
Venetian seeling hair

Venetian seeling hair
Advantages of the new method of staining strands - Venetician timing. Venetian timing technique for dark and light hair at home.

All women dream of beautiful and healthy hair, as well as a beautiful shade that will refresh and give a new kind of hairstyle.

It is the opinion that the hair has a property to accumulate information about a person. That is why women, like more emotional nature, seek to change the hairstyle: the length of the hair, the shape of the bangs, the color of the chapels, or separate strands. If you don't even want to paint your condition to the cardinal changes in another color, so as not to worsen their condition, try Venetian highlighting - a technique for us from the 18th century from Italian beauties.

This kind of silvering will make it possible to feel like Venetian Signorina, while this approach to its own hairstyle is a find for those young people who cannot attend the hairdresser monthly, but at the same time they want to look fresh and young.

What is Venetian Melting

Venetian felting began to call so because of the homeland of his origin. Having thick dark shades of hair, Italian beauties also craved change, and there were no brightening paints at that time. An alternative was the natural tools, namely: the sun's rays under which patient Italians were situated for hours, so that their curls, burnt up in the sun, received new glare: from light-chestnut to a thick wheat stench. Most often, this technology of transformation is used mainly for dark hair, which cascade in 4-6 shades: from the darkest to light.

To date, the need for sitting under the scorching sun is not, you can become the owner of Venetian timing with a hairdresser or at home while complying with a certain sequence of actions.

The peculiarity of Venetian timing is the relief design of dark locks with light strands so that the whole image as a whole look harmoniously and naturally, and the hairstyle looks visually and magnificently. No screaming tones or coloring from the roots in such a toning technique are not welcome: Venetian highlighting should look natural and "burnt" tips should be properly arranged. Venetian seelings will give the hair of brunettes and brown the natural effect of Pereliva strands, as from burnout in the sun.

Coloring only some strands helps hairstyle look well-groomed and volume even after a long time.

Benefits of Venetian timing

The main advantages of Venetian timing are:

  • natural view of painted hair;
  • a long time to preserve the aesthetic type of toned hair;
  • maintaining the basic natural colors of hair - as only individual strands are highlighted;
  • preserving the follicle of the root part of the chapels - the clarified strands are usually done, starting from the middle of the length of the hair;
  • such a type of staining creates the effect of natural color of the hair;
  • it does not require frequent care and tinting the thief of strands;
  • this type of staining is suitable for any age: both adolescent and mature women;
  • not only long-haired beauty can be degraded with venetian labeling, such a technique of staining wonderfully refreshes any hair length: from Maxi to mini.

Venetian timing at home

The main feature of this method of staining is a step-by-step smooth transition of colors that creates a natural effect.

Venetian grape occupied a worthy place in the hairdresser's art precisely because it does not require radical methods of impact on the curl structure. Selected strands are stained, without affecting the roots of the hair, so the harmful effect on the scalp is minimized.

Apersion of the image for women who have chosen such a kind of timing is confirmed by the example of Cameron Diaz. In his 43 years, Hollywood beauty looks like a maximum of 30.
In order to create your own unique image and get the effect of natural color cascading hair, you need to know some features to obtain uniform Venetian timing at home. So you will need:

  1. The use of foil, as with ordinary selection, is replaced with a special hatch with slits for pulling strands.
  2. Several brushes should be prepared: 2 sewing and one persistent. It is recommended to purchase such brushes in specialized stores for hairdressers. Venetian felting technique allows us to be the artists and work with tassels will help you very much.
  3. Stir the staining compositions is recommended in plastic or wooden dishes, since aluminum or other metal containers can enter the chemical response with paint.
  4. If the hair was painted in different shades before Venetian seelings, it is necessary to toned them into monophonic color to obtain a uniform result. After complete staining of the hair, it is recommended to withstand 10-12 days and only then begin the procedure for Venetian timing.
  5. If you are the owner of a saturated dark hair shade, the natural appearance of the "burnt" hair will be given with the help of 4 warm colors of paint. You will need tones: chestnut, copper, milk chocolate, brandy.
  6. If you have blonde hair, then your helpers in obtaining Venetian timing will be the following colors: blonde, honey, wheat and light linen. Super can be used: the different time of holding this chemical reagent on the hair gives a wide range of light shades. In any case, the choice of paints is recommended very carefully. If you do not know how to decide on the color range, you can contact the resource of the Internet and see how Venezian timing at home do other women. Below, your attention is a similar video, which may help you avoid basic mistakes in the technique of Venetian timing.
  7. You will need a steam-triple clips for hair, gloves, massage and spiker comb for pulling strands from a hatching cap.
  8. Before carrying out Venetian highlights, so as not to be mistaken with the choice of colors of the colors, it is recommended to pre-perform a full cycle of staining procedure on one of the strands on the back of the head. Even if the result is not the one that you expected, such a strand is easy to hide in a lush hairstyle. At the same time check your portability to selected chemical paints. If the result is pleased - you can make a reasonably the whole surface of the hair.
  9. Venetian silica is usually done on dry washed hair. Since such a technique does not affect the skin of the head, it is not necessary to prepare for this procedure in a few days so that the skin has managed to develop a certain amount of sebum to mitigate the effects of chemical oxidizing agents.

The technique itself of the implementation of Venetian timing involves:

  • the choice with a special hatch with span hair slides is evenly over the entire surface of the chapels;
  • cascisted with the help of brushes of various thickness (depending on the type of hair) Tinging the strands to the selected color shades;
  • to accelerate the staining, gently turn the hair with cellophane for 20-30 minutes;
  • wash off strands with a small amount of coloring composition shampoo;
  • we apply on the hair mask or balm to restore the structure of the hair after staining;
  • hazing hair. Ready!

If you paint the hair separately by layers, then such a formation can delay in time for 2-2.5 hours.

The most important contraindications for Venetian timing is a recent chemical curling or staining of the lame by natural toner: henna or bass. Such types of cosmetic procedures will not be demolished with Venetian Meling and the result may not be at all expected to.

California Venetian Melting

For blonde laryrs, Venetian seelings are made according to the same algorithm, as for dark hair, however, the colors are not covered, and cascade darkened. Most often, the roots are used with darker shades, which stepped with a walnut or honey shade to light-wheat.

The technique of coloring strands according to the type of Venetian timing for blonde girls is called California. California is the homeland of a hot climate and scoring sunlight, where the hair of local beauties will burn out from the frequent stay on the beaches and skiing on the surphing board. The dimming area of \u200b\u200bthe roots of the chapels contributes to the fact that the hairstyle looks natural, volume and alive even after a couple of months after the formation of the formation. In the hands of a skilled master with knowledge of Californian melting techniques, truly futuristic images are born: due to the soft cascade coloring of the strand, the hairstyle looks at volume, and the owner of such hair appears in the image, mischief and daily life appear in the image. That is why many Hollywood actresses even in old age give preference not to complete hair staining, and California stinging.

In order to transform and make Californian highlighting at home, enough of your desire. Observing the same sequence of actions, as in Venetian Melting, it is possible to achieve the effect no worse than the famous masters.

Melted Hair Care

Melting hair is a rather gentle technique of hair coloring, however, after such a procedure there is an increased fragment and dryness of the tips of the strands.

So that the whole hairstyle looked harmoniously, it is recommended to conduct systematic caring for brittle hair.

Application after the procedure of staining of restoring balsams and masks contributes only to the instantaneous effect. Systematic haired care provides first of all the revision of the diet. To soften the harmful effects of constant cosmetic procedures with the hair, which are so loved to make women, it is recommended to include in the diet:

  • products with elevated calcium content: milk and dairy products, cottage cheese, nuts;
  • products with vitamin C: citrus, legumes, melting crops;
  • products with fatty amino acids: fish, seafood, cold spin vegetable oils: olive, almond, linen, castor.

The following masks are recommended for strengthening the hair structure:

  • Fruit. Weching 100 g of apricots, currants or blueberries to a puree state, add 1/3 lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. Balzam air conditioner. Apply on pure washed hair for 30-40 minutes, after which it was washed away with plenty of clean water.
  • Vegetable. Grate 100 g of carrots, 100 g of beets, add 1 tbsp. l. Fat cream, mix everything. Apply on pure washed hair for 20-30 minutes, after which it was washed under running water.
  • Bread.Half a black bread loaf to cut into small lumps, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Give to stand the mixtures of half an hour. After that, apply a mask on clean hair for 30 minutes. Wash off under running water.
  • Calcium-honey.100 g of cottage cheese to mix with 1 tbsp. l. Fat cream and 1 tbsp. l. Honey. Hold on the hair of 20-30 minutes, after which it was washed off with a large number of running water.
  • Oil-containing. Mix for 1 tsp. Replica, castor and olive oil. After each washing, apply to brittle tips with a special dispenser or sprayer. You can not wash off.
  • Egg. Very useful for hair follicle egg yolk. If you rub into my hair, starting from the roots, in a month of such procedures, your hair will pleasantly surprise the softness, ease of combing and the significantly strengthened structure of the grains.
  • Herbal rinsing. 4 tbsp. l. Dry herbs: chamomile, calendula, plantain pour 1 liter of boiling water. Let break in 30 minutes. Such a decoction should rinse the washed hair.

The hair is also a beneficial effect of rinse with kefir, rippled. In addition to restoring actions, fermented milk drinks are eliminated by hair from excessive fat.

Photo. Venetian felting on dark and blond hair before and after


balyaj Renkleri.



Venetian highlighting is an excellent alternative to complete staining of the chapels. Such an approach to its own hairstyle will allow you to get a whole cascade of new shades, where your natural color will remain the basic color.


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