
Folk remedies for hair growth

Folk remedies for hair growth
Decorations and masks prepared by old recipes - there is nothing more useful for the growth and health of your hair.

Luxury long hair in all time were unchanged attribute women beauty. Grow and save chic locks —  task not from lungs, therefore over the centuries accumulated an experience on care and treatment. Everything necessary for of this davala natureking and grass, flowers, berries, oil and much other. Today exists huge choice shampune, serum and balsamov, a salons and clinic offer wide spectrum cosmetic procedures. Not costs forget o folk methods for heost hair and care per nimi., but independently from choice, necessary consider factors, which conduct their quality and condition.

Causes slowdowns heost hair

State hairthis is great indicator health total organism. Factors influence maybe to be lots of, starting out from features nutrition and finishing serious diseases.
If hair stopped grow or grow up too much slowly, follow reverse attention on such causes:

  1. Hormone background. Highly often women face with violation hormonal background in time pregnancy and after rodov, what leads to problems with hair. Diseases organs internal secretion (thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreatic, paul glands, pituitary) also lead to hormonal imbalance. V it is case ordinary procedures on care will not enough. Decide problem will help doctorendocrinologist and trichologist (specialist on diseases hair and skin head).
  2. Refresh  hairstyle. Average duration life hair from 2 before 6 years. RECOME hair v flow continued of time, not hard notice, what they grow up all slow. Roots running and sequisky, by acquiring unhealthy view.
  3. Violation blood circulation. At violations potock blood to skin head hair follicles not receive sufficient quantity nourishing substances. Height hair slows down, so how follicles inactive.
  4. Stressstress situation, depression, saturated worker scheduleall this is promotes physical and emotional depletion. How corollaryexacerbate diseases, worsen self-sex and external view. Can arise problems with skin and hair. Follow throw away negative thoughts and give time pleasant procedures. V particular, can do nourishing mask. for heost hair on national recipe.
  5. Nicotine and alcohol. Harmful habits yet never not contributed to healthy outdoor see. WITH each dose alcohol and nicotine fabrics organism saturated toxins and products their decay. Hair sequisky, fuss, cease grow.
  6. Ecology. Atmosphere polluted harmful emissions and poisonous substances. People not v forces fully fence myself from of this impact, especially v big cities. But can minimize this is impact on hair and on organism v whole. For output on street use head shoes or do closed hairstyle.
  7. Wrong careirregular hygiene, wrong selection cosmetic tools, excessive usage tools for styling. Frequent usage thermobiguja, fena, poient and iron. At such. « care» hair quickly wear out, break, cease grow.
  8.   Highly rarely factor slowdowns heost hair is an genetic predisposition.
  9. Unbalanced nutrition.

Reasons problem heost hair lots of, how and methods their elimination. Watch per health own organism and not forget pro regular care.

How right look after per hair


It seemed would, no nothing difficult v care per hair. it everyday actions, which we perform, sometimes not thinking. But majority of people caring per n. hair top not right, a sometimes even not know, how and when on very business necessary wash head.

How right wash head:
hair better wash in the morning or day;
regularity wash depends from type and length hair;
front washing apply on hair homemade mask.;
subside correct shampoo, if after wash hair strongly electrified and quickly grease, means shampoo not fits;
if shampoo cheap, add v his several drops cosmetic oil (jojoba, roses, butter green tea);
wash warm, a not hot water, after what rush cool;
tough water soften soda (1 c.. l.. on 5 l. water);
use decorations grass and info v quality rinsers;
to get rid of from leside moisture, enough simply digging hair cotton towel, n. v koem. case not trite and not put on long time.
How right comb hair:
comment hair before 4 once v day. it stimulates hair follicles, accelerates height hair;
start off combing necessary from tips to roots;
invangible hair better disagree hands, a not read commercial;
wet hair it is forbidden comb, from of this they stretch and thought.
How right pick up accessories:
never not buy rask with metal teeth, at her usage are injured and electrified hair, damaged leather head;
choose brushes from plastics or tree;
choose wider and soft gum, with minimal number bead, strazes. and other jewelry. Too tight and thin rubber bands traumat hair and hair lukovitsy.
Climate control:
collect hair v tail or kosh.this is protect from friction and confusion;
protect hair from sun. and frost. with help head clothes;
for hair, at trip on sea, also use sunscreen funds. Marks water, sun and windenemies for beauty yours hair.
Attend hairdresser once v month to refresh roots. Staining also better do v salonthis is minimizes possibility damage hair. Though,if you want to long braid from paint, crew  and stacking better at all abstain.

  Influence ration on height hair


Provided to yourself balanced healthy nutrition, you get beautiful long hairA if alltaki appeared problems with hair, and they slowed down height, revision mine ration.
Scroll products which help growth hair:
1. Dairy products rich belkom., calcium, vitamin V. Vitamins groups V not accumulate v organism, therefore use v food relevant products must to be regular.
2. A fish and seafood rich vitamin A, phosphorus, useful fats, zinc, iodom.
3. Meat, bird, liverthis is sources gland and squirrel. Iron promotes education red blood taurus. Supply fabrics oxygen enharged, providing nutrition hair follicle.
4. Legumes contain iron, zinc and vitamin AT 7.
5. Cereals and orekhivaluable a source vitamin A E., V and polyunsaturated fatty acid, contain zinc, selenium.
6. Vegetable unrefined oil contain polyunsaturated acid and vitamins A, D., vitamin E., responding per moisturizing hair and protection from harmful impact ultraviolet radiation.
7. Eggsthis is a source squirrel, gland, vitamins groups V.
8. Vegetables rich vitamins groups V, vitamin A, a also magnesium and kalia.
9. Greens and leafy salads. contain many calcium, magnesium, gland, vitamins WITH, A.
10. Fruits contain vitamin WITH, which the promotes assimilation gland.
Provide organism clean waterdrink before 2 l. v day. it will help faster output toxins and products decay, moisturizes hair from the inside. V addition to it use vitamin cocktails.

Carrot cocktail:
150 ml freshly squeezed carrot juice;
50 ml juice from salada latuk;
50 ml juice lucerne.
Carrovnaozurchichny cocktail:
150 ml freshly squeezed carrot juice;
50 ml juice orange;
1 small cucumber;
1520 g rostkov wheat.
Ingredients beat blender.
Oat cocktail:
1/3 glasses whole oats;
250 ml milk.
Oats. rinse, add milk. Boil on weak fire 2 min., strain and cool. Accept 3 times v day v flow month.
Everything ingredients designed on one portion. Cocktails, containing freshly resistant juices, use straightaway after cooking.
Products, not promotive health and growth hair:

1. Black tea and coffee contain caffeine and cubila substances, which violate circulation. Worsen nutrition hair.
2. Bakery, confectionery products, chocolate oversattify organism carbohydrates, which prevent assimilation vitamins and trace elements.
3. Salt and sugar at overabity act how toxins.
4. Hazed beverages, fast food, semi-finished products saturated heavy carbohydrates and sakhara, preservatives.
correction ration impossible achieve instantaneous result. Process accumulation vitamins and others substances, needed for heost hair, it takes very long period. Need to complex an approach to decision problems. Can accelerate height hair folk meansthis is will provide external feeding useful substances.

Funds people medicine for heost hair

It seemed would, funds people medicine already for a long time out from appliances. Simpler buy tube v store. But why nobody not frightening plenty misunderstood names on the label? Yes and term storage such makeup so long, what not difficult guess o availability preservatives v part of. A if speech is o hair and skin head, then chemical substances unlikely li will that same positive influence how natural, natural components. Not forget, what people medicine for heost hair it includes v myself not only masks and decorations, but and special techniques massage head.

Massage head for heost hair

Exists lots of techniques massage head, majority from which maybe performed only professional therapists. But for fast heost hair popular funds offer such views massage, which with ease can do on one's own.
Views massage head v home conditions of:

1. Combing massage brush.


Tilt head forward and perekin'te hair on forehead. Neatly comment against heost hair, moving from neck to crown. Unfold hair sO forehead on nape and comb v it is direction. head tilt to the right, perekin'te hair from the left ear v right side. comb v it is direction, moving from ear across crown to tips. Too most repeat, inclining head to the left. procedure can conduct before 10 once v day.

2. Lung pandiculation.


Take a small strand hair, holding closer to roots start lightly sip. Spend procedure on all head, not miss n. one locks. Feel not must to be uncomfortable. After procedures feel pleasant warmly and relaxation. Such massage stimulates inflow blood to roots hair, activating intensive height.

3. Massage head tips fingers.


Start massage from temples to crown, from neck nS forehead. of movement hands must remind of movement rask, at it is touch skin head pads fingers. alternate that traffic with easy tapping on head tips fingers. Carry massage per hour before wash hair or front dreamThe method great stimulates circulation and relaxes after heavy working day.
4. Massage warm oil.


Heat butter before comfortable temperature (drip a modicum of oil on wrist, at it is must felt pleasant warmly), better total heat on steam bath. tips fingers apply small number on skin head, evenly rub on all zone heost hair light massing movements. Also warm butter can deal on massaging crest and neatly comb from roots to tips. Not apply fully on all length hair and not overdo it with number, otherwise wash away per one once not succeed. Across 2030 min. wash head how usually. For more expressed effect use decorations or info grass. repeat massage oil not more often one times v week.
Range oils for heost hair great, each it has my texture and aroma. Also they are basis practically all masks for activation heost hair.
Vegetable oil for heost hair:

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butter peach;
sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn;
mustard butter;
essential oil, accelerating height hair:

butter sage;
pine, fir;

  Broth and info for heost hair


herbs wide used v medicine and cosmetology. Their unique healing properties the best manner support beauty and health. Today with success apply decorations grass and info, recipes which per century not changed.
each plant contains v mainly one acting component. For integrated composition combine several species grass. Collect and harvest king, flowers and grass can on one's own, but necessary consider lots of factor: season collection, age plants, means drying and storage. At non-compliance although would one from them the effect from applications will minimal.
For example, for cooking broth burdock used root two-year plants, which the harvested late autumn. A drug camomile gather v juneaugust, at gathering flowers come off sO stem length 23 cm.
It is forbidden collect flowers and grass after rain, v town, w. roads or around plants. Everything harmful emissions and substances will be settle on plants. If you not ready master all niceties phytotherapy, simply buy weed v pharmacy and follow instructions on packing.
Among folk recipes for heost hair wealth concoctions and infusions:

1.        decoction rosemary2 c.. l.. stems rosemary fill glass boiling water. Boil on slow fire 5 min.. Cover cover and leave on 2 c.. strain liquid and pour v glass dishes with cover. Keep v the fridge not more one weeks. decoction apply on clean hair after wash head.
2.        decoction thistles (burdock) – 1 art. l.. dried root burdock, 1 c.. l.. cones hops and 1 c.. l.. dried flowers calendula fill 250 ml boiling water. Cover cover and give stand 23 c.. strain liquid and add 2 c.. l.. burdock oil. apply on roots front washing 12 times v week. decoction keep v dark dish v the fridge not more two weeks.
3.        decoction calendula1 art. l.. dried calendula, 1 art. l.. drug chamomile, 1 art. l.. cones hops fill glass boiling water. Cover and heckle 1 c., after strain decoction. apply liquid on roots hair and skin head across day, not flush. Keep v cool, dark place not more weeks.
4.        Tincture aloecut off 34 lower leaf aloe, wash and squeeze out juice. Take 1 c.. l.. alcohol or vodka mix with juice. apply on roots hair per 1,5 c. before washInfusion keep v dark dish v cool place 23 weeks.
5.        Infusion birchuse leaves, collected v period flowering birch. Take 4 art. l.. dry crushed leaves birch and 1 art. l.. juniper fill 0,5 l. boiling water. tightly cover and leave on 2 c.. strain liquid across cheesecloth. Infusion apply for roots hair or rinsing after wash. Keep v dark dish not more ode weeks.
6.        Infusion nettle4 art. l.. crushed leaves nettle fill 0.5 l. boiling water. Cover cover and heckle 2 c.. strain liquid across cheesecloth and add 3 c.. l.. juice nettle. apply on roots or rinse hair after wash. Funds on based nettle better total apply for hair prone to fat.
7.        decoction motherandstepmother3 art. l.. dry leaves motherandstepmother, 2 art. l.. nettle and 2 art. l.. chamomile drug fill 1 l. water. Put on water bath and boil 20 min.. decoction cool, strain across cheesecloth. rinse head after wash. Keep v dark cool place not more one weeks.
8.        Yet one simple and very cheap folk way for heost hairthis is decoction carrot topper. V her contained vitamin WITH, TO, porphyrin and potassium. Big bundle topper with 34 morkovin fill 2 l. water and boil on weak fire 23 min.. cool and strain decoction, rinse hair after wash.

Masks for heost hair

Make popular masks for heost hair easily and nice, at it is can to be confident v cumulative properties and quality components. You you can experiment with structureadd or take away ingredients, picking best combination exactly for your his type hair.


knowing peculiarities skin and hair, v composition masks can include liquid vitamins (vitamins v capsules with liquid content), various oil, grass, egg protein or yolk. Components v mainly cheap, a technology cooking uncomplicated, need only some knowledge, little patience, and your own recipe healthy and long hair ready!
Several effective recipes masks for heost hair (number ingredients calculated on one application).

Almondwheat (for all types hair):
•      1 c.. l.. almond oil;
•      2 c.. l.. sprouted wheat;
•      2 art. l.. mineral water (without gases);
•      ½ c.. l.. liquid honey (at individual intolerance honey can deleted from composition or replace on sour cream).
sprouts wheat to grind v mortar before education slurry. mix received mixture v glass dish with almond oil and honey. Add mineral water. Not subject to storage helpful properties lost (necessary use straightaway).
Way applications: soak hair warm water, excess moisture pat towel. apply mask. on skin head light circular movements. leave on 30 min., then wash head with shampoo. repeat procedure 23 times v week, v flow 3 months.
Cocoarosemary (for dark hair):
•      100 ml broth rosemary;
•      2 art. l.. cocoaoil;
•      1 art. l.. cocoapowder.
place cocoabutter v glass dishes and melt on steam bath, not overheating. Add cocoapowder and thoroughly mix. Cocoapowder and cocoabutter can replace 50 g extra black chocolate 7280%. Thin stake enter decoction rosemary, constantly stirring mixture.
Way applications: apply warm mask. on all length hair, evenly distributing from roots before tips. Wait 2030 min., then smash. the effect reached at usage composition v flow 23 months front eachdy washing head. Not keepat repeated heated structure masks collapsed.
Mustardhoney (for light or red hair):
•      3 art. l.. mustard powder;
•      1 yolk;
•      1 c.. l.. liquid honey;
•      1 c.. l.. burdock oil (or any other on your choice);
•      6 art. l.. boiled water.
Mustard powder place v glass dishes and pour hot water (not boiling water!), stir before homogeneous. Cover cover and leave on 1015 min.. Yolk plot and put away with his film, add honey, butter and mustian and mix before uniform state.
Way applications: mask. little heat on steam bath (to not curbed yolk). Apply on roots hair and keep 25 min.. Then wash head. Runs hair decoction chamomile. Not subject to storage fromper presence functuating yolk. v part of.
Aloesea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn (for fatty hair):
•      1 art. l.. inferior aloe;
•      1 c.. l.. juice aloe;
•      1 c.. l.. outpiece oil;
•      50 ml green tea (without sahara).
Brew green tea without additives and flavors, strain. V glass dish mix all ingredients and to warm on steam bath.
Way applications: warm mask. apply on dry hair, evenly distribute mixture on roots. Across 20 min. wash head, runs infusion nettle. procedure repeat not more 1 times v week v flow 2 months. Keep, tight clean cover, not more 2 sOUTON v dark cool place.
Gingerjojoba (for dry hair):
•      2 art. l.. juice root ginger;
•      4 c.. l.. butter jojoba;
•      2 art. l.. oatmeal flakes;
•      1 c.. l.. sesame oil;
•      3 art. l.. fatty kefira.
Oatmeal flakes grind v flour. Butter jojoba and sesame butter place v glass dishes and to warm on steam bath. Oatmeal flour mix with juice ginger and kefir., add mixture oils. Stir before uniform consistencies. Not subject to storageat long contact with oxygen juice ginger loses their properties.
Way applications: apply mask. on wet hair, evenly distribute w. roots, try not affect skin head. procedure repeat not more 1 times v week v flow 2 months. Walk hair foodie film and towel, hold 15 min.. Wash head.

Now, when secrets people medicine for heost hair opened, you you can give own volos new life.



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