
Hair masks from sour cream

Hair masks from sour cream
When and how to use sour cream in hair masks. Step-by-step recipes.

That only do not use women in pursuit of beautiful, alive and strong hair. For this purpose, any fruits and berries, oils and ethers, as well as many completely unusual ingredients, which can become very useful substitutes for cosmetology masks for hair. No matter how surprisingly, but a hair mask with sour cream more than suitable for food and hair restoration. Since the real home sour cream refers to increased fatty products, the mask based on it is ideally suited for the treatment of dry, dehydrated and inclined to hair fragility. However, in combination with other products, for example, such as lemon juice or vinegar, it cares and nourishes fat and normal hair types.

Hair masks from sour cream: useful properties sour cream


The benefits of each natural product is based on the naturalness and value of each ingredient included in its composition.

  1. The high content of minerals, natural acids and the vitamins complex determine the desired benefits of sourceal purposes. Such valuable groups of the head and hair of the group vitamins in give hair a healthy well-groomed look, provide a regulatory function in the exchange and work of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Vitamins of group A or retinol that contain sour cream, allow us to smooth out the structure and scales of the hair using masks, contribute to the regeneration of the hair rod and bulbs. As a result of systematic use, the head of the head acquires a healthy appearance, dry dryness and smoothes small cracks.
  3. The complex of vitamins C, D, E and H, which is contained in dairy products to a lesser extent, rather than A B, helps with a protective function - protects hair from the effect of the external environment and the effect of free radicals on the structure of the central rod.
  4. Masks for hair growth with sour cream possess a practically complete set of microelements necessary for regeneration. It is especially worth highlighting such rare and valuable in natural form - iron, zinc and an indispensable calcium. Their value is often understood in the case of their disadvantage, when the hair starts to dry from the tips, acquire inangerous appearance, break, become rude and extremely slowly grow. The use of sour cream hair masks help non-living hairs to quickly recover, resume former silkiness and softness.
  5. The most ordinary sour cream can return the hair to the former strength and the fortress due to the content of potassium and iodine in it, as well as magnesium and rare cobalt.
  6. Hair masks with sour cream promote healthy shine, improving the elasticity of the rod, and also give the hair softness. Also accelerates the growth of the hair due to the stimulation of hair bulbs, the regulation of the coil glands and the elimination of the dryness of the epidermis.

Masks with sour cream for hair growth


From the description of the advantages of using sour cream in cosmetology products, it is clear that hair masks with its use improve not only the quality of the chapels, but also contribute to the rapid growth and regeneration of hair. There are many recipes for masks with similar properties, it is desirable to choose the most suitable for your type of skin and hair, and use it regularly. Exceptionally systemic use will allow to achieve the desired results.

Hair mask from sour cream and eggs

Open Eggs.

Not news to say that the growth rate of the chapels is straight-proportional to the quality of the nutrition of the hair on the roots. The larger and more often the roots are powered, the faster the length of the hair will increase. The fastest and efficient way to increase the influx of nutrient elements to the roots is the method of overclocking the blood of the scalp. To do this, use the so-called warming sour cream hair mask. The effect of such procedures increases the permeability of cells, which allows natural microelements to get absorbed faster and nourish the structure of the bulbs and the hair rod.


  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs;
  • mustard powder - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • water purified - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Mustard powder must be turned into a cashaft mixture, thoroughly mixing water and dry powder. Use a convenient container and check that the water all has turned into a homogeneous mixture. If necessary, you can still add water.
  2. To give an additional shine, several drops of apple vinegar are usually used or natural lemon juice. Issimate half of the lemon in the mustard mixture and stir carefully. Attention: Be careful with allergies to lemon juice.
  3. Add a thick homemade sour cream to the resulting casket. In no case do not use the store analogue of small fat, we need a mask, not mousse.
  4. On thoroughly washed and slightly dried with a towel, the hair applied the resulting mask from the roots to the tips, and neat massage movements with the help of the crest rubbing the scalp and hair.
  5. Cover the hair with polyethylene and wrap in a terry towel for 20 - 30 minutes. If you feel a uncomfortable burning sensation that you will not be able to make, you can remove the mask before.
  6. Wash out warm water without shampoo or light chamomile tincture. Repeat every 3 days within a month.

Hair Growth Mask with sour cream and honey


If for some reason you do not like the mustard for some reason, or you are allergic to it, take advantage of the horseradish - a natural product that perfectly replaces the mustard powder in hair masks with sour cream. It also has a specific characteristic of heating and overclocking blood under the skin.


  • sour cream fat - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • essential cosmetic oil - 5 drops;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • khrena root - powder - 100 g;
  • honey liquid - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. In ceramic, medium capacitance depths mix the root powder with cosmetic oil to a homogeneous casher.
  2. Add squeezed lemon juice and honey. Let us give a little late to the resulting Kashitz - about 10 minutes in a cool place.
  3. In a mixture of shit, juice and honey add fatty sour cream, it must be pre-ended at room temperature and soften and flour.
  4. Evenly applied to a slightly wet, washed with shampoo hair from the roots to the tips. We dress on top of the package and wrapped with a towel - withstand at least 40 minutes. Mask of oily sour cream is well washed off by ordinary shampoo after 40 minutes.
  5. Use such a warming mask with a sour cream at least a month, at least 2 times a week.

Sour cream masks for nutrition and hair moisturizing

Mask for moisturizing hair from sour cream and quail eggs


Often because of the lack of vitamins, a strong frost or heat, insufficient nutrition or in case of improper care - the hair looks lifeless, sometimes growing and slowly. Expensive cosmetic procedures in the salons do not always give proper effect in comparison with their value, but the homemade mask from sour cream will always have to fit.


  • sourled homemade fat - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • quail egg - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate squirrels from yolks. For the mask, we will need only yolks, but proteins can be fasten - and useful, and tasty.
  2. Must in ceramic deep tank mix the sour cream and yolks in the same sequence: first sour cream, then yolks. Mix with a plug to completely dissolve the color of the yolk in the sour cream.
  3. Apply the mask on the hair washed over with shampoo. Gently rub with your fingers into the scalp, and then consistently combing down to the tips. Carefully distribute the hair of the hair several times so that the mask is evenly distributed over the entire length.
  4. Hold your head under a terry towel for at least 30 minutes. After washing the shampoo, rinse the warm tincture of the chamomile with a drop of vinegar and lemon juice for glitter and silkiness of the hair along the entire length.
  5. Repeat such a mask with sour cream for food no more than 2 times a week, at least a month.

Mask for food hair from sour cream, banana and honey


Banana is a plant that is a universal power supply. Containing a set of beneficial substances, minerals, vitamins and acids, the banana can be painlessly to replace in the diet of practical any ingredient, ranging from meat and finishing bread. The pulp of the fetus of this exotic fruit contains fiber and pectic substances, proteins and carbohydrates, apple acid and natural enzymes, vitamins of group A, B, and S. and also such trace elements like magnesium and sodium, iron and calcium, in excess of potassium and phosphorus. Masks from sour cream with banana are obtained nutrient and well moisturized even the dry skin.


  • ripe banana (inside) - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream oily - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey liquid - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the banana in a blender to a homogeneous Kashitz without a lump. It is possible for a fork if you can achieve a homogeneous consistency in this way, but the blender is an optimal tool for the manufacture of such a mask.
  2. There, add sour cream and honey.
  3. Separate the yolk from the protein - we will need only yolk. Add yolk to the mass in the blender and mix all times again.
  4. Put the resulting mask for a short time in a cool place, 10 - 15 minutes - to have a drink.
  5. Run your head into the skin, then go through the entire length of the hair, and pay special attention to the tips.
  6. Hold the mask on the head of about 60 minutes in warm under the terry towel. Wash out warm water with shampoo. Repeat every 3 days for at least 2 months in a row.

Mask with sour cream and avocado against hair dryness


Avocado and cucumber, in general, one of the most successful combinations not only in taste preferences, but also as a useful set of ingredients. The cucumber perfectly updates and refreshes, but the avocado - perfectly nourishes and moisturizes. The mask with sour cream with such a set of ingredients is universal for fatty and dry hair type, and also perfectly cares for the normal type of hair.


  • cucumber small - 1 pc.;
  • avocado medium size - 1 pc.;
  • smetana homemade fat - 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Avocado and cucumber cleanse from the peel and cut into small pieces.
  2. Consistently, first cucumber, then avocado, crush everything in a blender bowl. The final chord add sour cream and mix everything thoroughly again.
  3. We defend the mass in the refrigerator about 40 minutes, and then applied on a slightly wet washed hair.
  4. Withow hair mask about 40 minutes, and wash off warm water with shampoo.
  5. We rinse warm water with a few drops of lemon juice for shine and softness.
  6. We use no more often than 1 time in 2 days. We carry out a regular course for 2 months.


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