
Japanese diet

Japanese diet
Japanese diet: menu, rules, tips, results.

The Japanese are known worldwide as connoisseurs of fine and impeccable taste. At the same time, residents of this country rarely suffer from excess weights. That is why the system of their nutrition is based on the popular weight loss technique, called the Japanese Diet.

Characteristics of a Japanese diet


Before applying a Japanese fast diet for weight loss, it is necessary to obtain a complete consultation of the doctor about their health and the possibility of adhering to such a power system. Japanese diet, the results of the use of which are not forced to wait, developed by specialists of the well-known Japanese clinic "Yaeks". Adhering to such a power system, you can reset 7-8 kilograms in 2 weeks. The use of a Japanese diet is contraindicated more often than 1 time in 2-3 years.

After the completion of the Japanese diet, the balanced nutrition system should be adhered to. It is necessary in order to maintain the results obtained for 2 or more years. It is not worth confused by a Japanese diet with the supply system of residents of Japan, because in their diet minimize the use of coffee, but at the same time seafood and rice are used.

Japanese diet, reviews about which only positive, recommends to use the maximum number of products that are not susceptible to heat treatment, as they retain a large amount of vitamins and beneficial substances in their composition. You can lose weight on a Japanese diet quite quickly, but it should be constantly listening to your body to not harm him. Since in this system of food, the use of salt is excluded, it was called - a mustache Japanese diet.

Japanese diet: benefits

  • The Japanese diet guarantees a persistent result (for 2-3 years).
  • You can quickly get rid of extra kilograms.
  • Holding to the Japanese diet menu, you can "teach" your body to further consume a small amount of food.
  • Japanese Diet: Contraindications and Caution


    • Japanese diet is pretty tough (exception is an option for 14 days).
    • Requires the correct way out and securing the result.
    • Moreover, many such a power system can cause metabolic disorders.
    • Do not use people with weakened immunity or having chronic diseases.
    • The Japanese diet menu, the reviews about which are quite controversial, involves the use of coffee for breakfast. This can be contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and pancreas.
    • The Japanese diet menu is unbalanced.
    • The body lacks many vitamins and nutrients.
    • It is not recommended to adhere to this diet people over 40 years old.
    • Contraindicated with:
    • hypertension;
    • diabetes;
    • heart disease;
    • increased sensitivity to coffee and eggs;
    • liver diseases;
    • kidney diseases;
    • pancreatic diseases;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal diseases;
    • pregnancy;
    • during lactation.

    Japanese Diet: Rules


    • During the Japanese diet you need to take multivitamins.
    • If you are contraindicated in coffee, which is in the Japanese diet menu, then replace it on green tea.
    • Adhere to the Japanese diet menu should only be under the supervision of a physician.
    • A menu of all of the Japanese diet options differ slightly, but still has its own characteristics.
    • In all varieties of a Japanese diet there is practically no breakfast.
    • You need to eat 3 times a day.
    • During the day, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure boiled water or mineral without gas.
    • Forbidden to use:
    • sugar,
    • salt,
    • confectionery,
    • bakery,
    • alcohol.

    Types of Japanese diet


    There are three options for a Japanese diet:

    • For 13 days (classic option).
    • For 14 days.
    • For 7 days.

    Preparation for a Japanese diet

    Before each version of the Japanese diet should be prepared:

    • Tune in psychologically. Remember that in a couple of weeks you will have a much smaller weight than now.
    • Start using a diet from Monday. Before that, your dinner must be very easy and consist mostly from fresh fruits and vegetables.
    • The day before the start of the Japanese diet, turn on the maximum amount of rice in your diet. For example, at lunch you can prepare a portion of 150-200 grams of crude rice and 150 grams of salad of fresh vegetables.
    • A couple of days before the start of the Japanese diet, add cucumbers, tomatoes, Beijing cabbage to your menu, radishes. You can, for example, make a delicious salad from these products and season it with a small amount of olive oil. From the use of salt to refrain.
    • Purchase Japanese sticks. They will be able to adjust you to the desired way and make each of your subsequent food intake is very original.

    Japanese diet menu for 13 days


    This version of the Japanese diet allows you to get rid of 8-10 kilograms. Suitable for those who wish to achieve a resistant result for a relatively short time.

    Day 1

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). Chicken eggs 2 pieces (boiled screwed), portion of boiled cabbage (150-200 grams). Salad of white cabbage, one tomato and cucumber. One cup (200 ml) of tomato juice.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). A piece of baked or boiled fish.

    Day 2.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee. Sucharik medium size.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). A piece of baked or boiled fish. Salad from radish, white cabbage, one tomato and cucumber. Add some oil, greens and ground pepper. One cup (200 ml) of any juice (to choose).
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). Portion of boiled meat. One cup (250 ml) kefir.

    Day 3.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). One slice of bread. One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). Middle stewed zucchini. Several fresh apples. A piece of baked or boiled fish. Salad from one tomato and cucumber. Add some oil, greens. One cup (200 ml) of any juice (to choose).
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). 2 eggs (screwed), portion of boiled meat. Salad from fresh cabbage. We add some olive oil into it.

    Day 4.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Sucharik medium size. One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). 1 egg (screwed). Salad from fresh carrots (2-3 pieces), one tomato and cucumber. Add some oil, greens. A piece of high quality solid cheese.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). Several fruits (to choose). Only bananas are excluded, grapes.


    Day 5.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Fresh solid carrot of small size. One cup (200 ml) of any juice (to choose). Sukharik or a slice of bread.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). Portion of rice (boiled). Salad of white cabbage, one tomato and cucumber. One cup (200 ml) of tomato juice. A piece of baked or boiled fish.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). Several fruits (to choose). Only bananas are excluded, grapes.

    Day 6.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Sucharik medium size. One cup (200 ml) coffee.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). Portion of boiled chicken breast. Salad of white cabbage, one tomato, radish and cucumber. Add some oil, greens. A piece of high quality solid cheese.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). 1 egg (screwed). Salad from fresh carrots (2-3 pieces), one tomato. Add 2 drops of vegetable oil. One cup (200 ml) of any juice (to choose).


    Day 7.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Green tea (you can drink in any quantity).
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). Portion of boiled meat. Salad from one tomato, radish and cucumber. Add some oil, greens. 2 of any fruit (to choose). The exceptions are grapes, bananas, melon.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). Salad from fresh cabbage. Portion of rice (boiled). One cup (200 ml) kefir.

    Day 8.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Sucharik medium size. One cup (200 ml) coffee.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). Salad of white cabbage, one tomato, radish and cucumber. Add some oil, greens. Portion of boiled chicken breast.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). One cup (200 ml) of any juice (to choose). 1 egg (screwed). Salad from cabbage, fresh carrots (2-3 pieces), 1 tomato. Add 1 spoon of vegetable oil.

    Day 9.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Fresh solid carrot of small size. One cup (200 ml) of any juice (to choose). Sukharik or a slice of bread.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). Salad of white cabbage, one tomato and cucumber. One cup (200 ml) of tomato juice. A piece of baked or boiled fish.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). Several fruits (to choose). Only bananas are excluded, grapes.

    Day 10.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Sucharik medium size. One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). 1 egg (screwed). Salad from fresh carrots (2-3 pieces), one tomato and cucumber. Add some oil, greens. A piece of high quality solid cheese.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). Several fruits (to choose). Only bananas are excluded, grapes.

    Day 11.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). One slice of bread. One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). Middle stewed zucchini. Several fresh apples. A piece of baked or boiled fish. Salad from one tomato and cucumber. Add some oil, greens. One cup (200 ml) of any juice (to choose).
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). 2 eggs (screwed), portion of boiled meat. Salad from fresh cabbage. We add some olive oil into it.


    Day 12.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee. Sucharik medium size.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). A piece of baked or boiled fish. Salad from radish, white cabbage, one tomato and cucumber. Add some oil, greens and ground pepper. One cup (200 ml) of any juice (to choose).
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). Portion of boiled meat. One cup (250 ml) kefir.

    Day 13.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). Chicken eggs 2 pieces (boiled screwed), portion of boiled cabbage (150-200 grams). Salad of white cabbage, one tomato and cucumber. One cup (200 ml) of tomato juice.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). A piece of baked or boiled fish.

    Japanese diet 14 days (menu)

    eating Healthy Food.

    This version of the Japanese diet can be called gentle (it is less aggressive than the Japanese diet for 13 days). Allows you to get rid of 7-10 kilograms. Suitable for those who wish to achieve a strong result.

    Day 1

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee. Sucharik medium size.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). One small portion of rice. A piece of baked or boiled fish. Salad from radish, white cabbage, one tomato and cucumber. Add some oil. One cup (200 ml) of tomato juice.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). 2 chicken eggs (screwed). Cabbage snack. One cup (250 ml) kefir.

    Day 2.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Slice of Borodino bread. One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). Salad from any fresh vegetables (you can choose to your taste). A piece of baked or boiled fish. One cup (200 ml) of any juice (to choose).
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). Portion of boiled meat. One cup (250 ml) kefir.

    Day 3.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Sukharik or toast. One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). One boiled or slightly fried zucchini. Salad from any fresh vegetables (you can choose to your taste). Portion of boiled meat.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). 1 egg. Portion of boiled meat. Salad from cabbage. 2-3 fruit (to choose).


    Day 4.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Green tea (drink without restrictions).
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). One piece of solid cheese. Salad from carrots (3 pieces) and white cabbage. Portion of boiled meat.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). A piece of high quality solid cheese. Any fruit (on your choice).

    Day 5.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). One cup (200 ml) of any juice (to choose). Egg. One grated carrot.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). A piece of baked or boiled fish. Salad from radish, white cabbage, one tomato and cucumber. Add some oil. One cup (200 ml) of tomato juice.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). Only apples.

    Day 6.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Sukharik or toast. One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). One portion (150-170 grams) of boiled rice. Salad from a grated carrot and white cabbage. Portion of boiled meat.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). 1 egg. Portion of boiled meat. Salad from a grated carrot.

    Day 7.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Green tea (drink without restrictions).
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). Portion of boiled low-fat beef. Apples. Any juice.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). A piece of high quality solid cheese. Any fruit (on your choice).

    From 8 to 14 days of the Japanese diet hold the menu of the first week.

    Japanese diet (semid-day menu)


    This version of the Japanese diet allows you to get rid of 4-6 kilograms. Suitable for those who wish to lose weight very quickly, for example, before the holidays or holidays.

    Day 1 and 7

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Sukharik or toast. One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). Salad from Beijing cabbage. One boiled or slightly fried zucchini. 2 eggs (screwed). Cup of tomato juice.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). A piece of boiled fish. Salad from cabbage. Kefir.

    Day 2 and 6

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). A piece of rye bread. One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). One portion (150-170 grams) of boiled rice. Salad from a grated carrot and white cabbage.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). Portion of boiled meat. Salad from a grated carrot.

    Day 3 and 5

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Sukharik or toast. One cup (200 ml) of black ground coffee (add cinnamon stick).
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). 2 eggs (screwed). Salad from tomato, cucumber (2-3 pieces) and white cabbage. Portion of boiled meat.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). Any fruit. Exception - bananas, grapes, melon.

    Day 4.

    • Breakfast (8.00-9.30). Green tea.
    • Lunch (13.00-14.30). Stew zucchini with bow. Add some vegetable oil. Pasternak root. Apples.
    • Dinner (18.00-18.30). Portion of boiled meat. Salad from cabbage, grated carrots, greenery.

    Exit from Japanese diet

    1385377216_HCG-Diet-Apple and Scale

    After graduating from the Japanese diet, continue to eat in small portions. Exclude high-calorie foods from the diet, confectionery, baked pastry. Eat as much fresh vegetables and fruits. Exclude the use of fatty varieties. After the end of the diet 2 days, it is recommended to add new products to the diet in small portions. Minimize the use of salt and sugar.

    Japanese diet: photo "To" and "after"



    Japanese diet: video


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