
Rapeseed haircut: Features Hairstyles

Rapeseed haircut: Features Hairstyles
Rapeseed haircut. Types and ways of laying

Very fashionable once a haircut of Rhapsody remembers, probably, only our moms. However, today it would seem, retro hairstyle, again in trend and conquers more and more hearts of young modern girls.

This haircut is not in vain become more popular, because it gives the volume any hairstyle, even if you have thin hair, due to its multi-layeredness. The hairstyle is so universal that after washing the head, it does not require almost no styling and looks amazingly on the representatives of the beautiful sex of any age. This style is suitable for creating an absolutely any image.

Rhapsody cutting technology is also unique in that it adds volume for rare and thin hair and gives the shape of a hairstyle that is not lost during the day. For thick hair, Rhapsodia is also considered the best option, because it allows you to remove the gravity of the hair and gives them lightness. Rhapsody can be lit to any length of hair and wear it with both bangs and without it.

Fashion for the 90s returns in ripsery haircut


Today, absolutely all fashionable homes and stylists make focus on the end of the last century, namely the 90s. If we compare today's designers showing those years, we will find a lot in common. This is Bohemny bocho style, and clothes in style "Boyfriend" as if stolen from your beloved, and stylish melted Hairstyles for those years. Today's fashion does not bypass and the universal hairstyle of Rhapsody.

A fashionable splash on this hairstyle occurred after the release of the television series "Friends", where the favorite of all Men Rachel (actress Jenifer Aniston) appears with surprisingly gorgeous hair. All women of the world demanded that the hairdressers are "hairstyle Rachel" with its bulk hat and melted strands. The hair actresses became her business card, and the hairstyle was recognized as the most desirable for fashionista.

Another Fashion representative of the 90s is an actress Cameron Diaz. This blonde also loves Rhapsody's haircut and does not change this style for many years. Probably because Cameron is a sports girl and does not like to mess around with hair styling, and the profession requires a stylish image. Her Rhapsodia looked great in the film "Charlie Angels", whatever actress tricks did not perform.

Features hairstyles Rhapsodia


The main feature of the technique of rhapsody's cutting is the method of imposing strands one to another. The technique is very similar to the cascade, in which the hair is cut down under the tilt of the ladder, but in the ripping haircut, all strands are abundantly melted and superimposed by layers. Thus, the bulk hat is easily laid itself and keeps the form, and the rest of the strands fall easily and freely.

Referring to the photo, the haircut of the rapesee along the length of the hair and the volume on the top is not the same, and the hair hairs near the face. The height of the cap can be kept shorter and longer. Too short macushk is not recommended only by the owners of curly hair, as it will have too much volume.

Another advantage is so hairstyle is that any, even naughty hair, always lie very beautifully and are not twisted, as the hair volume is divided into levels. Rhapsodia style haircut always looks well maintained and carefully, as if you just had a hairdresser. With the help of various ways of simple laying with a hairdryer and foam, you can create multiple images and be in the trend always.

Types of rhapsodium haircuts

Haircut rhapsody for short hair

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For short hair, this haircut is just a find. After all, it practically does not require time from you and strength to lay, but looks excellent. Acrossments of strands of different lengths are beautifully framed by faces. The haircut looks great with bangs and without, and also allows you to release the length of the hair without losing the shape hairstyles. Corrected strands easily hide damaged hair tips and add volume.

Rapeseed haircut on medium hair


For rhapsody, the average length will be perfect, and the laying does not take much time. The total volume of hair can be left straight and completely without styling, and the painshi's hair is lifted with a hairdryer to create a neat hat and the perfect hairstyle is ready. Even if you need to remove your hair, then challenge them, the bulk hat still retains the well-kept stylish hairstyle.

Rhapsody haircut for long hair


If you decide to refresh your luxury long hair, then this hairstyle is for you. The hair lay very beautifully and neatly, and most importantly - they are not confused even with a strong wind, since individual strands are lying at different levels. Separate strands of the face ended with the ladder adjust the shape of the face. Rhapsody for long hair will help keep the length and give shape hair.

Rapeseed haircut with bangs by photo


Bang with such a haircut can be simulated as you like: milling, cutting or smoothly, do not cut and remove in total length. For a haircut of Rhapsody, any bang will suit, and this girls will help to correctly adjust the face form and easily change the style. Any your preferences can be safely forming with this hairstyle.

For a round face, Rhapsodia will look perfect with oblique or long bangs. Such an effect will allow you to visually pull out the face. For an oval face, a smooth bang is suitable, which gives mystery image. You can also experiment with various forms and multi-layered fashionable bangs.

Multilayer bang will become an absolutely perfect addition to this kind of multi-level haircuts. The lower, shorter layer will create a volume for the upper, longer, which allows it to constantly hold the form. Such a bang does not even have to lay every morning. For a spectacular image, a triangular or asymmetric bang will be a supplement to rhapsody.

Step-by-step algorithm according to the rhapsody

To date, there are two main types of rhapsody shearing: classic and upgraded.

Classic haircut Rhapsodia


The classic haircut is the hairstyle with a separately erased upper layer in short of the main length. Consider Read more Stages of haircuts of this type:

  1. It is necessary to divide the hair into the zones:
  • first divide all hair vertically on 2 sides strictly in the middle;
  • separate part of the hair from the ear to the ear on a flat horizontal test.
  1. We share the temporal and dark zones:
  • in the middle on the frontal part of the hair, we separate the smooth initial zone from the bridges (if a haircut with a bangs) or from the tip of the nose (if without bangs);
  • striching strands on both sides, lengthening them at the same level on the arcuate line from the initial strand of the bangs;
  • after the first arcuate layer, we go to the second, lengthening it in accordance with the first;
  • tilting the head slightly down, having riding all the levels, lengthening each in strands, and end on the occipital zone.
  1. Perform an arcuate edging:
  • lower levels are cut in the form of a trapezium;
  • the tips of strands throughout the level are cut by milling scissors.

Modernized haircut Rhapsodia

Modern stylists slightly changed the classic haircut and offer another species in the style of Rhapsody. In this case, the bulk hat is cutting much lower than in the classic version. In such a haircut, the principle of multi-layered is also present, but it is not too expressed due to only a slightly different length of the layers. The bangs gradually passes into the total length, due to the technique of elongation of strands along the layers.

Methods for laying rapeseed haircuts


Laying hairdryer haircuts Rapseody

With the help of light foam or mousse for hair, a round combless diameter and a hair dryer, you can make a rapeseed haircut more volumetric and air.

The laying algorithm is:

  • on pure dry or slightly wet hair, we apply a means for laying, distributing it along the entire length of a comb with rare teeth;
  • we temper the top of the hair and go to laying the bottom;
  • separating the hair into small strands, hazing hair, pulling them round dollars from top to bottom;
  • the tips of the hair can be left smooth and tighten with a comb in or out;
  • then go to the top of the hair styling;
  • starting from the rear part, lift the hair at the roots for volume, using a circular comb and the hair dryer warm air flow from the bottom;
  • the tips of the upper cap hairstyles twirl inside;
  • then go to hair styling in the face and bangs or drying out the strands towards the face;
  • for better fixation pour hairstyles hair dryer with cold air;
  • for the isolation levels hairstyles can use gel or wax and apply it on the ends of the strands bangs of a person and edging shearing;
  • for better fixation of the volume cap secure the effect of varnish.

Laying utjuzhkom haircut Rhapsody

Trendy new method of laying Rhapsody utjuzhkom quite simple.

The scheme of packing is as follows:

  • apply to dry hair heat protective meansEspecially paying attention to the tips of the hair;
  • the lower part of hairstyles utjuzhkom pull downwards, separating fine strands;
  • the upper part does not align themselves on the roots, but with a slight indentation to the right volume;
  • the tips of the upper layers twirl utjuzhkom inside;
  • external strands around the face and align supply to the person;
  • bang align and simulate to your liking;
  • the tips of the hair around the face treat gel or wax for feathers effect;
  • fix the result will help nail.

Laying haircut curling Rhapsody

With the help of a medium-sized curling attachment you can create a romantic image.

Stacking order is as follows:

  • apply on the hair thermal protection;
  • the lower part of the hair can be left flat or slightly wind the strand on curling, creating light hair;
  • we tighten up the upper part of curling irons, hair modeling to your liking;
  • bangs can tweak on the tips inside, lay on its side or back stab;
  • strands scroll modeling gel or wax;
  • secure curls varnish.

When laying do not have time, you can always remove hair in a ponytail, beam or shell and front locks allocate modeling tool.

Mowing Rhapsody and technology performance painting


Hairstyle Rhapsody in itself quite original, but even more striking strands of different lengths will look at the best hair painting. There are lots of techniques for painting layered haircut of the type of Rhapsody. Several colors hairstyle refresh the image and add an expressive volume of hair.

highlights It has become already a classic painting for a haircut of Rhapsody. It can be applied throughout the volume of hair or allocate only some strands. It is also very impressive to formate from several tones, which creates the effect of transfusion and add glitter hair.

Another method of colored lining, coloring conquers more and more fans. The strands of different colors of calm classic warm shades perfectly complement the hairstyle of the business lady. Ultra bright colors of strands will come up with original nature, because all the strands can be painted in different colors.

Another trend today is a hair painting method in omere stylewith the transition of colors, it will be perfectly combined with rhapsody haircut. The fact is that the color gradient will smoothly move from one level of strands to others and it will make an image particularly expressive and memorable. The color transition can be done clearly limited or smooth and slightly noticeable overflow.

If you decide to diversify the image of a multi-layer complex hairstyle, then today there is an unlimited amount of gloros for it, which only emphasize the original style of haircuts. The presence of several colors or shades as never relevant precisely for a complex type of hairstyles. All tones of staining will add coloring the image and look completely different on each strand and haircut level.

Rapeseed video clipping

Any technology of haircuts will be available and understandable to people familiar with haircut techniques and features of hairdressers. Since the haircut of Rhapsody is multi-level, then it is considered quite difficult in execution, so if you want to update the image, you should turn to a professional. For review, we suggest viewing the Master Class Master Class of Rhapsody, which is again in the trend in the new season, on the hair of medium length with a naughty texture.


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