
What shows urine analysis in Nechiphenko. How to pass urine analysis in Nechiphenko. Deciphering urine analysis in Nechiporenko - norms for adults and children. Urine analysis in Nechiphenko during pregnancy

What shows urine analysis in Nechiphenko. How to pass urine analysis in Nechiphenko. Deciphering urine analysis in Nechiporenko - norms for adults and children. Urine analysis in Nechiphenko during pregnancy
Urine analysis on Nechiporenko: how to prepare for analysis, collect material for research. Norms and deciphering urine analysis in Nechiporenko.

Delivery of urine and blood for laboratory analysis, this is a standard procedure conducted in the diagnosis of any pathologies present in the human body. But there are cases when the general studies of urine is not enough. Then the patient is directed to the surrender of urine analysis in Nechiporenko. What is this clinical study? Why and when to spend it? How to read the results? Let's deal with together.

Urine analysis method for Nechiporenko - essence of clinical research

The name of the analysis from the name of the Soviet urologist A.Z. Nechiporenko, who first began to diagnose the urine in a way different from generally increasing analysis. The study of urine on the non-Corphenko to identify inflammation, which progresses in the urinary system.

What shows urine analysis carried out by Nechiporenko?

What is the essence of urine analysis in Nechipornko? What does he show? The study method is based on an assessment of the number of such biological trace elements present in 1 ml:

  • Erythrocyte - These are blood cells that are "delivered" oxygen to all tissues. If a person is healthy, then erythrocytes in Urine are completely absent.
  • Leukocyte - These are biological blood body, blocking infectious pathogens. Their great presence in Urin is a direct pointer to the inflammatory process in the urinary tract.
  • Cylinders - so called protein casts, which are formed in the renal ducts and in the presence of the pathogenic process fall into the urine.

As for the latter, they can be divided into the following subspecies:

  • hyalinThey may be present in the minimum quantities in the urine. Shapes are formed from primary urine proteins that could not be bought into blood;
  • grainy - they are formed as a result of lysis of the walls of the tubules;
  • epithelial - these are renewed cells of kidney ducts;
  • erythrocyte - particles of "plugs", which consist of erythrocytes, scoring renal ducts;
  • wax - Such casts are formed with a long stay in kidney ducts of hyaline and grainy types of protein compounds.

When is urine analysis of the method of Nechiphenko?

According to the method of Nechiporenko, urine analysis is assigned if:

  • in generalization of urine, there is an increased number of cylinders;
  • there are suspicions for the presence of blood loss;
  • an increased level of presence of blood cells (erythrocytes or leukocytes) in Urin is diagnosed;
  • there is a suspicion or diagnosed diseases of the ureteria system;
  • therapy was carried out, the study is carried out as confirmation of recovery.

The difference between the general analysis of urine from the Nechiphenko method

What does the urine do notchiporenko mean? This microscopic visual diagnostics, conducted on high-tech equipment. A distinctive feature of the Nechiporenko method is the study of blade for blood cells and their detailed counting. While overall analysis implies the definition of the physical properties of urine. Even the differences should be attributed to the fact that there is no special training before passing a general analysis, but it will not be possible to hand over the urine in Nevsky without preparatory activities, since the deviation of the indicators from the norm indicates a disease.

How to collect urine in Nechiphenko?

How to donate urine in Nechiphenko? There is an algorithm of actions that tells how to collect urine in Nechiporenko. Preparations start a day before the alleged fence, and it is necessary to abandon alcoholic beverages, salty and oily. The fence is made in the morning, since the night urine has the greatest percentage of the accuracy of the indicators. The rules and principles of collecting urine on non-core are quite simple, and they will not be difficult.

  1. Personal hygiene of intimate organs before the process of fence, without the use of detergents.
  2. Complete exception of large physical exertion 24 hours before urine collection.
  3. The fence should be made in a special sterile container, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  4. Since the analysis requires an average urine, the preparation of urine on Nechiporenko provides for "sending to the toilet" of the first portion. Fence to produce in the middle of urination.
  5. The container with material for the study immediately after the fence is cleaned.
    Deliver to the laboratory for analyzing the selected urine is necessary no later than two hours after the fence. After this time, a pathogenic microflora is beginning to develop in the urine, which will deliberately lead to a false result.

As for the amount of urine on non-core for analysis, it is quite enough to be 20-25 ml of the assembled material for the study.

Features of the analysis of urine on Nechiphenko in children

The need to analyze urine on non-codenko in children arises quite often. Therefore, parents need to know how to carry out the material for the study, as well as be able to read the obtained indicators.

Preparing for the fear of materials to research the child follows two days before the planned process. The task of parents is to adhere to such preparation rules:

  • limit physical activity;
  • prepare only dietary dishes, without the content of dyes;
  • long let's drink a child.

With regard to the immediate procedure for the collection of urine in Nechiphenko in children, the procedure has the following algorithm:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to laugh a child, but without the use of soap and other detergents.
  2. More elder kids need to explain the procedure for the collection of urine. After, the baby must start writing to the pot (toilet). In the process of urination, we should substitute a sterile container for the fence of urin.
  3. By typing the required amount for analysis, let the child quietly "finish your business."
  4. The fence in the smallest is carried out through the urinary. For the study by the method of non-core urine in infants, it is allowed to fence the whole urine, since it will not be possible to allocate middle parents.
  5. After the fence, the container is clocked and sent to the laboratory.

The urine of the child does not differ from the urine of an adult. Therefore, when you can read the analyzes of an adult, you will be able to analyze the resulting analysis of the child without any problems.

Analysis indicators for non-Council, which is considered the norm, and where is the deviations?

The presence of pathology is determined by a quantitative indicator of deviation from the norm. What is the norm? When analyzing urine, the following digital indicators of biological material in 1 ml of Urina:

  • up to 2000 leukocytes;
  • up to 1000 erythrocytes;
  • up to 20 units of hyaline cylinders.

Deviations in a big way indicate the presence of abnormalities of the urinary organs. The critical number is called the following indicators of presence of biological trace elements in 1 ml of urine:

  • leukocytes above 3000;
  • higher than 1500 erythrocytes;
  • above 25 hyaline cylinder units.

Analysis of urine by Nechiporenko during pregnancy

More Next stop on quantitative indicators norms urine Nechiporenko women in the state. Designate such diagnostics may optionally urine in early pregnancy, or in the presence of the following "suspicious" symptoms:

  • pain and discomfort when urinating;
  • aggravation of the clinical picture of chronic renal disease;
  • presence of inflammation in the urinary system organs;
  • presence urolithiasis;
  • critical indicators of general clinical analysis of urine.

Evaluate the results of the analysis of the standard norms, but with little quantitative deviation in a big way the presence of blood cells in the urine. This is due to an increase in daily urine. If the analysis has a number:

  • leukocytes - we can talk about pyelonephritis or cystitis;
  • red blood cells, it increases the risk of complications during delivery;
  • cylinders - indicates the risk of pielita, pyelonephritis, an inflammation of the ureters.

What does the analysis of urine on Nechiporenko? decipher indicators

Finding out how to pass a urine test Nechiporenko, stop attention and talk about how to read the figures obtained urine Nechiporenko. To understand the set of numbers and letters, written in the analysis of the common man is quite difficult, so give a more detailed decoding of urine by Nechiporenko.

Urine on Nechiporenko: how to diagnose? We believe erythrocytes and leukocytes

Bad excretion of urine is considered nechyporenko exceeding the above threshold biological blood cells in 1 mL of urine. Consider what can tell the "extra" cell.

Indicators increasing erythrocytes in urine according to nechyporenko\u003e 1000 can prove the presence of haematuria, which is expressed by:

  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • stones and crystals in the kidney and bladder;
  • acute glomerulonephritis;
  • renal infarction;
  • renal failure;
  • purulent cystitis;
  • trauma of the genitourinary system.

Performance increase of leukocytes in the urine of nechyporenko\u003e 2000 indicate pyuria, which has different degrees of severity. The more specialist leukocyte counts, the stronger is the process of inflammation. In cases where the white blood cells because of their large number is impossible to calculate, doctors diagnosed pyuria (pus in the urine). Lead to such high figures are:

  • pyelonephritis, both acute and chronic course;
  • acute cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • renal infarction.

How to make a diagnosis on the analysis of urine on Nechiporenko? We believe cylinders

Call deflection cylinder by the presence of the cylinders in the urine of the patient. As mentioned above, the cylinders are different, and the presence of certain pathologies caused by uneven. Consider, as evidenced by the presence of the cylinder casts in the urine of the patient, depending on their type:

The presence of hyaline casts cylinders\u003e 20 units can show the presence of:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • hypertension;
  • glomerulonephritis;

In the urine even single granular casts indicates:

  • acute glomerulonephritis;
  • the presence of viral infectious processes;
  • lead poisoning;
  • inflammation of the renal pelvis.

Waxy cylinders can occur when:

  • renal amyloidosis;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • renal failure chronic nature.

Epithelial casts found in the analysis of Nechiporenko, indicate that:

  • tubular necrosis occurring in the acute form;
  • the presence of viral-infection;
  • overdose of toxic substances.

Erythrocyte cylinders found in the urine of the patient, generally indicate severe somatic pathology.

Quantitative assessment of the cells present in the urine by Nechiporenko - this is a very important method of diagnosing pathologies, which allows you to identify them at a time when the general clinical analysis of urine is simply not informative. But do not make the diagnosis yourself as decipher the figures and conclusions should be physician.


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