
Gelatin hair mask at home

Gelatin hair mask at home
Hair lamination is 100 times cheaper than in the cabin!

Among the folk cosmetic means of the new generation are widely popular masks from gelatin. They are applied to their face with the purpose of cleansing from black points and other pollution, and on hair - to strengthen and improve their structure.

Gelatin hair mask: How is it and for what is useful for?

The main ingredient includes collagen. His molecules have a property deep to penetrate the hair cloth. As you know, this substance is the basis of the hair shell. It fastens the scales of burritable cells. Without collagen, which disappears due to the wrong hand dealing, hair is losing shine and beauty, become weak and brittle.

Gelatin hair mask creates a laminating effect. Substances that are part of the mask, envelop each hair, covering it with an invisible film of natural gelatin. Collagen in this case acts both as a building material for hair. Due to its effects, recovering the living foundation of the hair. Split ends disappear. The shell hardens and gets high degree of protection from the effects of sudden changes in temperature and other troubles.


How to effectively gelatin hair mask correctly?

70% positive result is correct preparation and application means. You need to remember a few basic rules and always abide by them.

  1. Prepare gelatin. Proportioning - 1 tbsp. l. ¼ of a cup of water, pour the liquid beads. Meanwhile, put to boil water in a saucepan. Once the gelatine drops increase, it is time to send the container in a water bath. Gelatin must be completely dissolved. After that, it is removed and allowed to cool. It is necessary to use the cooled gelatin - not hot.
  2. For gelatin slush need to add a little hair conditioner or mask factory. This method helps to better quality wash off the substance from the hair.
  3. Be sure to wash your head - a mask is applied only on clean hair.
  4. Apply the product needed for the growth of hair length, paying attention to the tips, not touching the roots, so that the skin can react to gelatin itching and flushing with deeply sunken thickened lumps will be difficult to remove.
  5. After the application, follow the standard procedure, the hair wrapped with polyethylene and towel. And apply the trick: warm mask hairdryer for 10 or 15 minutes.
  6. Means exposure time - 1 hr (15 minutes with a hair dryer and a further 45).
  7. Smyvku masks need to produce water at room temperature to leave intact the protective film. If you wash the mask with hot water - the expected effect will not work. Doing this is simple, if you do not forget to perform the item number 2.
  8. Rinse with gelatin should be carefully removing all the pieces and lumps. The remaining pieces of the mask can be glued hair. This entails antieffekt - comb would be problematic, but instead a beautiful gloss will matted mane.
  9. If you have short straight hair, they positively perceive such a mask. But if they are longer than shoulder level and hover - this can cause a lot of inconvenience. Gelatin for such hair mask - to burden the procedure, but is not contraindicated.

With proper use, the gelatin hair mask before and after applying leads to a tangible difference. It changes the structure of the hair, which appears the power and a living natural shine.

Gelatin hair mask before and after, photo

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Gelatin Hair Mask - Cooking Recipes

The gelatin hair mask is an incredible effect for any type of hair.

Strengthen the properties of the main ingredient helps oil. Any vegetable oil and scalp feeds, and hair, activating their growth. Coconut, refinery, castor and many other oils are widespread in folk cosmetology and many other oils. For this recipe you will need:

  • ¼ cup of gelatin solution (2 tbsp. L. ¼ Art. Water);
  • 3 h. L. castor oil;
  • 3 h. L. Tire oil.

Mix the oils in a glass container for a couple, cool, add a warm thickener. After applying to withstand 30 minutes. After such a mask, the hair will grow thick and more intense, will become stronger and stronger, they will acquire a healthy radiance.

Gelatin Hair Growth Mask

Secret ingredient means to improve hair growth - henna. It is a colorless henna in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. With a slide, used as the main active component of the gelatin mask. The refinery and castor oil should be taken equally to get a volume equal to the henna powder. A bit of lavender essential oil is added to the mixture (who does not tolerate lavender, can replace it with eucalyptus, tea tree, orange - anything).

Everyone is mixed with gelatin solution. Must get paste. For long hair, use a double or triple portion of the mask. Sat it along the entire length. Hold on your head for about an hour.

Systematic (1 time per week) Compliance with the procedure will accelerate hair growth. After a month, you can do it 1 time in 2 weeks - then - 1 time per month. Six months later, repeat the course if necessary.

To stimulate hair growth there is a similar recipe on the basis of a colorless henna. The composition of oils instead of a mask is necessary to enter the egg yolk and dry mustard. Mustard need to take 3 times less henna.


Gelatin hair mask, homemade lamination

The easiest way to lamination hair at home - the use of gelatin and egg yolk. Observe the proportion of 1: 1. Mix ostuzhennoy gelatin yolk until uniform. The hair will last longer than 30 minutes.

The effect of homemade lamination will make hair heavier and more attractive, but will last not for a long time. In pursuit of brilliant beauty, do not overdo the means. Folk cosmetology does not recommend doing such masks more than 1 time per week. Hair can get used to gelatin doping and ruin.

Delicious hair mask of any color

Gelatin can be dissolved not only in water, but also in other liquids. These can be various juices, milk or milled vitamins-diluted vitamins from ampoules. The proportion remains the same as for water.

The use of juices must match the color of the hair. Lemon Fresh, like many sour juices, contributes to the discoloration of the hair, so they are advised to use only blondes.

Brunettes can afford carrot juice - it will not harm the color. Along with the masks of the juices, enrich hair and concentrated vitamins from the pharmacy. They can be used for any hair, like milk.

As another beneficial fluid for the gelatin base, you can use infusions and decoctions of all medicinal herbs. The nettle, chamomile, burdock, oak bark and many other plants are particularly popular among the victims of herbers. They strengthen hair and somewhat affect their shade. For example, a chamomile is better ringed with light hair, and the oak bark is dark.


Gelatin hair mask, reviews

Alice, fashion model. My hair is daily danger. I am made free, twisted on a hot curl and pour litters of varnish. There is not enough money to buy expensive cosmetics, so I use the recipes of folk cosmetology. My favorite mask is a repen with gelatin. After it, the tired Copper "straw" turns into silky tender hair. I make a mask 2 times a week. I like how the gelatin mask nourishes the hair, the photo of the marathon after it is to withstand easily.

Ira, student. I love experiments, especially concerning cosmetology. For a long time I bring black points with the help of a gelatin-based film. I decided to try a similar on the hair. Honestly, I did not understand. Maybe caused or prepared incorrectly. Jelly washed off a week. I will not use it anymore - a completely useless and uncomfortable mask.

Olya, cosmetologist. Folk recipes are the basis of all cosmetology. Even manufacturers of well-known cosmetic media are based on plant extracts, oils, animals and vegetable fats and other useful components from nature.

There is nothing wrong to use 1 time per week any cosmetics for proven recipes. More than helpful, it is considered: a ray oil - stimulates hair growth and prevents falling out; Egg yolk - nourishes hair, and gelatin - restores the structure. Coconut oil is a wonderful component, though dear. It also needs to be used in hair masks.

The recipe for the gelatin mask one - soak and melt the gelatin in the liquid, cool and add shampoo. Adding any additional components is a creative process. It is important to know which natural components are needed to solve a specific problem. They need to be used.

Be healthy and beautiful, using our advice.


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