
How to get rid of dandruff

How to get rid of dandruff
How to get rid of dandruff. Treatment of dandruff at home.

One of the most common problems associated with the condition of the hair on the head is dandruff. Almost every fifth man on Earth is faced with such a nuisance. Even the usual trip to the store can be a real torment when your head is subject to such a disease. The treatment of dandruff should not be postponed for a long time, because in addition to inconvenience, dandruff can cause hair loss.

The reasons for dandruff


Before you decide how to deal with dandruff, you still need to find out why it formed.

There are six main reasons for dandruff:

  • Nervous overstrain. This is probably the most dangerous reason, since during a long tension the central nervous system suffers, and with it all other human organs. During stress, we often experience fatigue, drowsiness, nervousness, etc. Due to such sensations, a person simply exhausts himself, forming a lack of beneficial substances to maintain the normal functioning of the body. And of course, the skin suffers from this. But dandruff may disappear as soon as a normal lifestyle resumes.
  • Genetic predisposition. A similar reason is due to the fact that a person has no necessary substances from birth to maintain a normal skin condition on his head. Often, the problem of dandruff, in this case, will not pass by itself and therefore a trip to the dermatologist is necessary.
  • Weakened immunity. Dandruff appears due to the formation of the fungus on the surface of the epidermis. It can be obtained from the external factor, or you can be born with its presence. For a long time, the fungus can remain on our body and not show itself in any way, but as soon as our immunity weakens, it begins to develop. Therefore, often dandruff appears during or after illness, when the body is still weakened.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals. As already mentioned, due to stress or an illness, our body is exhausted and there is a lack of useful substances in it, some of which are group A and B vitamins, as well as minerals such as: calcium and magnesium.
  • Improper nutrition. It goes without saying that if we consume few dairy products (they contain calcium) and protein, then a similar reason may occur. But often, if food causes dandruff, then this is due to excessive consumption of flour, sweet, carbonated drinks or even salts. In such cases, you need to review your diet and start a balanced diet.
  • Environmental factors. Poor -quality water from the tap, which is “stuffed” with various chemicals, or even dry, contaminated air - all this can cause the appearance of the fungus on the skin, and as a result - dandruff on the head.

    Types of dandruff

    Fat dandruff 

    Bold dandruff is formed due to oily scalp, that is, when there is increased discharge from the sebaceous glands. The scales of dandruffs are large in shape, have a yellowish tint, gluing among themselves due to increased secretion, they are difficult to exfoliate. Poor quality of the scalp, dry water or non -suitable shampoo - all this can cause oily dandruff. The skin on the head is irritated and dandruff is, but this can pass as soon as the cause of irritation is eliminated.

    Photo of fat dandruff:


    Dry dandruff

    The reason for the appearance of dry dandruff from oily dandruff is a reduced secretion of the glands and a typical dryness of the surface of the head. The scales of dandruff are small in size and have a grayish-white color. Dry dandruff spreads over the entire surface of the head, but mainly in the frontal and parietal part. Such dandruff easily exfoliates and crumbles. It causes loss of hair gloss, as well as their loss.

    Photo of dry dandruff:

    Dry dandruff (1)

    Methods for treating dandruff

    There are many ways to get rid of dandruff, but solving such a problem is still on the advice of experts. An experienced cosmetologist will be able to find out the real reason for the appearance of this problem and tell you how to get rid of dandruff quickly and forever.

    Shampoo against dandruff


    One of the methods of treatment is dandruff shampoo.   However, when choosing a shampoo, do not forget that dandruff, this is not as a cosmetological problem as a problem related to human health. Therefore, it is recommended to buy shampoo from dandruff in a pharmacy.

    A good shampoo against dandruff should have certain properties, namely:

  • reduces the release of the sebaceous glands (if you have oily dandruff);
  • destroys the already formed scales of dandruff, preventing their re -imposition;
  • inhibits the process of dividing keratinized cells;
  • reduces the amount of fungus on the surface of the skin.

In order to understand how chosen shampoo it is to be suitable for combating dandruff, you need to view its composition. Among the components of the composition, there should be such active substances as: zinc pyrithion (it fights well with a fungus and relieves inflammation), selenium disulfide (also removes malicious microbes), sulfur (eliminating the resulting scales) and medical tar (slows down the growth and dying of skin cells) .

But, shampoos most often can only temporarily eliminate dandruff, and in order to finally eradicate the problem, it is worth using a special tool for dandruff.

Special funds for dandruff

Specialized means from dandruff can help you get rid of dandruff. They are good in that, unlike shampoos, they remove the cause of dandruff. They contain substances that are directly aimed at combating the fungus. Most often, such funds are released as prescribed by a doctor, because the problem is considered not from the cosmetological side, but from the side of health. The attending physician, after certain tests, finds out the essence of the problem and even then says how to get rid of dandruff. Among the funds from dandruff, they are popular: “Nizoral”, “Freederm”, etc.

If you decide to choose your own tool, then you should know that such drugs should include: climmer, Clotrimazole, zinc pyrithion. These components have antifungal properties with a tonic effect.

Photo of application of a means from dandruff to and after: Remedy for dandruff to and after

Dandruff treatment at home

Getting rid of dandruff at home, you can use folk remedies from dandruff, they usually include natural oils or masks.

Masks from dandruff


There are a huge number of variants from dandruff, but it is worth highlighting the main ones:

  • Getting rid of dandruff will help the masks that contain kefir. He can handle well if you have a fat dandruff. For example, you can take a small amount of sour -milk product (based on your hair length) and apply abundantly to the roots of the hair, and then distribute along the entire surface. When treating the skin, rub kefir with massage movements. Leave everything for 30 minutes, and then rinse with water and mustard (with a calculation of 1 liter of water/1 tbsp. L. mustard powder).
  • When you get rid of dandruff by folk remedies, such a tool as tincture from nettles is effective. In addition to the main problem, nettle will help strengthen the structure of the hair and prevent their loss. To do this, brew 1 tbsp. l.  Dried nettle with a glass of boiling water and insist for an hour, then strain. It is recommended to apply on the washed head, without rubbing over the entire length of the hair. Treatment lasts several months.
  • Like the previous recipe and a be St. John's wort mask, it also helps to get rid of the fungus, simultaneously relieving irritation from the surface of the skin. To take St. John's wort as the same as with nettle tincture, only insist a decoction for 4 hours. After filtering, add the same amount of boiled milk and rub into the hair roots. Keep the mask for about 5-10 minutes, then rinse without shampoo.
  • You can use masks of cabbage juice, for this it is enough to rub it into the skin.
  • You can also use masks that include: beer, egg yolk or onion. A good tool can be an infusion of coltsfoot in equal proportions with nettles.

    Oil from dandruff 


    The list of folk remedies in the fight against dandruff can include various natural oils. Due to their natural composition and abundance of vitamins and minerals, natural oils do perfectly with dead skin scales, simultaneously relieving inflammation and irritation.

    Among such oils from dandruff:

  • Burdock oil. The burdock has bactericidal properties and, saturating the surface of the head, is necessary for substances, successfully helps to get rid of dandruff. In addition, burdock oil helps to restore the normal condition of the hair and prevents their loss. It is necessary to apply oil directly to the roots, then, for high -quality exposure, warm your head with a special hat. The procedure can be repeated for a month, no more than a couple of once a week.
  • Castor oil. It is obtained from the seeds of the tick -linked, which has a softening and nutritious effect. It is desirable to use such oil if you have dry dandruff, because just like burdock, castor oil moisturizes the skin and prevents hair loss.
  • Lavender oil. Possessing antibacterial and wound healing properties, Lavender is well fighting dandruff. In addition, it lowers the brittleness of hair and gives them a healthy look. As a prevention of dandruff, it is recommended to add lavender oil to your shampoo, for this only 3 drops are enough.
  • A mixture of castor and olive oil. In equal portions of oils (1 tbsp.) Add juice from half of the lemon. You need to keep such a mixture for half an hour, and then wash it off.

Dandruff treatment in children


Unfortunately, dandruff occurs not only in an adult, but also in children. Dandruff in a child may appear as a result of a malfunction of hormonal or metabolic processes. The consequence of such violations is the activation of the fungus on the external epidermis. Other causes of this disease are possible, the main of which are described in the previous section. However, the child should be approached carefully and in a timely manner, since children perceive the sense of discomfort, thereby inflicting serious damage to the nervous system.

In the course of getting rid of dandruff at home, the first thing you need to review the child’s diet. An excess of flour, confectionery or harmful treats can lead to metabolic disorders, and as a consequence - the formation of a fungus. A balanced diet includes a sufficient amount of fiber and dietary fiber (vegetables, fruits and legumes). Among protein products, it is worth giving preference to low -fat meat and fish. Products containing vegetable oils (peanuts, almonds, walnuts, etc.) are very useful for hair growth.

When the entire diet is revised, then you can deal with the outside of the problem. To restore the normal state of the epidermis, it is necessary to choose a high -quality hair shampoo or a special dandruff remedy. Do not forget that there should not be harmful components in the composition, since the child’s skin is very delicate.

For the best result, head massage will be useful. Pulsating movements will enhance blood flow to the roots of the hair and increase the release of nutrients. The massage should be soft, and the movements are directed from the forehead to the back of the head, and from the ears to the crown.

In the treatment of dandruff in children, folk remedies can be used, but only after consulting with a pediatrician.  But, do not forget that if dandruff does not pass for a long time, then the reason must be sought inside the body.

Treatment of dandruff. Video



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