
How to fix the posture

How to fix the posture
About how to correct posture at home in children's, adolescence and adulthood.

Mosque is a certificate from the past that we come from the Khordov family. The chord, over time, transformed into a solid petrified process - the spine, distinguishes us from animals with vertical straightforwardness on two limbs.

Beautiful posture is important proof of physical and psychological health. The presence of deformations in the back cause disharmony of the musculoskeletal system, problems in the chest and cervical cavity, cause osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis, and also form a number of complexes associated with the imperfection of gait and human appearance.

Proper posture is formed if your spine is absolutely healthy. If problems with the back arise, see a consultation with the orthopedic doctor who, using simple manipulations, will determine the range of symptoms for diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate course of therapy or preventive actions.  You can fix the violation of posture at all age. Only lazy people come up with excuses.

To begin with, we consider the meaning, the main signs of proper posture and the features of the life stages, during which the spine is formed.

Proper posture: functions, main features, stages of formation


Functions of proper posture

Postering is a rod of the musculoskeletal system that supports the harmonious development of internal organs in the body and performs the following series of functions:

  • it is the center of gravity for the uniform distribution of muscle load on the spine, thus providing its mechanical protection;
  • coordinates the vestibular apparatus and ensures the balance of the body when moving;
  • provides normal functioning and protects from injuries internal organs with various degrees of loads;
  • stimulates the motor activity of the joints;
  • it is an external indicator of psychological comfort.

Maintaining proper posture in everyday life helps to avoid problems with the spine in the future.

The main signs of proper posture

The main signs that distinguish proper posture:

  • vertical orientation of the spine;
  • harmonious placement of the shoulder blades and shoulders with the smooth look of the head;
  • the connection of the collarbones with a flat horizontal;
  • lack of skin folds on the back in a standing position;
  • lack of visible spinal curvatures: humps, inharmonious irregular bends of the back;
  • the same leg length;
  • correct posture has 4 bends: in cervical (lordosis of the cervical), thoracic (kyphosis), lumbar (lumbar lumbar) and coccygeal-lingering (boat kyphosis) areas. Thanks to such a S-shaped (springy) structure, the spine is able to resist daily axial loads, protect the spinal wheels from injuries, and muscles from sprains.

An important psychological aspect for the formation of beautiful posture is confirmation of the fact that a stooped person with an uneven back is shy to achieve success, hiding behind his complexes. A beautiful soldier's straightening gives confidence and, according to the language of the body movements of Barbara and Alan Piz, gives a leader who has a firm life position. People with beautiful posture achieve success faster, gain happiness in their personal lives.

Stages of posting posture

Throughout life, a person grows, develops, acquires special skills and skills. Mosque also has its own stages of formation:

  • Childhood: The beginning of formation (1-7 years).
  • Perthetic period: development and consolidation (8-17 years).
  • The period of growing up: final consolidation (18-25 years).

Consider each stage in more detail.

Childhood: The beginning of formation (1-7 years). From birth, the child does not yet have posture as such, he has only rudiments to this skill. In the first two months of his life, the baby still holds his head, does not know how to manage it, for 4-5 months he learns to sort out his legs with the help of supporting an adult or walker and only at the age of age already begins to walk on his own. All these processes indicate the initial development of the musculoskeletal system. In the process of growing up, the bone skeleton is stronger, posture begins to form. It should be noted that even at the age of 6-7, children have a somewhat inharmonious posture stereotype: a protruding stomach, slightly shifted blades, a slight deflection of the lumbar of the back. Very often, parents begin to sound the alarm and take such signs for rickets. In fact, the formation of posture is not completed, and the child enters the next stage of development of the musculoskeletal system. It should be noted that the general education school system with a long stay of children for sitting work is a source of children's, so -called “school” scoliosis, which are easily corrected with the help of simple physical exercises, and in cases of complex forms of curvature of the spine - corrective linen prescribed by an orthopedist.

Perthetic period: Development and consolidation (8-17 years). The age at which children become schoolchildren is fundamental in the process of forming proper posture. The correct ergonomics of the workplace, compliance with the angle of view between the workbook and the desk, the correspondence of the lighting norms - the habits vaccinated at this age are the foundation for the further laying of the correct development of the spinal column. The systematic performance of physical exercises at this age will be especially effective in order to avoid injuries and back pain.

The period of growing up: final consolidation (18-25 years). The musculoskeletal system formed during the school age, at the age of 18 to 25 years, is finally formed and bony. At this age, the formation of the nervous system, limbs also ends. Precisely because the length and position of the spine are fixed, the skeletal bones completed their formation, after 25 years a person no longer grows. Skills compliance with proper posture at this age play a decisive role, because At 18-25, a person studies, finds a job, and the level of physical activity is reduced.

According to statistics, about 50% of the population are office employees and have a job related to the sedentary lifestyle, long -term work at the computer, etc. The muscle load in the form of systematic physical exercises for the back, in this case, can adjust the correct posture.

Causes of violation of posture


Considering that modern civilization is a manufacturer and consumer of products based on the use of new knowledge and technologies, many processes in everyday life, work boil down to the fact that you do not need to do excess movements - just press the button, remote control, panel. The absence of the norm of motor activity leads to back pain, violations of the musculoskeletal system and posture disorders.
All reasons causing curvature of the spine and deformation of posture are innate or acquired.

Causes of pathological deformations of posture inborn are:

  • obtaining a birth injury, rickets or other vice of the musculoskeletal system;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • pathology of connective tissues.
  • congenital disproportionality and length of the lower extremities.

In all other cases, a violation of posture is associated with bad habits and a series of actions due to the lack of control over the position of the body.

The main causes of posture disorders acquired nature:

    • incorrect body position during sleep: too high the pillow deforms the position of the neck and head and pinches the nerve of the cervical vertebra;
    • a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of which atrophy of muscle tissues that support the spine occurs;
    • improper nutrition leading to obesity and additional load on the spine;
    • violation of the organization of the workplace: non -compliance with the angle of view between the eyes and the book of 40 cm; bad lighting;
    • the position of the lighting source is not from the left, but to the right side; non -compliance with the distance of 40 cm between the table and the chair;
    • professionally acquired habits: reading and scripture with a low -inclined head; work in poorly lit rooms, etc.;
    • purchased injuries of the spine;
    • visual impairment and hearing, which is why a person accepts a convenient, but incorrect pose for perception of information: leans low, turns his head on the side, etc.;
    • the psychological features of tall people who get used to press their shoulders, stoop and hunch in society to seem lower.

Causes of violation of posture in children

In this article, the general causes of impaired posture and those that are characteristic of a certain stage of growing up the human body are specifically identified in this article, in the purpose of knowing the cause, it can be successfully eliminated at a particular stage of ripening.

The reasons for the deformation of posture in childhood are the following:

  • low motor activity, causing non -relief and lethargy of the muscle frame that supports the spine;
  • improper nutrition and lack of vitality of trace elements and vitamins: calcium, iodine, phosphorus responsible for the formation of bone tissues;
  • flat feet, due to which muscle severity is unevenly distributed to the spine;
  • wearing too heavy portfolio;
  • tribute in the form of acquisition for a child is an uncomfortable, but beautiful bag, and not a portfolio that allows you to evenly distribute the load on the back;
  • incorrect organization of the working space for the child;
  • violation of rest rules. Due to constant loads (lessons, drawing, work at the computer) nervous, visual and load on the spine are tripled. From childhood, it is necessary to learn a child to relax with this interval: 40 minutes of labor-10 minutes of rest or light warm-up exercises. In this mode, the child will not get tired and will perform tasks with interest.

In 2001, pediatricians A.A. Potapchuk and M.D. , Due to the features of the development of the musculoskeletal system, Didur proposed a normative typology, according to which it is recommended to separately consider posture among preschool children, schoolchildren, adolescents, boys and girls aged 18-25 years.

According to this technique, a slightly protruding tummy, protruding blades, proportionally located head and back in a standing position are considered to be properly posture in a preschooler. In the student, the protruding tummy is already reduced, the position of the shoulder girdle becomes symmetrical, the shoulder blades are pressed to the back. In adolescents, the shoulders are slightly shifted up due to the continuation of the formation of the chest and cervical parts. In boys and girls, posture completes their stage of formation, tin proportional to the body, the shoulder blades are pressed to the back, the lower limbs are the same in length, the nipples are located at a harmonious level in relation to each other.

Often, with posture disorders, the child complains of chest pain, back, has scattered attention, quickly tires, pain in the feet appear due to the uneven distribution of the load on the spine, colds are becoming more frequent.

In order to determine whether your child has a violation of posture, it is necessary to undress the child to panties, put it evenly, connecting the heels together, and socks - apart, and inspect it for the presence of disproportionate bends, humps in the back. In this case, the knees should be straightened as much as possible, the chin is pressed to the chest, and the hands are interconnected in the castle. The body line should form a straight line without unnecessary ledges. In the presence of obvious violations, it is recommended to seek help from a therapist.

Tips from Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky: how to avoid problems with children, we correct the posture.

Causes of posture disorders in adults

Violation of posture in adults is more often acquired and caused by the following reasons:

  • spinal osteochondrosis;
  • the presence of intervertebral hernias;
  • the deposition of salts between vertebrates due to the use of irrepressed water and products containing a high percentage of salt, the addition of synthetic seasonings and preservatives;
  • improper nutrition;
  • hypodynamia;
  • violation of the organization of the workplace or the specifics of the work, when a person is forced to take the same pose for a long time;
  • constant stay in drafts, which causes stagnation and pinching of the nerves of the muscles of the back.

Incorrect posture not only worsens the aesthetic appearance, but also contributes to a violation of the normal functioning of the respiratory organs, the gastrointestinal tract, the lungs.

Types of posture disorders

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In medical practice, 5 main types of posture are distinguished:

  1. With a vertically correct back.
  2. Scoliotic back.
  3. With a round back.
  4. With a flat back.
  5. With a flat-wrapped back (kyphosis).
  6. With a concave-rounded back (lordosis).


Scoliotic posture and scoliosis

Scoliosis and a scoliotic back should not be confused. These are fundamentally different concepts. The external similarity distinguishes these concepts in that scoliotic posture differs in different heights of the shoulders or blades.

The main causes of scoliotic posture is considered: the resulting birth injuries, congenital various lengths of the limbs, lifting weights, performing exercises with a bar without correct consultations with a coach. I diagnose scoliosis using an X -ray. If the consequences of scoliotic posture are not eliminated, it can further transform into a much more serious disease - scoliosis. According to statistics, girls are more inclined to the occurrence of scoliosis, girls than boys. This type of posture of posture of 5-6 years begins to progress, the active phase falls on 15-16 years. Moreover, the more actively the child grows, the more fragile crooks are prone to scoliosis.
The main manifestations of scoliosis are: rapid fatigue, sensations of spasms and numbness in the back, impaired sensitivity in the lumbar region, forced restriction of activity in view of the appearance of pain in the back.

These distortions of the spine are treated by the fact that the patient should be carried out on a flat hard surface without a pillow - so that the back muscles relax, and the load on the spinal column decreases. Special physical exercises, observing the ergonomics of the workplace will also save you from this disease.

Kyphosis and kyphotic posture

Kyatosa posture is also called the “round back” syndrome due to the curvature of the spine in its upper part.
Today, depending on the cause of origin in pediatrics, many types of kyphosis are distinguished: congenital, hereditary, tuberculosis, rickets, senile, etc.

Kyphosis is often accompanied by pronounced stoop, and in pathologically acute cases by the presence of a hump. Due to narrowing of the chest, the mobility of the ribs and intercostal muscles decreases, and deformation of the position of the lungs is observed.

Methods of treatment of kyphosis are identical with methods of combating scoliosis.

Lordosis and lordotic posture

Lordotic posture is formed due to excessive bend in the lumbar spine. Lordosis is both congenital and acquired. For example, often, as a result of injuries of the hip joint and its improper fixation, the lumbar spine is mixed. The lordosis has its own specific signs: the head extended forward, a flat stern, a protruding stomach, the displacement of the shoulder girdle forward. Against the background of external non -aesthetic features, this spinal disease is accompanied by drowsiness, general malaise, metabolic disorders, etc. Treatment of lordotic posture is prescribed by an orthopedic doctor.

How to fix posture in children

So that in the future there are no problems with the spine, it is necessary to take care of beautiful posture from early childhood.

Starting from 4 years, a child with the help of parents should understand the importance of the skill of observing the correct position of the body when walking, during classes, during the rest and sleep.

Very often you can find such a picture when the child, in the pose reclining, plays the tablet, and parents, rejoicing in a free minute, are engaged in their business. The photo below describes in detail what health dangers await the child in this position of the body.

The main way to correct posture in childhood is to prevent its possible violations.

First of all, this applies to compliance with the height of the desk and chair the child’s growth, the distance from the eyes to the notebook should not be less than 30 cm. The lighting should be at least 75 watts and be on the left, and not the right side of the child.

It is important to accustom the child not to hunch and not stoop when walking.

The daily diet should be saturated with useful trace elements and vitamins, contain a balanced amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Systematic physical exercises, increased motor activity are the normal desire of all children, so they should not forbid them to move a lot, getting in physical education. In the future, such a hyper -beam can play a cruel joke due to the appearance of hypodynamia and problems with the spine.

How to fix posture in children at home using physical exercises is displayed in detail in the video.

How to fix posture in adolescents

In adolescence, the formation is completed and the bone skeleton consisting of individual vertebrae, intervertebral discs and the muscle frame responsible for the correct posture is strengthened. It is at school age that it is still possible to fix the acquired or pathological changes in posture, because As in the future, the effectiveness of this process is reduced and can lead to deformations that are dangerous to the health of the child.

Methods of prevention with spinal curvature are all the same that were listed above for childhood.

If a teenager has a fairly high growth and differs from peers, in this period there is a danger of the psychological “trap”, when a young man or a girl, embarrassed by her height, begins to squeeze her head in the shoulders, stoop and punch. Therefore, in the puberty, you should especially pay attention to physical exercises to consolidate the correct gait by wearing a book on the head, a bag of sand. Such manipulations will form muscle memory and avoid the problem with the gait.

To form the proper posture of the teenager, a balanced diet in combination with the ergonomic of the working space, the use of an orthopedic mattress and pillows is logical to combine with optimal physical exertion.

Physical exercises for beautiful posture in adolescents are reflected in detail in the next video.

How to fix posture in 30 years or more

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The easiest to curve posture is treated in adolescence, when the bone corset is not yet strong, and the muscles are supple and with the help of physical exercises enhance the support of the spine. When answering a question, whether it is possible to fix the posture of 30 or more years, there is an opinion among doctors that after 30 years the treatment of spinal deformations can adversely affect health: stretching the bone skeleton and expanding the space between the vertebrae can lead to damage to the soft tissues in the back. However, starting to engage in my health and the formation of a beautiful straightening, it is enough to ask myself questions: a) what will I lose if I do not deal with my back?; b) What will happen to my spine in 5, 10, 15 years, if I do not start dealing with this problem now?

The best therapy is therapeutic gymnastics, yoga, stretching, visiting the pool, rhythmic running in combination with fast walking when the muscles come in tone and stretch. During the treatment of the back, it is better to avoid heavy strength loads, weight lifting.

Your attention is offered a video with exercises how to fix posture at 30.

In some cases, an orthopedic is prescribed by wearing special compression linen, which allows to fix the position of the spine during sleep, movement, when a person reflexively ceases to control.
Massages and manual therapy will help to extend the deposits of calcium salts in the thoracic and lumbar sections, improve blood circulation, relieve spasms and make flexible back muscles to maintain beautiful posture.

The main principle of any type of treatment is the systematicity of the selected procedures and deep motivation to be healthy and attractive.

Prevention of posture disorders

Beaute Corporel et Soins
In order to become the owner of royal posture, starting from early childhood, to observe a simple set of rules:

  • lead an active lifestyle, spend more time in the fresh air;
  • observe the principles of healthy diet;
  • if you spend most of the time sitting at the computer, documents, etc., enter short 10-minute warm-ups into your schedule after every 40 minutes of work;
  • do not sleep on too magnificent and high pillows, give preference to hard and hard surfaces - the back will respond with gratitude to you;
  • if possible, visit the pool - swimming is an excellent therapist from back pain and a preventive tool to avoid curvature in the spine;
  • perform the simplest physical exercises to warm up the back muscles every morning or when you feel swelling or numbness in the back.

Basic physical exercises are offered to your attention to correct posture from school physical education lessons:

  • "Box." Starting position - lying on the stomach on the floor. Give your hands back, bend your legs at your knees, your head looks straight. Try to reach your socks with your hands.


  • Bridge. Starting position - lying on the floor on a solid surface. Raise the body parallel to the floor on the palms expanded by the back and feet.


  • "Birch." Starting position - lying on a solid surface. Raise the lower part of the body, socks are directed up, it is allowed to help to support your feet with your hands.


  • VIS on outstretched hands for at least 10-15 seconds.
  • Hands in the "castle". The starting position is standing or sitting, the back of the strands. Give your hands back, click your palms into the castle, trying to raise them as high as possible.
  • "Martin". Starting position - standing on the floor, hands pressed to the body. Tilt the body forward by 45-50 degrees, leave one leg as a support, raise the other parallel to the floor. Repeat alternately with each foot.


Beautiful posture gives us the opportunity to feel confident, wear high heels, outfits with a neckline, build a successful career. It's never too late to do your health. It's time to do posture!


Sergey 07.07.2017 Answer

You can cure the curvature of the spine without drugs and other physical intervention. Modern medicine unfortunately very often fights only with the consequences of the disease, but in fact you need to look for the cause. Close out, healing the spine without consequences and operations can completely heal. In this method of treatment, the effect is at the energy level both on the spine itself and on the cause of the disease. Such treatment is the most correct, since the root cause of the disease itself, which is in the human energy, and then the physical body is adjusted to the corrected energy flow. Treatment only physics is erroneous.
