

The benefits and harm of seeds Chia. Slimming with chia seeds.

Chia plant seeds are very popular in Europe and the USA among vegetarians and people who want to reset extra kilograms. They are absolutely tasteless, which allows you to add them to any dishes, and, the main thing is that Chia will thorough any hunger.

History of use of Chia Seeds


Chia was an important element of power even among the ancient tribes of Mayas and Aztecs. Just a few tablespoons of these seeds gave them strength in the long-term (up to one day) trips in a hot climate without any signs of fatigue and dehydration. Their soldiers took with them a weapon and a bag of chia seeds, and were considered the most hardy.

After the destruction of the tribes of the Aztecs, chia fields were burned and the remains of plants were not seen by anyone. Only in 1991, the plant began to investigate in detail and learn the useful properties of chia seeds to humans.

Here are a few examples of products that meet the 100 g of seeds of chia as a source:

  • calcium - 500 ml of milk;
  • fiber - 300 g oats;
  • antioxidants - 1000 g of oranges;
  • potassium - 200 g bananas;
  • omega-3 - 1000 g salmon;
  • magnesium - 200 g of nuts;
  • iron - 500 g of spinach.

Properties of Chia Seeds, their benefits and harm


Useful properties of chia seeds

Consider the main useful qualities of Chia seeds:

  • The concentration of antioxidants is higher than in berries fresh blueberries and blueberries. They help support immunity and the youth of the body.
  • Protect the proper operation of the entire digestive system and help to lose weight. Seeds absorb the large amount of moisture and fill the stomach, eliminating the feeling of hunger.
  • The content of calcium, potassium, magnesium and other vital elements is much higher than in the usual products, which increases strength and efficiency.
  • Reduce pressure and stabilize blood sugar levels, which is simply necessary with diabetes mellitus.
  • The content of omega-3 fatty acidic acids reduces cholesterol levels and reduces pain during arthritis.
  • Contain vitamins of groups as A, B, C, D, E and K.
  • Regulate body weight with proper lifestyle, nutrition and high water consumption.
  • Strengthens teeth and bones.
  • Help to get rid of acne and skin rashes, rejuvenate the skin.

Damage to chia seeds

Despite the enormous benefits of Chia Seeds, it is necessary to take into account individual features and health status. There are some harmful properties and contraindications of chia seeds for use:

  • low pressure;
  • failures of the digestive system (diarrhea, poisoning);
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • increased triglycerides in the blood;
  • teeth disease;
  • malignant prostate tumors;
  • allergy to sesame or mustard and their seeds;
  • intolerance of one of the components of the seed components;
  • during the reception of aspirin or anticoagulants;
  • increased gas formation in the intestines;
  • the use of laxatives.

In any case, it is better to receive advice and reviews of doctors about Chia seeds individually and will be convinced of the absence of contraindications. It is also not recommended to eat seeds of plant seeds for more than 12 weeks.

Application of Chia seeds and their use


With neutral taste of seeds, they can be added to almost any food. They have a special ability to thicken liquid and mainly used in the preparation of homemade cocktails for healthy eating.

It is also necessary to know how to use chia seeds. With any heat treatment, chia seeds lose beneficial properties. They are used only in raw form as beverages, with salads, in the form of dietary flour or oil.

Culinary recipes from chia seeds for weight loss

Some recommend to use chia plant seeds as oatmeal, just pouring it with water, juice or milk for 15-20 minutes. Also, seeds can be germinated and add sprouts in salads.

Consider some simple recipes for quick cooking dishes using Chia seeds and photos to them.

Dietary smoothie with chia seeds


Such a drink will allow you to quench the hunger and give strength for the whole day. Necessary:

  • Pour 1 tbsp. A spoonful of seed 1 glass of low-fat milk or water and give to stand 10 minutes.
  • A small banana or half, a handful of spinach, 100 g of low-fat yogurt, 100 g of berries and a spoonful of honey mixed in a blender.
  • Add wake-up seeds and mix well.

Breakfast champions with chia seeds

Great nutritive breakfast with egg and seeds of a plant of Chia:

  • 1 tbsp. l. Milk beat with 1 egg.
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. Seeds and leave for 15 minutes.
  • A small bulb or half fry to golden color.
  • Add a handful of spinach and onions to a mixture with seeds.
  • In a small saucepan on a weak heat, pass the mixture until readiness (10-20 minutes).

Pudding for dessert with chia seeds


Light mango coconut pudding:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. l. Seeds, 1 cup of low-fat milk, 1 tbsp. l. The grated coconut and an incomplete glass of ripe mango, finely sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes.
  • Leave in the refrigerator for the night or at least 6 hours.

Yoghurt Chia.


Great breakfast from Chia with yogurt and oatmeal:

  • A half-cup of oatmeal, a half-table of milk, a half-table of jam, jam or berries, a half-table of yogurt and crushed banana to mix with 1 tbsp. l. Chia seeds.
  • Leave for the night in the refrigerator or for 6 o'clock minimum.

Vegetarian Salmon in Chia Seeds

Baked salmon with chia and garnish:

  • Slip 400-500 g salmon half a glass of chia seeds.
  • Add seasonings, pepper, salt and lemon juice to taste.
  • Bake in the oven 10-15 minutes. from each side.
  • Rice or spaghetti cook and season with olive oil with spinach and vegetables to taste.

If you are not a vegetarian, you can use chia seeds when cooking meat in the same way.

Dietary cocktail with kiwi

For the preparation of a vitamin cocktail you need:

  • Soak 2 tbsp. l. Chia seeds in 2 tbsp. l. Orange juice for 10 minutes.
  • Orange, banana, apple and kiwi clean, cut and mix with seeds.
  • Add honey to taste and mix in a blender.

Cocktail "Energy" for training


Excellent energy drink that can be consumed before exercise:

  • 2 tbsp. l. seeds pour two glasses of water and leave overnight.
  • Add 2 tbsp. l. lime or lemon juice and 4 liters. honey, all mixed in a blender.
  • You can add berries (frozen or fresh) or soaked with dried apricots and prunes.

Reviews of chia seeds

Today, many women have been using chia seed for weight loss and as a vital energy source for dietary and vegetarian. We can safely say that the reviews lost weight with chia seeds only positive.

Consider the positive side slimming more detail:

  • Fatty acids useful omega improve blood circulation, body purified from cholesterol, which contributes to improve metabolism.
  • Fiber is composed of seeds are not digested, but helps to eliminate toxins that interfere with the girls to find a flat stomach, even during long training sessions. Also, removal of toxins promotes absorption of nutrients.
  • Seeds perfectly absorb liquid - in 12 times its volume. This allows you to eat 2 tbsp. l. seeds and not feel hungry for 12 hours, feeling full of energy!
  • Chia also contains chlorogenic acid, which burns fat yield of energy that is needed in the hall during training.
  • Omega acids can deal with depression, which is important for losing weight. Because basically it is impossible to lose weight because of the disruption of dietary regime and overeating at night.
  • Eaten a couple of hours before exercise does not allow the seeds to snatch food and not feel the fierce hunger after a visit to the hall.
  • The best time of the application of chia seeds - morning and evening. In the morning they are fully provide the body with energy, and clean, and allow not to load before going to bed.
  • In the absence of specific taste seeds can be eaten any food, as a main dish, and in beverages and desserts. Also, seed oil can be refilled salads, and of the flour to bake bread diet.
  • In addition to the cleaning of mineral properties, the seeds will provide you with a feeling of satiety and energy for the whole day. You will not feel overwhelmed and powerless as in other dietary restrictions in the diet.

Elena Malysheva about the benefits of chia seeds. Video

Acquisition of chia seeds


A very important role is played by the CHIA plant seed producer. It is not recommended to buy chia seeds if they are manufactured in China. The level of ecology of this country will not provide seeds with purity, but only worsen their properties. Also pay attention to quality certificates and organic control when purchasing.

The price of Seed Chia for 250 g of about 10 dollars in the United States and 8 euros in European countries. You should navigate exactly on this price when buying, as it hurts Chia much cheaper, you can harm health.

Seeds are sold in pharmacies and online stores of food additives. Of course, to buy on the Internet will be cheaper, but you need to make sure of their quality and reliability of the seller, reading the reviews about the store. Where to buy seeds to solve you, but it is necessary to ask about the product documents and save checks.

Chief Secret Chia


Nutritionists consider seeds with a useful dietary product, as they saturate the body with useful vitamins and fill the stomach, eliminating the feeling of hunger for a long time. However, on the basis of research, Canadian scientists have established that when eating seeds with excess weight and obesity, their weight does not significantly decrease.

Chia plant seeds are useful for the whole body as a whole, but to get rid of excess weights not enough to eat only these additives. Seeding must be combined with a healthy dietary diet and physical exertion. Then the result will not make himself wait a long time, and a healthy diet will enter the habit and maintain a smaller weight will not be so difficult, as with conventional restrictive diets.

Chia Seeds are only an excellent helper in the fight against overweight. They strengthen the metabolism and prevent the organism aging. During the use, toxins are derived and the operation of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.

Seeds after entering the stomach swell and form a peculiar gel, which, enveloping the stomach, reduces appetite and absorption of carbohydrates by the body. The feeling of satiety is ensured for a long time use of a small dose of seeds, and useful properties will not allow fatigue and apathy for life. The energy of seeds and the lack of a tendency to stress will make it easier to part with extra kilograms.

Also a small use of seeds every day in order to prevent prevention improves sleep, memory, attention, performance and endurance. Immunity increases, cholesterol level decreases, pressure stabilizes, the blood flow is improving. Early aging of the skin and diseases of the joints is prevented, the risk of strokes, the formation of thromboms and cancer is reduced.

Do not forget that the seeds have a number of contraindications and with insufficient awareness can bring not only benefits, but also harm. It should take into account the recent study of the product and pay attention to the manufacturer when purchasing.

It will also not be superfluous to take advice from nutritional specialists and examination of doctors in the absence of diseases of low pressure or gastrointestinal tract. Particular attention should be paid to clarifying contraindications to people suffering from constant or seasonal allergies on plants or seeds.

It is worth remembering that the continuous reception of Chia seeds should not continue for longer than 12 weeks, and the initial doses of reception do not do too large. Remember that your health is completely dependent, first of all, from you themselves, and self-medication can bring irreparable harm to the body.


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