
Treatment of spine gymnastics. Gymnastics for spine with hernia, osteochondrosis, for neck - exercises. Gymnastics for Spine Bubnovsky, Norbecova, Shishonin - Technique

Treatment of spine gymnastics. Gymnastics for spine with hernia, osteochondrosis, for neck - exercises. Gymnastics for Spine Bubnovsky, Norbecova, Shishonin - Technique
The treatment gymnastics will help to cope with the problems of the spine. Today there are a large number of exercise complexes that are aimed at the treatment of such ailments as osteochondrosis, hernia, chip and others.

The life of a modern man is connected with a constant seating position in the office, at a computer. Daily movements are minimized: walk to the car, sit in it, and then get to the place of work. All this provokes the emergence of problems with the spine, which is the supporting system of the entire human body. If he suffers, all internal organs, the musculoskeletal apparatus of a person are beginning to suffer.

Medicine has long stepped on many steps forward in the treatment of a variety of diseases of the spine, for this, drug drugs and operational intervention is used. However, despite this therapeutic physical education or gymnastics for the spine is a key method of treating problems such as osteochondrosis, hernia, fractures, squeezing and much more.

In this article, we consider the features of the medical gymnastics for the spine, select the most effective exercises of gymnastics for the cervical spine, for the back and for the sacrum-lumbar department. Let us give a description of the most popular complex techniques for the treatment of spine with gymnastics.

Features of therapeutic gymnastics for spine

Therapeutic physical education is an integral part of a whole complex of medical measures that are aimed at eliminating problems, as well as their prevention. The very concept of "therapeutic gymnastics" means an extensive direction, including a variety of techniques and techniques that contribute to the recovery of a person, the restoration of all the functions of the body. There is a general treatment gymnastics that has a positive effect on the entire body, as well as highlight a special medical gymnastics, which exist to solve a wide variety of problems arising in different parts of the human body.

Modern life has become very comfortable and comfortable, everything is literally a hand. You do not need to go to the store for products, you can work at the computer, the machine facilitates movement around the city and eliminates long walking. All this, no doubt, is good, but there is also the reverse side of the medal, which is associated with gradually emerging pathologies in the spine. It is the spine first that suffers from a sedentary lifestyle. The diseases of the spine are not noticeable immediately, they accumulate and eventually turn into serious problems that require surgical intervention. This is due to circulatory impairment in the bones, muscles and tissues of the human body, with a deterioration in the general state of the person.

According to official data, almost 80% of Russia's inhabitants suffer from various diseases of the spine, which are caused by the lack of opportunity to engage in physical exercises or banal laziness. Each person alone in the power to perform a small amount of exercises that will prevent the manifestation of problems with the spine. Of course, people who already have diseases of the spine or they are in a state of rehabilitation, can deal with the treatment of spine gymnastics only after consulting a doctor and appointment of a special exercise complex.

The main tasks of therapeutic gymnastics for the spine, the effect of its use

Specialists have developed a whole range of exercises for the treatment of spine, which are directed to individual parts of the spinal column. The main objectives of all exercises are the following:

  • Impact on a specific area where there is a problem, as well as the overall impact on the entire human body.
  • Stimulating the biological function of the body, normalization of all processes.
  • Normalization of the operation of the musculoskeletal system.
  • The provision of systemic healing effect on the human body.
  • Increasing the ability of the human body to adapt to changes in the surrounding world, to the conditions of human life, for example, when changing work - with an active in motion on a sedentary.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics is directed primarily to the treatment of diseases of the spine.
  • Fastening the therapeutic effect of the treatment of the spine.
  • Prevention of various problems in the spinal column.

The effectiveness of the medical gymnastics for the spine

A positive result from the exercise of gymnastics for the spine will depend, first of all, from the proper selection of the complex and perform these exercises. In addition, it is impossible to conduct therapeutic gymnastics for treatment without consulting and recommendations of the attending physician. If everything is done correctly, under the guidance of a professional, the effect of these physical exercises will not wait long for a long time. Therapeutic physical culture is good in that in order to prevent problems, it is possible to conduct gymnastics for the spine at home, provided that the exercises you need can be properly implemented.

Efficiency is manifested in the following:

  • Therapeutic gymnastics for spine spine, for breast spine helps to speed up blood circulation and lymphotic current in tissues, bones and muscles. This leads to saturation of the affected tissues and organs with oxygen, which contributes to the fastest recovery.
  • The correct set of exercises helps to restore and speed up the metabolic processes in the body and cope with inflammatory pathology by strengthening immunity.
  • Due to the physiotherapist for spinal strengthening the musculo-ligamentous spine skeleton.
  • By using different complexes in sedentary lifestyle eliminated all muscle contraction and deformation.
  • With the help of exercises compound exercises for the thoracic spine posture defects are corrected.
  • A well-chosen exercises for the spine and posture can increase the mobility of joints, restore peripheral nerves, and eventually were moved to help straighten the vertebrae.
  • After prolonged use of the gym for the lumbar spine or any other there is a general strengthening of the human body, improving his physical condition and immunity. Body copes better with colds.
  • Significantly reduced the total number of diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system.
  • Thanks to the medical gymnastics, human mental health is restored, its mood is improved, self-esteem increases.

Indications and contraindications to the medical gymnastics of the spine

The gymnastics for the spine is aimed at treating various diseases, as well as on rehabilitation after surgical intervention and the prevention of their appearance. With the help of a properly selected complex, various diseases can be cured.

  • Therapeutic gymnastics in the hernia of the spine helps to cope with this ailment in various localization: in the cervical department, in the thoracic department, in the lumbar department.
  • It will help to cope with the first symptoms of osteochondrosis, which is a very common pathology of the spine and is accompanied by a constant and periodic pain of different nature.
  • Osteoporosis also shows the conduct of therapeutic gymnastics.
  • The set of exercises will be able to help with a change in posture during scoliosis.
  • When squeezing the spinal canal or the vertebrae displacement.
  • With compression fractures of the spine.
  • With radiculitis.
  • The gymnastics for the spine is also shown to prevent the appearance of diseases.
  • A special set of exercises in the rehabilitation period is shown, after the operation in the field of spine.

Contraindications of gymnastics for spine:

  • You should not begin treatment with gymnastics at the initial stage of the disease. This may lead to a deterioration in the state. First of all, it is worth passing a medical course appointed by the doctor.
  • Contraindicated to carry out therapeutic gymnastics in the acute flow of various infectious and inflammatory processes in the body.
  • At high temperatures, it is also recommended to postpone the conduct of gymnastics for the spine, as it can only increase pain.
  • Contraindicated to therapeutic physical education under benign and malignant neoplasms, including in the presence of metastasis.
  • Acute disorders of the coronary and cerebral circulation are also contraindicated.
  • Breathing disorder, problems with the lungs are an obstacle to the treatment of spine with gymnastic exercises.
  • With different mental illness, with dementia, the exercises can also be carried out.
  • If you have foreign bodies or implants in the field of large vessels, nerve fibers, therapeutic physical culture is also contraindicated.
  • Thrombosis and embolism are another contraindications.
  • Contraindications are considered internal or external bleeding.
  • With severe pain, it is also not necessary to do therapeutic physical education.
  • Pronounced cardiovascular failure.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics is also not carried out with general poor condition and with bad ECG.
  • Acute or chronic form of diseases of the spine.
  • Tachycardia and arterial hypertension are also contraindications.

Therapeutic gymnastics in the hernia of the spine

Therapeutic gymnastics in the hernia of the spine aims to eliminate the problems in the cervical department, the chest and lumbar spine, where pathology is localized. The exercise complex is not recommended in the initial stage of the disease, since at this time the most sharp pain is noted. In addition, when using therapeutic gymnastics, this stage is possible a general deterioration of a person. Therefore, to therapeutic physical education should be proceeding only after conducting long-term drug treatment and consultation with a doctor about the need and mode of exercise.

The main rule of treatment of the hernia of the spine with special gymnastics is professionalism and regularity. The exercise complex must select a special doctor who later controls their execution. All exercises must be performed regularly, only in this way you can achieve positive results of treatment. All this will be aimed at strengthening the spine, since only with a strong and trained back, the overall load will be distributed evenly on all discs. Load on the axial pillar will decrease and intervertebral discs will not be subject to damage and curvature. A competently selected set of exercises will help improve blood circulation in the damage zone, improve the nutrition of the vertebrae and joints, and improve their mobility. All this will contribute to the treatment of the hernia of the spine.

Therapeutic gymnastics in the hernia of the cervical spine - exercises

The appearance of hernias in the cervical spine is accompanied by a constant discomfort, a painful character of pain, sometimes numbing of hands and fingers appear. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, various warm compresses, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, after receiving which can be started to conduct therapeutic gymnastics. The doctor prescribes a set of exercises for the treatment of hernia only after the preliminary removal of the feed condition and the elimination of pain. Through the use of the exercise complex, the cervical vertebrae is strengthened, blood circulation is improved, the vertebrae becomes more mobile, and this, in turn, brings the recovery and recovery.

Complex of exercises:

  • Locate on the floor rug and sit on it. Straighten your back, bend your legs. Gently and very slowly put your head on the right shoulder. It is necessary to do it almost to the maximum, the main thing is that there is a small tension in the neck. Hold your head in such a state approximately 5-6 seconds and slowly return to its original position. Repeat the exercise to the other side. Thus, make several approaches in slow rhythm.
  • Sit straight and deeply inhale, after which it is neat and very slowly tighten your head back so that you look at the ceiling. Hold your head in this state of 3-4 seconds and return to its original position. Repeat this exercise is required 10-15 times.
  • Sit smoothly on the rug, straighten your back and relax. Then slowly lower the head on the chest so that your chin touches the chest. If you can't touch you, do not try, the posture should be relaxed. Hold your head in such a state of 7-8 seconds, slowly return to its original position.
  • Sitting position, back straight, relaxed. Carefully turn your head left and hold it in this position for about 6-7 seconds, then return to its original position. Also make and right.

All exercises for the treatment of hernia in the cervical spine must be carried out with the approval of the doctor.

Medical gymnastics in the hernia of the thoracic spine - Exercises

The attending physician must specifically select a set of exercises, which will correspond to the stage of development of the disease and the symptoms of the patient. The correct exercises will help improve blood circulation in the area of \u200b\u200baffected chest department, the power of intervertebral discs, the vertebrae becomes more movable. Exercises with jumps and twistings must be performed when improving the state, the complexity and amplitude of the exercises should also change gradually. Most importantly, you need to perform exercises regularly to obtain a positive result.

It is impossible to conduct therapeutic gymnastics without prior consultation with the doctor and its respective appointments. Let us give a description of exemplary exercises for the treatment of hernia in the thoracic spine.

  • Sit on a chair with a high back, throw your hands behind your head and form the lock. After that, apart your back in such a way that your spine touched the top edge of the stool back. In this position it is necessary to make 5 tilt forwards. After that, go back to the original position.
  • Locate on the floor gymnastic rug and lie on it. Under the thoracic spine, it is necessary to put a soft roller, for example, a twisted towel. Hands start up and slowly download, making a deep breath. When relaxing do it out. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Sit on the floor, wait for yourself in such a way that the feet stood on the floor. Grasp the legs with your hands and at a very slow pace, make the spine back and forth. Make 10 repetitions.
  • It is necessary to lie on the floor, bend the knees. Hands bend in the elbows, then go on them at the level of shoulders. In this position, it is necessary to carefully lift the body in the maximum deflection, i.e. Make a kind of bridge only on elbows. Lower in this position for 3-4 seconds and return to its original position. Repeat exercise 5 times.
  • Perform a pair of exercises from yoga. You can lie in the nucleus or embryo pose. Do such exercises need slowly.

Therapeutic gymnastics in hernia in the lumbar spine - exercises

The diseases of the hernia in the lumbar spine are persecuted by people who lead a low-wear lifestyle. In this case, the muscle frame is weakening, which implies the change in the structure of the intervertebral disks. The attending physician is developing a special set of exercises that are aimed at strengthening the spine and improving blood circulation. Gymnastics with a lumbar hernia of the spine must be performed regularly to achieve effect.

  • It is necessary to lie down on the floor, pull the hands along the body, bend the legs in the knees, resting the feet into the floor. Bend in the knees of the legs must be diluted at the maximum distance, after that it is rotated to the left, while the head turns to the right. After that, the initial position is taken and the exercise is done in the other direction. Make 10-15 repetitions.
  • Position lying on the floor. Hands stretched along the body, legs straight. When inhaling, it is necessary to strain the muscles of the abdominal press as much as possible and lingering breathing, with exhale to relax. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Lying on the back it is necessary to bend legs in the knees, hands along the body. You need to raise my shoulder belt, pulling your hands forward. At the same time, all the muscles should be tense, and the torso should strive for knees. The highest point must be lined for 10 seconds, after which it returns to its original position. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Exercise is performed sitting on a chair, hands are put on the belt. It is necessary to make smooth slopes in 4 opposite sides. All muscles should be strained when carrying out this gymnastics in the hernia of the sacrum of the spine.

Gymnastics for spine - Video

Therapeutic gymnastics in osteochondrosis of the spine

Osteochondrosis is characterized by a constant progressive course, which is caused by the damage to cartilage structures and intervertebral disks. Most often, this disease is diagnosed in patients after 35 years. This spinal disease is accompanied by a permanent or crirling pain. Osteochondrosis appears for a number of reasons: the curvature of the spine, severe physical work or long-term loads, transferred injuries of the spine, overweight. Highlight gymnastics during osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, chest and lumbar, which include a different set of exercises.

  • With cervical osteochondrosis. Lift the chin and smoothly make them circular movements.
  • With cervical osteochondrosis. Smoothly turn out the head left and right, after which down and up. Standing on the floor, hands on the belt need to perform tilts head back, while straining neck muscles.
  • Lumbar osteochondrosis. Lying on the floor you need to strongly strain the muscles of the abdomen and shove into the floor, lie in this position for a few seconds and relax. Make a few repetitions.
  • Lumbar osteochondrosis. Standing on the floor, hands on the belt. Conduct the slopes to the left, right and down, while straining the muscles of the lower back.
  • Lumbar osteochondrosis. Legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt. It is necessary to do slow squats.
  • Lumbar osteochondrosis. Tightening on the horizontal bar, you need to make 5 repetitions.
  • Breast osteochondrosis. Become to your knees and rely on the palm, after which the maximum to bring back the back of the arc, strain the muscles and linger in this position for 10 seconds, after which it returns to its original position.
  • Breast osteochondrosis. Sitting on the chair it is necessary to pull out the hands and make tilts forward, trying to touch the floor palms. You can also pull the slopes to the sides, straining your back muscles.

The most popular methods of treating the spine with gymnastics

To date, many scientists are developing a unique technique on therapeutic gymnastics for the spine, which are called upon to achieve a positive result in a shorter time. For rumors, many have few surnames. This is Bubnovsky, Norbekov, Shishonin. Consider the main directions and objectives of the methods of these scientists.

Gymnastics for the spine of Bubnovsky - Technique

Dr. Bubnovsky departed from the generally accepted standards of treating diseases of the spine and created its methodology, which is aimed at treating various diseases: osteochondrosis, scoliosis, hernia, arthrosis, osteoporosis. At the heart of its methodology, the teaching of the kinesitherapy, which is based on the power performance of the exercise, while the rest of the doctors do not recommend physical exertion when problems with the spine. For his exercises, the doctor developed a special MTB simulator and a whole range of exercises, which can be achieved positive results.

Gymnastics for spine on Bubnovsky:

  • Relaxing your back. To do this, it is necessary to become on all fours and completely relax all the muscles of the back.
  • Beach bending. Standing on all fours is necessary on the exhale as much as possible to fighten the back, but at the entrance to fight. Repeat 10 times.
  • Stretching step. Become on all fours, then slowly sit on my left foot, and pull the right back. At the same time, the left hand must be pulled forward. Alternately do exercises, alternating legs and hands. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • Pumping. It is necessary to become on all fours and stretch as much as possible, keeping the position of knees and palms.
  • Stretching back. Standing on all fours is needed slowly on exhale to bend your hands in the elbows and go to the floor. In the breath of hands are inflicted. At the same time, the pelvis lowers on the heels.
  • Stretching. Lying on the back, hands behind the head, pressing the chin to the chest, it is necessary to bend the torso on the exhale, trying to touch the knees.

Gymnastics for Norbecova spine

Doctor Norbekov The main emphasis in the treatment of the spine makes the patient's psychological and emotional state, and only then on the exercise technique. The main task he puts the overall health of the human body. His articular gymnastics is designed to restore the motor activity of the vertebrae and joints, improve their main functions, thereby positive effect on the emotional state of the patient. The main condition for performing gymnastics for the back in Norbekov - before exercising, you need to create the right attitude, all tasks must be performed with a smile and joy. There should be no automatism, all exercises should be passed through yourself.

Gymnastics for Schishonin Spine

Dr. Shishonin recommends its methodology for the treatment of the spine to people who lead a low-wear lifestyle, are constantly sitting at the computer, driving cars, people with severe physical labor. Gymnastics Shishonin for the neck consists of 6 exercises, the main provisions of which must be fixed within 15-30 seconds, which is quite difficult at first.

  • "Metronome". Tilt your head to the right shoulder and hold it in this position for 30 seconds, then do it too to the left shoulder. Repeat 5 times.
  • "Spring". Tilt the head down for 30 seconds, then pull it away in the direction forward and hold on 30 seconds. 5 repetitions.
  • "Goose". Standing on the floor, you need to pull your head forward and at the same time turn it right, trying to stretch to the shoulder. Fix your head within 30 seconds. Also do the other way. Repeat 5 times.
  • "A look at the sky." You need to turn your head to the right and fix it in this position for 30 seconds. Then make it on the left side.
  • "Frame". Put the left hand on the right shoulder and keep the elbow parallel to the floor. At this time, turn the head to the right to the right and fix 30 seconds.
  • "Heron". Sitting on a chair, put on his knees, then donate hands down, trying to pull her head up. Delay the position of 30 seconds.

Problems with the spine arise quite often, so it is important to bother in advance about your health and start performing the simplest exercises of therapeutic gymnastics that will help prevent the appearance of diseases in the future.


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