unfavorable days for all operations, and this can not but rejoice! But with interference in some organs it is better to be careful.

  • 08 Number - Do not operate the senses, joints, legs;
  • 09 and 10 numbers - operations at foot, liver, the senses better transfer the other day;
  • 11 and 12 numbers - do not make plastic operations, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgery, it is also better to avoid;
  • 13 and 14 numbers - burn the throat, voice ligaments and neck, and also should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 15 Number - if possible, do not lie down on any operation on this day;
  • 16 and 17 numbers - beat hands, shoulders, lungs and bronchi;
  • 18 and 19 numbers - the operations on the stomach and the region of the chest better transfer the other day;
  • 20 Number - Sing the spine, chest, back and heart.


Lunar Calendar of Operations for September 2017

So autumn came, but I would like to come without depression. Whatever complaints about your health, this is not a reason to be sad! Plan your upcoming operations in accordance with the lunar calendar for September.

  • 07 The number is not necessary on this day to carry out operations, even remotely associated with footsteps, liver or senses;
  • 08 and 09 numbers - do not make plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgical interventions also better avoid;
  • 10 and 11 numbers - sadness the throat, voice ligaments and neck, and also should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 12 Number - Hands, Shoulders, Light and Bronze, it is better to operate on some other day;
  • 13 Number - Although not Friday, but it is still not necessary to operate on this day at all;
  • 14 and 15 numbers - the stomach and the region of the chest is better not touched these days;
  • 16 and 17 numbers - Sing the spine, chest, back and heart;
  • 18 Number - abdominal operations are better not to carry out;
  • 19 Number - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.


Lunar Calendar of Operations for October 2017

The second autumn month is a good time to carry out operations. And there are not much more unfavorable days, and it's not so insulting for some time in the hospital ward - a dull view of the window is unlikely to remove you to look out. You should not carry out operations yet on some days, you will get acquainted in more detail.

  • 06 Number - Do not make plastic surgery, operations in the neck and head, as well as dental surgery is also better to avoid;
  • 07 and 08 numbers - throat, voice ligaments and neck, and also should not interfere with the work of the endocrine system;
  • 09 and 10 numbers - hands, shoulders, light and bronchi should not be operated on these days;
  • 11 and 12 numbers - overturn the stomach and the chest area;
  • 13th number - this time also Friday, are unwanted absolutely all operations;
  • 14 The number - the stomach and the region of the chest is better not to operate;
  • 15, 16 and 17 numbers - the abdominal operations are better not to carry out;
  • 18 Number - kidneys and pancreas on this day it is better not to touch.


Lunar Calendar of Operations for November 2017

The concluding autumn month is also not bad for operations. Winter on the nose, soon the new year, you need to make it possible to make it all the diseases remain in the old year! As always, there are days in which you should not operate certain organs.

  • 05 and 06 numbers - beat hands, shoulders, lungs and bronchi;
  • 07 and 09 numbers - stomach and chest area is better not operated;
  • 10 Number - Operations on the spine, chest, back and heart will wait;
  • 11 Number - on this day it is better not to operate at all;
  • 12 and 13 numbers - belly Try not to touch in all possible;
  • 14 and 15 numbers - do not make operations related to the kidneys and the pancreas;
  • 16 Number - pelvis and urinary system will wait;
  • 17 Number - all operations are undesirable, this day is considered the most unfavorable.


Lunar Calendar of Operations for December 2017

December - the first winter month, full of New Year's anticipation and fuss. Snowfalls, traffic jams and in queues for gifts! But how nice these gifts give and, of course, get! If you planned the operation, it is better to conduct it in the first half of the month, so as not to meet the New Year on the hospital bed. Of course, there are different situations, but we simulate the perfect case! It will be difficult enough to choose the appropriate day in the first half of December, because it is she who tends to be prohibited.

  • 05 and 06 numbers - operations on the stomach and chest area are undesirable;
  • 07 and 08 numbers - operations on the spine, chest, back and heart transfer to another day;
  • 09 and 10 numbers - the stomach these days it is not necessary to operate;
  • 11 Number - Avoid any operation on this day;
  • 12 and 13 numbers - kidneys and pancreas under threat;
  • 14 and 15 numbers - operations on the pelvis and the urinary system are undesirable;
  • 16 Number - Liver, hollow, gallbladder, as well as operations related to blood illness better to transfer;
  • 17 Number - All operations are undesirable - the most unfavorable day for the operation on the lunar calendar in December 2017.


Let's summarize

We studied quite in detail the lunar calendar of operations and told about the basic rules in astroticine. Now laying out all this information in his head on the shelves, you can plan one or another operation for the next year. Of course, if we are talking about emergency operational intervention, and the stars have developed in such a way that the operation will have to be unfavorable in the lunar calendar, then throw out everything that has just studied. Astrology is an inaccurate science, it is possible to rely on it using as optional tips. But modern medicine dictates its rules, and for their own health it is worth listening to it! The most important thing is to tune in for the best, and then everything will be fine, whatever the stars say there!

Video «The influence of the moon per person«


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