
How to choose a hairdryer

How to choose a hairdryer
Various types of hair dryers and features of their choice.

With modern life, it is important to be able to quickly put the hairstyle in order. The right choice of the hair dryer suitable for you will contribute to maintaining the strength, beauty and health of your hair. In order for the hairdryer to meet all the functional requirements and serve as long as possible, when buying, pay attention to the technical characteristics of the model, as well as constructive performance.

How to choose a hairdryer: types


A wide selection of hairdries of various design and technical parameters is presented on sale. In order not to be confused when choosing and being able to choose an effective device for drying hair, you should first figure out which hair dryer is right for you.

Distinguish the following types of hair hair dryers:

  1. Home - designed for everyday use. Such models of hair drying are also used to create styling at home.
  2. Road (compact) - small in size models, designed only for drying hair.  A road hair dryer is suitable for people spending a lot of time on travel. It is convenient to take a compact hair dryer with you on trips to the gym, so it has a folding shape and easily fit in a road bag;
  3. Professional - such models are designed for intensive use and creation of salon hairstyles. Professional hair dryers differ in high power and the presence of several laying modes. These devices are unprofitable for home use, since with regular use they can dry hair.

Depending on the method of hair styling, the following varieties of hair dryers are presented on sale:

  1. Concentrators - these models are equipped with a flattened nozzle creating a directed air flow for high -precision laying. The correctly selected concentrator allows you to process each strand separately, quickly drying moisture and without injuring the hair. Using a round brush and a fenger-concentrator, you can create a variety of styling. It should be borne in mind that a too narrow nozzle creates a concentrated flow of air, capable of overdrying the hair with regular use, and overly widely complicates the styling. The optimal nozzle is considered about 9 cm wide and about 1 cm thick with a hairdryer power of about 1,600-2000 watts.
  2. Diffusors - are used as hair dryers to increase the volume of hair, effective for quick and bereary drying. A wide nozzle with rigid or mobile “fingers” fixed on it is attached to the nozzle of the hair dryer. This design serves to spread a powerful air flow, allowing you to simulate additional volume and soft curls on slightly curly hair or with a chemical curl. When choosing a diffuser, it is worth paying attention to the length of the “fingers” - long are used to increase the volume, short for fast basal drying, movable additionally massage the scalp.
  3. Stylers - allow you to perform various types of styling. With their help, you can create a finished hairstyle on your own without turning to a professional hairdresser. As a rule, hairy brushes for hair are not too high.

Fans of this type are equipped with various nozzles for styling, including:

  • round brush to give the strands volume;
  • a round nozzle for a hairdryer with cleaning cloves designed to lay long hair;
  • a semicircular brush - for leveling strands and giving a basal volume;
  • forceps of different diameters - for winding hair. Hair fringes for hair allow you to create different types of curls. With the help of a hair dryer, a small diameter equipped with tweezers, you can get small curls;
  • comb - for straightening hair and creating volume. With the help of a hairdryer, in the presence of certain skills, you can create various styling options;
  • a rotating hair dryer for hair-such round brushes comb and curl strands, and also give them volume. After winding the hair on the brush, it is necessary to stop the rotation and warm the strand for a few seconds. To master this technology, you will have to practice a little in order to acquire the necessary skills. According to reviews about the Feng Rowenta CF 9220, its rotating brush is suitable for straightening naughty hair, as well as for laying them in a hairstyle like a square, bean or cascade.

How to choose a hairdryer: Technical characteristics


As a criteria for choosing a good hair hair dryer, the convenience of use and durability, directly depending on its technical characteristics, are primarily.

How to choose a hairdryer: power

Many women, when choosing a new hair dryer, primarily pay attention to the design. Experts advise first to ask the power of the model. In road models, as a rule, this indicator is low (less than 1200 W). Professional hair hair dryers are characterized by higher power - from 2000 watts, and are designed for quick hair styling for several minutes.

For everyday drying and hair styling at home, a hairdryer power is considered sufficient in the range from 1200 to 1800 watts. Owners of thin hair, in order to avoid their overdrying, experts recommend choosing a hairdryer with a low power indicator (up to 1,500 watts), for thick and thick hair, a more powerful device will be required.


How to choose a hairdryer: design features, weight and dimensions

A good hair dryer, first of all, is equipped with a strong spiral winding that will not burn out from overheating, as well as a reliable electric motor. High -quality household hair dryers, respectively, will be somewhat harder. On the other hand, modern models, especially professional ones, are made of light durable materials, which largely increases the convenience of using a hairdryer - when drying hair and styling will not get tired and hands.   Hold the hair dryer in your hands, evaluate how convenient it is to hold it. At the same time, the handle of the hair dryer should not be too smooth and slip away.

Turn on the hair dryer and pay attention to the volume and uniformity of the sound. Excessive noise when the hairdryer can occur due to damage to the spiral or in case of violations in the operation of the electric motor.

How to choose a hairdryer: modes and functions

An important indicator when choosing a hair dryer is also the number of switched speed and temperature modes. For high -quality hair drying, it is necessary to have several speed modes (usually at least three), as well as the functions of cold blowing - to regulate the pressure of the air and its temperature. Warm and hot air gives hair elasticity and obedience, cold blowing is suitable for final drying and fixing the shape of the strands.

To protect against the accumulation of static electricity, the ionization mode is used, for rapid modeling of hairstyles - steam emissions mode.

Pay attention to the location and convenience of switching the speed regulator - make sure that it is convenient to do it with one hand.


How to choose a hairdryer: housing and cord

As for the shape of the case, two types of hair dryers are made:

  • in the form of a pistol - with a pen located at an angle to the case. This form is inherent in most household and professional hair dryers;
  • a cylindrical shape-mainly it are hairboard hair dryers. Such hair dryers differ in less weight, if there is some skill, using such a hairdryer is easy and convenient.

It should be borne in mind that for reliable operation of the hair dryer, it is necessary to have a filter that protects the device from dust and hair. The removable air filter is convenient to use, it can be periodically cleaned with a brush or rinsed under running water.

Often, the hair dryers are equipped with a cord up to one and a half meters long. This is not too convenient, it is recommended to choose models with a flexible movable cord with a length of 1.8 meters, with a movable or hinge -shaped mount to the housing, as well as reliable insulation.

How to choose a hairdryer: cost and manufacturers

High -quality hairdressing houses are made of heat -resistant and shock -resistant plastic. If you want to buy a hairdryer durable and convenient to use, it is recommended to pay attention to the products of well -known manufacturers that produce household and professional models. The price of the hair dryer depends on several parameters - rated power, the number of modes and functions, the assembly site, as well as design and configuration. In terms of quality and price ratio, Rowenta hair dryers is highlighted, this brand also became a pioneer in the release of phenov-diphusores with mobile “fingers”. PHILIPS hair dryers thanks to Termoprotect technology provide sparing hair drying and excellent styling results.

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How to choose a hairdryer - video



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