
How to clean blood from toxins

How to clean blood from toxins
A person for a year absorbs about 3 kg of toxins on average. What they influence and how to correctly remove them from the blood.

We are so accustomed to living in the modern world with its technologies that we don’t even think about the fact that such familiar things carry a serious threat to our health for us.

On average, a resident of the metropolis absorbs about 3 kg of harmful toxins per year through air, water and food. Radiation from the computer causes changes in the blood similar to radiation when working for it over 2 hours. These changes are reversible, but what is the load on the body every time! The strongest stress in humans causes a response in the body, which itself begins to produce harmful toxins, acting from the inside.

How to insure yourself from the effects of toxins?

Blood toxins

So, toxins are of two types. Those that we absorb from the external environment and those that are produced in our body itself. Regardless of the principle of action, toxins attack primarily immunity. Most of all, residents of modern megacities suffer. They are more susceptible to all kinds of allergies and ordinary diseases.


Factors contributing to the ingress of harmful toxins into the body

There are many of them, they surround us everywhere. Consider the most basic.

  1. Chlorine. Contained in ordinary water from under the tap. It prevents the absorption of oxygen cells, which can cause severe allergic reactions.
  2. Exhaust gases. The reality is that there are more and more cars, and the streets of the cities of Russia are simply not designed for so much. Yes, they make transport interchanges, trying to adapt to new conditions, but this does not always help. The result is traffic jams, in which we are forced to breathe harmful gases. Carbon dioxide blocks the transmission of oxygen to tissue cells, hypoxia occurs. As a result, we have weakened immunity, an ordinary cold can flow into a serious disease.
  3. City could. Lead and other heavy metals contained in it, falling into human cells, interact with farm proteins, displacing other metals from their centers-zinc, iron, and copper. Then enzymes lose their activity and cease to work normally. The result is a decrease in the efficiency of the central nervous system (central nervous system): sleep and memory disturbances, reducing concentration.
  4. Bad fats. They are found in animal products, as well as in products that have passed heat treatment. As a result, the process of transferring nutrients to the cage is blocked, energy deficiency occurs. The heart and blood vessels suffer, there is a risk of coronary heart disease, hypertensive diseases.
  5. Ftalates. These are substances secreted by plastic. But plastic is an integral part of the modern world! The process of cell aging is accelerated, its functions are impaired, and, as a result, the risk of oncological diseases increases.
  6. Pav and phosphates. These are the main components of the most ordinary washing powder. Once in the body, they accelerate the process of its aging.

The list shows that the danger lies in wait for us at every step. Why it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle - to visit the fresh air more often, if possible, getting out of the city, away from aaned metropolis. It is better to eat homemade food, although even here we are waiting for pitfalls. Even in the products purchased in the market, preservatives and dyes are added, livestock is probed with antibiotics so that their meat remains fresh as long as possible.

But what to do if there is neither desire nor the opportunity to live far from civilization and eat only products from your garden? To begin with, let's try to figure out how the human body independently copes with harmful toxins entering it.


Human body protection system from harmful toxins

Internal organs work harmoniously to withdraw toxins from the blood:

  1. The liver is an organ responsible for cleansing the internal environment of the human body. Her enzymes neutralize toxic substances, associating them with oxygen atoms and attaching to substances - detoxicators. Such molecules enter either the bile into the intestines or are excreted in the blood to be filtered kidneys in the future.
  2. The kidneys help to filter blood, filtering harmful toxins.
  3. The intestines have a huge length. His pollution with food remains forces the whole body as a whole and the liver in particular.
  4. The skin removes some toxins with later. The less it is polluted, the better the cleaning is carried out.

The coordinated work occurs until the level of toxins in the blood becomes critical. In this case, it is already necessary to help the body take them out, contributing to the functioning of the liver, intestines, kidneys and skin.


Symptoms of the presence of toxins in the blood

Intoxication can be acute or chronic. Symptoms of acute can be:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • dizziness and so on.

Symptoms of chronic intoxication include:

  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • constant drowsiness;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • regular colds;
  • irregular menstrual cycle in women.

If the symptoms of acute intoxication are clearly expressed, then many people experience the symptoms of chronic, not paying special attention to them. Although this is how the body signals the malfunction of its internal organs.

The most sure way to make an accurate diagnosis is to take a blood test for toxins.
Intoxication will confirm a reduced amount of platelets and increased red blood cells.


How to clean blood from toxins with medical help

  1. Plasmapheresis is considered the most modern and safe way. Its essence is that a person has blood from a vein. Plasma is separated from it, then to the remaining elements - red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets add saline and the resulting mixture is introduced back. After multiple repetition, the blood is almost cleared of harmful toxins and toxins.
  2. Hemorption is used in acute poisoning in which the liver can be seriously affected, or the entire body is entirely. To cleanse the blood using this procedure, enterosorbents are needed, which are used as a filter. Blood passes through them, leaving harmful toxins, and then already returns already cleaned.
  3. Laser blood purification prevents thrombosis, relieving blood from cholesterol and enriching it with oxygen. The procedure is quite expensive, but the effect of it is felt right away.


Removing toxins from the blood at home

Blood purification of toxins can be done independently at home. However, before starting, it is worth making sure that it is really necessary. One poor health is not enough, you need to pass a blood test for toxins and consult a doctor.

If intoxication is acute, then, as a rule, resort to drugs:

  • Enterosgel;
  • Polysorb;
  • Smecta;
  • Regidron;
  • activated carbon.

You can also buy diuretics at the pharmacy.

Also, the body is cleaned using special products and periodic hunger strikes. But, before proceeding with cleaning, it is worth stopping clogging the body with slag and toxins. Namely, it is necessary to abandon smoking and drinking alcohol, ground coffee, more often to be in the fresh air. It would be great if this air was really fresh, that is, we are not talking about the city smog, but about nature outside the city.

Products that help purify the blood from toxins:

  • apples;
  • milk;
  • citrus;
  • beet;
  • onion;
  • sea \u200b\u200bcabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • garlic;
  • brown rice;
  • sea cabbage.

In general, when cleaning the body, you should pay attention to fresh vegetables and fruits, to products containing vitamin C.


Prevention of poisoning with toxins

In order to prevent the above products, it is worth taking the basis of the daily diet. You should adhere to a healthy diet, abandoning fast food and preferring home kitchen. It is better to minimize the use of fried, fat and flour. This principle will not only help to avoid many health problems, but also make the figure beautiful and fit.

There are some more tips to improve the composition of the blood:

  1. Drink about 2 liters of water per day.
  2. Take decoctions of herbs from calendula, oats or blackcurrant.
  3. Drink real green tea (not in bags).
  4. Periodically visit a sauna or bath. With then, toxins and toxins come out.
  5. Fresh walks in the fresh air more often. If there is no way to get out of the city, it’s still worth a walk. So the body is saturated with oxygen necessary for its vital activity.
  6. If possible, to avoid stressful situations, learn to control your emotions. As an option, you can do yoga.
  7. Depending on the state of health, it is necessary to play sports and swimming.
  8. Some methods of breeding toxins imply periodic starvation. It is worth doing it reasonably and best under the control of specialists.


We will summarize

If a blood test has shown an excess of toxins in the blood, treatment is necessary! Unfortunately, today's realities are such that the dangers are in wait for us at every step, at first glance, objects are sources of harmful toxins. We cannot change this, but it is still possible to minimize the harm. It is necessary to eat foods that remove toxins from the blood, to lead a healthy lifestyle if possible, thus helping the body to cope with the daily portion of incoming toxic substances. Timely campaigns to the doctor and regular examinations with him - also the key to health!

Video. How to cleanse the body of toxins



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