
For which they are prescribed and from which it helps long. The use of long-term instruction, indications, contraindications. Logita analogues

For which they are prescribed and from which it helps long. The use of long-term instruction, indications, contraindications. Logita analogues
Lultgit is a safe tool that will ever save you from pain in the muscles and joints.

The resulting painful syndrome interferes to work fully, think, sleep ... All thoughts are focused on the source of pain - a stretched bundle, cervical osteochondrosis, a fracture ... If such a situation is familiar, then you will certainly be useful information about a highly efficient drug. It refers to the number of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory means for outdoor use.

Logitis - Composition and Medical Properties

The drug is long as a group of funds for local exposure with pain in the musculoskeletal system. It has a strong anti-inflammatory effect on inflamed or injured joints and muscles.

It is produced long in Germany a pharmaceutical firm "Dolorgit GmbH and Co.". In the pharmacy network, it is found in aluminum tubes weighing from 20 to 100 ml. The drug has two pharmaceutical forms: gel or cream (ointment) is long. Each of them has the same active substance - ibuprofen, and the additional components are slightly different.

  • The cream is long made for a fat basis. It presents triglycerides, lavender and irregular essential oil, water, propylene glycol, E-219. Ointment has a thick consistency, which moisturizes the skin well. Long the cream gently affects sensitive skin, has a light lemon-lavender aroma. But the fat composition is a bit uncomfortable in use, since it helps to pollute clothing.
  • Long gel is a hydrophilic form of the drug. Ibuprofen is completely dissolved in a water basis consisting of water, propanol, lavender ether. The gel produces a dry effect, is perfectly distributed over the skin, does not leave traces on clothes, it does not block the skin.

Therapeutic effect is provided by ibuprofen. The substance quickly penetrates through the skin and is localized at the point of pain and inflammation. After 5-20 minutes, there is a significant relief: the painful syndrome fills, swelling decreases. If inflammation is caused by a strong injury or exacerbation of rheumatism, ibuprofen, except analgesic effect, has an antipyretic effect.

In the tissues of muscles and joints, therapeutic concentration of ibuprofen can be held over several hours. While in serum, this substance is determined in minimal doses, so the systemic exposure to the overall health status does not have long. After applying the drug, the existing substance is completely excreted by the kidneys for 4 hours.

The property of suppressing soreness and restore the mobility of the joints is determined by the ability of ibuprofen to inject the synthesis of prostaglandins - provocateurs of the inflammatory process. In addition, after application of ibuprofen, the formation of platelets is inhibited and suspends the mobility of leukocytes. As a result, the inflamed area is rapidly restored.

Long: instructions for use

Logitis is well studied and long time shows itself from the best side in the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. But the positive effect of treatment is possible only with its proper use. Consider what kind of testimony have, and how to use it.

In what diseases are shown long

The drug is shown for the treatment of various kinds of injuries and diseases of the joints. The main purpose of the destination is to anesthetically, eliminate the focus of inflammation.

Lultgit - from what helps:

  • osteoarthritis;
  • sciatica;
  • the attack of the radiculitis;
  • lumbago in the lumbar region;
  • plecelopath periatritis;
  • tendovaginitis;
  • arthritis (psoriatic, rheumatoid);
  • bursitis;
  • malgy;
  • aggravation of gout;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • bekhterev's disease;
  • trauma tendons;
  • tendinite;
  • inflammation of the articular capsule;
  • pain syndrome in the joints of a different genesis, who shines movement.

In addition, it is often used long with bruises, as well as for the treatment of domestic gravity injuries, in which the integrity of the skin was not damaged. For example, when dislocation, stretching or breaking bundles. In an older age, the drug can be shown in severe pains after overvoltage.

Long: contraindications and side effects

Longitis - a potent nesteroid substance, which has a number of strict restrictions on its intended purpose. The decision to use the doctor, which determines the absolute or conditional contraindications, namely:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergy field NSAIDs in history;
  • 3 trimester of pregnancy;
  • intolerance of the active substance;
  • skin diseases of the wet shape;
  • infected skin fabrics, open wounds;
  • age under 12 months.

It is prescribed with extreme caution long for the joints to patients who have a history of the following pathologies:

  • hay fever;
  • polypose formation in the nose;
  • intolerance to analgesics;
  • obstructive diseases of the respiratory system.

If there is a history of such diseases in the patient, the risk of developing allergies - swelling of quinque, upusnitsa, itching. The use of the drug is long to be carried out under the strict control of the doctor. When any complications appear, the drug immediately cancel.

Occasionally, rolling can provoke unwanted effects. The most commonly recorded such complaints:

  • bronchospasm of moderate severity;
  • bright itching and hyperemia of the dermis;
  • discomfort on the skin (tingling, burning, "goosebumps");
  • powder of different intensity.

Even a single appearance of a pathological response to long provides for the appeal to medical care.

The risk of adverse reactions and the degree of their severity increases with long-term use of long. Therefore, if after three days of treatment with the drug, relief does not occur, you need to consider alternative options.

Important! The drug is produced in dosage forms only for outdoor application. Long pills are not produced today.

How long and in what doses you can use long

Cream / gel is only applied to the skin. To do this, it is necessary to squeeze out 3-5 g of the tool (it corresponds to 2-5 cm), and in smooth movements to launch it into the skin until completely absorbed. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 20.

After applying a long-to-wear skin with some airproof films not required. But when using ointments, it is better to wear clothes, which is not sorry to get sorry.

The most suitable parts of the body for applying ointments / gel is long in the photo:

The duration of treatment is from 3 to 14 days. A longer treatment can be appointed only by a doctor. In some cases, the patient may be recommended an intensive course of treatment with ionophoresis. This procedure is carried out in polyclinical conditions.

Important! Logs negatively affects the mucous membranes. Therefore, after applying, you need to wash your hands thoroughly. If the cream is long appointed to children, it is important to ensure that they do not touch the hand of the processed skin.

Long: use during pregnancy and special instructions

There are no clear information about the use of longness in gestation. In the first two trimesters, the feasibility of treatment establishes a doctor based on the benefit / harm for a pregnant woman.

Long during pregnancy in the third trimester is contraindicated. It can cause prolongation of pregnancy due to the oppression of generic activity. In addition, it increases the risk of such complications from the mother and the kid:

  • Pulmonary hypertension and early overlap of arterial ducts at the kid.
  • Development of renal toxicity in a newborn.
  • Breakthrough bleeding in the guinea.
  • Strong swelling of fabrics in a woman.

In breast milk, long milk penetrates meager quantity, so a short-term medical course does not provide for stopping lactation. But the daily dosage in the treatment should not exceed the recommended threshold.

Advice! Digital does not affect the nervous system, therefore it does not reduce the concentration of attention, does not cause drowsiness, does not violate coordination.

Dolgig: Is there an alternative?

The active substance is long - ibuprofen - also contains in other preparations with similar action. There are funds in the form of cream, gels, capsules, suspensions.

Long - Analogs:

  • Nortapane (gel);
  • Neofen plus (gel);
  • Ibuprofen (cream);
  • Ibalgin (cream);
  • Corrugated (capsules);
  • Does (gel);
  • Nosuran (tablets), etc.

Most patients are grateful to say that the inflamed joints are longly treated, in the shortest possible time it removes painful signs after injuries, helps to overcome stiffness of movements. To all this, the negative effects of the drug is observed only in isolated cases due to individual intolerance. Considering such reviews, it is safe to talk about the high efficiency of the drug long.

Video: Long - instructions for use, indications, doses.


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