
How to choose steroids for a set of muscle mass. The best steroids for the mass, reviews. Safe steroids for beginners

How to choose steroids for a set of muscle mass. The best steroids for the mass, reviews. Safe steroids for beginners
How to choose steroids for recruiting muscle mass: classification and features, rules and reception schedule, reviews and recommendations.

Each athlete knows what steroids are. Most of them tested these drugs on themselves. In order for the intake of steroids to contribute to the effective set of body weight, it is important to adhere to a strict regime, to follow certain rules.

Steroids for muscle mass: drugs and their classification

  1. Similar drugs are characterized by both positive and negative characteristics. Because of this, very many do not dare to use them at all. If you have certain knowledge about steroids and use it correctly, then no problems will arise.
  2. Steroids are divided into two groups:
  • androgens;
  • anaboliki.
  1. Anabolic steroids are used to increase muscle mass. From food products, the data of the substance is found in cottage cheese, eggs. And dopings are divided into five categories:
  • growth hormone;
  • steroid-anabolics;
  • means intended for drying;
  • insulin;
  • anti-postal drugs. These include Choskosifen and Proviron.
  1. Anabolics have another classification. They are:
  • oral: basically they are presented in the form of tablets;
  • drugs that are administered into the body by injection. They do not have their effect so quickly, but allow you to extend the steroids.

Anabolic steroids for muscle mass

  1. These drugs are used to increase muscle mass most often. Such funds are accepted both separately and in combinations with others.
  2. Sometimes some steroids can be replaced by others. If you take anabolics in several variations at once, then the effectiveness of the action increases significantly.
  3. The combination of several anabolics allows you to minimize all the negative consequences of their reception. But dosage in this case is reduced, because Several drugs taken simultaneously act many times more efficiently than one remedy.

Steroid courses for recruiting muscle mass

  1. Before you start taking anabolics, you need to consult a doctor. Each individual person is compiled by an individual course. If you take anabolics according to him, then it will be possible to avoid side effects.
  2. The course for beginners always begins with the use of anabolic drugs. Three types of hormones are prescribed professionals.
  3. In combination with these agents, others can be accepted that constantly fight with harmful effects on the body.

Reception of steroids for mass: Rules

  1. With constant use of steroids, especially in large quantities, they can very poorly affect the liver. Tumors may also appear, because It is the liver that is responsible for the removal of harmful substances from the body. As a result, the performance of this organ decreases greatly, which leads to impaired blood flow.
  2. Steroids greatly affect the circulatory system. Preparations can significantly increase the pressure and amount of cholesterol in the blood. The skin may also suffer - a rash appears on it. Perhaps the manifestation of muscle pain. When the steroids are used, the immunity is reduced, which causes the penetration of infections into the body that leads to various diseases.
  3. During the course of consumption of steroids, there is a possibility of manifestation of aggressive behavior due to the fact that the level of testosterone increases. Sleep disturbances and severe headaches may be observed.
  4. Therefore, you need to take steroids very carefully, be sure to consult a doctor in order to achieve goals in sports without serious consequences.

The effect of steroids per mass

These funds are used to achieve the following effects.

  1. For muscle extension in a short time.
  2. In order to increase strength indicators.
  3. To increase endurance.
  4. In order to have an anesthesia effect.
  5. They help reduce the time of restoration of the body after very heavy loads.
  6. They provide assistance in improving muscle memory.
  7. With their help, you can return the physical shape much faster if the training for some time was stopped.

Steroids for mass for beginners: Useful tips

Those who began to take steroids and want to achieve more effective results can try long broadcasts. How to introduce them:

  • increase the dosage to make the opportunity to approach the desired level;
  • closer to the end of the course, you can switch to short -type broadcasts. This will allow you to relax a bit and not wait until the hormone runs out;
  • long broadcasts should work hard more often. This allows you to not be exposed and peaks;
  • anabolics, which show the most powerful effect, can turn into progesterone with frequent use.

Anaboliki steroids to the mass: types of active substance

Steroids are divided into several categories. Among them, the following varieties are most popular today.

  1. Trenbone. Such drugs have a fairly high progestogen activity. These funds relate to potent, they can cause an increase in the dry mass of muscles.
  2. Testosterone. This class of substances is basic among everyone else. All other categories of steroids are based on testosterone, which has undergone certain modifications. The anabolic effect and androgenic effects are most pronounced. Basically, these drugs are administered into the body using injections.
  3. Turinabol belongs to the category of the most common steroids taken orally.
  4. Oximetolone is a rather dangerous drug that is taken orally. Therefore, when using it, it is very important to observe the established dosage.
  5. Nandrolon. Preparations from this category have more pronounced properties of anabolics. And androgenic characteristics, on the contrary, are reduced.
  6. Boldenon. Funds from this group are a modified testosterone, in which the properties of anabolics are very strongly expressed.
  7. Metandrostenolone is the most common category of steroids around the world.
  8. Anti-posk steroids are taken to prevent various side effects.
  9. Oksandrolon. This steroid is accepted orally and does not have the pronounced properties of an anabolic.

Where and how to buy steroids for muscle mass

  1. It is very difficult for all newcomers to decide which steroid should start using. There are several different drugs that have a fairly good effect compared to analogues.
  2. The best steroids:
  • oximetolone;
  • nandrolon;
  • trenbone.
  1. Please note that progesterone has the property of increasing the effect of estrogens. Because of this, it is difficult to fight with him.

How to check steroids

  1. You can check the authenticity of the drugs in several ways. Some companies allow you to check online. To do this, you just need to enter the packaging code on the manufacturer’s website.
  2. Another option is to check in the laboratory. But this method is not the most convenient, but the most reliable.
  3. The third way is to take the remedy for several weeks. If there is no result, then the drug is fake.

Steroids for recruiting muscle mass

  1. These drugs are very often used by bodybuilders. With their help, the desired effect is achieved much faster.
  2. But it is very important to comply with the rules for the use of such tools. Preparations should not turn into a basic food product.
  3. They should only be an additive, which in the correct quantities can help in a rapid increase in strength and muscle building.
  4. It is imperative to make a balanced diet along with the doctor at the time of taking such drugs.

Steroids for gaining mass: selection rules

  1. Since today there are a huge number of different anabolics, you need to be able to properly sample the best and most suitable drug. Safe and high -quality steroids are characterized by composition, properties and type of production.
  2. You can not believe only in advertising of the drug. Before using this or that tool, it is necessary to consult with a specialist who will tell you a more correct option.
  3. The purchase of steroids should be carried out only in those stores that really specialize in such a product.
  4. The most commonly used steroids of plant origin. They have no side effects if they are accepted in strictly defined doses.
  5. Of all drugs, metandrostenol is characterized by high quality. This tool helps to achieve quite high results in building muscle mass.
  6. To achieve the most effective effect, it should be used in combination with another anabolic, which has an alternative effect. Among them, Metandienon is considered the highest quality.
  7. This combination allows the growth of muscle tissue much more intensively. Steroids of growth can be used with other drugs. If, in addition to a set of muscle mass, it is necessary to increase strength, then Oxandrolon is taken.

Steroids to mass: dangerous combinations

When accepting steroids, it is necessary to clearly control the following dangerous combinations.

  1. Alcoholic drinks. This mixture is one of the most dangerous. The liver will suffer especially strongly as a result. Despite the fact that during the passage of steroids in the body, resistance to alcoholic substances increases significantly and intoxication occurs much more slowly, very serious consequences may occur.
  2. Cigarettes. Nicotine greatly lowers the correct functioning of the lungs of a person. Blood vessels begin to narrow, which is why a much less oxygen enters the heart and brain. All this becomes the reason for reducing the effectiveness of all physical training, even if steroids are accepted.
  3. Sports diets if steroids are used to stimulate the central nervous system. They become the reason why water is delayed in the muscles. In all other cases, the combination of anabolics with sports nutrition is useful. It is recommended to take in this case a gainer or protein. This will provide all the muscles with the necessary substances for the structure of stronger muscle tissues and their extension.
  4. Caffeine, in the presence of problems with swelling of the abdomen. If such a problem is not observed, then the combination of caffeine and steroids is quite possible. This can even help in stimulating the necessary body systems.

The consequences of steroids

Among the most common consequences of steroids, the following are distinguished:

  • aggressive behavior;
  • gynecomastia;
  • acne;
  • hypertension;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • increased heart size;
  • virilization;
  • cancer;
  • special spasms of the muscles of the jaw (the phenomenon of steroid smile).

The course of steroids per mass: can I or not?

  1. Today, buying steroids is quite simple. Sometimes their cost is even lower than the cost of sports nutrition. But before buying such drugs, you need to make sure that a person can really be taken.
  2. You can not use these drugs to adolescents. In view of the age of up to 18 years. Until that time, the hormonal system is just beginning to form, so the effects of steroids can greatly affect the hormonal background of the teenager.
  3. As a result, it turns out that the hormonal background will be in an unbalanced state throughout life.

Steroids: reviews

  1. Various reviews are left about steroids. Some write that they really help a lot when increasing muscle mass. Others note that anabolics have many side effects and are completely ineffective.
  2. In the second case, people either choose the preparations incorrectly, or take them incorrectly. Very often increased dosage causes side effects. Also, cheap steroids or drugs acquired in unsuitable places are invalid.
  3. People who correctly chose the drug consulted with a specialist and clearly followed the recommendations are quite satisfied with the result.

Steroids: photo

Today on the Internet there are a lot of photos of people before and after taking such drugs. The difference is very surprising. But such a result can only be achieved with a clear following all instructions.



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