
Why are Troxevazin is prescribed. The use of ointment, gel, tablets, troxevazin capsules - instructions. Troxyevin treatment of adults, children, pregnant women. Analogue Troxevazina

Why are Troxevazin is prescribed. The use of ointment, gel, tablets, troxevazin capsules - instructions. Troxyevin treatment of adults, children, pregnant women. Analogue Troxevazina
The article describes the use of Troxevazin, instructions for it. How to properly use Troxevazin for children and adults. Analogs of Troxevazin.

Today, there are a huge number of different diseases in the world, among which there are varicose veins, hemorrhoids and swelling of various kinds of origin. The list of these unpleasant diseases can be continued indefinitely. It is united by these ailments that they all bring discomfort and pain “to their owners”.

The aforementioned varicose veins, hemorrhoids, swelling, “bags” under the eyes bring special annoyance to most people, and in the fight against them the latter most often lose. Folk remedies, expensive medicines very often do not bring the expected result, however, today there is still a drug that can quickly eliminate all these diseases.

Today we will talk about the recognition of many people with a medication called Troxevazin. Well, let's figure out what kind of miracle tool is and how to use it.

Troxevazin. Features of application for therapeutic and preventive purposes

Troxevazin is one of the most popular pharmacological drugs used to treat a wide range of diseases, including: swelling of the legs, hemorrhoids, varicose and others. Troxevazin is a potent drug, so it is not recommended to be purchased without the direction of the doctor.

It should be very careful about its use during the responsible moments of your life: bearing a baby and breastfeeding - during these periods, only a doctor who is registered in these periods can be prescribed. In general, Troxevazin is an almost universal medicine that helps get rid of unpleasant health problems as quickly as possible.

Troxevazin is a drug that has a very wide range of actions. In simple words, this drug helps from many diseases and is not aimed at eliminating only one problem. Let's look at the composition of the drug and, based on this, we will figure it out with its use.

Before direct use, attention should be paid to the component composition of the drug. In the presence of allergies to at least one of the listed components, taking the medicine is contraindicated.

The composition of Troxevazin

One capsule contains:

  • 0.300 g of a directly active component (Troxevazin);
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose (can cause allergies).

If you need to take a drug in the form of a gel, the composition will be slightly different from the capsule:

  • Troxerutin - 100 mg per 5 g of drugs.
  • Carbomer.
  • Two -tonatrium salt Edta.
  • Benzalcony chloride.
  • Trietanolamine.
  • Drinking clean water.

For a person, without a medical education, who just needs to buy a medicine and is treated with it, the composition of the medicine does not play a major role, it is much more important to understand how to take the drug correctly.

  • Before undergoing a course of treatment with this medication, you must carefully read the instructions for use proposed to it. It should be borne in mind that all information is presented in a generalization - this means that the dosage and number of techniques are not calculated individually. Can a doctor separately determine the exact dosage for each patient - and only after that it is worth starting the course of treatment.

Instructions for the drug Troxevazin?

Capsule form:

  • They are used orally, it is advisable to use in the process of food or immediately after it.
  • The average dose per person is equal to two capsules. Drink two capsules every 24 hours (in the end it turns out 600 mg). It is recommended to take in the morning during breakfast and in the evening during the last meal.
  • If necessary, the number of techniques is allowed to increase. Always consult a doctor - self -medication is fraught with serious harm to the health of the patient.
  • To maintain good health, it is enough to use 1 capsule tablet every 24 hours for 3 weeks or a month.

Gel form:

For many reasons, Gel Troxevazin is much more popular among people than capsules. This is due to its effectiveness and ease of use, as well as the fact that it should not be taken inside, like pills, loading the gastrointestinal tract. The gel was created exclusively for the external application and processing of the skin:

  • It is smeared twice a day on wounded areas of the skin, but not on open wounds. It is used as a good healing agent, perfectly heals from scratches, burns, wounds and other skin damage.
  • Please note that when using a gel, it must be applied with quick light movements. Thus, the medication will go into the epidermis as much as possible.
  • It is necessary to periodically use the product for a long period to achieve an effective result. If necessary, the course is allowed to extend (by agreement of the doctor).
  • Gel is prohibited from smearing open wounds.
  • In no case do not allow entering the eye, nose or oral cavity. If you get into the eyes, it is urgent to wash them with a large amount of clean (preferably boiled) water, and then call or go to the doctor. It is recommended to keep away from bright sunlight. If necessary, a long course, the gel is allowed to be kept in the refrigerator.

Now we will pay a little attention to the direct effect of the drug. To know how the medicine affects all the elements of the human body, read the instructions below:

Troxevazin has a standard effect on:

  • Vessels, veins and capillaries.
  • Narrows the sizes of pores using a special matrix of fibrous type located between the above cells.
  • Increases the changeability of blood elements - red blood cells, reduces the inflammatory process in the body.

In chronic ailments and venous insufficiency, the product significantly reduces the severity of unpleasant and severe symptoms:

  • Edema of the face, arms and legs.
  • Severe pain.
  • Convulsive conditions.
  • Intestinal disorders.
  • Ulcers.

Gel Troxevazin

If the patient suffers from hemorrhoids, Troxevasin will help to facilitate the course of the disease, eliminating:

  • Pain.
  • Itching.
  • Bleeding.

Thanks to the sparing effect of the product on the “transparency” of capillary walls, it helps to slow down the progression of such a disease as diabetes mellitus.  In addition, its effect on the specific properties of the blood prevent the appearance of microtromb.

Troxevazin treatment: Indications

Troxevazin is a rather harmless and effective drug that can be used by people of different ages.

So, let's see what Troxevazin helps from:

  • Acute and chronic varicose veins.
  • Postflebitic syndrome.
  • Trophic disorders and ulcers of the same type.
  • The drug is also used as additional therapy after surgical elimination of varicose nodes (treatment of varicose veins).
  • Troxevasin is prescribed for hemorrhoids (heals an unpleasant disease and relieves severe signs).
  • From edema of the legs when giving a child.
  • In the form of additional therapy in patients with diabetes of any type, arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis.
  • With bruises - from abrasions and bruises.
  • To reduce "shadows" and bags under the centuries. Under the eyes of the gel is smeared very carefully - it should not fall on the mucous membranes, otherwise the burn is almost guaranteed.

Troxevazin treatment

Troxevazin Neo is a gel that has a venotonic, angioprotective, as well as an antitrobotic property.

The most bowl is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Venous deficiency, which is manifested by edema and pain in the legs, fatigue of the lower extremities, constant convulsions.
  • With various injuries, bruises of the limbs.
  • With varicose veins.

It is also worth noting that, like any other medical drug, Troxevazin Neo has a number of contraindications for use:

  • In no case should the gel be applied to open wounds.
  • With individual intolerance to gel components.
  • Children under 18 years of age.

One cannot help but recall the use of the drug during gestation and breastfeeding. Troxevazin Neo is permitted to use in these crucial periods, however, before use in this case, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

Now let's talk in more detail about the analogues of this tool, by the way, more than enough of them. If you want to find analogues cheaper, we advise you to pay attention to the next list of drugs, among which you will find: candles, capsules, ointment, pills.

Troxevazin Neo

Similar in active acting substance are:

  • Troxerutin Vetprom.
  • Troxerutin-Mik.
  • Troxevol.
  • Troxerutin Zentiva.

The analogues of Troxevazin by belonging to one pharmacological group and the effectiveness of treatment include the following means:

  • Ascertin.
  • Askorutin D.
  • Vasotta.

The list can be supplemented further - only the main analogues are listed here. In any case, the drugs are analogues only according to the active (main) component. Other components may differ from it, so when choosing an analogue, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

The use of troxevazin in responsible periods: pregnancy and breastfeeding. Troxevazin for children

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the selection of medicines should be carried out exclusively by a qualified doctor. Self -medication even with the most harmless drugs in such periods can be fraught with serious consequences.

Unfortunately, the immunity of expectant mothers is very weakened in the crucial period, and the treatment of our grandmothers, based on the use of folk remedies, help not as often as we would like.  Among the pharmaceuticals that are not harmful to health, Troxevazin is distinguished:

  1. This drug is allowed to be used when bearing a child and this is definitely into the hands of pregnant women. Girls who are waiting for the baby often suffer from varicose veins, which manifests itself quite often in the last weeks, closer to the birth period, when the child already weights the weight of the mother. It is in such cases that Troxevazin comes to the rescue.
  2. With severity in the legs and muscles, soreness and tension of the feet and legs, women in position can also calmly use the medication.
  3. The convulsive states that are in pregnant women against the backdrop of the depletion of the body and the lack of calcium and potassium in it can also be treated with troxevazin.
  4. Another case in which this medication can be prescribed. Troxevazin warns well thrombosis, so it is advisable to use it for preventive purposes during pregnancy.
  5. Following the instructions, when eliminating hemorrhoids in pregnant women, this drug should be prescribed only in capsules. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage - 2 tablets per day (in the morning after night sleep and immediately in front of it).
  6. Hemorrhoids are treated in pregnant women with applied dressings impregnated with gel with an active substance of 2%.
  7. Among other things, Troxevazin is an excellent preventive agent in diabetes, for a woman bearing a child. It is consumed 1 capsule per day, and also applied to the lower leg. Then you need to lie down, raising your legs.

Despite the fact that the drug does not differ in a large number of use prohibitions, and is suitable for almost everyone, there are several categories of patients who are categorically impossible to take.

  • The data in the instructions for the operation of the medicine for medical purposes indicate that it is not recommended to drink or spread it on the skin in the first 3 months of pregnancy, since it is at this time that the embryo forms the main tissues, internal organs and systems of organs.
  • After 3 first months, contraindications to drinking or external application of drugs for the treatment of various diseases-even severe, occurring in acute or chronic forms, are: excessive sensitivity to the component composition of the drug, ulcer of the intestine or stomach, impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the presence Problems with the health of the kidneys and gastritis in the chronic and acute stage of manifestation.

According to women's reviews in the position that used this drug, it really helps and relieves the symptoms of even complex ailments in neglected chronic forms. Judging by the comments of most women, the drug is characterized by a favorable ratio of the total cost and efficiency. Of course, there is also the reverse side of the coin - many write about the bright manifestation of side effects and a deterioration in well -being. For example, from the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Entratestinal calls.
  • Moderate heartburn.
  • Periodic nausea.

Side effects can manifest itself not only during the work of internal organs, but also externally:

  • Rashes.
  • Hives.
  • Dizziness.

In all these situations, it is necessary to immediately stop using the product, regardless of how it was used: external or internal. This drug helps well during pregnancy in struggle with several ailments at once. With proper treatment, the medicine greatly facilitates the condition of pregnant and nursing mothers, eliminates the feeling of severity and discomfort.

Now a few words about the use of Troxevazin by children:

  • Children can also be used, but not earlier than for six months. Typically, for children, the medicine is used as an ointment for bruises, bruises and scratches. Nevertheless, even for such harmless goals, before applying the product to the baby’s skin, you need to consult a doctor.
  • Troxevazin Neo is prohibited for children. Moreover, age -related restrictions reach 18 years.
  • If you decide to use Troxevazin analogues for children, then you need to consult a doctor, as well as carefully study the instructions of the drug.

Troxevazin is a really unique, almost “magical” remedy that helps to fight a huge number of very unpleasant ailments. Despite the fact that this drug has received universal recognition, do not abuse it. Do not use the medication for other purposes, and also do not self -medicate. Remember, any medication should be discharged for use only by a doctor.

Video: Troxevazin: application, release forms, side effects, analogues



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