
Which shows the analysis of urine by Nechiporenko. How to take urine analysis according to Nechiporenko. Deciphering urine analysis according to Nechiporenko - norms for adults and children. Urine analysis by Nechiporenko during pregnancy

Which shows the analysis of urine by Nechiporenko. How to take urine analysis according to Nechiporenko. Deciphering urine analysis according to Nechiporenko - norms for adults and children. Urine analysis by Nechiporenko during pregnancy
Analysis of urine by Nechiporenko: how to prepare for analysis, collect material for research. Norms and decoding urine analysis according to Nechiporenko.

Destroying urine and blood for laboratory analysis is a standard procedure carried out in the diagnosis of any pathologies present in the human body. But there are cases when a general clinical study of urine is not enough. Then the patient is directed to pass urine analysis by Nechiporenko. What is this clinical study? For what and when should it be carried out? How to read the results obtained? Let's figure it out.

The method of urine analysis by Nechiporenko is the essence of the clinical research

The name of the analysis from the surname of the Soviet urologist A.Z. Nechiporenko, who was the first to diagnose urine in a method different from general clinical analysis. The study of urine on Nechiporenko was aimed at identifying inflammation, which progresses in the urinary system.

What does the urine analysis show by Nechiporenko show?

What is the essence of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko? What does he show? The research method is based on the assessment of the number of such biological trace elements present in 1 ml of urine:

  • Red blood cells - These are blood cells that are “engaged in the delivery” of oxygen to all tissues. If a person is healthy, then red blood cells in urine are completely absent.
  • Leukocytes - These are biological blood cells that block infectious pathogens. Their large presence in Urin is a direct pointer to the inflammatory process in the urinary tract.
  • Cylinders - This is the name of protein blinds, which are formed in the renal ducts and, in the presence of a pathogenic process, fall into the urine.

As for the latter, they can be divided into the following subspecies:

  • hyalin, they can be present in minimal quantities in the urine. Casts from primary urine proteins are formed, which failed to get into the blood;
  • granular - they are formed as a result of the lysis of the walls of the tubules;
  • epithelial - These are rejected cells of the renal ducts;
  • erythrocyte - particles of "traffic jams", which consist of red blood cells scoring the renal ducts;
  • waxy - Such casts are formed with a long finding of hyalin and granular types of protein compounds in the ducts of the kidneys.

When is the urine analysis by the Nechiporenko method is needed?

According to the Nechiporenko method, urine analysis is prescribed if:

  • in a general clinical study of urine there is an increased number of cylinders;
  • there are suspicions of the presence of blood loss;
  • the increased level of blood cells (red blood cells or leukocytes) in Urin is diagnosed;
  • there is a suspicion or already diagnosed diseases of the urinary system;
  • therapy was carried out, the study is carried out as confirmation of recovery.

The difference between a general urine analysis and the Nechiporenko method

What does urine mean Nechiporenko? This is a microscopic visual diagnosis carried out on high -tech equipment. A distinctive feature of the Nechiporenko method is the study of the urinary sediment for the presence of blood cells and their detailed calculation. While a general analysis implies the determination of the physical properties of urine. The differences should also include the fact that special preparation is not required before the delivery of general analysis, but it will not work to pass the urine according to Nechiporenko without preparatory measures, since the deviation of indicators from the norm indicates a particular disease.

How to collect urine by Nechiporenko?

How to take urine by Nechiporenko? There is an algorithm of actions that tells how to collect urine by Nechiporenko. The preparation begins a day before the alleged fence, and it consists in the need to abandon alcoholic beverages, salty and oily. The fence is made in the morning, since night urine has the highest percentage of reliability of indicators. The rules and principles of collecting urine according to Nechiporenko are quite simple, and it will not be difficult to fulfill them.

  1. Personal hygiene of intimate organs before the process of fence, without the use of detergents.
  2. The complete exclusion of large physical exertion 24 hours before urine collection.
  3. The fence should be made in a special sterile container that can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  4. Since the analysis needs average urine, the preparation of urine according to Nechiporenko provides for the “sending to the toilet” of the first portion. The fence is made in the middle of urination.
  5. The container with the material for the study is clogged immediately after the fence.
    It is necessary to deliver the selected urine to the laboratory for analysis no later than two hours after the fence. After this time, pathogenic microflora begins to develop in the urine, which will obviously lead to a false result.

As for the amount of urine according to Nechiporenko for analysis, 20–25 ml of collected material for the study is enough.

Features of the analysis of urine according to Nechiporenko in children

The need to conduct urine analysis according to Nechiporenko in children occurs quite often. Therefore, parents need to know how to carry out a fence of material for research, as well as be able to read the obtained indicators.

Preparing for the fence of materials for research in a child should be two days before the planned process. The task of parents is to adhere to such training rules:

  • limit physical activity;
  • cook only dietary dishes, without the content of dyes;
  • let’s drink more to the child.

As for the procedure for the urine fence according to Nechiporenko in children, the procedure has the following algorithm:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to wash the child, but without the use of soap and other detergents.
  2. Older children need to explain the treatment procedure. After that, the baby should start writing on a pot (toilet). In the process of urination, a sterile container for urina's fence should be substituted.
  3. Having gained the required amount for analysis, give the child the opportunity to calmly “finish his affairs”.
  4. The fence at the smallest is carried out through the urinary receiver. For research on the Nechiporenko method, urine in infants is allowed to take the entire urine, since the average parents will not be able to distinguish.
  5. After the fence, the container clogs and goes to the laboratory.

The urine of the child does not differ from the urine of an adult. Therefore, knowing how to read adult tests, you can easily analyze the resulting analysis for the child.

Analysis indicators according to Nechiporenko, which is considered the norm, and where is the deviations?

The presence of pathology is determined by the quantitative indicator of deviation from the norm. What is the norm? When conducting an analysis of urine according to Nechiporenko, the following digital indicators of biological material in 1 ml of urine are considered to be the norm:

  • up to 2000 leukocytes;
  • up to 1000 red blood cells;
  • up to 20 units of hyaline cylinders.

Deviations in the larger direction indicate the presence of pathologies of the urinary organs. The following indicators of the presence of biological trace elements in 1 ml of urine are called critical numbers:

  • above 3,000 leukocytes;
  • above 1500 red blood cells;
  • above 25 units of hyalin cylinders.

Urine analysis by Nechiporenko during pregnancy

In more detail, you should dwell on quantitative indicators of the norm of urine according to Nechiporenko in women in a position. If necessary, they can prescribe such a diagnosis of urine at the beginning of pregnancy or in the presence of the following “suspicious” symptoms:

  • pain and discomfort during urination;
  • exacerbation of the clinical picture of chronic kidney diseases;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the organs of the urinary system;
  • the presence of urolithiasis;
  • critical indicators of general clinical urine analysis.

Assess the results of the analysis according to generally accepted norms, but with a slight quantitative deviation in the larger effect of the presence of blood cells in the urine. This is due to an increase in daily diuresis. If the analysis has a large number:

  • leukocytes - we can talk about pyelonephritis or cystitis;
  • red blood cells, the risk of complications during delivery increases;
  • cylinders - indicates the risk of pelitis, pyelonephritis, inflammation of the ureters.

What does the urine analysis show by Nechiporenko? We decipher the indicators

Having found out how to take the urine analysis by Nechiporenko, let's stop attention and talk about how to read the obtained urine indicators by Nechiporenko. It is quite difficult to understand the set of numbers and letters written in the analysis of a simple person, so we give a more detailed decryption of urine according to Nechiporenko.

Urine by Nechiporenko: how to make a diagnosis correctly? We consider red blood cells and leukocytes

Bad urine according to Nechiporenko is considered Urina with excess of the above thresholds of biological blood cells in 1 ml of urine. Consider what the “extra” cells can tell about.

Indicators of an increase in red blood cells in the urine by Nechiporenko ›1000 can prove the presence of hematuria, which is expressed:

  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • stones and crystals in the kidneys and bladder;
  • acute glomerulonephritis;
  • kidney infarction;
  • renal failure;
  • purulent cystitis;
  • injury to the genitourinary system.

Indicators of increase in leukocytes in the urine according to Nechiporenko ›2000 indicate leukocyturia, which has a different degree of severity. The more leukocytes the specialist has, the stronger the process of inflammation is underway. In cases where leukocytes cannot be calculated due to their large quantity, doctors diagnose piuria (pus in urine). They can lead to such increased indicators:

  • pyelonephritis, both acute and chronic course;
  • acute cystitis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • renal heart attack.

How to make a diagnosis of urine analysis according to Nechiporenko? We count the cylinders

The cylinder is called the deviation caused by the presence of cylinders in the urine of the patient. As mentioned above, the cylinders are different and the presence of one or another is caused by unequal pathologies. Consider what the presence of the casts of the cylinders in Urin of the patient is evidenced, depending on their type:

The presence of hyaline blinds of cylinders ›20 AS can show at the presence:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • hypertension;
  • glomerulonephritis;

The appearance of even single granular blinds in the urine indicates:

  • acute glomerulonephritis;
  • the presence of viral infectious processes;
  • lead poisoning;
  • inflammation of the renal pelvis.

Waxy cylinders can occur at:

  • kidney amyloidosis;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • renal failure of a chronic nature.

The epithelial casts found during the analysis according to Nechiporenko indicate:

  • channel necrosis flowing in acute form;
  • the presence of the virus-infectious process;
  • overdose toxic substances.

Erythrocyte cylinders found in the patient's urine mainly indicate severe somatic pathologies.

A quantitative assessment of cells present in the urine by Nechiporenko is a very important way of diagnosing pathologies that allows them to detect them, at a time when a general clinic analysis of urine is simply not informative. But do not rush to diagnose yourself, since the attending physician must decipher the indicators and draw conclusions.



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