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How to make a vodka compress - indications, contraindications, treatment with a vodka compress. Is it possible to make a vodka compress to a child

How to make a vodka compress - indications, contraindications, treatment with a vodka compress. Is it possible to make a vodka compress to a child
In the article, read in detail about the vodka compress, indications for its use, contraindications and rules of application.

The vodka compress is one of the universal means of traditional medicine, which has a local effect on different areas of the skin, depending on the existing disease. Such a compress has a warming and distracting effect, promotes vascular expansion, anesthesia and eliminates swelling. Therefore, it is often used to treat an inflamed ear and throat, to facilitate the condition with bruises, to remove migraine attacks. But as any therapeutic agent, it has strict indications and its own rules of application. How to apply a compress correctly, in what diseases it is shown and is it possible to make a vodka compress to children?

Vodka compress - indications and contraindications

Before resorting to a warming compress, you need to understand what situations this medical procedure will be useful, and when it is better to replace it with another treatment method.

Indications for the warming compress of vodka are:

  • Hypothermia of the whole body or its individual areas, for example, legs or arms.
  • Inflammatory diseases of ENT organs (otitis media, tracheitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis).
  • Pain syndrome (acute, chronic).
  • Exacerbation of thrombophlebitis.
  • Bruises, ligaments and injuries without damaging the integrity of the skin.
  • Inflammatory joint diseases.
  • Toptsy on the feet and keratinity on the skin.
  • As an auxiliary remedy for coughing.
  • Injection infiltrate.
  • Swelling of different origin.
  • Lactostasis.
  • Pediculosis.
  • Diseases requiring warming.

The vodka compress, despite its effectiveness, can cause a lot of harm to your health. The vodka compress is especially dangerous at temperatures, since warming can lead to an even greater increase. It is not recommended to resort to such a procedure in such situations:

  • Otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis with a purulent process.
  • Open wounds on the area where the compress should be placed.
  • Allergic dermatitis.
  • Fresh bruise.
  • Severe stage of thrombosis.
  • Heart and vascular diseases.
  • Furunculosis.

It is not recommended to make a vodka compress to a child under 3 years of age, since alcohol is actively absorbed through the skin and enters the bloodstream. For the same reason, pregnant women should refrain from such treatment.

With particular caution, such procedures are carried out by people with cancer. Since the compress has a strong warming effect, the bloodstream intensifies and the organs begin to work at an accelerated pace. This can activate tumor growth.

How to make a vodka compress

It is not necessary to cope with a water compress easily and is not required for this, but some rules are still necessary to adhere to. This will prevent the appearance of thermal burns, overheating and provide a therapeutic effect.

Vodka compress application procedure

You will need: to apply a compress:

  • Gauze or soft fabric (take size depending on the area that needs to be heated).
  • Polyethylene or food film (a segment is needed a little more than gauze).
  • Vata (you can take a thick flannel).
  • Bandage (you can non -sterile).
  • Vodka or diluted alcohol.

The compress is superimposed in the following sequence:

  1. Gauze, folded in 3 balls, completely immerse it in vodka, then squeeze it and put it on a painful area.
  2. Then cover the gauze with a polyethylene ball (it can be a cook, food film, oilcloth). It should cover the entire layer of gauze, creating a greenhouse effect.
  3. On top of polyethylene is covered with a ball of cotton wool or a dense flannel (a fleece fabric will also fit).
  4. At the end, wrap the resulting design with a bandage. At the same time, make sure that it is not very tightly wound. You can replace the bandage with a scarf or a large scarf.
  5. How much it is necessary to keep a vodka compress depends on the severity and type of disease. On average, the warming compress is kept from 4 to 10 hours.

General recommendations for the use of vodka compress

  • It is better to put the compress in the evening or at night, calculating the time so that for a few hours after the compress you can not go outside. Otherwise, instead of a positive result, you can worsen your condition.
  • After removing the compress, you need to wrap the heated place with a scarf or warm cloth to prevent hypothermia. Such measures are necessary, because after the procedure, microcirculation is greatly increased, and cooling is more likely. In addition, vodka, which remained on the skin, quickly evaporates after removal of polyethylene, which also provides hypothermia.
  • You can replace vodka with any alcohol diluted up to 40%. Strict accuracy is not required here, so you should not breed alcohol according to complex chemical formulas.
  • It is better to withstand the compress longer than the due date than to undergo it. The short -term thermal effect will not bring benefits.
  • With particular caution, the water compress is used during pregnancy. It can only be used after consulting with an obstetrician-gynecologist and only on condition that pregnancy takes place without complications.
  • Water for the procedure is better to take distilled or bottled. Raw and even boiled water is highly oversaturated with metal salts, which will poorly affect the skin when heated.
  • Vodka before use should be heated to body temperature. It is necessary to warm it in a closed container for steamed or immersed in hot water. If you heat vodka in an open gas on gas, the concentration of alcohol will greatly decrease.
  • If the compress is imposed by all the rules, it will not cause discomfort. Only soft heat will be felt. The presence of burning, itching and severe redness of the skin is the signal that the concentration of alcohol is too high.

Vodka compress for sore throat

Angina is accompanied by swelling of the tonsils, pain and poor well -being. The vodka compress helps to accelerate the recovery process and reduce discomfort. But you can use such treatment at the initial stages of the disease, until the complication in the form of a purulent process has begun. If heating with suppuration of tonsils, it is possible to provoke the spread of infection throughout the body.

It is impossible to differentiate the purulent process from ordinary inflammation independently, so it is allowed to put the water compress on the throat after examining the doctor.

A compress is placed on the back and side parts of the neck, without affecting the thyroid zone. The compress is superimposed for at least 8 hours (preferably at night), and then the warmed area is slightly wrapped in a scarf for 1.5-2 hours. To facilitate the condition, 2-4 procedures are enough.

To weaken the aggressive effect of alcohol on the delicate skin of the neck, you can mix vodka with grated raw potatoes in a ratio of 1: 1 and then apply this gruel to gauze, putting a compress according to general rules.

Vodka compress for otitis media

The warming compress is effective at the initial stage of the disease, regardless of the localization of the focus of infection. In time, the procedure helps stop the development of otitis media without antibiotics and ear drops.

The heating of the ear immediately after hypothermia or the first symptoms of the disease helps to stop inflammation, creating adverse conditions for the propagation of harmful microbes. But before applying the compress, a purulent process should be excluded, otherwise the pathogenic flora will begin to multiply even faster.

The imposition of a vodka compress in the ear has its own characteristics:

  • Packed with vodka gauze is applied around the ear, without affecting the auricle.
  • If the compress is made to the child, you need to spread the skin with baby cream or vegetable oil to avoid irritation or burn.
  • Then the gauze and completely the whole ear is covered with cellophane.
  • At the end, with the help of a scarf or hats, she hid the ear to ensure the thermal effect.
  • The duration of warming lasts from 2 to 6 hours.
  • You can put a vodka compress on the neck every evening before bedtime until recovery.

Water compress from pediculosis

The appearance of lice is often found in school children. But adults can also acquire this disease by visiting a hairdresser. The pharmacy has many pharmaceuticals from pediculosis, but they can greatly damage the hair, provoke allergies, moreover, they are expensive. You can get rid of uninvited guests on the head with a vodka compress.

The vodka compress application algorithm looks like this:

  1. Distribute vodka along the entire length of the hair.
  2. Gather your hair in a bundle and cover your head with a plastic pile or plastic hat.
  3. Wrap your head with a towel or warm cloth on top.
  4. After 40 minutes, wash your head and comb your hair with a thick comb.
  5. Evaluating, vodka emits pairs poisonous for lice and their nits.

Vodka compress for joints

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including joint pathologies, are characterized by frequent relapses with intense pain. The vodka compress helps to stop the inflammatory process and brings rapid relief to the patient. But with some diseases of the joints, heating is not recommended, therefore, consultation of a specialist is required.

With arthrosis, gout and other joint diseases, a vodka compress is placed on the arm, leg or fingers of the limbs. At the same time, it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening and leave the compress for the whole night. The next morning, swelling is significantly reduced, mobility in a sore joint improves, pain passes.

Water compress for bruises

The bruise or stretching of the ligaments is accompanied by the rupture of capillaries, the appearance of a hematoma, swollenness and severe pain. After an injury to the affected area, you need to apply something cold. And after 2-3 days, you can apply a vodka compress to improve blood flow in a injured place and provide an early recovery.

The compress is superimposed in this way:

  1. The gauze is wetted in hot vodka (55-60 ° C).
  2. It is applied to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe body.
  3. Then it is covered with an oilcloth, and a scarf on top.
  4. Every 15 minutes, the gauze compress is replaced by a new one.

If the bruise is accompanied by internal hemorrhage, vodka can be replaced with alcohol tincture of healing herbs, for example, tincture of horsetails, birch buds, St. John's wort. This will enhance the anti -inflammatory effect, will have a disinfectant and analgesic effect.

Vodka compress for lymph node

Inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs due to the penetration of infection into the body. This occurs with tonsillitis, stomatitis, tracheitis, sexual infections. At the same time, the lymph nodes are inflamed, increased, become solid and begin to get sick.

The heating of the lymph node by the vodka compress is aimed at relieving pain and relief of the infection. The method of imposing a compress and the duration of its maintenance depends on the area where the lymph node is inflamed.

Water compress for lactostasis

Heating with lactostasis helps to eliminate the milk plug by expanding the ducts in the chest. After the procedure, soreness and heaviness in the chest subside, inflammation stops. The procedure must be carried out before applying the baby to the chest.

Before applying a compress, it is important to exclude the presence of mastitis in a woman. With this pathology, a warming compress can cause a purulent-inflammatory process.

How to apply a vodka compress on the chest:

  • Maily moistened in vodka must be applied to the chest, avoiding the nipple and its areola.
  • So that the skin does not burn, you can lubricate it a little with children's massage oil or cream.
  • Put a piece of cellophane and warm fabric on top.
  • Then put on the usual underwear and hold the compress for 1-2 hours, but not longer.

The vodka compress stimulates blood circulation and expands the ducts. But in order for milk to be free, you need to combine heating with massage, regular feeding the baby and expressing excess milk.

Water compress from corns

Holding feet, corns and corns are a problem familiar to many. If there is no way to make a professional pedicure, the vodka compress will be very helpful. Only a few procedures will bring your feet in full order, and they will become soft and well -groomed.

A vodka compress is made on the leg from the corns in this way:

  • Press your legs in a warm salt bath for 15 minutes before bedtime.
  • Then put the compress on the feet according to the standard scheme described above.
  • Then wear two pairs of socks: one of the cotton, the latter from the wool.
  • Leave the compress all night.
  • In the morning, remove the keratinized skin with a pumice.
  • Rinse your legs with warm water and spread your favorite cream.
  • If necessary, the procedure can be carried out two to three times.

As you can see, the vodka compress is effective for many diseases. You just need to learn how to apply it correctly and comply with the rules for its application.

Video "How to put a warming compress"



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