
How to straighten hair at home

How to straighten hair at home
Simple means that will make your curls smooth

Each owner of curly curls at least sometimes dreams of making them even and smooth. But to maintain the effect of smoothness for a long time is a difficult task, because the structure of the hair is determined genetically, and sooner or later it returns to its natural state.

Back in the 19th century, the famous chemist Jan Gatgold tried to help the beauties cope with naughty curls. He invented a special composition based on aggressive chemical elements. Which had to be applied to the roots of the hair and scalp. The curls really straightened up, but the most serious chemical burns remained on the skin, and the hair gradually fell out. After an unsuccessful attempt for a while, the idea of \u200b\u200bleveling hair was left using chemical rectifiers.

However, already at the beginning of the 20th century, the first invention was patented for the thermal straightening of strands - forceps. The idea of \u200b\u200bthermal influence was taken from the "folk" methods when the ladies erupted the hair with ordinary ironing. The forceps, of course, were far from modern and very spoiled the structure of the hair, but the beginning was supposed to.

How to straighten your hair: why hair curls


Human hair is 90% keratin protein. And Keratin itself consists of amino acids. Genetically laid how amino acids are built: if a flat chain, then the hair is straight; If the amino acid connections are complex - curly.

That is, in the structure of curly curls there are additional hydrogen bonds. Various hair straightforwards (both mechanical and chemical) simply destroy these hydrogen bonds and hair straightens. But when the structure of the hair is restored, it will rush again.

Ways of hair straightening


Today, to straighten curly hair, there is a wide variety of methods. Most tips can also be used by girls who want to straighten their hair after a chemical curling. What exactly do you choose on the structure of curls and the duration of the result that you plan to get.

  1. The use of special cosmetic shampoos, balms and masks for smooth hair.
  2. Straightening with a hairdryer or ironing.
  3. Application at home special compounds containing keratin.
  4. Homemade masks from natural ingredients that are drank, weight and straighten curls.

Hair straightening with cosmetic products


On shop windows you can find many shampoos, air conditioners, masks and creams for straightening curly hair. Such cosmetics give a positive effect if they are used regularly and in the complex. After use, you will get more smooth, obedient and neat strands, but you should not hope that shampoo can completely cope with the task of leveling hair. However, it will be much easier for you to lay them. Another “bonus” from the use of aligning shampoos is that in rainy weather the curls will not be significantly fluffed and the hairstyle will remain better.

Hair straightening with a hairdryer


For a short period of time, the hair can be straightened with a hairdryer. The effect will last one, a maximum of two days. But if you get in the rain or on the street you will find fog, then under the influence of moisture your hair will return to your natural state.

Before straightening your hair with a hairdryer, wash your head with a moisturizing shampoo and balm. Divide wet hair into small strands with a comb, apply a laying tool on them, and then brush each strand from the roots to the ends and dry it under a stream of air until it dries completely. In conclusion, you can apply a fixing spray or hair varnish.

The leveling with a hairdryer is a time -consuming process, but more sparing compared to processing with a hot iron. Only girls with curly hair are suitable, but the owners of hard small curls will have to use an iron or other remedy.

Hair straightening with an iron


Straighten the iron is the most common way of home -made hair alignment.

This procedure is suitable for you if you need to align your hair only occasionally. The strands should have time to recover from the aggressive effects of high temperature. The daily exposure to high temperature will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the hair condition due to a large loss of moisture, the curls will become dry and dull.

How to align your hair with an iron

  1. Before using the iron, wash your head with shampoo containing silicone or silk proteins. Silicon smooths the hair a little along the entire length and gives it additional protection.
  2. Hair will be very useful to apply a nutrient or moisturizing mask. Pay special attention to the restoration of the dried ends.
  3. Heat the iron to the desired temperature. At the first time of application, when you still do not know how your curls behave, set the minimum temperature (most often it is 120 degrees), and if it is not enough, then increase. But it is not recommended to affect the hair with a temperature above 150 degrees. Although the device allows even to set the value of 200 degrees.
  4. Divide dry hair into thin strands and straighten it, starting from the back of the head. In no case do not use an iron on wet hair. Water has a very high heat production, and under the influence of ironing, a scalp or hair damage can occur.
  5. Do not spend the hair on the hair several times. The effect of straightening from this will not become better.
  6. Do not forget to use special hair protection products simultaneously with an iron. Thermal protection sprays, creams and gels retain moisture in the hair, enveloping them, and help the curls to get less damage under the influence of high temperature, make them more brilliant and obedient.
  7. Use the iron no more than twice a week. This will help to avoid deep damage to the strands.
  8. The result of straightening the iron will last until the first washing, i.e. from one to three days.

How to choose an iron for home straightening of hair


When choosing an iron, pay attention to what its working surface is made of. Metal ironing dries the hair, and ceramic acts more gently, evenly distribute heat over the entire surface of the curl.

Models of ironing for professional use are covered with tourmaline spraying. They act on the hair not aggressively and provide a steady result, and also ionize the hair, making it more obedient.

For girls with dry hair, a steam iron will be a good option. Before using it, you need to pour a little distilled water into a special hole.

The width of the plate is selected depending on the type of hair: the thicker and naughty, the wider the iron should be.

There are models with rounded angles of the plates designed to twist the ends of the hair.

If you want to not only straighten, but also curl hair with an iron, purchase a model with replaceable nozzles.

Keratin hair straightening


The service of keratin hair straightening today is offered by specialists of many beauty salons. This procedure is quite expensive, but gives an amazing result - the hair simply gains a second life, look healthy, smooth and well -groomed. The methodology of keratinization has long been not a secret, so by buying all the necessary funds in a specialized store, you can successfully conduct the procedure at home.

What will be needed for keratin hair straightening at home

  1. Shampoo for deep hair cleansing. Before keratinization, it is necessary to save the hair and scalp from the remnants of styling and staining, silicones, and skin fat. Without appropriate preliminary purification, you may not get the desired effect of keratinization.
  2. Keratin tool. You can meet with means of different brands, but all of them are made on the basis of natural components, include proteins and vitamin complexes.
  3. Spray. You will need a uniform distribution of keratin complex.
  4. Hair iron. It is desirable that the tool has a ceramic or turmaline coating. And the heating temperature reached 230 degrees. Only at such a high temperature does keratin penetrate deeply into the structure of the hair.
  5. Feng, clamps, comb, brush and protective gloves.

How to do keratin hair straightening yourself

  1. Wash your head with shampoo for deep cleansing.
  2. Dry your hair, leaving it slightly wet.
  3. Distribute your hair to small strands.
  4. Apply a keratin product to each strand.
  5. Wait for 20-30 minutes, while the composition is absorbed into the hair.
  6. Dry your hair with a hairdryer at low temperature.
  7. Carefully straighten your hair with an iron. Set a temperature of 230 degrees. Spend on each curl 5-7 times.
  8. Apply a nutrient serum to fix the effect.

Hair straightening with home masks

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Hair straightening can be combined with their recovery and food, if you use recipes of folk cosmetology. Of course, steep curls cannot be straightened with masks, but wavy and naughty hair will become even, heavy and elastic. It is necessary to use such masks at least twice a week and then gradually health will return to your hair.

  1. Apply olive or burdock oil to dry hair. Hold the warmth for about 30 minutes and rinse with shampoo.
  2. Masks based on colorless henna restore the structure of the hair and make them smooth.
  3. Mix half a glass of milk and half a glass of water. Apply the solution to the hair with a spray gun. Comb the hair and leave the mask for 30 minutes. The tool not only helps to straighten hair, but also nourishes it.
  4. Apply cognac to the entire length of the hair. Leave it for 30 minutes, and then rinse.
  5. Mix apple vinegar with water in equal proportions. Add a little almond oil. Apply the composition for the entire length of the hair and leave without insulation for 20-30 minutes.
  6. As a lock for curls, you can use sweet black tea. Apply it to the hair after washing, and then dry it with a hairdryer.

Home lamination of hair with gelatin


Ordinary table gelatin is a natural protein of animal origin, which is much similar to collagen.

  • restores the structure of the damaged hair;
  • enhances shine;
  • gives volume;
  • creates on the hair a thin film that protects against negative external influences;
  • straightens the hair, makes it smooth;
  • powered tips become less noticeable.

With the help of gelatin, you can spend at home an analogue of the salon of lamination. Positive reviews of readers of forums about beauty and health prove the effectiveness of such a procedure.

  1. Take 1 tbsp. gelatin and pour it 3 tbsp. hot water (if you have very long hair, double or triple the number of components). Leave the workpiece for 20 minutes to swell the gelatin. If lumps remain, you can heat the mask in a water bath, in a microwave or just on a battery.
  2. Wash your hair and leave it wet.
  3. Add 0, 5 tbsp to gelatin. Shampoo, mix thoroughly. Shampoo is necessary in this mass so that the hair does not glue and it was easy to wash it.
  4. Apply the mask to the hair. Try to distribute the composition only along the length of the hair, retreating from the roots of 2 cm. The gelatin can dry the scalp and cause dandruff.
  5. Wrap your head with a film and a towel.
  6. Hold the composition in the warmth for about two hours. The longer you hold the mask on the hair, the more noticeable the effect of it will be.
  7. Wash off with warm water without shampoo.
  8. Let your hair dry without a hairdryer.

If you do everything right, then the effect of home lamination will last from 1 to 3 weeks. Then the procedure can be repeated. If you dye your hair, it is better to do lamination after staining. The mask will also help keep the color longer.

To make the color of natural hair more saturated, replace the water in the recipe for gelatin mask with herbal infusions. Prepare a chamomile for light hair, for dark - nettles.

  Hair straightening, video



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