
How to remove the dental pain quickly at home

How to remove the dental pain quickly at home
How to quickly and effectively get rid of dental pain, if it is not possible to urgently contact the doctor.

We all know how to unpleasant, and sometimes unbearable toothpow. None of us from her is insured, she can fight unexpectedly at any stage of life. How to take a tooth pain, try to figure out together.

What to do during dental pain

The answer to this question is in principle obvious - of course, sign up for the reception to the dentist! Immediately, without waiting for the pain will acquire an unbearable character. It is not difficult to guess that the weaker pain, the less terrible reason that caused it. And it means that the treatment is minimally, and spending on it, respectively. Therefore, it is not worth tightening, the tooth fell ill - run to the doctor.


Tabs from dental pain

Not everyone has the opportunity, and (what to hide there) a desire like this right away, at the first symptoms to run to the doctor. Someone the attack can fight on the way, someone is elementary waiting for the next salary, someone simply is afraid and hopes that he will pass. Itself, of course, will not pass, the pain can only be removed and relieved its position for a while!

And the causes of dental pain may be several.

For example, caries - A process that causes inflammation of solid teeth tissues. In this case, the pain appears with the effect on the teeth of cold, hot, sour or sweet, and goes as the stimulus is stopped.

Pulpitis Means the inflammation of the pulp, the inner soft tissue of the tooth, is a kind of caries complication. That is, when an infection that affects solid tooth tissues gets to soft.

Periodontitis - A sharp sharp pain that can enhance the slightest touch to the sick tooth.

Only a dentist after careful inspection will be able to determine the exact cause of pain in the tooth after careful inspection. If, before the appearance of painful syndromes, a mechanical force was rendered to the teeth, it will be necessary to tell him immediately.

Toothpay - how to remove? What medicines should always be at hand? Whatever it was, in the first-aid kit, keep some drugs in case of dental pain, because it always happens inappropriately.

First of all, it is necessary to stock pain relief in the dental pain, for example, nurofen, otanov, ibuprofen ... The list is large enough, each chooses the cure for the dental pain that the most suitable for him! By the way, these tablets will remove not only toothache, but also head, make it easier for periodic pains from girls. Salpadeen and citrate are also quite effective. When the existing cavity in the patient, the teeth should be put in it moistened with a cotton swab tampon.

It is not recommended to use any drugs in less than 3 hours before the visit to the dentist so that the doctor is to see a true undischarged picture.

Each drug has side effects and may be incompatible with other medicines. With extreme caution to any medical drugs should be treated during pregnancy: they are mainly prohibited by strictly-setting!


Toothpicking during pregnancy

Even if you have never experienced dental pain in all its glory, if the caries have passed you somehow, then during the pregnancy, everything can change. That is why it is necessary to visit the dentist with future moms at least twice for the entire pregnancy - in the 1st half and the 2nd. The fact is that the growing fruit is approximately from the second trimester requires more and more calcium to form its skeleton. Future mommy is simply obliged to provide enough calcium in its diet, otherwise the fruit will take all its backup reserves. And the teeth of a pregnant woman will be suffered primarily. How to deal with ladies tootham in the position when painkillers are prohibited due to the possible harm to the kids in their tummy?

Of course, only with the help of your dentist's doctor! Depending on the term, it will prescribe treatment or allowed tablets to alleviate pain. Pregnant women carefully all the others should be ensured by the oral hygiene and comply with a number of preventive measures that we will talk about somewhat later. You can resort to folk medicine, but again, with caution, excluding methods with alcohol and after consulting the doctor.


Folk remedies from dental pain

There are centuries proven home remedies from dental pain, significantly facilitating the condition of the visit to the doctor:

  1. Rinse with a solution of salt and soda (1 tan and the other on one glass of warm water). Soda is a natural antiseptic, she migrates all the harmful microbes and scratchomit pain.
  2. Take a piece of swine bass and applied to the gum where the patient is located. Excellent remedy for dental pain.
  3. Raw grass - sage, chamomile and calendula. Wait until the broth will cool down, strain it through gauze and rinse your mouth 4-6 times a day.
  4. Twist the tongue from the wool, moisten it in the carnation oil or mint and applied to the patient's teuba and gum.
  5. Attach a thin piece of raw beds to a sick tooth. Excellent remedy for dental pain at home.
  6. Make a decoction of oak bark and regularly rinse them the mouth.
  7. Make the tincture of AIR and keep her houses in case of an acute dental pain. Recipe: 20 g. The roots of the AIR in crushed form pour 100 ml. Alcohol and insist in a dark place for at least 1 week. After cooking stored in the refrigerator. When the dental pain occurs, make a cotton swab in the tincture and apply to the sore tooth.
  8. Hydrogen peroxide can be applied to a cotton swab and also apply to the source of pain. Excellent prevention of flux.
  9. Take a geranium sheet, rinse it and stretch it with hands. Attach to a sick gum or tooth.
  10. Camphor oil can be applied to the gum and sick tooth with the outside of the cheek.
  11. Calando leaves have antimicrobial effects and have excellent painkillers.
  12. Tincture from horseradish not only calmrites the dental pain, but also will relieve himself from Stomatitis. Grinding hell to fall asleep to the middle of a liter bank and pour to the top of the alcohol. Insist 2-3 days, obtained by infusion rinse the oral cavity. And with stomatite, you need to drink 1 tsp. infusion with lemon juice.
  13. Broth of onion husk can also be used to calm acute dental pain. The onion husk is dried to staining of water in a brown color (like with the paint of eggs for Easter) and the resulting decoction woves the mouth 5-6 times a day.
  14. The magnet is considered a strong agent in alternative medicine. It is only necessary to attach it to the sick gum for a while, and the pain will surely subsight.

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Baby Toothpick

Little babes are not always able to recognize the source of pain and confuse toothpow with pain in the ear or, say, in the jaw. If the teeth really hurt, then, as in adults, the reason can be wounded in various dental diseases, such as caries or pulpitis, for example.

There are extremely rarely cases when the toothaches appear in the children under the 1st year. Here are two options: pain from teething either from the defeat of the oral cavity candidate candidate. Candidiasis or thrush are manifested in the form of white fleets throughout the mucous membrane, is treated only under the supervision of doctors. Pain from teething tooths will help remove special gels with anesthetics, you can give the baby to nibble chilled in the refrigerator, a teether filled with water.

In order to help the baby is already older, you must first determine the cause of pain. To do this, it is necessary to carefully inspect its oral cavity with the flashlight. It is possible that the indigenous teeth are cut or a crack on the tooth after falling. Or maybe stuck a piece of food and constantly negatively affects enamel, irritating it and causing unpleasant sensations.

So there may be several options. If the problem is in a piece of food between the teeth, it is necessary to carefully remove its dental thread and control the process of cleaning the teeth to the baby. If the pain is caused by dental diseases, it is necessary to rinse the conventional salt solution: 1 tsp. Salts on 1 cup of warm water. In the absence of inflammation, the guys can unlimited rinse with ordinary warm water without any additives. Warm water facilitates pain during enamel damage. Chamomile decractions, calendula or sage will also be greatly relieved pain syndromes, therefore it is advisable to always keep these herbs in the first aid kit.

While the pain causes hot, cold, sweet, salty, acute food, should be excluded from the diet of the child. It will have to be planted on a peculiar diet, in which preference is given to fresh seafront room temperature. No seasonings, sauces, pepper in the diet should not be.

Children in no case do not give painkillers for adults! Only drugs intended for children! The pharmacy sells special children's analgesics, divided by the ages or dental drops that can rinse the oral cavity. Folk remedies are also suitable for dental pain in children, except for those methods that use alcoholic products. For example, a rolling mocked with cloves well relieves pain in adults, and in children, or also rinse with soda or salt.

A visit to the doctor in case of a child's dental pain is obligatory! Before trying to think about pain as small as possible, I did not focus on her attention. Play with him, read fairy tales, word, distract as you can!

In order for the consequences are minimal, and the treatment is simple and painless, regularly examine the mouth of your child. Watch, how it eats, is there any reaction to hot / cold, for example. If the baby tries to chew one side, carefully inspect the second.

From little age it is necessary to teach the child to hygiene so that it is thoroughly cleaned the teeth in the morning and in the evening, control this process. In its diet, fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables are required.

There are such cases when children creak teeth in a dream. The reason is most likely neurological, therefore, you should contact a pediatrician or a neurologist anyway. A visit to the dentist in this case is also obligatory - a dental enamel from night crosses is very much suffering. For the baby, they will make special kapa that will need to wear overnight before bedtime. So enamel will remain safe and preservation.

In short, prevention is above all! However, adults also concern.

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Prevention of dental pain exceeding

Any, absolutely any disease is easier to prevent than then heal. And, of course, it concerns dental pain. Even if you have a wonderful genetics and from nature wonderful snow-white teeth without a single hole, without proper care with time, everything will come to no. What is the prevention of dental pain?

  1. Correct care of the teeth and mouth completely:
  • use the proper toothbrush. For each, it is selected individually by a dentist in the parameter of the rigidity and the length of the head;
  • regular replacement of the toothbrush - ideally 1 time per month;
  • regular cleaning of teeth - in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before bedtime;
  • use of dental thread in the breaks between food;
  • periodic use of balsam for rinsing the oral cavity.
  1. Regular visit to the dentist's doctor, preferably 1 time per six months.
  2. Balanced nutrition containing calcium to strengthen dental enamels. In particular, it would be nice to enrich their diet of lactic and fermented milk products, high-quality cheeses, fish and so on.
  3. Regular use of vitamin complexes - usually they are necessary twice a year, in the fall and spring. Whatever the right and balanced our food (which is rare in itself), it is quite difficult to ensure the flow of all the necessary substances, vitamins and minerals in the body. Therefore, such complexes need to be taken periodically.

That's all! Nothing complicated, the main thing in any business is stability and regularity. After all, it is nice to be the unique person who, in principle, does not know what a toothache is!



On the courtyard on the 21st century, and the surcharges and healers are still in demand. Also quite widespread and all kinds of conspiracies, mainly among the distant living population and the people of the older generation (very older). There are no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of such conspiractions, but people practicing them are 100% confident in their effectiveness. What is the secret here?

One theory says about the power of self-purification. That is, a person conducts a certain psychological work on himself, "Forcing" the brain does not feel pain, focusing on other sensations.

There is another interesting theory that claims that the texts of the conspira were created and improved by centuries, and as a result, the sound waves ideal for their length and rhythmity were chosen, which create special vibrations. As a result, it turns out to be quite a serious effect on the fabric and pain removed.

If you turn to religion, then the plot is nothing but a challenge of the spirits of the other world and collusion with them to make changes to your life. Because the relationship in Christianity to conspiracies is strictly negative.

Theories do not have any evidence, but if someone really helps, maybe it's worth trying as an experiment! But remember that the pain is the syndrome of the disease that appeared! If we succeed in some miracle from it to get rid of, harmful microbes that have already appeared in the focus, will not go anywhere and continue to destroy tooth tissue. Because you believe or not in such conspiracies, you need to see a doctor regardless of this! After all, these most conspiracies from dental pain appeared like this! At first there was no medicine, then when it began to develop, not everyone had enough money for the provision of elementary dental care. If good medicine always existed, there would be no need for conspiracies, people would not come up with them.

Let's see what are conspiracy and how to distinguish good from the deception, just out of curiosity.

Good conspiracies are those that have the following exemplary structure: the ground, the main part and the leaps.

In any conspiracy, there is an appeal to the spirits of nature, the sun, the moon. The fact is that the old conspiracies were born in the pre-Christian era, and with the arrival of Christianity, many of the nature of nature were replaced by the saints, divine characters.

So, in the first part of the conspiracy (inscription), a person goes to the otherworldly world through all sorts of obstacles: doors, mountains, forests and fields, for example.

The main part narrows the space to a specific center character who has problems with teeth. A wish is pronounced indicating the name of this person.

In the score, strong things are mentioned or face (strong, like a stone), which indicate the strength of the conspiracy. If the text is already compiled in the era of Christianity, then at the end can go "Amen", if not, then there is no such ending.

This structure is very sample, but at least partially a good plot should follow it.

The texts of the detentious pain conspiracy are usually reading with a whisper, in rare cases. There are entire rituals and ordinary texts. The latter are more popular, as often at hand there are simply no necessary items for rituals.

For example, there is such a plot: "Zagyushka-Zarnitsa, Krasnaya you are a girl, in the sea a stone, in the field of hare, at the bottom of Lymar. Circling, Zarnitsa, my sick teeth is a fate from Lymar; Behind the white fate they destroyed. Lymar, augmentation; If you become my white teeth gnawing, hugging you Herod in the abyss-hell. The word is firmly! " It is believed that it should be read on the street or at the open window. Or such an option: "How the sun falls red for the horizon and it is no longer visible anymore, as a light month disappears in the sky, so would have left the sun after the Sun, and never returned." This text is pronounced 7 times, the gums in the patient's tooth, meanwhile, clamped with an index finger of his right hand. You can also meet the reports of Natalia Stepanova's signs. One of them is pretty simple: "Month in the sky, the sun in the oak. Zamri, worm, in the teeth. Amen".

Someone reacted to this chapter completely seriously, someone grinned, someone skeptically shook his head. How many people, so many opinions. I just wanted to emphasize once again, even if you believe in such conspiracies, official medicine is still not worth rejecting! Any dental pain requires treatment! Go to the dentist until the teeth can still be saved. If you do not believe in virtue of conspiracy, it is not worth starting. So that the plot worked, it is really necessary to believe in it. Nobody canceled the power of self-removal. It is thanks to such practices that yoga may be painless for themselves to pour muscles with thin long needles, or walk barefoot along the hot coals.


Let's summarize

We examined in detail what helps from dental pains for children, adults and pregnant women. We turned to traditional and alternative medicine, as well as to popular homemade means, tested not by one generation. Now you know how to calm the tooth pain, even if there is nothing at hand, and the visit to the doctor for some reason (with the exception of your own reluctance) is postponed. As soon as this opportunity appears, immediately run to it, even if the pain is passing! Nothing is simple, pain is only a symptom of some kind of illness, which is not going anywhere without the help of a specialist.

Video " How to quickly remove dental pain at home without tablets "


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