
How to straighten hair iron

How to straighten hair iron
How to straighten hair with iron

There are a lot of women who wish to straighten their naughty curly hair. At the same time, neither of the existing ways is often helped (drying with a hairdryer, cosmetics "rectifiers", Brasing, etc.). However, there is a method for straightening hair using a special iron that will be implemented at home. On how to straighten the iron curly hair we will tell more.

What are wearing hair straightening?


Using the iron or as it is called - a rectifier, you can pull out naughty hair that have a tendency to light pomp and waves. It may help in straightening curls that curl in curls from nature. Unfortunately, many cannot achieve the desired result due to the fact that they do not know how to do it right. Although, there is a lot of rules that allow you to achieve the perfect hair straightening iron. They need to know all women who prefer straight and smooth hair. Start follows from the correct choice of the tool, i.e. ironing.

Today on the market there is a fairly large selection of devices for a variety of both the price and quality. All of them, depending on the design, can be divided into four groups:

  1. With metal plates.
  2. With ceramic plates.
  3. With ion-ceramic and turmaline coating.
  4. Combined options.

Consider the types of working plates that have hair straighteners today. This information will allow you to choose the most suitable iron for you.

Metal hair straightening


Rectifiers with metal plates are mainly highlighted only by their low price. But the quality of straightening is often bad. More metal plates are able to spoil the hair structure. Moreover, even if you use them at low temperatures. In addition, they are badly sliding and do not allow you to make high-quality stacking.

Important! If you wish to straighten your hair with the iron and do not harm them, then use the device with metal plates no more than 2-3 times a month.

Ceramic hair straightening


They should be used with the same periodicity as metal irons. Although they have a more gentle effect on the curl structure. In addition, it is worth highlighting their advantages:

  1. Such a coating has a uniform and stable thermal conductivity.
  2. The tool gently slides on the curls, practically not burning and not traumating them.
  3. Have a wide range. Therefore, quite popular.
  4. Carefully straighten the hair.
  5. Models have several modes of operation.
  6. Have a relatively low price.


  1. Such instruments on the plates there are no special coating and additives that are available on more modern versions of iron.
  2. For heating plates, a sufficient time is required.

Tourmaline hair straightening


The most gentle alignment option. There is an opinion that such a coating even benefits hair. The fact is that there are charged crystalline in its composition, which, when heated, generate negative ions and have a beneficial effect on the hair structure. In particular, they are able to restore and put the curls a healthy shine. The basis of such plates is ceramics, which is covered with a thin layer of the mineral of the tourmaline. Thanks to which it is possible to beautifully straighten the hair with an ironing and at the same time not harm them.


  1. Pretty safe.
  2. Excellent glide through the hair.
  3. Have a wide range.
  4. Possess ionizing effect, thanks to which static electricity is removed from the hair.
  5. The devices have several modes of operation.
  6. Make curls smooth and attractive.


  1. High price.

Combined glasses for hair straightening


There are weaves that combine ceramic and marble coating. Ceramic plate, heating, straightens curls. Marble absorbs residual heat and thereby cools. Thus, the harmful effects of such devices on the curls are minimal.

The cost of hair straightening

Now it is worth talking about the cost of such equipment. So, for example, you can take popular professional stands with a turmaline and ion-ceramic coating from the Italian manufacturer In stores, their cost is approximately 2.3 thousand rubles.

The devices from the American company Remington have proven from the domestic iron. These prices have a big scatter - range from 930 to 2900 rubles. You can also purchase rectifiers from the German Rowenta company. Their cost ranges from 800 to 3 thousand rubles.

If we compare these prices with the cost of appliances with a metal coating, the latter will be 2-4 times cheaper. But this does not mean that you need to acquire them. Since they can greatly harm hair, and the treatment of brittle, damaged and sequent hair can do it much more expensive than the cost of a high-quality rectifier. The same applies to some ceramic models.

How to straighten hair with iron


How to straighten your hair with ironing:

  1. First of all, you need to wash the curls well. For this, be sure to use shampoo for brittle and damaged hair.
  2. Then they should apply a special tool for care (with thermal protection).
  3. Before applying the device, hair should be dried. This can be done naturally, just waiting for a while or use for this purpose a hairdryer and brush. In general, any rectifier must be applied only on dry curls. Otherwise, you can reduce the life of their lives 2-3 times.
  4. In order to quickly straighten the hair with an iron, you should start with locks located in the occipital part of the head. At the same time, they need to be divided into several layers.
  5. To make it easier, it is recommended to stick your hair on the back of the back and take it in turn every strand. It is considered to be the thinner of the curl, the more effectively and the effect of straightening will be fulfilled. It is important that the rectifier moves from the roots to the tips.
  6. After the nape, you need to choose all strands from the hairpin and start processing the top. It is impossible that the rectifier plates are detained for a long time in one place. Otherwise you can damage your hair. It is enough of one smooth promotion strands.
  7. Finally, the hair needs to be put, combing well and fix with varnish.
  8. If the hair is wavy and soft, then there will be one applying means for thermal protection. With rigid curly curls, there will be few times. Therefore, it should be further damped after drying the hair.
  9. It is recommended to pull out only clean strands. After all, particles of dirt and residues for laying (varnish, gel, mousse) under the influence of temperatures are solidified.
  10. If you need to urgently give an attractive view of the curls that are not planned while soaking, it is best to spend on them an iron that is heated to the minimum temperature.
  11. If you need to get smooth hair and volumetric laying at the same time, then you can walk iron only on curls, which are always in sight, i.e. on strands covering the hairstyle. Unprocessed hair will create volume from the inside. The rest will be smooth and glossy from the outside.


How to clean the iron after straightening

If styling means used before straightening the hair, then brazy flask can remain on the plates. In addition, laying mixtures are gradually accumulated on the plate and form a rough film that acts on the hair like a skin. Therefore, the iron should be periodically wiped with a damp cloth, which is wetted in the soap solution. You can also use the usual diluted alcohol or alcohol-containing tonic.

Than harmful hair iron


  1. Hair after iron is stretched, thinned. When you put them with a rectifier, then they are in a state like a stretched elastic band.
  2. Too frequent hair tension can cause traumatic alopecia in the temporal area.
  3. In addition, if the plates are dispersed to 200 degrees, then the curls will be overwhelmed. Because of what they will often break.

How to straighten your hair with an iron and not harm them?

It should be said that buying a good rectifier will not protect the hair completely. It is also important to comply with some rules for straightening hair iron. This will allow you to get smooth, beautiful, straight curls. So, first of all, the device cannot be used more often than 2 times a week. In addition, use special masks and means to improve hair structure.

Masks that protect from damage after hair straightening iron


  • In order to cure hair, make them stronger and more elastic enough of a small amount of patchouli oil (2-3 drops) Add to any shampoo when washing.
  • You can also prepare hair care products. To do this, in 150 milliliters, the shampoo or balsam add 12-14 drops of unrefined avocado oil. It is recommended to rub the mixture into the skin of the head two hours before washing. With regular use, the curls will acquire a natural healthy shine, will be attractive and strong.
  • The next nutritional mask will still be useful for hair. It is necessary to mix the unrefined avocado oil in the ratio of one to one with jojoba oil. Such a mask should be applied on the hair for the night, while the mixture is rubbed into the skin with massage movements. In the morning, the curls need to rinse well with the shampoo.


  • For hair care when straightening their iron, you can only use jojoba oil or shampoo, which is enriched with these oil. This means you need 12-13 minutes before the start of washing with light massage movements to lubricate hair.
  • You can use another tool. For this, one teaspoon of jojoba needs to add five to seven drops of orange fruit essential oil, lavender or ylang ylang. We apply this mixture on the comb and then comb your hair. You need to repeat the procedure 2-4 times throughout the day. This agent is especially effective with brittle hair.
  • To restore the hair structure is suitable and the other mixture. When this is mixed with 2 drops of jojoba oil, ginger, eucalyptus, cedarwood, orange, pine or sage. This mixture is still used in the form of applications for hair loss. Apply agent is generally about a quarter of an hour before washing the head.
  • You can make a mask for hair on the basis of sour milk and castor oil. The data of the ingredients you need to take in equal proportions. This mixture nourishes and strengthens hair roots.

How to straighten hair without ironing: long-term methods


Allocate such methods:

  1. Chemical straightening. It allows you to save the result for 3-4 months. Designed for normal or oily hair. Dry hair when applying chemical straightening may be severely damaged. The fact that the drug enters hydroxide Amon, under the influence of which destroys the cortex. If you want your hair was always smooth, it is recommended to maintain the effect to visit the salon once every six months.
  2. Biovypryamlenie. It does not damage the structure of curls. During the procedure used sparing amino acid mixture. They contain a substance similar to the human body, which fill the damaged areas of the hair and seal an open pores.
  3. Girls who can not decide to use any of the above the present methods can try styling keratin. This method also has a prolonged effect, but the effect will need to be updated periodically.


How to straighten hair iron: Video


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