
Japanese face massage asahi zogan

Japanese face massage asahi zogan
About the magic rejuvenating Japanese massage of the face Asahi

All rejuvenating procedures for the female facial are invented as a result of the inconsistency of the internal content with the appearance. Most often what happens? Inside you are a wonderful slim beauty, and in fact: under the eyes of the swelling, the second chin begins to manifest. So women are invented by all new ways of matching the outer shell internal perfect image. Sometimes the result of these surveys is a stunning result!

What is Asahi face massage


Not so long ago, the famous Japanese stylist Yukuko Tanaka prepassed the foresters of the entire world of rejuvenating lymphatic drainage massage. She systematized his experience in the book on the face massage, filmed a video about a massage for women of different ages and a different type of face. The massage technique was called Zogan or, even more exotic, Asahi (morning sun). This massage is beautiful in that it does not require special skills, it does not take much time in eternally busy girls. To go through a massage course, it is not necessary to run for a beautician every day and buy expensive lifting. What we need: cheap and angry. The most important, perseverance and systematics of classes.

Japanese massage Zogan differs from the usual massage for the face of exposure to the skin. Using the movements of the hands, which go along the lymphatic vessels, the muscles of the face are strengthened. As a result of simple movements of hands, the outflow of lymphs is activated, swelling goes, the contour of the face is improved. Japanese massage Asahi can be applied if you want to get rid of such problems:

  • swelling and swelling of the face;
  • double chin and "floating" face;
  • mimic small wrinkles.

How to perform Japanese face massage asah

  1. Before you begin to self-massage, it is necessary to explore the location of lymph nodes. Places where lymph nodes are located, it is necessary to massage very carefully, without load.
  2. Clear face from makeup. For massage, cosmetic milk or cream should be used.
  3. Massage technique can be explored on video. All exercises are completed by the movement of the palms along the contour of the face, visas on the neck. Sticks are stopped near the collaries and fixed 1-2 seconds.

Contraindications for Japanese Face Massage Asahi

Asahi massage cannot be performed in such cases:

  • diseases of the lymphatic system and increased lymph nodes in the massage zone;
  • cooperosis;
  • ORVI and ENT diseases;
  • heat;
  • rash on the skin;
  • fresh tan on face.

Girls who have a thin face, it is recommended to perform a massage carefully. It is better to take advantage of special massage techniques for a thin face.

Position for self-massage can choose yourself. Yukuko Tanaka recommended during the massage to keep the right posture and perform it standing or sitting. Currently, there is experience in the implementation of the massage lying, the ladies argue that it is so much more convenient, and the result is as stunning.

Japanese massage equipment asah for face

Before proceeding with the study of technology, I would like to pay attention to the fact that the massage technique is significantly different from the usual impact on the skin of the face. We have always been taught with light weightless movements to apply cream and puck your finger pads through massage lines. Starting to make a massage, do not be scared, your skin will not suffer and does not stretch. Certificate of this is a huge number of women who used Asahi massage and very satisfied with the result.

Massage begins with the movement, which will end each exercise:

  1. Three fingers are involved in the massage, tightly interconnected: index, medium and unnamed. Fingers have a sink near the ear, tightly pressing the skin. Hold in this position 2 seconds.
  2. Without removing the pressure on the skin, fingers on the neck down to the clavicle. For 2 seconds fix your fingers on the clavicle.

How to fulfill the final movement, you can look at the photo:


With this reception, lymphotok is enhanced. Next, the massage of Asahi is performed in the sequence described below.

Japanese face massage asah zogan: smoothing of forehead

We put your fingertips in parallel to each other in the center of the forehead, the tile sides inside, fix 2-3 seconds. Without removing the pressure, we carry out the line to the temples, deploy your fingers at right angles. Move your fingers down by performing the final exercise.

Japanese face massage Asahi Zogan: Exercise for the area around the eyes

Massage around the eyes is fundamentally different from the usual massage, so we study it more carefully. Correctly massaging the eye area, you can get rid of edema and visually increase your eyes. The massage of the lower eyelid is carried out without pressing. We put the pillows of the middle fingers near the outer corners of the eye, we carry out to the bridges, to the inner corner of the eye. Fix the fingers of 1-2 seconds at this point, it is called the beauty point. By increasing the pressure, we carry out the pillows of the middle fingers under the eyebrows, on the eyebusement, towards the outer corners of the eyes. Here again will stop the movement and fix 2-3 seconds.

The second half of this exercise is directed to the lower eyelid. Without pressure, we spend the pillows to the inner corners of the eyes, fix the point. We make a small push and return along the same line to the outer corners of the eyes. We spend your fingers to the temples, fix the points at the temple for 2-3 seconds.

Japanese Face Massage Asahi Zogan: Exercise for the Rich Area

This exercise will help smooth out the nasolabious folds and raise the corners of the lips. In the center of the chin, we put unnamed and middle fingers, fix. I spend your fingers around the mouth, delay your fingers in the center of the upper lip, fix the point.

In the second part of this exercise, the middle fingers put in the pits near the nostrils and perform several sliding movements around the wings of the nose.

Japanese face massage Asahi Zogan: Exercise for the formation of a nose line

Pads of medium and nameless fingers perform sliding movements with pressure from the middle of the nose to its parties. Next, sliding to the temples and fix the point in your fingers.

Japanese face massage Asahi Zogan: Exercise for corners of the mouth, cheeks and cheek

We put your fingers to the middle of the chin and with a little effort promise them towards the eyes. Fix the skin under the eyes. Then gently drag the fingers towards the temples and perform the final exercise. Do not bubble the skin collected in the harmonica under the eyes, everything will be fine! After this exercise is performed, a feeling of warming in the field of cheekbones and cheeks is possible.

Japanese face massage Asahi Zogan: Exercise for the bottom of the cheek

The left and right cheek are massaged separately. We rest in the side of one hand in the side of the side, with the fingers of the second palm, we spend from the zilly bone to the inner corner of the eye, fix the point. Then easily continue to move from the eyes to the temples. Fix the point 2-3 seconds.

Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan: Clean the cheeks

We put your fingers on both sides of the nose, we spend from the nose to the temples. Fix point.

Japanese face massage Asahi Zogan: Making the contour of the face

Connect your elbows and palm. Palm reveal, in the middle put your chin. We spend your palms with pressure to the temples, fix the point and perform the final exercise.

Japanese face massage Asahi Zogan: we remove the second chin

Exercise is performed separately for the right and left part of the person. We put the palm on the chin, the fingers are directed towards the ear. With pressure spending on the bottom jaw, "drawing" oval. Palm promote to ear. Fix 2-3 seconds.

Japanese face massage Asahi Zogan: smoothing face

We put the thumbs under the chin, the index fingers are closed with each other. In the resulting triangle is placed nose, lips and chin. Hold the thumbs in place, and the edge finger rebar stretches the skin, ranging from the nose, towards the temples. Very effective exercise! After it feels lightness and taut skin.

Japanese face massage Asahi Zogan: Remove wrinkles on the forehead

My fingers smoothed foreheads from top to bottom and bottom up. First we move to one temple, then to another.

Each exercise is performed 3 times. Do not forget to perform the final movements from the temples to the clavicle after completing each exercise.

Asahi face massage, reviews


In the past few years there is no massage more popular than Asahi massage. Some ladies who checked his impact on themselves, consider it simply magic. After one-two-week massage course, the skin becomes tightened and elastic, minor wrinkles disappear and edema disappear.

The positive effects of Asahi massage celebrate women after 50 years. They argue that for 10 years it is quite possible to climb the Zogan massage: it is improved by the oval of the face, the second chin is tightened, nose-lobs are leaving. And all this is absolutely free and without leaving home!

The Japanese massage of Asahi is very popular with those who have lost 20 and more kilograms. In such people who are particularly thinned in a short time, problems arise with the sickness of the skin of the cheeks, chin and neck. With the help of self-massage, you can get rid of these problems without resorting to the radical methods of skin suspenders.

Disappointment after massage Asahi is most often associated with improper performance.

Practical Tips for Massage Zogan

Do not immediately throw in extremes and by pressing and strong impact on the skin, try to improve the appearance. It is better to gradually master the equipment of the Japanese massage of the face of Asahi, look at the skin reaction, and then go to more intensive receptions. Only in this way you can achieve excellent results.

If you have a thin face, and you fear so that it does not lose even stronger, work stronger the upper part of the face and the area around the eyes. If you have a second chin problem, perform intense exercises in this area.

If as a result of the Japanese massage of the face of Asahi appeared rash on the face, the procedures should be stopped. You may have a reaction to cosmetic milk or cream. Try to change the cosmetic and carefully remove it after the massage.

Asahi face massage. Video

On video details show all the techniques of the Japanese massage of the face of Asahi.


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