
Hair masks

Hair masks
How to Return Health and Beauty Hair With Natural Oils

Natural agents for the treatment and protection of hair sometimes cope with their task better professional cosmetics. Vegetable oils containing all sorts of vitamins and microelements that are able to strengthen all sorts of vitamins and trace elements that are able to strengthen their hair along the entire length, speed them up and save you from dandruff.

The benefits of natural components of vegetable oils for beauty and health tested by centuries. Vintage recipes took the manufacturers of cosmetics and drugs. As well as women who prefer to create funds for their hair at home.

Oils are made of plants and different parts of them. The most valuable for cosmetology are oils obtained by cold pressing when the oil retains a unique set of natural substances of plant material.

Oils should not contain impurities and preservatives. When they are stored, it is very important to comply with the necessary conditions and deadlines so that oil does not become ineffective or harmful to your health from the useful product.

Use of hair oil masks


Natural oils contain various vitamins and trace elements, proteins and fatty acids. The structure of the oil allows it to envelop hair and affect its external state, as well as penetrate the hair onion and influence the intercellular processes.

  1. Keep moisture inside the hair.
  2. Normalize the function of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Stimulate metabolic processes in hair roots.
  4. Accelerate growth.
  5. Prevent falling out.
  6. Burdle hair along the entire length, preventing its fragility and cross section.
  7. Eliminate dandruff.
  8. Press shine and strength.
  9. Protect hair during styling, visits to a solarium, beach or pool.
  10. Make curls obedient and silky.
  11. Warning dehydration curls during the cold season.
  12. Help keep the durability of color painted hair.

How to choose hair oil


Before the use of oils, you need to find out which of them are suitable for your hair type. With the right selection of oils, the result will not wait long for a long time.

It is very important to spend the test for allergies before using the oil. To do this, apply the oil droplet on the wrist. If a skin redness appears in 5-10 minutes, then it is better to refuse to use this oil.

Application of vegetable hair oils


  1. In its pure form: for combing, massage the head and wraps.
  2. As part of multicomponent masks.
  3. Enrichment of ready-made cosmetics.
  4. Compositions with ethers.

There are several rules whose adherence will help increase the efficiency of oils and masks with them.

  1. Before use of oil, warm it up to 37-40 degrees. This can be done in a water bath, in a microwave or simply warm the substance in the palms. The main thing is to remember that you should not overheat the oil so as not to destroy the beneficial components contained in them.
  2. If the oil has a solid structure (cocoa, mango bones, shi), then before use melt it.
  3. If you are preparing a mask, first mix all the ingredients, and only then pour the oil.
  4. Apply oil on the scalp and distribute over the entire length of the hair.
  5. After applying oil, wear a plastic hat and wrap the head with a towel.
  6. Hold out hair on her hair from 15 minutes to three hours. Sometimes for damaged hair, make a mask before bedtime and wash off only in the morning.
  7. The oil is easily flushed, if you apply the shampoo on the hair without using water, it is a little to fasten, and then rinse under running water.
  8. Rinse the washed hair with a decoction of herbs or water with lemon juice to eliminate the remains of the smell of oil.
  9. A small amount of oil apply to the wet after washing your hair and do not wash off. In this form, the oil will perform the function of hair protection.
  10. One and the same hair for hair Use once a week. The duration of the hair recovery course will be about 10 sessions. Then the hair needs to take a break from the oil to avoid their oversaturation.



One of the most sought-after hair products in our country. The burdock oil is a tincture of reurenik root (burdock) on any vegetable oil. In its composition proteins, amino acids, tannins and vitamins.

The burf oil is actively enhancing the blood flow in the head of the head. Due to this, the exchange processes in the hair onions are accelerated - they are awakened, and the active hair growth begins. Therefore, the burdock oil is most often used precisely for the prevention of baldness and hair loss.

However, the substances contained in oil can also normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and cure dandruff.

  1. Mask to prevent hair loss. Take 2 tbsp. Spoons of natural honey, 15 ml of refinery and juice of half of the lemon, which will give gloss with hair. Heat on the water bath (so that the oil is better absorbed and dissolved honey) and mix to uniformity. Give cool the resulting mass, and add 2 fresh yolks into it, slightly whipped with a fork. Lecithin contained in egg yolks will give hair strength and elasticity. Mask apply on the roots by massaging movements, carefully distribute along the entire length of the hair of a wooden comb. After 1-1.5 hours, rinse with warm water with shampoo. Repeat procedure with a periodicity of 1-2 times a week for a month.
  2. Mask to accelerate hair growth. 5 g cocoa powder Scroll with two yolks and slowly pour 30 ml of warm rapid oil. Stir and abundantly apply on the head of the head with rubbing movements. Hold 45-60 minutes and rinse with warm water. Use the mask 1-2 times a week.
  3. Red pepper for intensive hair growth. Mix 45 ml (in 1 tbsp. Spoon 15 ml) of the ray oil and 15 g of ground red pepper (or 30 ml of pepper tincture). A little warm the mixture on the water bath and apply on the skin of the head no more than 1 time per week. Holding such a composition is recommended no more than 15 minutes to avoid burning scalp.
  4. Mask for lungs hair. In a mixture of 15 ml of refinery and 15-20 ml of brandy, add one egg yolk, 5 ml of fresh lemon juice. Cognac normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, improves microcirculation, stimulates metabolic processes. Apply a mask and keep 1 hour under the towel.

Coconut Hair Oil


Oil can envelop each hair and create a laminating film on it. Under protection of oil in curls, moisture and protein structures are maintained; Hair becomes less susceptible to high temperatures and UV rays, retain shine and elasticity.

Coconut oil disinfects, eliminates the peeling of the scalp. It has an antibacterial effect. It feeds thin strands, heal damage, including after staining or curling. It is a means for the rapid treatment of split hair tips.

Unrefined white oil, opaque, has a consistency of cream and melts at body temperature. Before use, it must be heated in the palms. Multiple droplets of oil will be enough to apply it for the entire length after washing to protect and power throughout the day.

  1. Oil to restore fragile and split hair. Wrap the warm coconut oil into the skin and distribute using the hair ridge. Wrap your head towel for a couple of hours. If your hair needs intensive recovery, leave the oil for the night.
  2. Esters and coconut oil for glittering hair. Add 2 drops of essential oils of rosemary and roses in heated oil. Apply a mask on dry hair and hold in heat for 1 hour. Rock warm water.
  3. Sour cream and banana to accelerate hair growth. Distribute half of the banana to the state of the puree, add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of low-fat sour cream and 2 tbsp. Spoons of coconut oil. Heat on a water bath. Carefully massaging, distribute the hair mask. After 40 minutes, wash.
  4. Coconut oil and fatty hair salt. Take 2 tbsp. Spoons of sea salt and coconut oil. Preheat the composition, constantly stirring until the salt is completely dissolved. Apply on your hair and keep no more than an hour.
  5. Milk and oatmeal for thin hair. You will need 2 tbsp. Spoons of crushed oatmeal, milk and coconut oil. Mask Leave on hair for 1 hour.

Olive hair oil

olive Oil.

Each woman knows that olive oil has a wonderful effect on the skin and hair, can replace any cosmetic agent.

The oil easily penetrates into the curls and leaves no greens. For one course of hair treatment with olive oil, you can fill the balance of moisture, get the curls of vitamins and amino acids, strengthen them from the inside and speed up growth.

Olive oil suits the owners of any type of hair. It is applied in a pure form or enhances the effect of multi-storey masks and balms.

  1. Oil and yolk for hair saturation with vitamins. Take the yolk, add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of olive oil and 2 tbsp. Spoons of lemon juice. Apply your head and hair for 30 minutes.
  2. Onion and aloe for the nutrition of dry hair. You will need 2 tbsp. Spoons of aloe juice and small bulbous juice. Mix the ingredients and add 1 tbsp. Spoon of olive oil. Leave the mask for 1 hour. Remove with warm water, and then rinse hair with water with apple vinegar or lemon juice - to eliminate the smell of onions.
  3. Olive oil and rye flour for any type of hair. In half a glass of warm milk, add 2 tbsp. Spoons of rye flour and 1 tbsp. Spoon of olive oil. Stir up to a homogeneous state. Apply for 1 hour.
  4. Honey and Olive oil to strengthen hair. Mix 3 tbsp. Spoons of warm olive oil and 2 tbsp. Spoons of honey. Mask apply on the hair for 30 minutes.
  5. Composition of oils for emergency hair restoration. Take a third of the glasses of olive oil, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of honey, 1 tsp of vitamin E, 10 drops of sandalwood, gerane and lavender essential oils. The resulting cocktail regularly apply on the hair in 1 hour before washing.

Avocado oil for hair

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It has rejuvenating properties and contributes to the restoration of the intercellular oxygen exchange. Contains almost all known vitamins.

Avocado oil is very valued by women of all ages in South America and Africa and is added to almost all cosmetic blends in body and hair care.

The oil is obtained from the pulp of avocado fruit. The color of natural oil is dark green or brownish. If the store offers yellow avocado oil, then know that this is a refined substance that has certainly lost most of the beneficial properties during processing.

In its pure form, avocado oil can badly wash off with hair prone to fatty, in this case you better use oil in the composition of masks.

  1. Lemon and avocado oil for very dry hair. Mix 1 tbsp. Spoon Oceelles Jazzoba and Avocado, add yolk, 1 tsp of mayonnaise and hollow lemon juice. Mask, wash in 30 minutes.
  2. Honey and oil for nutrition. Yolk and 2 tbsp. Honey spoons are good to take care, add to 1 tbsp. Spoon of avocado oils and thirst. Drip a couple of droplets of Ilang-Ilang essential oil. Mask hold 45 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  3. Henna and avocado for smooth hair. Colorless henna (1 tbsp. Spoon) In half a glass of water and leave it for 40 minutes. Add 5 drops of orange essential oil and 1 tbsp. Spoon of avocado oil. Apply for 30 minutes.
  4. Avocado oil and essential oils to strengthen thin hair. It will be necessary 2 tbsp. Avocado oil spoons and 1 drop of Ylang-Ilanga, Rosemary and Basilica. The composition apply on the hair along the entire length for 30 minutes.
  5. Air conditioning from oil and beer for hair shine. To 100 ml beer, add 1 tbsp. Spoon of avocado oil. Wash your head, then apply the cooked mixture for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water without shampoo.

Mustard Hair Oil


The oil is obtained from the seeds known in the cooking plant - the mustard of Srepts. Distribution in cosmetology mustard oil obtained thanks to the property to enhance the blood circulation and the exchange of beneficial substances in the tissues.

Additionally, oil nourishes her hair with vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, which are important for the restoration of their own function of regeneration in the hair onion, preventing the appearance of seeds.

You can use mustard oil for all those who want to stop the hair loss regardless of their type. The only thing that should be remembered to women with dry hair tips: mustard oil can suck them even more.

  1. Mustard and nettle oil for dull hair. Mix 100 g. Oil and 50 g. Dried nettle. Warm the mixture for seven minutes. Then strain and rub in the roots of the hair before washing the head.
  2. Oil against hair loss and early seeds. With a strong hair loss, apply mustard oil with massage movements each time before washing the head for 30 minutes. For the prevention of the fallout, it is enough to apply 1 time per week.
  3. Mustard oil and honey to accelerate hair growth. Mix 4 tbsp. spoons of honey, 2 tbsp. Spoons of mustard oil and 1 tbsp. Spoon of red pepper. Mask withstand 45 minutes.

Castor hair oil

castor-Oil Processing

Cleanavine seed oil can be easily found in any pharmacy. It is a thick oil with a weak odor, which is easily absorbed into the hair without leaving on them the oil film.

As part of castor oil, fatty acids that contribute to the active nutrition of dry curls, restoration of damaged and lumpy hair.

However, it is not necessary to use castor oil if you have fat hair: they will become stronger to pollute. With the problems of dry hair, Castor will cope perfectly, without causing side effects.

  1. Kefir and castor oil for hair moisturizing. Take half a cup of warm kefir, add 1 tbsp. Spoon of castor oil. Apply massage movements on strands for 30 minutes.
  2. Laminaria and castor oil for hair restoration. Mix 50 g. Crushed laminary and 1 tbsp. Spoon of castor oil. Apply for 40 minutes for 40 minutes.
  3. Honey and avocado for glitter and accelerate hair growth. Distribute the pulp of one avocado with 1 tbsp. spoonful honey and 1 tbsp. Spoon castor oil. Hold on your hair for 30 minutes.
  4. Honey and castor oil for sequent hair. Mix 1 tbsp. A spoonful of castor oil with the same amount of honey. Heat the mixture and add 2 yolks. Apply massaging movements on the roots of the hair and length. Leave for 2 hours.

Linen hair oil

Monika Wisniewska - Linen Seed Benefits_1

Little flax seeds activates hair growth, struggles with diseases of the scalp, improves oxygen exchange in hair bulbs.

This product is widespread in our country and is a safe stimulant when applied to hair in a non-diluted form.

Linen oil contains a unique substance - omega 9. This is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that is not produced by the human body, but it is necessary to improve intracellular food and collagen generation.

Flax oil helps to support the elasticity of curls and prolongs their life cycle.

  1. Oil and honey for sequent hair. Mix 1 tbsp. A spoonful of warm linen oil, 1 h. Spoon of honey and egg. Apply a mask on the washed hair for 30 minutes. Rock without shampoo.
  2. Linen oil and lemon against hair loss. Take 3 tbsp. Spoons of linseed oil and hollow juice lemon. Distribute the warm hair mask before washing and leave for 45 minutes.
  3. Yolks and oil of flax seeds to strengthen strands. You will need only 2 tbsp. Spoons of linseed oil and one yolk. Apply the composition on the scalp and hair for 20 minutes.

Almond hair


Often used in domestic and professional cosmetology procedures. It is well distributed through the hair and easily absorbed. This giving cocktail will benefit the hair and the skin of different types, will not cause allergic reactions.

Almond oil is mined by pressing the bone of a sweet almond.

Universal basic oil, stimulates growth, moisturizes, saturates the hair with nutrients. It has mitigating and disinfecting properties: perfectly soothes the head of the head and heals the wounds.

Without fears, it is possible to use almond oil 2-3 times a week even for oily hair.

  1. Egg and almonds to accelerate hair growth. Take the yolk, 1 tbsp. Spoon of almond oil, mustard and water powder. Mix and apply a mask on your hair (except for the tips) for 30 minutes.
  2. Oil and aloe from dandruff and itching scalp. Mix aloe pulp and almond oil in equal proportions. Distribute the composition of the hair, massage. Thanks to the regenerating and antibacterial properties of components, the mask after the first application will cause improvements in the condition of the scalp.
  3. Almond oil and oatmeal for damaged and thin hair. Grind 1 tbsp. A spoonful of oat flakes in a blender or a coffee grinder, add as many warm milk and 2 tbsp. Spoons of almond oil. Apply on the roots of the hair and look with a towel for half an hour.
  4. Lamination of hair gelatin and almond oil. We mix the gelatin with warm water (1: 3), stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Add 1 tbsp. Spoon of almond oil. We apply a mixture on wet hair and leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Almond oil composition with ethers. Use almond oil as a basis (3 tbsp. Spoons). Add 2 drops of rosemary essential oils, sandalwood, lemon. Apply a little mixture on the crest and thoroughly disperse the hair. After a couple of hours, wash your head.

Hair oil mask at home. Video


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